PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWd NOTICE OK SHERIFF1» SALE of beginning. ON EXECUTION Join« the “Adams” on the Eaat Notice la hereby given that by vlr- aad the Madison on the West. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR THE: turn of an elecu llon Issued out of the Being situated In Sec 2« T 23 8. R. COUNTY OK LANE. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon 1 E. In Bohemia Mining District. In Robert W. Prescott. Plaintiff va for the County of Land on the 8th I-*ne County, Oregon Agnes 3 Klemer, a widow. Helen E. day of August. 1928, upon a Judgment "Jackson” mining claim location Kleiner, a single woman; Walter K rendered therein on the 8th day of notice of wboch la recorded In Vol. Klemer and Jane Doe Klemer, hl» May, 1923, la favor of W H. Cooper 11 pare 259. of Mining Claims, Isane wife; E|>() dockeUd 1n the office of the clerk »rly to corner No 3. thence 1500 ft to lust by a paving process will Sealed Bids will be received by tho | You and each of you are hereby of ga,d f.,mrt county on the westerly to corner No 8. thence 300 save you money and g rift. I«eta notified and required to appear In the &th ,|ay 0( May. 1923. and aald ex- ft- Northerly to thia notice and place City Recorder of Springfield, Oregon, get fixed right f««r winter rhlna. Above «ratHled cauae and answer there- ecullon to me directed commanding of beginning. for the covering of the surface of tho ,t Joins the W ashington fluartg Guaranteed satisfaction Perman­ In within alx weeks from the date of „„ in the name of the State of Ore- pavenien, on Main Street from the gon to satisfy aald Judgment. Interest, claim on the «vest and the Grant on ently located Phone Eugene 2325J. the first publication of this summons East Curb line on 8th street, eaat ,o and If you fall to appear and answer costs and disbursements, and the «he East, being shuated In Sec 25_ T tf- the end of the pavement. (he width bo \ I. T. IxMMBla, Eugene. herein, the plaintiff will apply to the costs and expense» of and upon this 23 ! 8. R 1 E_ In Bohemia Mining D («MR the two curb lim a of «aid ------— Court for the relief demanded In the writ out f the personal property of trl£ ^ 1^ " e « ^ " ’ ^ t o t o f r l u l m i„P. said Defendant. or If sufficient could The Oarfleld mining claim 1 c street, with AsphaU or Wack top pav Notice of Meetlnp of County Board complaint filed herein, to-wlt: of Equalization log material, two Inches In thlckneaa. For a decree decreeing the plaintiff not be found then out of the real pro- ’ Ion notice c>f which 1« jecorded In Notice la hereby given that on the to be the owner ln fee simple of the per'y belonging to «aid Defendant In Vol 11 The Contractor to furnleh all Mn;ar- «aid County. Oregon, and being f ^ ' / r i h e d 1» follow« lul and Labor In the perfortnanca if second Monday In September. 1928 following described premises: the County Hoard o f Kxiuallzatlon of: Commencing at the 8E Corner of unable to 9nd any personal property n o tic e th e we«t aai,< ftetendnnt upon iinnn Beginning st this notice the w -t the work, and assume all responsi­ and for Ixine County. Oregon, will at-1 g ec jg )n q-wp. 17 ¡3 , I'.-age 5 We«, belonging to «aid Sec 10, In Twp. 17 , ¡..a g e n w e«, oeionging io «a... defendant, u r .r u » » « center and running thence 300 bility In connection with »aid- work, tend, at the courthouse In “?rt of the Willamette Meridian In Lane ¡which to levy. 1 have levied upon the f „outheriv to corner No 1 .thence r«-llevlng the town of all reaponalb'l- county, and publically examine »xrn* nt' • i*rl<1 cull during tn»» "r under them. or any or either > jJo. 2. thence 300 ft. southerly to west ^ ' u t " V f t c / frXm thto’ notto* ,v pr. •ding t h e To Mary Ellaabeth Coata, Defend dlnancss governing same. Bids w l l ! * ^ them. . . stake, . ---- a «. _ _ - he received up to noon of September In(M,|„ „ ,,f , J,.- p.eird ef Eqnul’zat center and thence 300 ft. south- Bp,ne .(m ated tn Sec 23 T 23 S R 1 ant, 192« THIS SUMMONS Is published by erly to com er No 3, thence 1500 ft. R ,n r , , hernia Mining District, Dat'd th, 31-> d'v the expiration of the time prescribed of the last publication hereof ts Sep east. described as follows: R W SM IT H . C ity R ecord -r In the Order of publication, to-wlt I tember 23. 