USDA Y RBTTKMnRB Kt. 1926 PAOK s rx and Dorothy Annoti the doctors health. Mhe will enter Pauline Miller TO W N AND V IC IN IT Y Mr and Mrs F. U. Council reserves the right to reject will live wllh ¡school this week. l»r and Mrs Mort- any and all bid* and that each bid «hall AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE for llamllu Arrested For speeding— Robert Ifir- ensen will stay for another week or be aceompMted by a certified check the Issuance o f Town of Springfield In the amount of 2 per cent of the rle was arrested Saturday on two at Nwwport. Here From Portland— Mis Ida F ir e Engine General Obligation price bid as an evidence of gool faith Main street charged with going forty, Bends in the sum of »7000 00; to pro- Irish and her daughter. Mrs M 8. on the part of the bidder. Struck By Sledge C. II Price, to o . vide a form for said bonds and the vtsitlM Section 4 WHEREAS. the bonds miles an tynir. The arrest was made man of the Southern IfikClUe ste- I Tingly, of I'orlland ara coupons attached thereto; directing hereinabove provided for were duly by A. 8. Currie, traffic officer. the Town Recorder to publish a call gang working on the bridge aero is frlm ds In Springfield this *< el. authorised at an election regularly for bids for said bends and declaring To Round Up— Don Gillespie end the Willamette, was struck In the Breaks Arm —Robby Slm plol o il held for that put pose; and an emergency. WIIKItKAS It 1» nec.‘«»ary that Dwight Kessey left Monday 1« attend head by a sledge Friday and glveu v from th top of * hop dryer on the WHEREAS, heretofore at an elec­ funds bt. ,,roctire.l at aa early da at the annual round up at IVnilleton im.i scalp wound Thtee elllches Seavry place Monday and broke hl« tion duly called and held In the Town possible for the purpose for which While Mr Kessey Is away, Ml-a were necessary to close the wound. of Springfield on he 27th day of July. left arm ,ald bonds were authorised, thereby 1926. the legal voters c f the Town of involving the peace, health and eafetv I,em its Morrison Is taking Ills pla.e Springfield aulhcriied the Common To U v s At Bmsry'o— Miss Franc •• K ills De«r— Delbert MltoheU Of of (ho town, and in older to do so. It «I the Commercial State twtnk Council to issue general obligation ¡Hodge and Ulas Fay Spaulding. Westfir silent the Week end with n.V is necessary to enact thia ordinance ; V X S S ■ « now. th,.refore. Back Fram Newport — Margar-ll |jt-, hers In the Springfield schools. parents. Mr and Mrs. Il T. Mitchell, la hereby do- Mortensen returned Monday from iwi|l ,l¥|> , h„ home of Dr. N. W lie brought them a venison which he this ordinance bearing 6 per cent interest per an field Eire Liunne General O b lt» llo u joUrod to exist and Newport where she has been staying l>n south Second street ***•• 1 d killed shall go Into force and effect upon Its innt. with which to purchase a fire dated with her parents who are there for adoption and approval. engine and apparatus for the same. No .... I*a»sed by the council this 13th day »«■a Countersigned ------------------ Msvpr ' of September. 1926 by the following WHEREAS, It now becomes nec- „"""•"TT"------- vote YEAS Three. NAYS none. eosary to provide for the Issuance , Th„ TlWn Recorder Submitted to the Mayor September thereto- now therefore. • . __v..* THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD ?h,U c“"ae, * . ‘^ L lk s ^ n P. weekW 13. 1926, • Approved by the Mayor September DOES ORDAIN AS FOIXOW S: ft,r • Perlo<1 o , ‘w” ,1 , . X . Section 1 That the Town of l>UIbl« ? V “ 5 o Z io n 13th. 1936. O. O. BUSHMAN. Springfield do issue tta b on d . In the .¿ S ? r e 11 for b id . f ^ V h e A ttest. K W SMITH, Mayor ™ S7 - Thousand „71100 thD Recorder. buD'te, bf that the Common Council of the Town Ml eart ^ i J ’ n u m b iJ d i » l ? 0?« of Spr,n«fl*,d. O'*«®»- will meet at Paya Pine— F. Bainbridge paid )6 60 numbered 1 to 14. to h h { -,30 p M on th„ u t h day be dated aa agreed upon by the town .926 at the Council to the city recorder Monday as the ^ a r ? : f T lrCi., r r ,,Ddh C h a £ £ * ro f th’e"town o i S p r i n g The 36th regular quarterly dividend of >1.76 per »hare on the 7% second Installment of a $10 fine levied Preferred Stock of this company *tll be paid October 20 *ha7** £ 5 ’ ,“* ? , , b' * r '**’ • ‘ to open and consider such bids , said I b V ^ i^ n K p ^ c i ^ ’ T « ^ : D o U M >haM th ,t * • Commo" against him for speeding ORDINANCE NUMBER 507 corporate eeal of said town, and the anaeaed coupons to bear the . » «raved facsimile slgna urea of said Mayor and Recorder thia >*«y "> ........... ... ” - t ountersigned .......... . _ — ......... - y Recorder tCOVPONl Nc. $15 00 TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD. I.ANE COUNTY, OREGON, will p.»