PACHE T llR g y agmsGitacu* s&ws TI n ’USDAY SEPTEMBER Ift, 192rt aa well tell you that 1 don't think that I waa considering the proposal bed, "I’ll go down there with you and you’re ever golnx back to Curlta» of Harrington Fierce, "I really think Harry can Join ua later on. They aay j Wrlghl." There waa a hint of secrecy it's perfectly fascinating around Yu you're Insane! How can you »It tnero In her voice. 1catan Nearly all my frlcnda have and talk about my marrying anybody "WHY do you think that?" I al­ i been there »Ince thia new law wen' most when I'm already Curlta»’ wlfeT” shouted the question and I Into effect—at least once." "That's the moat Inllnltualinal part waited with strained Intensity for of the whole Ides," »he replied, "at r I "Ellie Mil« hell!" I indignantly ex her reply. llie wuy he'» treated YOU, I should claimed. "1 don't aee how you can | (T o be continued) Iblnk lie d be surprised If yon DIDN'T discuss marriage In such an Irrtver •) Read what Ellie reveals to Sallis get a divorce. i f course you cun t ent tone. Hornet line» I think that i in thair intimats chat. get one In Now York under two years your Idea of »acred thing» are— I on ucwiunt of your residence not ho­ searched for an emphatic word, “d > Here From Marcóla— Mr. and Mr». lme here, hut there's nothing the prayed.” • J. G Daugherty and »on were In twon matter with Mexico. They band 'em "Thank» for the buggy ride!" Ellie Friday evening from Marcela. out down there In car load loia. lam e up »lulling, "but you 11 come Merita, that's the name of tho place. around to my way of thinking before Tell you what I'll do Hallie,” Hhe long. Ju»t you wait and »ee. 1 want »at up excitedly on the edge of the you ho be happy. Hallie, and 1 rnlgut a b e i n a f l i t C o n f e s s io n s Finds For Speeding—O TyTon of Douglas Gardena was lined 110 In tue cltt recorder’» court Monday for speeding on E ast Main street Hunday. C. fegela also waa given 110 by R. W. Smith tor the asme offense. To Attend W illamette— Frank GOTO* bard left Wednesday for Salem to ea­ ter the W illamette University. He la a graduate of last y e a r s elsa» of the Springfield High school. In The Hospital— Frank Parrish was taken to the Pacific Chriatiaa hospital Monday for treatment under the doctors care. He has been alch for some time. THE MORNING AFTER THE CONCERT Though» of /h e evening awakened me early. Ellie had come Into my room with an amazing number of newspapers and, teal lug herwelf on Hie foot of my bed, together we turned quickly to the musical reviews and read of the performance given by Harry and Lemoyne. There w u no doubt about the fart that Ixsmoyne waa pushed well Into the background although It had been h«*r manager a Intention that she should be the principal star. Their commenda­ tion of the young »Inger »a» trite. Although they agreed that her voice wan pleasing In every respect they obviously found nothing extraordinary In her art. "Lemoyne was not at her best last night, I declared ais, one after another. 1 read what the critics had to say of the event, "She doesn't sing consistently." I explained, "and I think It's be­ cause she allows her personal emotions to enter Into each per­ formance »he glvcB. thereby making Its success or failure depend upon her mood." tbs most pel feet thing I have ever, Opening the Fall Season With Rare Values in Every Section T h. New Fall Good. hav. b n n coming in almost daily for th . I « t ling Saie New Fall Coats I W e Offer the Very Beat Value» in "Hb«i did the aam * Ulins once be­ Ladies, Misses, Children heard and o course I'm happy over ] fore nt the opera Uomlque," I re- rolncrd, "that time however, »he his success." "You certainly ahould be unless snapped out of It and finished up In a blaa« of glory, I'm sorry »he failed you're a close relation to a Jelly Bah. to make a hit last nlgftt bacauaa It Iiecauae after laat night he'» MADE. 1» usually at the Brat appearance of And there'» Juat no telling how far new artist I hat a lasting tin pre»- he'll go. Hallie. Juat UHnk he ll have alon 1» formed " glory and prominence and — ahem "I'll admit I waa disappointed In • —■ unlimited wealth. the fair lady myself Not a thrill I "Don't. Ellie, It's a sacrilege to did her entire program hold fo r’ »peak of money In connection with me. Hhe sang like a aohool-gtrl. » 1 any thing like that." convent bred one at that," Ellie I "Sacrilege or not. It's a right nec- summed up the event, "but look a | esaary little Item to have around the In different Styles. Qualities and Materials—at from $12.50 to $35.00 Girl’s Coats Exceptionally low prices on the New Fall Styles $8.75 to $12.50 Children’s Coats $4.75 to $9.75 We are also showing Infant’s and small Boy’s C oats. Bigger and Better Values in Shoes l «♦ U. Save vou from 60c to $2.00 on your next purchase Every shoe we^ell we buy from the factory that makes It, on net cash basis which places us In a position to give you a Umbrellas Hosiery We are showing a good line of school Umbrellas in as­ sorted colors and A -e O C sizes at, each ... «9 X «Ou Better qualities In colored Umbrellas with fancy tips and latest style recleved at, socks, Special pr.— the yard -------- 15c 20c Silks Dress Goods Hundreds of yards of quality 12 Mume Jap Pongee, all Silks priced very Special, silk at, 7 c the yard .................... f 39 to 40 in. Barronette Satin In all the leading (i house." "You're Incorrigible!" 1 declared. Southern drawl, "whnt about llarry? "Well your tastes are rather ex­ You're Juat as excited over the way he whooped thing» up aa a piece of pensive, old dear,'' she went on. "you Roquefort cheese! I tell you whal, know you like Chinchilla and orchid» Hallie." her eye» gleamed, "the way and beautiful th in g».' “Hut what on earth ha» that to that boy played laat nlgnt waa aonje- thing you hear Juat once In a lifetime do with Harry? I'd like to know.” "Ml»» Innocence! Aa If you don't an>l »omthlng you never forget! 1 knew they d all be crasy about him know that he'a mad about you and You didn't have io above the Wool Juat dying to make you Mr». Bar­ worth building on lop of my head rington Pierce." Elite!" I cried, "did he • tell you to Impress roe with THAT and I didn't have to wait for the morning all thia?" ' He did," »he calmly announced, papers to know that Barry had knocked 'em cold! Holy smoke. Hallie- "and furthermore, I told him 1 Alley. when he played that piece of thought It waa a clever Idea.” "Well, I'm not going to bel" I de­ bla own—you know the one with the clared, eye» flashing, "I'm, surprised crasy Russian name.” "The Vesnlanka? It mean» the nt you thinking that I'd even con­ sider such a thing." Spring." 'You should be surprised at my I rat», that'» i«a«a\ « It, aa« well, »»«-»a, anyway. — —F» » "Yeah, felt It down to my toe»! My spine ithlnklng anything elae," »he amlU-d Ju»t positively crumpled up and It hack at me. "and If you aren't going I did all aorta of fanny things to hie to you're u chump 1 tried my level ______ him ,B M<>nte Carlo) way uuw.. down Inside—around the ________ region hest *° uf"myU heart— If you know what 1 mean but he never ae.-med to be conaloua "Hut,” continued, "when l-em oyne| "l>h no. you wouldn't," I declared,) sung her last song - I wan myaelf . ( for I know that »he had discarded again and rim e completely down to her Infatuation for the young must-' earth!" There .waa no attempt nt clan when ahe had left France, and euphianlam In Kllle’a description of had never again given him a second Lemoyne's voice and »he was »0 re­ thought, "and I wish you'd atop talk­ freshingly original that I could not ing that way about youraelf.” “Don't try to switch the subject, help but laugh. "Well?" »he questioned when 1 had PLEASE. I (want to know when the ; remained silent for a while, "give big event 1» going to take place. I'd Harry credit whether you want to or make the most Interested little bridesmaid In New York." not." •'Ellie!'' 1 was almost .n a rage for "Oh. It Isn't that. Ellie,” I demur­ red, "I think hl» music last night waa I disliked her taking it for granted " ~ k’ Th^ the yard — ..... < 3 AQ 27 Inch plain dress flannels assorted colors 1 f? A at, the yard ----