THURSDAY BWPTKMBBR 16, 1926 r THM b fS 'N U /:F 3 ... F «-» TH« K A N O X T , M o kk kxrt 1 1 u r r r c « rv jo *. r w u « SVí^í-«K » ’« F e w - L IT T I-« Bozo Butts e * « bKKZi TUKI ”• ------,------nw .X Í7 F'-l« 'M »*O »fT OK'< C S IW *M » A *.U « L , i ro k D s m v c I LL a ' O tkxa CARD OF THANKS The Compromise ■ A yusax married couple argued tor We wish to expresg our gratitude work, sawmills, ate,. with table to •" n th s what kind of a vehicle K»»y for the ktadueas and sympathy shown compute workman’s compoooatloa bttM boy with th eir savings and deductions. No employer should us In our great sorrow. Also for tbs W ife y wanted a sedan bo without these f- rms when they Dearie wanted a roadster. So th<-y beautiful flowers, compromised and bought a baby e a rn NOTICE n p THE r a l e o f T O W N age. OF HCHINOEIEI.D EIRE ENOINE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS. | ------------------------------------------------- NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN. Thai In n c rrd a n c e w ith the provisions of | Ordinance Num ber 607 of (be Town n f Springfield. Lane County. O regon.1 ihi-CKy Recorder w ill receive sealed bids for Ibe purchase of Seven .Thousand Dollars (97000.001 T own ° f i Springfield Eire Engine General O bli­ gation Bonds, said bonds to be In de-1 nom inations o f 9500.00 each, to bear j Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum payable s e m iann u ally. Each bid must be accompanied by a c e rti­ fied check In favor of the C ity Re- ,t corder for .at least three per cent of • he purchase pried as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder. No bids w ill be considered for less .th a n par and accrued Interest. D a le , of Closing of bids, O ctober 11. 1928. Date for Opening b lir . Cctober 11. 1926. R W S M IT H , Recorder 8 16 20 i □ Ibis Keek H .r . From Camp Craak— J r a a Portland tomorrow over the radio Gate» of Camp Creek transacted bual- trom station K (1 W . M r. McKinnon di *»» In Springfield Saturday. Is known In local musical circles as the 41, Caruso. la Sick— M r« Robert Towden watt Here From Marcola— John Condos confined to bar bwl at her home on A was in town Tuesday from Marcola. atreet Sunday w ith Illness. W eak End In Portland— V e rn lta M orrison and Alice Mortensen le ft Thursday for a short stay In P o rt­ land returning to Springfield Sunday. Baby Boy— M r. and Mrs. C. L. «brock o f M arcola are (he parents o f a baby boy born at th e ir home Thurs- Fall Creek Man In Town— Roy B urr was In Springfield Tuesday on bust- , nees. Sm ith Takes Vacation — R. W. Sm ith begun today the week's vaca i lion granted him by the city council i at Its last meeting. A fte r clearing np his business a t the c ity hall, be wu spend a few day» In Portland visit I ng hla daughters there. T w in Boye Born— M r. and Mrs. Thom as Paine of M arcóla are the < *7 . parents of tw in, both boys, born this Couraon Hare— M r and Mrs. Ralph m orning at th e ir horn«. T h e boye Coureon arrived In town F riday for a 'weighed six pounds each. I visit of a few days. Mrs. Couraon C itan Drain Ditch— C ity em ployee, was form erly F reda^ F an drum . have been at work this week cleaning Qo To Newport—- M r and Mrs. Nels the drain ditch which runa south o f' Nelson and fam ily -went to New port M ain atreet from the city lim its t o ' Saturday tor a vacation over the empty Into the m ill race near Second I w eek end. atreet. The ditch carrlea surplus w ater In the w inter from the d is tr ic t! MeVeys Back From C alifornia— Mr. and Mrs. L H . M cVey and fam ily re­ east of town and has to be cleaned turned Friday from California. They each year. have been In the southern state look­ ing for a hlace to locatae. Lost o r Strayed Mrs. M cK innon 111— Mrs. D. W . M c­ The switchboard at Police Head­ Kinnon was quite III at her home the quarters flashed and a sweet youn« first o f the week w ith an a tta c t of voice m urm ured: "H a v e you lost n the tnfluensa. pollrefbRn?" "No, why?'' M CKInnon On Vacation— D. W Mc­ "W ell, a bluecoat was seen Kinnon, shipping clerk at the Hooth- sauntering along the street and this r f 'e l l y m ills and 4L secretary Is on a ^ w