THURSDAY SETTEMIIKR », FAOB S U OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume VIIW! of VI nwww • of Happenings rr w the Week Collected for Our Readers. The fire« summer session of the Southern Orepon state normal school etosed loot Friday The Or**on State Bar aeooctallon will bold Ito annual convention nt Bond late tn September The Cooe County Natal Day aaeocla Uon celebrated Ita »liver anniversary last Tuesday la Myrtle Point. Dates for the Falls City community fair have been set for Thursday and Friday, September 16 and 17. Harrisburg will fam ish the qugen ef the Linn county fair this year la s t year Brownsville had the honor. Emeat Brannon of La Grande has been fined »»00 In Justice court on the charge of killing an elk on Bearer ereek Army engineers hare approved ap­ plications by the Oregon state game aommisslon for a dam across Gilbert river near Scappoose. Eugene's new »1M.OOO Masonic tem pis wns dedicated last week Hun drwds of lodge men from all ever the •sate were tn attendance. The eighth grade of the Mill City schools opened last Monday with »1 pupils enrolled, the largest enrollment tn the history of the school. Reolllng of the Old Oregon Trail oast of The Dalles to Blalock will •tart soon. It was announced by the •tate highway department. Bucking horae tryouts at the Pen dleton Round up arena are under way tn Pendleton In preparation for the Mg cowboy show opening September IS. William C. Harris. 4», Seaside bar­ ber. was killed accidentally at the resort city when he and his son Ken­ neth 14. were target »hooting on the beach. The Deschutes county fair will be «Id September JO and October 1 and this year, and all arrangements are eing made to make It the best In Its ilstory. Conditions have become so dry over nost of the Ochoco national forest bat several prominent ___________ sheepmen have »cured pasturage in the vicinity of frlnevtUo. Two Inches of snow fell daring the ■scent gtorm on Fugi mountain, a high >eak tn the Cascade mountains above Oakridge The peak la 7100 feet tbove sea level. Placing of gravel on the hill road In Jreenvllla near Sweet Home has been ■esumed. Improvement of this thor- jughfare was completed as far as Alexander comer last fall. A N TI-S TR E A M POLLUTION ¡ J , £ » r ’ Headquarters for School Supplies Flanery’s Drug Store FORD MOTOR COMPANY A The Ford Motor Company worropU ports of n o r fo r d cors, chassis trucks or tradors as shall, under nornuil. use and service, op b een d e fe c tiv e in m a te ria l. • V' Reports Indicate that because of re­ lent rains and the low prices being paid to growers, more than 40 per » n t of the prune crop In Marion coun- :y this year will not be harvested. The first prune drier Are of the harvest season was reported when the leven-tunr.el drier belonging to O. W. Ruiter, about a mile northwest of Roseburg, was completely destroyed. Picking of late hope will be started BM P in Lane county the first of next week. BOBBEBa Growers state that there has been no damage to the crop on account of the ralna. but rather the moisture has aided it. Postal receipts In Portland during August. 192«. were »243.875 62. larger by »13.321.61 than the receipts In Aug­ ust, 1925, It was announced by Post­ master Jonee. The percentage gain was 5.7. Pendleton’s national guard company Is to have an outdoor rifle range. A site two miles west of Pendleton, se­ lected recently by Captain Allen, hag been given the approval of the adju­ tant-general. The Amity unit of the Oregon Wal­ nut Growers’ exchange was organized No bank can boast a more valuable asset last week with the election of presi­ than the genuine good-will of its customers. dent, W. R. Osborn; vice-president, It is the basis of that confidential and inti­ T. C. Richter; secretary treasurer, R. mate business relationship on which the H. Campbell. prosperity of both bank and customer must Klamath Palls building permits for depend. I 1926 passed the »2,000.000 mark re­ cently with the filing of a permit for | This bank has won the good-will of its the construction of a »*00,000 theater customers through courteous and prompt building this fall by the Pelican The ■ attention to their requirements and by con­ ater corporation. stant co-operation with them in the hand­ Assessor Boyers figures the taxes ling of their business problems. coming to Cooa county In the tax fund bill about »509,182. There la talk of $1.00 Opens a Savings Account retiring bonds with this part of the