PAGE 8EVKN TH E bV K IN U *im .D THUIIHDAY HKUTTSMBBR lfl. 1926 1 t N O T IC E ied Ads 'GET RESULTS) (BUYING 01 SELLING* FO R R E N T -—IT Iv s te garage at 817 H O U S E K E E P E R W A N T E D — W rite ■ C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N. W . Em ery on prices on plate and o th er work, tf 11 street. boa or tele|>hone I. M to D. W. Neely, Maroola. Peter sun. 0 9 16 F o lt S A L E — Seven room house w ith Dance at Coburg every Saturday acre of ground on East M ain 81. SUM M ONS tf. Price 11680. 1800 down, balance n l 8 1 8 11 ! B U S IN E S S like rent. Address J. E S tew art. I l l Cedar S t . K lam ath Falla, Ore. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S H A L E ON E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E tf Notice It hereby given that by v ir­ RO O F RKP A 1R IN O — OKI roofs made tue of an execution and oreder o f sale to last by a paving process w ill In foreclosure Issued out of the C ir­ save you money nod g rie f lx>ts cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, on the 14th day of September, 1826. get fixed rig ht fnr w in te r rains. I In a suit wherein on the 7th day of Parman-1 B .p t.m b e r, 1826. In said court T h e , Guaranteed satisfaction ently located. Phone Eugene 1326J. , Pacific Having« A Loan Association tr ¡a W ashington Corporation .re c o v e re d I. T. Ixiomls. Eugene. ~~ Judgment against the defendants W m K ercher and Olga Kercher, his ,wlfe, a of an alactrtcal storm for the sum o f »1884.58, together wltn which put all telephone wlraa out of ItKerest thereon at the rate of 10 per eommlsehm at C rate r national forest '« nt per annum from Septem ber 1, k . fire Izw.h.uit o 1925 P“ M wfc|cb “ n<1 wag ,o r advanred the ,u rth ,‘r headquarter«, I the lookout .tatto statloo gum until <>f 2£, by O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E of beginning. . JURY DISAGREES IN O N E X E C U T IO N Join« the ’’Adams" on the East Notice la hereby given th a t by vlr- and the Madlnon on the West, GOODMANS TRIAL ture of an execution Issued out ot the Being situated In Sec 28 T. 13 8 R. T h e lu re t frocn this notice, bes been closed for the season. gether w ith Interest thereon at the □ u n o n i o c n i nau««— o o center end stake, thence 300 ft. south- . i . n. . Pa in c .,. 51 T 23 S R 1 U IS . . l l n . a / 1 a m n ln o a a l of 10 M ike Joyce. SS »6. r railroad employ» at Janu#ry ? P’’ ^ f r i . , , , nt nd P*’r tbe an,lum furthPr frOm , um of 148 D street sold his house and lot f r iy y , corner No. 3. thence 1500 ft. R ,n Bohemia M ining D ta trlc t T he Dallas, was stung oa the wrist by ,200 00 Attorney's fee and the costs this week to C. L. Inm an. M r. S ta f­ easterly to corner No 4. thence 300 ft rz ,un(v of LanP sta te of Oregon, a scorpion or a hornet while at work a nd disbursements herein, which ford la going to move to Eugene. north erly to this notice and place of .«Hayes’’ m ining claim location beginning and died. Joyce had been afflicted Judgment was enrolled and docketed notice of which Is recorded in Vol. 11 Joins the ‘‘H u skle” Q uartz claim on 415 o f w in in g Claim». Irnne wtth heart trouble for some tlm a pre- ln ,hp (’ Ie*'k 'a of _a «aid County on tne 7th day of Sept- E X E C U T O R ’S AND E X E C U T R IX ’ the W est and the "H a rris o n " on the ro n n tT Oregon Records and which Is vtoua to the allng. pkyalclaaa report- and Ra,d execut|„ 0 to me «a*t- . described as follow s: N O T IC E vd. directed commanding me In the name Located on the N orth side of M onte Commencing at the w esterly end IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E W ith in the a » it two months work o f ‘ h * State O f Oregon. In order to 8 T A T E O F O R E G O N IN A N D FO R Rlco R ld ane County. Oregon. d are d the law passed by the Oregon pXf.