e e k 's vacation. He w ill sing nt never happened before In o ur neigh­ borhood. goo-bye!" <29 Ar ur Brisbane IT’S A BIG UNIVERSE. ADVERTISING PATS. NO 100% MEN OR WOMEN. NON STOP OCEAN TO OCEAN. •danti Ac this la which wv and the earth tarn thaa a duak m ITllo« atarttes ywo- Our i Is safer thaaa aa N g as this a speak hi what maa -the mrfwawa," whisk ssi41 sea nsflllene ef asms, aa million ttnaea bigger thaa I t ’s hard aas ng h he tWak ef a universe ae that. Miss Price and Miss Quality THE SERVE U TWINS Suggest For Your Sunday Dinner Fried Chicken (freshly dressed) Young Beef Roast and Brown Potatoes Leg of Pork with Applesauce Baby Beef T-Bone (A Real Treat) Quality— with Price And new the w ise Dr. HobMa, of ML Wilson Observatory, tells the California Institute of Tech­ ’ ae ours are visible nt hov- riblo distances from the earth. Examine an atom, and you fir.d a centra! body around which re­ volve other bodies as the p’anc.s revolve around our tun. These - ’ —’ —ma revolve refund the nue'eus bllUons cf times In u second. Atoms, of which you ccu’.d have millions In one corner c ) your e; r without noticing them, arc sm t'l solar systems. Our sun and its planets consti­ tute ono atom in our universe. That universe in turn is or.c atom in tho entire univer-;. V.’h 'r a t:i th at overwhelming space nro the heaven to which v.e look forward and the .th p'ace th a t wo dread? * Leaving ffhis earth In a straight na, traveling at the rpeed of light, 186,000 niiie» a second, It would take you one hundred mil­ lion years to get beyond the tele­ scopic moxe of the universe. No wonder it says in the Bible, “in my Father’s house are many man­ sions.” ASSAY! ANALIZE! INVESTIGATE Your bank must offer you something besides a secure place to deposit money: It must give you that analytical assistance which makes your bank your financial assay office and laboratory. Your account In our Institution carries with It our many services to you and your business. Have us help you Investigate Important problems. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SPRINd FIELD O. nology that a million "universes” r Independent Meat Co. 4th and Main ta n Good Ole Dollar W ith no desire to preen ourselves, stick out our chest or puff thro a tlly In the face of trouble for a s itte r republic we S H O U L D feel a certa'n amount of pride In the past record and the present perform ance of aur good ole D o lla rl T h in k of the troubles of France when th e ir FR A N C bobs about at about 2 f r a nickle! W ouldn’t we be In a meia If our good ole dollar was listed at around 17c? H aven't we got a lot to be thankful fo r even if it 18 tw o months to Thanksgiving D A Y 7 And did you read w hat S ir Robert Kindersley a B ritish Banker offered fo r a cure? A hot Idea all r ig h t He says: “ If I were to alft my headquarters to Am erica I should become a high priest of extravagance and P R E A C H T H E A D V A N T A G E of S P E N D IN G ! For |t Is only by E C O N O M Y in Europe and E X T R A V A ­ G ANCE in Am erica th a t a proper adjustm ent can be made! So if all of you folks are agreeable and L IK E S ir Robert’ s pre- ecripiton cf world prosperity please rem em ber this store when you feel a rush of extravagance coming on. It's a great world— including the w eather. This “Getting Up" Stuff! Going to be plenty tough on a lotta you youngesters— these school days! It's easy as any­ thing to get up early to go fishing but m lty d ifferent when all the day holds is a lot of prob­ lems and study. T hat's when a Big Ben a larm clock comes m rig ht cute. Let's you sleep until the L A S T P O S S IB L E M IN U T E ! Prices from 9150 to 93.25. Little Jack Horner Shoes for Children Soups and Dry Cleaning! T h e re ’s a space of some 18 Inches between a good bond of soup and a kid's appetRe! In bridging some o f this in a h nrry SO M E of it likes to land on the clothes. Looks bad bnt not enuf for a dry cleaning. T h a t’s where Energlnc o r Carbons comes to the rescue! And we sell B O T H of 'em. — SPECIAL TH IS WEEK — Craiga Fountain Pan 91.00. F R ‘ NK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff I o f Lane County, Oregon. ' 19-93-30: Beat Dollar Pen