and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank payment The Coos rlrer consolidated school district will get »30.000. Lumber mills of the W est Coast Lumbermen's association last week f wa, „ , -fp t o r r o o .., construct (he tram and cable system **•» »•» ke^wortp to the .it s are going to retain o n . of ! „ rm |w. pre „ » c . or absence «4 The problem that fa ce. Oregon today #i (hi {Uar dam hM reached has been made to the United «teles ' moat valuable M eets. The detriment #| u , prob,^ u ,,M fashioned the dam alto. Hubert Goode. assistant ,'oreet service through T H Sherrard, to life and»I of the p«,p e • « ’ ' ¡ X 1. «he Intestinal «fact O, warm I sew s e w . , . , „ 1. also a problem of In- age; It la also a problem of In­ commissioner of public utilities, an­ supervisor at the Mount Hood nation to the food strptdv .hat I. In our dustrial waste The extent of this al forest. nounced. stream s Is considerable and means type of pollution Is Just beginning to organisms are harmless, but when The second move of the Oregon pro Bidding oo tbs contract for the oon- should be taken to stop II or. at least, be understood. The movement to structiou of Hood River’s new high hlbltlon referendum corporation pur reduce It before It becomes a real they are associated with Infectious purify the streams of thia slate Is a germs, such as those of typhoid fever, the quashing of existing prohibition school wee the keenest ever experi- menace. The question of pollution of conservative m o v e m e n t. which eucod. The Anderson ConetruoUcm laws, this time applying directly to streams In Dragon Is a big problem harm results. Every stream that re­ touches the health and happlneaa of company of Portland, with a hid cd Oregon. was made la Salam when a and He solution la dependent on Intel ceives human sewage la potentially every cltlsen 1111.78». wse the lowest oa general prv'poeed Initiative measure was filed llgent. far-sighted and considerate dis­ dangerous and a menace to the com­ with the secretary of state last week munity Dne case of typhoid fever coaetructlou. cussion of what can be «»One. This tor the repeal of the prohibition may endanger a whole community Three and a half Inches of rain tn Is the purpose of C vcnference to Visits l i e t r y » — Mr and Mra. Herb­ amendment of the state constitution uml In thses days of wide travel, start the Santlam forest has so nearly elim­ be held at the Chamber of Commerce ert Potnii of I’ortlanil was a visitor at and all the Oregon prohibition stat­ s new focus of Infection m iles foroi inated fire danger for the remainder utes If the Initiative petitions are tn Salem. September If. 192« ths original «marre. Water courses] the home of Dr. and Mrs. N. W. of the year that all but three of the Primitive society moved on when successfully circulated ths measure Is traversing or draining Inhabited re Emery this week Mrs Mtucry s lookouts have been discharged for the to be voted on in the general elect loo the common became too foul for en glons are always heavily rontarnln ¡sister accompanied them season, according to C. C. Hall, for durance. There were alweys plenty of 1918 J - eat supervisor of place to move to. Modern civilisa­ All hatching egga. baby chicks, Nine hundred and twenty-five dol­ growing and breeding stock, transport­ tion builds more or less permanently lars a foot Is the price a unit of the ed or otherwise moved into the state and d4spoaes of Its w aste Into con­ north Coos river highway will cost. In this way. of Oregon after August 1. 1917, mutt venient water courses The county court let this unit to Pat­ be accompanied by an official health the stream s of the eastern part of the rick Hennessy of Marshfield, a strip certificate showing that they oame United States hare been eonveted In­ of 2800 feet at a contract price of |»5.