(.utlon and order of gBle and of the first publication of thia notice, of M onte Rtco Ridge near the top. The “Cleveland’’ m ining claim. loca­ Ernest C. Nicholson.. Executor, Be,ng in Sec 28 f T 23 s R 1 E state legislature In 1825. perm itting ,n order to „ t i s f y said Judgment. In te Bohemia M ining D istrict. In Lane tlon notice of which Is recorded tn Essie E W eber. Executrix. taxation of sheep grated In a n elg hh er «eresl. attorney'» fees, costs of suit County, Oregon Vol. 11 page 324, of M in in g Claims. Ing county and also la the county In and accrudlng e. sts. I w ill on Satur- (A 18-26: S 2-1-16) T he " A rth u r” m ining Claim. L o c a -, Lane County. Oregon Records and which they are w ln fto d . ta be uneon- -'«Y »«?> »f . o Sto.ber; J ? 2? ;,.at tlon notice of which Is recorded In which Is described as follows; the hour of one o’clock In the a fte r Commencing at this notice the east Vol. 11 page 322 of M ining Claims. stllu U o n a l. noon of said day. at the Southwest N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F S SALE Lane County, Oregon Records and end center on the coutl^ bank of St. fro n t door of the County Court Houae. Peters Creek, running thence 300 feet N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , th a t '»hich is described as follows In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of- by virtu e of an execution and order Commencing at this notice the east southerlv. thence 1500 feet westerly, w__ to redemption of sa'e Issued out of the C ircu it Court end‘ center which center Is identical thence 300 feet n ortherly to the west I He _____________ auction, subject ns nrovlded by law, all of the rig h t.'o f the State of Oregon for Lane w l,h G” west el>d center o f the Lln- end center which center is identical end ™ center o f the "Gar- tltle and Interest of said defendant.«! county, on the 8th day o f September. co,n Claim , running thence 300 feet w ith ence 1500 feet easterly, thence 300 nlng. being «ituated In the Boh « B a mlses. I Carlson and Charles J. Carlson her feet n ortherly to the place of begin- M ining D is tric t in Lane County, Ore- D IR E C T O R Y * an< ,orCMh ■ - Piano Lessons DR. J. M JONES OPTOMETRIST LARAWAY BLDG., EUGENI CI rrbpb now being formed for the winter In Spring- field. Beglnnere a specialty. O aaeral Law P ra ttle s Write I. M. PETERSON MYRTLE SENCENBAUGH Coburg, Oregon. A ttorney-at-Law Com m ercial State Bank Bldg.. Springfield. Ora. Oall W. F. Walker SUTTON TRANSFER Funeral Director Phone 57 223 M ain St. 62 J F u ll DR. N. W. EMERY Residence 125 C 8 , 62 M Auto Equipm ent Lady Assistant O IN T IB T Sutton Bldg- Phone ÍO-J Raaldanco Phone 153 M Phone Re». 101-J O ffice 73-J F. H. WALKER Springfield. Oregon D. W . R oof JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon Auto T ru ck T ransfer House Hold Goode, Baggage, Merchandise Moving O ffice at 312 M ain St. GEO,. SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk- era nt foot of Main on Mill •treet. HENRY W. CHA8E. Prop. N, M cL E A N Automobile, F ire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds,. Phone 617 My business le to protect your b u t,n ets 860 W illa m e tte 8t. Eugene .Oregon;, The Loop VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating ln all Its branches »I Your Hom« When In Springfield DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 FRANK A. DEPUE A T T O R N 1Y Button Buidllng AT F irs t N a t’l Bank Bldg., Springfield LAW NO TARY PUBLIO Springfield ! Oregon. | WM. G. HUGHES FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at F O R B A L E -C a rb o n paper In large • FW ST NATIONAL »koeta. 