> to the bearer on the fir^t day of J IS FIFTEEN DOLLARS In United States Gold Coin of the Present standard of value at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Ore r>n in Now York C o f.r s,x months DIVIDEND NO. 35 terest to be payable In United States Gold Coin of the present standard value at the fiscal agency o f the State of Oregon in New York City, said bonds to be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the Recorder under the corporate seal of s a il town, and the interest on said bonds to be rep­ resented by sem iannual interest coupons attached thereto bearing the engraved facsimile signatures of said Mayor and Recorder, which said bonds shall be known as "Town of Springfield Fire Engine General Obli­ gation Bonds." Section 8 That the said Town Of I Springfield Fire Engine General Ob­ ligation Bonds and the coupons at­ tached thereto shall be In substanti­ ally the following form: No ------------ $500 00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF OREGON TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD F I R E ENGINE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY. OREGON, for value rec- I eived. hereby promises to pav to bear-’ er the sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS on t h e _______ day of....... .. ------19------. with Interest thereon from date hereof at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of....... - -------a n d ------------------- to the bearer of the respective coupons therefor hereto attached as they mature, both principal and Interest payable In Uniter States Gold Coin of the pre­ sent standard of value at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in New York City. This bond is one of a series ag­ gregating $7000.00 par value i n am ount authorised and issued under and pursuant to a vote of the A>gal voters of the town of Springfield at an election duly called and held there In on the 27th day of July. 1926. said series of bonds being Issued for the purpose of procuring funds with which to purchase a fire engine and apparatus for said town And it is hereby certified that every requirement of law relating to the Issue thereof has been duly complied with and that this bond Is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the constitution and laws of t h e , State of Oregon or the charter o f ' said town And for the puctual payment of the principal hereof and the interest hereon the full faith and credit of the town of Springfield is hereby Irrevoc­ ably pledged. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the town of Springfield has caused this bond to be signed by Its Mayor and count­ er signed by it , Recorder under the J. C. Brill Stores AX-BILLY DEPARTMENT STORE Thursday - Friday and Saturday are t* i holder» registered on the book» ut the clone of buglnegfi Septem ber 30. 1926. , Subescrtptlona for »hare» on the canh plan received prior to Sept­ em ber 26th will entitle purchaser to the hill dividend of $1.75 per »hare for the qu arter beginning July 1st. O utstanding partial payment account» upon which Anal payment on 1» made before Septem ber 25th will receive dividend No. 35 " n tX-tober 20th Present Price $ 1 0 1 .0 0 per Share, to yield 6.93% per Year Order» for »hare» must be In our hand» before the close of busl- 8eptem ber 25. In order to avail yourself of this dividend. Uut pay- m ent may be made up to October l&UbhH ‘ «Rh sales. Mountain S tateseli® Power Company Values for Those Who are Shopping Wise — Dollar Day dawns with a prom ising rosiness for the thrifty shoppers. It is the little things th a t count, and though not all these hings are of small dem entions there are m any and m any purchases possible for a dollar today which at other tim es would naturally revert to their form er low selling price levels. •with N E W PRICES EFFECTIVE NOW This Bank W ants to Be Your Friend! KLENZO Dental Creme A Sensible Tooth Paste For All Flanery’» Drug Store It w ants to assist you In every way It conscientiously can. It w ants you to suc­ ceed, for, in a m easure, your success m eans the success of this bank. With a Savings Account a t hand there will be m any oppor­ tunities th at can be taken advantage of th a t will help you succeed. If you wish to purchase a home, our officers will be glad to tell you how you can finance It. If you wiah to invest your money, we are in posi­ tion to help you do so In safe and legitim ate propositions. B ut we cannot help you succeed unless you FTRST accum ulate capital th a t can be put to work. A Savings Account would do this for you. Why not s ta rt one the first thing TOMORROW? COUPE TUDOR Reduced $40 to Reduced $50 to $50501 SEDAN F0RD0R RUNABOUT TOURING SED A N Muced$40 CAR Reduced $45 to Io R ed u ced $595.23 $646.45 $450.61 $471.31 Delivered at Springfield Self Starter and Balloon Tires Standard Equipment We can assist you m aterially in choosing the type of car m ost suitable to your purpose. The liberal plan of easy paym ents will also be of Interest to you. Protected by Electric B urglarly A la rm System E. R. DANNER MOTOR GO. Commercial State Bank 4/ In vour consideration of a motor car, you undoubtedly have very definite needs which prompt that investment. To those needs apply the test of Ford adaptability and economy. $1.00 Opens a Savings Account and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY $40 Fifth and A Streets SptagfleM, Oregon 4