PAGE THE HPH1NOPIEI.D NEWS THURSDAY HKI’TKMIIRR ft, 192« ON THE S ESQUI LAGOONS Bunday At MoKamla—«cor«» l’«r-' Pollard Mat Naw Cap—Or. W H. kina »ml family »pent Sunday on an Pollard bought. himself a now Bulck outing up «ha M .K m ila. M-dan Saturday. Ooaa To Wendlln«—Mra Marl« Oo To Newport—Mr and Mra Wll Ham Ix’itg ami Mr. and Mra t! K lirru io n l want to W en dling Saturday Kenyon ep* nt lailmr Dav at Newport to ap«nd Ihe week «nd with her They enjoyed themaelvea at the b»-arh alater In law. Mra J 11 Cowden, and flailing. q 0 To B if,don_ M r. a n d Mra Vlalt In Roaaburg—-Mi olid Mra. F. W A T ay lo r le ft R uhirilay for u trip ' It llanilln »pent Sunday and Monday to Bandon, wh«r«> the »pent Labor In Ito«' burg visiting friend» and re- Huy. latlr.a 1» that c lly . rpom BBg nvi Vlarta Mother At Ellensburg—H. B. Oo To Seattle— Mr. and Mra. Earl Leply left yesterday for Seattle and leave* this afternoon for hla old home other coast cltle* for a few days visit at Ellensburg, Washington where he will visit hla mother. Mr*. W. N. with friends. Maxey for a week. Property Traded At Leaburg—Two Visit Pataraona— Mr and Mrs Ira city Iota at Brighton Beach were trad­ Peterson bad a» visitors over Labor ed for a five acre bomealte half a mile Pay some o. Mra. Peterson's relative» above Ix-aburg thia weeg by W W. from Hillsboro. Her father and Walker with a Mr. Button of Eugene mother, Mr. and Mr*. A. Bendler and Inspects Lum bar W. T. Wendt of her alater, Mias Eleanor Bendler vf Eugene was here yesterday Inspecting Hillsboro and her brother H. A. Bend­ a carload of ties at the Booth-Kelly ler of Portland were down for the mill*. The tie* go to the Nevada Con­ holiday. solidated Copper company. Lineman Here From M.bany A crew of linemen arrived Tuesday from Repairs Building— R B Po»ey was Albany to install the new transformer in town yesterday getting lumber for being put In for the Springfield Sand repair» on the professor Young pro­ and Gravel company. The crew will p e r ty out of town. Professor Young also move »ome of the guys in the j la having some work done on hla build­ Booth-Kelly yard* near the new shed ing« on the ranch In preparation for which ha* Seen built. Sam Black 1» the winter. foreman of the craw of fourt men. Ball» House_Mra. Elisabeth Pugh Mr« K J. Ixmey of Mar»tifl*l.l ylaltnd haa »»Id her houae and two Iota In at lh« bom« of hr. amt Mra Carl Phet- W«at Hprlngfleld to Mr, Manahlp n n .lte p la c e Sunday on their way to Port- will leave In the near future for a land. y with her daughter In Michigan. I 00111,1.. Haa Tonalle Out— Dornt^-a Mllllkln Vaughn On Vacation—Kennlth fill- atiiall daughter of Ixuiter Mllllkln of lard will aubatltute on the city m .'l Waltervllle, had her tonalla and ail delivery for the next ten day» for nolda removed at the office of a local Orson Vaughn who la on hla vacation phy«Inin Saturday. The change In carrier» etartcd Wed j . . . . . . , _ Jamas Clerk Here—Jam»» Clark. B** : former reeldent and now of Lon Move Here From Mabel Mr. and Angelee. California, «topped nt the Mra K A lltll of Mabel will move Harry St. wart home Thursday nlgnt 1 Into the houae on Second and D on hla way home from a biialneaa trip elrcetn belonging to John Wlnxenretd to Montana. tomorrow The houae baa Juat been Comas Here From Eugene— D I . completely remodel.