26x3» Inchoe, suitable for I Springfield, aaaklng t r B« n * a T h » Mew» Offlea. — — — N O T reE FOR PUBLICATION FO REST EXCHANGES D E P A R T M E N T OE T H E IN T E R IC R . U N IT E D S T A T E S L A N n O F E IC E , Roseburg, Oregon. August 21. 1926. N O T IC E is hereby given that on 312 Main Street II E. T A Y L O R . Sheriff, > husband were defendants the p la in tiff nlaJ- 1 8 °“ - »__« Lane County. Oregon c o v e r e d Judgment against said de- This claim was form erly know n as The "G rant m Ining claim Loca- 8 : 16-23 30; O: 7 14 fendant. Mrs Lvdla Carlson for the the "H usked" and Is Joined on the Hon notice o l ouJ? - ——— — — - 's u m of S IX T E E N H U N D R E D Ra' ’ hv the "L inco ln ’’ claim and is Vol. 11 page 257. of M ln in r S U U M M M M O O N N S S D O O L U L zA w ith ith Interest interest thereon thereon at at located located on on M M onto onto Rico Rico Rtdge Rtdge about about L»ne Lane f County. Oregon Records and S D A R R S S w ounty. Oregon necoru ______ . _ _ •».«, ile s S o h e m ia Moun- w b h 'eh esc rib ed a B» s fo llo w ’ . v J U S T IC E C O URT — F O R 1 eight per cent per annum e from the 1 » H m miles 8 E E. from B Bohemia '-h 1« d descrih-d follow run- ’ v v o r r i r r D IS T R IC T L A N « ' 22’» d» r of December 1926 u n til paid fain, said claim being In the Bohem ia, Beginning at this notice and an IN T H i E EUGENE J in e - 0 0 _ ’ north erly to corner corner No. 1. ' the sum of ............ Dollars as attor- M 'n'ng D is tric t in Lane County. O re -,n ___ C O U N T Y . O RBO O N thence 1500 feet easterly to corner neye fees and the sum of 232.88 as 6 ° n- . .» L M T ravis. Inc., a corporaUon, costs th-tnc* ’ "et — « to and disbursements and also de- T he "Madison m ining claim 7 x *a - No. ton »» P la in tiff v». John Adians and ---- ------ creed the foreclosure of a mortgage tlon notice of which Is recorded in East center end stoke. # l.n d h ereinafter e r e in a fte r decrlhed d ecrlh ed and V • ol. • 11 southerly 3 . thm 1500 Adams hie w ife. Defendant» Of) , hc )and * pare 255 of M ln in r Claims, ..... ~ j z~~----- .' , ’ o com er No. v < oo qs.— e« T o John Adams and ............ Ada“ ''I directed the sale of said land to Lane County. Oregon Records and f t w esterly to hla , n r T H E S T A T E , a ‘ lsf7 8atr "*»®ral "unto adjudged, « b 'c h is described as follows 300 feet w this nctlce and ,N ° F T 'h ^ r ^ h v re N O W T H E R E F O R E pursuant to said! Beginning at this notice and ru n -, place of rIa )_ on , O F O R EG O N , you a r® execution and order of »ale I the n 'n e nnn n ortherly to corner No. 1 .1 Joins the Jackson quarts claim on quired to M>pe«r and an" * e r . th * 7 ™ , 1 undersigned w ill on Saturday October « ^ n c e 1500 ft. easterly to com er No. ‘ he west plaint which has been filed agalnat; o’clock P. M of said 2 thence 300 ft to eaat , Bei-.g skuated In 9ec. -5. T 23 S tv you In the above entitled Court and i . ’ h(> f door of the Court center end stake, thence 300 ft. south- 1 E . In Bo’-e m ’« M ining D is tric t Lane cause w ithtn six weeks from the date ^“ t|, a ,n ,hp ™ t y o f Eugene Oregon ®rlv corner No. 