1926. Located on the North side of Monte Commencing at the -westerly end SUMMONS ____________ E O IMMEL, Rico Ridge near the top center a point about 100 feet westerly On of before the expiration nt «1» EXECUTOR’S AND EXECUTRIX' NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THEI Attorney for Plaintiff, R esident* Being in Section 2«, of T. 23 S. R. 1 , rom notice, running thence 300 week a from tin- date of the first pub p08tofllce address: - — Eugene. Ore , E. In Bohemia _ Mining District, In North easterly to lleatlon hereof, and If you fall to p ostofllce---------- ------ ------ . . com . er No 1. IN THE COUNTY COURT OK THE STATE OK OREGON IN AND F o il A 12-19-26: S 2-9-16 23 I-ane County. Oregoa. thence 1500 feet southeasterly to cor- anawer for want thereof. I'lalnilff will H TATE OK O R E G O N IN AND F o i l LANK COU NTY. n i . ^ - . '8 oa ________________ The “Harrison” mining claim. Doca- ner No. 2. thence 300 feet southwest- George Ellis. I lnlntlff, v a Gladys, apply ln the Court for the relief pray T ill’ COUNTY OK LANE IN PRO- lion notice of which Is recorded In erly to the Easterly end center. ed for in the Complaint which la Ic HATE EHI». Defendant. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Vol 11 page 253. of Mining Claims, thence 300 feet southwesterly to cor- substance aa follow« Io-wit: for a de 1,1 " ' 111 f N I, Ti(|.; NAME OK THE STATE THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Iutne County. Oregon Record« and qer No. S. thence' 1500 feet North tree of thia Court dissolving the eon You are hereby re- ST \ TE .¡F OREGON. IN AND FOR which is described as fo llo w s; w esterly to com er No. 8 thence 300 tract of marriage now, and heretofore ,*Notl<.- la hereby given that the nn OK OREGON Beginning at this notice and run- feet Northeasterly to the ’ ’^ ’^rly exlatlna between I'lulallff aad Defend derslgaed Ernest C Nl. h l -u, „ml qulretl t - app<,ar and answer the Com- T „ R COUNTY OF (,ANE, IN PRO- ''••“I „»«inst you. in the above , , ATF nlng 300 ft. in a northerly direction end center post the place of begln- ant. and for anch other, further, and F . X K W e b e r have been anpolnted () on of before dw,Pa, ed to corner No. 1. thence 1500 ft. east- h | ng. different relief ns to the Court may Kaale K V e l.e r have b. en ap p o ln t .1 , exe.utor and , r I v , xl,1r„ |on o( th.- time prescribed: ” hereby given that the un- erl>' to rom er No 2. thence 300 ft. This claim Is located on the sonth seem )uat and proper. th.- above named estate by the (h*' ()r<, (ir pub, t o - w R : I southerly to East center and stake, stone of Jack-»«. Hdr» the westerly Thia Summon« la served upon you » nt itI< (I i ’ ct R 1 R ,n R°h pm1« Mining District Crmroencine a* this notice and go- with Interest at per cent per annum Ju^ )n gnd w fhre K„n. also Springfield, Oregon of beginning. Joins the "Washington — on the east by Henry Clay groii-> directing the service of summons by B i'g in n in g at iz.^< cnain» t »»▼ the m - e — rxg-tnj v.»«/ w « Beginning al a a point 12.97 chains GEO,. N. MeLEAN of mines and Is about 1-2 mile sou south publication. Date of first publication south S2’ 'O’ east. 3.61 chains south Pn «he west and the Jc _ . n Automobile. Firs snd Llfs 77” 30’ e ast from th e so u th e a s t cor- , J.n mSBnhImi„ Mtotng Dl«Tr1ct of “Tw,n R’'rk s" a"'1 ’ *°" outh September 2, 1926 I N S .U R A N C E R _'" R"h n rp. ^ ™ of B(>’1pm,a Mountains and cross cross"! HAROLD J. WELLS, j ner of the W'lllnm O Simpson. D. L. S- Surety Bonds,. Phone 617 Hanes 'n F'nne Conn v. Oregon. . the . Oakland trail: being situated in Justice of the Peace, p No r.r, 55 ’Tr.wnahin Township 17 17 south south nf of Range 6 west W M said beginning point be- The "Washington" m iring claim fbe Bohemia Mining District in Lane My business le to protect ye«r S 2-9-16-23-30; O 7 Ing the northeast corner of a tract Locatton notice of which is recorded e e n t y . Oregon. business All kinds of gravel for con­ formerly deeded by Taresa A. Foun- In Vol. t l page 251. of Mining Claims. Now therefore. In tho name of the 860 W illamette 8 t Eugene „Oregor^ crete or road work. We NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tain and T A. Fountain her husband T ane County. Oregon Records and Oregon, in compliance w ith FOREST EXCHANGES. mitke a specialty of crushed to Eli Jones and wife by deed record- which is rescrlhed as follows: | sa|d execution, and in order