- from parent stock which waa found to nothing more than large, open 900 in round figures. to be free of bacetllary white diar­ sewers. Almost all of the cities of The rails have been Joined, the go,3- rhoea by the application of the agglu this state are dumping untreated an spike has been driven and (he rail­ tlnatlon test within II months Imme­ sewage and Industrial w aste Into road celebration la puat. but last Fri­ diately prior to the time of their trans­ nearby streams. Under this stytem. day marked tbe most important event portation. according to the terms of the magnificent Willamette River, We have a complete line of 8chtx>l Hook», tableta, coni- of all. the inauguration of through a proclamation issued by Oovernor once a source of health, pleasure, and freight service on the line between Pierce. profit. will soon lose Its right to be poRltlon book«, anti auppllea. Klamath Falls and Portland. Formal declaration of the qaaran called a river and may earn the more Of interest to the deer hunters of tine prohibiting interstate movement unpleasant totle of the Willamette Start the boy anti girl to achool with a new fountain Jackson and Klamath counties ansnt of white or five-leafed pine from sev­ Siywer. A small amount of sewage Is pen. CONKLINS and PARKERS at *2.76 and *3 60. the opening of the deer hunting tea en Oregon counties and (he entire not always apparent, but an examina­ 1NUBRSOLL fountain pen« at *1.00. son September 10 is the edict Just state of Washington to prevent the tion of the bottom of the stream re­ veals foul and decaying m asses which made public, of Superintendent C. O spread of blister rust has been signed Come here for the beat value In School Supplies. Thomson of Crater national park, that by the acting secretary of agriculture. are detrimental to fish life. Decaying during that seaeoD no killed deer can It was announced. The restrictions matter uses up large quantities of be transported through the park or will become effective on October 1. oxygen and oxygen Is essential to flsh The seven Oregon counties affected life and’ more so to the game varie­ any part of it. After the placing of nominations are Clatsop. Ctlutnbla, Lincoln. Polk. ties. The first Indication of gross and offering of resolutions voicing Tillamook. Washington and Yamhill pollution Is the disappearance of the gratitude to Klamath Falls for Its hos­ The new orders will net only bar any game fl»h There are. however, finer pitality. the 24th annual convention ahlpment of white pine from that area and more accurate tests .hat are used of the Oregon State Federation of La­ but will require a federal permit from to measure stream pollution. The he federal horticultural board at bor came to a close last Thursday Corvallis, by unanimous acclamation, Washington for interstate movement waa selected as the convention city i t currant and gooseberry plant. for the 1927 convention, which will POSTAL RECEIPTS me*t on Labor day. C O N TIN U E TO CAIN Portland's export shipments and bank clearings in the month of Au­ The postal receipts for the month gust attested a good measure of pros­ perity and remarkable commercial of August were »685.02 according to growth of the city In plain, cold fig an announcement by F. B Hamblin, urea. Both set new high records lor local postmaster. Thia sum repres­ the month. The value of the city’s ex­ ents a gain of 25 per cent over the o il su ch ports in August Jumped to »6.116.656. corresponding month of 1P25. The as compared with »1.455,082 iu August gain in receipts for the last three of last year. This was an increase of months over the corresponding period 330 per cent. last year was 13 per cent, »2043 be­ Oregon monthly pensions have been ing received during June. July and granted as follows: Mary E Clark, August this year and »1808 38 last Portland. »30; Peter Madsen, Port­ year. That that gain Is a consistent land. 140; Donald L. .McPherson. Port­ one la shown when the receipts for land. »14; Otto Heckel, Portland, »20; the first eight months of 1926 Is com­ Clarence Arbuckle. Portland. »40; pared with those for 1925. A 10 per William A. Kuhlman. Portland. »20; cent Increase Is reported for tbla per­ Jacob W Peters. Portland. »20; 3am iod. uel Poole. Portland. »40; Benjamin F Here From California— Mr. and Ulruch. The Dalles. »40; Michael C. Mra. Earl Leply of Oakland« Califor­ Smelser, Roseburg. »50. * -omblnatlon of tramwijr and ca­ nia spent Monday at tile home of Leanard Leply. NEW PRICES EFFECTIVE NOW COUPE TUDOR FORDOR RUNABOUT TOURING Reduced $40 to SEDAN SEDAN Reduced $50 Rrdnccd$45 $3054)1 Reduced $ 4 0 to CAR Reduced $ 4 0 $595.25 $646.45 $450.65 $4712*1 D elivered at Springfield Self Starter and Balloon Tires Standard Equipment T h e W a r ra n ty »et fo rth a b o v e is in d ica­ tiv e o f th e h ig h s ta n d a r d in m a te r ia ls and w o rk m a n sh ip w h ic h h a s e v e r b e e n m a in ta in e d b y th e F ord M o to r C o. We will gladly show you tlhe new arrivals from the factory and explain the liberal payment plan: E. R. DANNER MOTOR GO. Fifth and A Streets F I