«! and Improved , 1 ' . . , Adnina of Eugene moya«l Into tho and made over Into a bungalow . . . . . . . » ■ . I houae belonging to Mary I’aleer on A I Back From Portland— Mr and Mra street between Third and Fourth. L. j Here are Americana, visitor» to the Seaqul-Cantennlal International Expo John Wlnxenreld returned Tuesday A. Darby will occupy the Ethel Myer« Bttlou in Philadelphia which celebrates the 150th anniversary of the signing of afternoon from Portland where they houae on Fourth and H atreeta. the Declaration of Independence, riding about the lagoons In an Italian crafL were called last week by the aerlous Bankay Hera Sunday— Bert Sankey, ( a gondola, from which they view the buildings and displays from many lands. tllneaa of their daughter, Mrs. J. mnll carrier on R. F. D. number 2! In the distance can be aeen the mammoth Seaqnl Stadium; to the right ta lem on s. Mra Ix'tnona la much better out of Springfield, now on hla vara- the signal tower of tha United States Coast Guard building and exhibit, and to the loft te one of the Japanese pagodas which dot the exposition grounds. now Tho Lemons are starting a n*w H n with hla family at Independence, The Grecian pavilion la one of the permanent atructoree on tha alte before home In West Moreland and expect was back for the .week end on bust-' the city governmeet decided to build the Seequl at the front door of the greet to be living In It by Christmas. neaa. He returned Sunday night to Philadelphia Navy Yard. The Exposition continues until December L Hara From Wlnbarry—Mr». Anna Independence. O Raber was In town Tuesday from Bushman At Triangle Lake—G. Q. Winherry tranaactlng bualneaa Iluahman. hla daughter and her hus­ Has Operation— Mrs. C. R Man­ band. Mr. and Mrs. G B. Smith, and ning waa taken to the Pacific Chris­ John Bushman went to Triangle Lake tian hospital Monday to undergo a for Ixibor Day. Mr Rushman la build­ minor operation. ing a summer cottage at the lake and Visits In Portland—Mr» N. A helped on the house while there. He Rowe apent Sunday In Portland visit- reports that there were lot* of people Ing her two »on*. Francis and Pete at the lake for the day. Lamberty there. Francla Ixunberty Lydy H u rt Friday—Otto Lydy who haa recently been married. On her works at the Ftsher mill at MarcoU way heck to Springfield- »he »topped was painfully Injured Friday Hla at Albany to see nnother son. John , , . , «boulder was caught between an over-i M m berty and hla family. i . ... , . , . , I head Umber and the lumber carrier. Hare From McMinnville— Mr. and nt the mill and hla left ahoulder and Mr». M D Ebbert of McMinnville cheat were badly crushed. He was visited at the home of Mr and'Mra taken to the Pacific t'hrlntlan hoapl- Jnhn Wlnxenreld and Mr. and Mra. J. tai for treatment. F Power» Yesterday Mr. Ehberta 1» a brother of Mrs. Wlninnreld and >f Joh" RlehUr H“« —’"»1» Mr. Powr. He waa on hla way home h ,d * ’hr,>e lncb • H“ ’r r*m"w d from from . trip through Southern Oregon. h" ,hw ,M ,r Pr,d“ v *l th* of - Thia plctura la typload of taaay auch «cana» enactad dally at the main coming to Springfield from Klamath *oca’ Pkyatcan The • « ’ «• ’ »■ gataa of tha Baagnl-Centanatal Intaraatlonal Kxpoaltlon In Philadelphia where jrgllm ' embeded In the flesh and had to be the 160th annlveraary of the signing of tha Declaration of Independence la ; rut out. The silver waa driven Into being celebrated. The “akot" waa naada from outside the gatea and ahowa tha Smith V isits In Portland—R W the flesh when Mr. Richter slipped long aweep of historic Broad atreeL tha main artery of the exposition. To the Smith left Saturday afternoon for a while carrying a loadi of lumber at left can be teen one of the oapltole of tho Palace of Liberal Arts and Mana- factures which cover» nearly eight aeree of grounds aad which houaeei«orna vlalt In Portland returning to Spring- the Booth-Kelly mill. • I the Aaeet « x h lb lu ever aeon. Tho Exposition wiB eoaUnue «»til f * » » field Monday evening. He visited hla Moves From Chase Oardsn»—W A. ta r L three married daughters there, Mrs On Hunting Trlp-^Iobn and Nile L. 