wa have ever told. KETEL’S DRUG STORE 7-14 56 STORES C. J. BREIER CO. Standard Des'gner Patterns with the Belrobe IN THE WEST 6TH & WILLAMETTE STORE NO. 11 EUGENE, ORE. Dresses For School Girls Of Flannels and Serges are not only servicable but comfortable and show good taste and good judg­ ment. Styles are right at Breier’s. Dresses $3.95 to $8.75 Coats for Girls, 3 to 16 Year Size $5.85 to 19.50 Washington authorities, by Pres­ ident Coolidge’s order, of course, have closed the Mexican border between Son Diego and tho as- i sorted dives of Tia Juana at 6 p. m. The daylight hours are not the best for dives, and the dive inhabitants nre leaving, a Tin Juana owners of gambling houses and similar resorts, a m ajority of them United States citizens, by the way, petition President Coolidge to cancel his 6 p. m. order. To th at President Coolidge will turn a very «old V wnt ear. 8cotty Gets Generous Underwear for Girls Girls’ Union Suits 6 to 16 year sizes CROSS KNIT BRAND Is a well tailored garment and fin­ ished well, in the cotton or wool suits. Six to 16 year sizes. Worsted, long sleeve, ankle length, suits— Girls’ Union Suits Heather mixtures, fancy tops, and checks and stripes— Six to 16 year sizi#. Fine ribbed cotton, medium weight, QQ s u it........................ — ........... i/ O C $1.25 and $1.50 Children’s Golf Hose 65c, 75c, 85c A Scot was playing golf with his w ife when the thought struck him. “Is this yer' birthday? W e ll then, I th in « I ’ll give ye’ th e hole." family. At the Notice Is hereby given that by a virtu e of an execution Issued out of the Circuit court of the State of O re­ gon, for the County of Lane on the 13th day of September. 1926. upon a | Judgm ent therein rendered on the 16th day o f A y 11, 1926. In favor of W illa m e tte Collection & C red it Ser­ vice. a corporation, and against Burt ! A M orley and K ate B. M orley, his ( w ife, fo r the sum of 9150 37. with In- - treat thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 16th day of 1 A pril. 1926. and fo r the fu rth e r sum jo f 98.10 costs and dlsbursements^an l ' for the costs and disbursements of this execution, which said Judgment waa enrolled and docketed In the of­ fice o f the C lerk of said Court In said County on the 28th day of A p ril 1926. , and said execution to me directed - commanding me In the name of the ; State of Oregon, to satisfy said Judg- , ment, Interest, costs and disburse- ' ments and the costs and disburse­ m ents of and upon this w rit out of the personal property o f said De­ fendants. o r If sufficient could not be found, then out o f the real property belonging to said Defendants In Lane County. Oregon, and being unable to find any personal property belonging Ito said Defendants or eith e r o f them. , upon which to levy, I have levied up- ’ on the following described real pro- I perty In iA ne Coumy, Oregon, to-wlt: Lot Three. Block two. Ellsw orth's Second Addition to Eugene, Lane County. Oregon. Now. therefore. In the name of the State of Oregon. In compliance w l'h said execution. and In order to satisfy 1 said Judgment. interest, costs and ' disbursements, and the coats and ex I peneexY.of and upon this w hit. I w ill . on Saturday the 16th day of October. ' 1928. at the hour of one o'clock In the 1 afternoon of said day. at the Southwest Front .Door of the County Court ¡H o u s e.tin Eugene. Lane County. Ore- 1 gon. offer fo r sale and sell fo r cash, at pobUc auction, subject to redemp- I tlon ax' provided by latw. a ll o f the I rig ht title and Interest of said de­ fendant«. B u rt A. M orley and Kate B M orley, his wife, o r e ith e r of them. of any other person or persons claim-1 1n< by. through or nnder them, or e ith e r of them In and to the ab o v e ' described property. Mt 8 : Norval Orr and --------------- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION Ill Thia W eak— Mrs. Dallas M urphy was taken sick Munaay nt ner borne and was taken to the home of her m other, Mrs. H T , M itchell rw i FDR HA r,a— Payroll ehaata, printed aad la »took at the News otflea Form suitable tor road, construction r' T PAOB - w4 “IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY AT BREIERS”