NEW NUMBER Call Phone 5 IN CASE OF FIRE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W K N T Y -T H IR D YEAH LOOK FDR FACTORY SHE IN SPRINGFIELD A TTEN D COLLEGE S o cie ty Large M m e n f a t School O pening I A P«opi«'» P ip *»*' LIVI NEWSPAPKR IN A LIVE TOWN NUM BER 37 RPRINOPIELD, I j ANK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1«, 1826 MANY STUDENTS TO Th« MOVES PACKIN0 pLANT WATER MAIN WILL -B E EXTENDED SOON The Springfield Creamery h found Its present location In the L ax School opened In Springfield la/t and Crone building too small for Monday with an enrollment promis­ To Celebrate Founding Of Lodge business and has taken a six y e a r , --------- ing to be better than that of former lease on the packing plant owned by To Conxruct New Main From Pickle Manufacturing F.l r m «««•«*••» Hughe. who are r>- Next Monday night, September 20. year» considerably. One hundred , . , _ , . In« to attend the University of Ore- ' the local Ilebekab lodge will c e l l - ; ninety »tudenta appeared at the High Swarts and Washburne on Thlrd.and Reservoir Through Willam­ Looking For Location I n CoB, un(„ H, bhBI1 ,wlll A Streets. Moving of 'he machinery ette Heights; New Lights Ad- lirate the 7&u> anniversary of toe « b o o l the «rut day. Last year, the Springfield For B usin«a«()r(,a(>|l Agriculture College and Oer- | founding of the Odd Fellow lodge drg[ dBy o, school saw 166 students, from the old location to the new I started Monday and will he completed I ded To Ornamental Lighting H a v e Seasons R UH To Puck truek and w)tb prf,gPnt the , resulted Sunday night In the door of main frtxm the reservoir Improves th« a location on the free Industrial site*. and was found undisturbed with hl» Rebhan prospects for a winning team look the beinF blown off and papers jc(ty water system immensely by pro- but have made no decision yet either hands peacefully folded. The dis- ----------- good. The three who have not yet being scattered over the office. No vtding complete circuit through the as io the temporary location or the covery came when William Ward was Parent Teachers To Meet Tomorrow Badp thelr appearance are Edgar loss was suffered other than the dam- city and gives better fire protection permanent one. called by u Mr Nelson who was to The parent Teachers A ssociation ; Austin McPherson and Hugn aBe to 1116 safe a" n0 mon8r 18 kept ’ by having an additional main in case there, otherwise the Job was a sue- One is temporarily out of order. The The two men are experienced In Iho have gone with Mr. Morris to look at of Springfield will hold their first c OWart. /water pressure will not be lowered. pickle making business and are sup- his ranch near Ur<“ Installed on Fifth street between Gants hare been named as delegate« Morris was known to hare suffered exp€Cle rom 1 ' e B within a short time to the boys and »”-<>ak8 They feel that their abil- A apd Main. Work of erecting th« the high point man will be aanoun- “ Y I » ’ out 8 flre depends to a new lighting system will start within from Springfield to the conference i from a weak heart for many years. ( °* **“' There will be no «ermon here on the Mr. Morris owned the building In ‘ . ced. These tests comprise a eeriee of training work and , “ 8« <* — j poles and the cables have been ship- read, the following officers were elect­ Work of tearing up the old street lhe new bomP of the ,odge on olive ." " .i'”' Fenwick and p ° Bur' , ped by water from the East and word ed; superintendent of the Sunday car tracks and timing them with con- gtreet which has Just been opened. **“" 'he worM’ They w111 ,ead REGION CHANGES ME-tr-i-iairt u i r - u - r c was recelved ttls morning that they School hoard. Mrs Ida Gnnls; a ssist­ crete was begun last Friday by South- oth(.ril ln the receiving line Included "f flTe or 8,x boy8 and w,n , fitlt t I I mi l N I L M I b wou]d aJTlTe ,n Sprlnglieid goon ant superlntndent of the S c h o o l h o a rd » . m . . i H . .» '*»>'"<• 8« '< 8 under the direction fr^ „ Eugene. Cottage Grdyo, The leaders aiM; Mattinami. The American Legion changed t u . I A P*11110® askln* for 1118 pra'1,a* I Peyton Oderklrk, Lloyd -------------- n .- a T u r e W r <* C B Price and Virgil Wlnklemen. Junctlon C1ty and co rv tlll. ................. .... h , John Llnch, Ray Armitage. Eunis date of their m eeting nights from the ante. Mr Btarted b| . con- Fggimann Farland, and Burton Adams. superintendent of the h o m e1 . — - Eggimann. lomev Class officers were selected Monday This action was renderea n ecessary, start soon. cfete work Monday at the east end of department, Mrs, Jane Uruxan; Bui»-! Muin street by the various classes. The Seniors because of the conflict In m eetin g; No bid for re-paving of Main street Boy Scouts To Select New Members erlntendent of the eradle roll. Mrs. chose Joe Thompson for president; nights between the Legion and the was accepted. Only one bid had beea Following the (lining of the car Evan Hughes -was elected senior t Robert Drury; and superintendent of i submitted, that of Guy Pyle of Ett- Arthur Potter, vice-president: Naomi National Guards. ■track«, the city will have the two patrol leader Io fill the place of Edgar m issionary work nnd temperance, who bid 21.36 a square yard. ¡Carlton, secretary; Audrey Panned J h e idea of having a monthly ■ blocks on Mnin street between eighth Louk who has been acting as patrol Mrs. Herbert Bacthlor. 1 treasurer;Christy Anderson, social smoker given by the National Guard The north half of the alley dunning and Tenth re-covered with asphalt leader. The election of new members i promoter, and Miss Francis Hodge, and the Legion was dropped for the nor’h and south in block 73 at | paving. No contract for this work t bring the patrol up to full strengut Building O rdered Torn Down class advisor. The Junior class of- lim e being. In its place, the post j F*eventh and B street was ordered was let nt the council meeting Mon- was postponed until next week. Fire fleers were as follows; I-eRoy Nice, is considering a musical comedy. N o ; vaca,ew members are wanted by troop 1.1 c«ice. .= «« An Improvement In the nl’P<’<>rnnee , ... president; Albert Harper, vlce-presl- definite plans have been formulated* Bonds to the amount of >7000 wer« e tnwn . . . ,.nn.,..nnnH ________ _ milted. Mr. l>yle Is to show a sample After the boys are selected they will . ______ _______ y ___ ____ X _________ _____ _ . .. of th the town was announced this week dent; Hugh Cowart, secretary-treas- yet but the matter is in the hands of ,° r