TUB 8PRINOFUBLD NEWS FAO® TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pabllshad Bvvry Tkuraday a l Springfield, Ijin e C o u a tj. Oragoa, by T H E W IL L A M E T T B PRESS H . E. M A X B Y . Bdltor aa IW'K.'I’.-I v ia ** m a ile r ► ebruar) l i . I M I al poatofflcw. Springfield. Drago« MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATI Tear In Advance___ SI 75 three Month« _ Monika _____________ ILM Single Capy ___ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER IS, 19-6 ì THURSDAY 8RPTRMBBR 1«, 1920 TYSON BACK FROM C h a « » . Power Cable— A crow of Simpl« Mixture Make« FIR ST SAFETY M EET llnemea were busy Monday changing Stomach Feel Fine THE FINK ART OF HOO CALLING We’rv learning morn and more every day. — W. I*. Tryaon. who attended the tins safety conference ever held ,n thia alale under the direction of the National Safety Cornell reporta that much waa accomplished at Ihe con feretice and many I n s t r u c t i v e speeches made Mr Cameron, man aging director of Ihe National Safely Council outlined the alma and met- hods of Ihe aatety work Ihrourhout We are finding out that “hog-calling" la a real art. A newspaper admitted that It didn't know anything about it. and immediately there follow ed a flood of “authoritative information form Ih J Westerner«. Easterners, Southerners, and North erners. Oh. yes, we know that hogs^are "called." We called them ourselves, some years ago. but far b< - I t from us to venture the “correct" approach. _ We find, too. that there Isn't any one particular ¡h; „„¿.„"„J'.Jw wllat ,hw ¡exercise of the vocal cords to bring piggies a run Council has accomplished In l o w ning. r e .,„ , In Industry and IO ÎÎÎI u i l \ t C O T llt iF O m % H r iO U R p i i r t s o f th a t d l g l r t i « « I'n u a m l WORDS FROM TH E LIPS OF GREAT MEN I . “ “It It rs^tha is the People That Give Power and Can the country, each supposed to be the original and drnta In the working class Take Marshall. ” ‘ It “ Back.’ ‘ ‘ — John ‘ ** " “ authentic call. Here they are: hv the cable which carrlea the control wlrea from the Power houae of lh" Mountain Stale« l\r th. ington and British Columbia. She ¿Jo° PT « 7 ' g' ’■* on. c ln p ™"'- *° •««"*«** from will visit friends and relatives along GO TO THE FAIR Middle West: "Whoo-ee! Whoo-ee' Whoo-ee!" Ihe ...... ......... ... ...................’ .....u elimination ot accidents, although Ab. m H.r a - O . C. «he route and return from Aatorta In East Texas: "O Pig! Pig O! H g O! Pig O! Next week Is Lane county's own show, the thfil will result when the accident Thomas, general freight and passing- October with her father and mother. Delaware: "Who-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e!” annual fair. It is owned by all the people, it is rale Is lowered ,.r fl)r cnifagi» M ilw a u k ie Mrs It. K. Slaltery and daughter of for all the people and everyone should attend. q Dlasbow,^ Kyt. Soo c-e-e-e. Soo- B. E. Marlin ot the Eugene offleo anJ , ^ u, r, „ roa