3 th e n <- 1500 ft County. Oregon. „ of the first publication of this off..r fo r gale at public auction an i easterly to corner No. 4. thence 300 The “ M onte Cristo_ m in ing claim mens, and If you f« I to so “ P * ”; sell to the highest bidder fo r cash. « n o rth erly to this notice and place ( Location SoUce o’ X C U d m e ¡and answer the p lain tiff w ill a "ll 1 ' a subject to redem ption as provided by °7 ’'eginn'ng. ' n ' ° ' r?i paK nreenn Records and ment against you in the su o f »38 6S, bv , aw a„ r| ht es(a(e jo in s the “J e ffe rs o n ’ on the East J Lane Count«. " 7 ^ ? fbHow i • « i w ith interest at 6 per cent per annum w re „ „ Ra,d defendants and Being situated In Sec 26 of T 23 S ., which Is described as tollQW»- ¡fro m December 24. 1924. and to r the of , hMn havp or on j g, day of R . , E Bohemia M irin g D istrict Commencing s’ ‘ h ’s " " t ’ 7 ’ " d fu rth e r sum o f »7 85 w ith interest a t , J|)ne , 924 ha() ,n and t0 the folIow lng tn County of Lane and the State o f ing in a n o rth e rly direction 300 feet ifi per cent per annum from December described mortgaged premises, to-wit Oregon. to the northw est corner NO “ . 20. 1924. and Its costs and disburse- Beginning at a point In the center T he "Adam s” m ining claim Loca t h e - c e in a s o ^ e n s t e r ly direction Trents In this ac tio n ’, and that the I of th<> T e rrito ria l road 12.97 chains tion notice of which is recorded I n , l sftP to *‘ ‘ ° ‘ h* nor " i™ ,. 'm oney held under garnishm ent be , oulh g’ ’ 10’ east of the southerly Vol. 11 page 249, of M in in g Claims, stoke U 3. thence in a soutneriy ordered paid into c o u rt or sufficient, «outheast corner of th ’ W illia m G. Lane County. Oregon Records and dtreetion 300 feet to the a t en thereof to pay said Judgment, costs s i n, PgOn n b. C. No. 55 tn township which Is rescribed as follow s: ¡stake No. 4. thence 300 f e e t ^ ol” " erl, (and accurlng costa. , 17 south of Range 6 west W . M. Beginning at this notice, running 7 ” :n \ northw esterly direction This summons is served upon you Thence south 12“ 30’ west 3J6 chatos 30n „ N o rth e rly to corner No. J . ^ eefe^" *0 X ’ ou’ hwesi( ernner . »»- in a north erly this notice or notice being at the day of August. 1926. auth orizin g and place of beginning containing 1.00 ex- ens,e rlv to "corner No. 4. thence 300 X T m U h l u n d ^ n ^ ' e ^ L ^ ^ n d W e ’ ’ directing the service of summons by elusive of the road tn Lane County. f N o rth e rly to this notice and olace 21? 5 » o iS a t Eastern M ln lrg Co and publication. Date of first publication Oregon, also . . . . . of beginning. Joins the “W a s h in g to n ", eaBt by the H e n ry c L y grour Beginning at. a point 12 9, chains on wpgt and t j,p je ffe rson on the I pg“ ap d '(» about 1- Septem ber 2. 1926 south 82 10’ east. 3.61 chains south R # (|t bp, p, niatpd ln Sec. 26. T. 23 k ..a i™ ’ 2 m ile south I H A R O L D J. W E L L S . M ountoin» miles south Justice of the Peace. 77’ 30’ east from the south east cor- g R , R , Bohemia M ining D istrict. "J ner of the W illiam O. Slmpsoh. D. L. ’ T nnp Pn,intv n r p _0_ , pf Bohemia M ountains and crosses S 2-9-16 23-30; O 7 .. — ~ „ ln I ane County. Oregon, the Oakland tra il: being situated in i w e s t W MWsahi'’b'ginn',,ng poln? be" The M '" ‘n 8 ” Lane FRANK BANK O , ^ m X " 7 X 8kyC°T^er« £ £ »1. M .n to g T X ^ ; , S v . th e ntvme of «he tain and T A Fountain her husband L " " p. f ° ” n tv ’ ,h2 i P'fO" an<’ j Statp of Oregon, in eomnlinnce ,wl’ h | to E li Jones and w ife bv deed record- w h ' ph, ,8 , rpscr b p d a i,J c,,'" w!'o n . said execution, and in order to satisfy ed in Book 96 page 173 of the Deed at " ° t,C " " ’’« I i ' Sn,d I" '1* '’” ’" * ’ ' " ‘ ‘>r p’ »- p<\ ts an'J d,!'’ r a n n n t a n f tj.n e co n n tv Oregon and p ‘ p * 300 ft. N ortherly to corner N o .l , | bnrsem ents, and the costs and ex- ' run thence 'south 77’ 30’ east.' 1.S4 i p pni.p!' a n d . np? ! l *?’’ co lx ch to exchange the Lots 1. 2, 8. 4. iS ’ -YO’ east' 3 16 chain» to*’ the f‘ N o rth e riv to this notice and place j housp . tn Eugene. la n e County. O r*- 8 W U . and W H S E 'i . Sec 2. T n 20 R . ^ nrP of beginning, containing .58 of beginning. ¡gen. offer for sale and sell fo r cash. Range 1 W est, W . M w ith in the Cas- acrp |n bane County. Oregon. Also. This notice Is about 500 ft. S. W at public auction, subject to redemp- cade N atio n al Forest, F O R T H E I p, irtnnlTip nt a point 12 97 chains from the N. E. corner of Sec. 26 T. tlon as provided by law . all of the T IM B E R O N T H E E H S W % , and ! south 82’ 10' east nnd 5 45 chains 23 8. R. 1 E this claim Joins t h e , rig h t, title and Interest o f said d«- N W ’ i 8 E ’4 . Section 27. Township 20 ! so„ ||, 77»-30' east from the south east i Adams on the W est and the Jackso n ! fe rd ’ant. A. P Churchill, or any per­ il , Range 3 East. W . M „ w ith in the cl, of tb P W illia m O. Simpson D. on the East nnd Is in the Bohemia son or persons claim ing by, through L. C. No. 55 Township 17 south of M ining D istrict, in Lane County, Ore- or under them, or eith er of them In Cascnde N atio n al Forest. and to said above described property. T he purpose o f this notice Is to range 6 west W . M. being the north- i gon F R A N K E T A Y L O R Sheriff allow all persons clnlm lng the lands east corner of a tract form erly deeded | The “Jefferson’’ m ining claim Loca- o f Txtne County, Oregon. selected, or havin g bona fled objec­ to and now owned by E ll and Cecilia tion notice of which Is recorded 'n IS 9 16 23 30; O 7) tions to such application, an oppor­ Jones run thence south 77, -3 fi’ east. Vol. 11 page 263, of M in in g Claims tu n ity to file th e ir prtoests w ith the 20834 fee t; thence south 12’ -30 ' west, Lane County, Oregon Records and Register of the U nited Slates Ixtnd 208% fee t; thence north 77’ -8 0 ’ west. which is rescrlbed as follow s; H it By Cable— M elvin R enfro of 20844 feet; thence north l a ’ -SO’ east. O fflre a t Roseburg, Oregon M arcóla was h it by a cable on a Beginning a t this notice and run- „ Any such protests or objections 20 8 34 fee t to the place of beginning must be filed In this Office w ith in containing one acre more or less in nlng 300 ft N o rth e rly to corner N o 1, donkey engine last w eek at the Ftsn- •thirty days from the date of first pub­ Txinc County, Oregon, to satisfy said thence 1500 ft. Easterly to corner No. er M ill and was badly bruised. The ft. southerly to Bast cabJe wag gtuck Qn ft ,og and gtrock lication of this notice, which first pub­ Judgment and costs accruelng upon 2, thence center end stake, thence 300 ft. south- . . lication w ill be Septem ber 2, 1926 this execution. e rly to corner No. 3. thence 1500 ft 1 h,m on the le ft arm an<1 bcth ,# w F R A N K E. T A Y L O R Sheriff H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y , Register. w esterly to corner No. 4, thence 300 when it came loose, knocking him of I-ane County, Oregon. Non-Coal. ' • ' • . . . . . _K „ j _ „ .. . . . . . . t '• * '2 C ■" s : c ‘.:2 ? i a