to satisfy — t DEPARTMENT OE THE INTER ed In Book 96 page 173 of the Deed Pegluntog at this notice and run-; said, („dement. interest, costs and dta-' rock and rock sand. Bunk­ |IOR, UNITED STATES LAND OF-, County Oregon, and nlug 306 ft. Northerly to corner No > ! bursem enls, and the costs and ex- VASBY BROS. ers nt foot of Main on Mill FICE. Roseburg, Oregon, August 21. i ""hance south 77” 30' east. 1.88 thence 1560 ft. easterly to corner No. pensps and ,,pon tills WTit. T will 1926. street. i chains to the southeast, corner of the 2. thence 360 ft ,o pa' t en Saturday the 9th day of October. Painting & Decorating NOTICE Is hereby given that 885) north 12’ 36' east 3.16 chains to the ft V rth ertv to this nottoe and Pl«pp, House, (n Eurene. Lana County. Ores 31B Main Street *O w h a n g e d ¿ ’ t^ l.4 V x t EH i nl»' °f beginning, containing M of of beginning _ _ gon offer for sale and sail for cash >1 an acre tn I»,ne County. Oregon. Also. This notice Is about 666 ft. S. W ' nt public auction, suhlect to redemo- 8W U . „'„I W \4 S E ti, Sec 2. Tp 26 » . B< ginning nt a point 12 97 c h ain s from the N. E. corner of Sec. 26 T. tion as provided bv law, all of the Range 1 West, W. M. within the Cas- south 82’ 16' east and 5.85 chains 23 S. R. 1 E. this claim Joins the right, title and Interest of said d e ­ cade National Forest, FOR THE Your Homs When In DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL so u th 77’ 30' e a s t from the south east A,lams on the W est and the Jaekson ' ferdnnt. A. U Churchill, or anv oer- TIMBER ON THE EH SIVU. and of Ihe Simpson and ts tn the Boihemla snn or rgvmns claiming hv. through Springfield i-nv William »»»•■*««■• G. • -.....r- - -- D on the East .......................... N W 'i S E 'i. Section 27. Township 20 corner oi DENTIST „ i nndPr them, or either of them 1n S.. Range 3 East. W. M., within the L C. No. 55 Township 17 south of Mining District, in Lane County, Ore- and to said nbove described property. range 6 west W. M. being the north-igon. Cascade National Forest. Phone 43 FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff Thp <-j,,ffprso n’’ mining claim I.oca- The purpose of this notice Is to east corner of a trnct formerly deeded ' Z FRANK A. DE PUE of bane County, Oregon. and now owned1 by Ell and Cecilia t)on no, |ce Of whlch Is recorded 'n allow all persons claiming thp lands to . __ *1. «noth PARt. . . . . . * __ (S 9-16 23-36: O 7) selected, or having bona fled objec­ Jones run thence south 77’-36' east, Vol. 11 page 263. of Mining Claims 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW 268H feet; thenee south 12’-36’ west, tions tn suoh application, an oppor­ 268«i feet: thence north 77’-30' west, T.ane County. Oregon Records and CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emm-y NOTARY PUBLIO tunity to file thrlr prtoests with the 26864 feet; thenee north 12’ -36' oast. which is rescrlhed as follows; Beginning at this notice and run­ on prices on plate and) other work, t? Register of the United States Land 20864 fppt to the Ttlace of beginning Springfield » Button WM. G. HUGHES ning 366 ft. Northerly to corner No. 1. Office at Roseburg, Oregon. containing one acre more or lass In Oregon. | FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE ■uldllng Any such protests or objections Tjine County, Oregon, to satisfy said thence 1566 ft. Easterly to corner No ____ Has Tonsils Out—Ebner Pynp Uno NOTARY PUBLIC must he filed ln this Office within Judgment and costs accruelng upon 2, thence 366 ft southerly to East center end stake, thence 366 ft. south­ type operator for the Springfield thirty daya from the date of first pub­ Offlcs M ’ _ „ lication of this notion, which first pub­ this execution. FRANK E. TAYLOR Sheriff erly to corner No. 8. thenee 1560 ft. News had1 his tonsils removed by a FOR BALE—Carbon paper tn l« W FIRST NATIONAL BANK westerly to com er No 8, thence 366 lication will he September 2. 1926. of iJine County, Oregon. r iU S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Piano Lessons W. F. Walker Funeral Director D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. “The Loop Shaete. 96x29 Inches, sultabls fur waking *— The Mesie OfBos. A HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register, g 2-9 1« 23-30 (S 9-18-98-30: O 7) n " 7 r * t U ir u ttt.* « t i ^ - a i i ^ »— phTBici« W V .