8. Kaiser. Mra. William Bmery. and M°r«e »old hla place In Chase Gar- Mra. McElroy Ano.her daughter, i ‘” “n’ *“ * ww,k ,n d " m(” ln* 10 Sankey, Frank Gordan and Claude MI.» Lucille Smith, w a. there on her I • p* runenU ,n •** B*“ 1’ Bulld,n«' l.andaberry left yesterday for Eaetern way to Mapleton where she will Mrs F E. Ketchum who haa been oc- Oregon on a hunting trip. Another tearh ochool thia year. Mlaa Smith cuP’r,n« ‘ h* apartment», moved to the party made up of Dr. Rebban and Dr. will vlalt her father In Springfield Frl- ,,<0 room hou’ *‘ n e,r ***• deP°t ownej, Hurley of Eugene and J. C. McMurray left yesterday for Thompson where day and Saturday while she la attend. by Al Perkins they will pack Into the mountains on Ing the !.ane County teacher» Insti­ a hunting trip. tute at Eugene. CARD OF THANKS We wish to exprès» our nppreete- lllg thick tablet», pencils, pen ., tien for the klndneee and sym pnthy, ern»era, etc., »re her« for the »«• shown u« during our recent bereave­ children. Turner's Novelty store. ment. Also for the beautiful flowers. Mr». 8. I). Tyler Dance »1 Coburg every Saturday and family. night. Garrett'» Orchestra. ft. J. C. Brill Stores AX-BILLY DEPARTMENT STORE Another Shipment of Women’s Delightful Silk Dresses— Is Autumn's Inspiration Indeed, Interestingly Priced—Choice $1925 — Isn't there som ething about thia weather that fairly breathes satin back crepe frock* to yon, (and for good measure lovely all silk cantons, flat crepes and Moire weaves, too con­ tribute to this collection.) especially the dark hued. richly hued ones— Channel Red, Jungle Green, and the blacks. — And they are so attractive with their high collars, long sleeves caught into tiny cuffs, diversity of pleats, chic buttons and vivid embroidery Is adorably portrayed. (Second Floor) To Open The New Season We’re Offering Glorious Fall Hats $6.50-$7.50 ) .95 Values ; S ---- __Pall-like styles, sm artly fashioned of silk and hat ter s velvet for both th e misses, women and m atrons. __Ijirg e drooping brim s as well as small and medius brim s m ake this selection more varied. Surely about every co o you could possibly w ant— Jungle green, autum n brown, channel red, tan, grey also black. Friday and Saturday Special Colored Glass Etched Bowl business BROUGHT HOME Y The Helping Hand Pull Is here. Tho fruit of your season's labors is ready or harvest ready to be gathered Into safe places, for very talk of grain, every ounce of live stock Is money. Pay for tour toll and thought. H arvest tim e oft brings a bum per crop of woes and v o rrle l- these may grow so big they ham per the ««ccees- nl harvesting of the fruits and grains—If you let th e n . When you can 't handle your products alone you hire help. So let us suggest th a t when your financial worries are oo heavy for you to harvest a lo n e - th a t you let us give mu a helping hand . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SPRINGFIELD A rem arkable b o w l In every way. Ftna assorted colorings. Note the a t­ tractive shape. The edge has deep etching in neat design. This howl is twelve inches across. Especially Priced $1.79 “The Home of Good Furniture” WETHERBEE -POWERS 11th st Willamette ju d g m e n t oung m ™. W ellford was talking about her husband’s recent illness. “ Bill was home for a whole week. It was his first real chance to see me in action as a house­ wife—we’ve been married only a year, you know. “ T he third day he said to me: ‘Sally, you need an Extension Telephone. You’re wearing yourself out, running up and down stairs and from room to room every time the teleptwam rings. I never realized beforw how much a woman will put up with without complaining. I wouldn’t stand for it a minute in my office.’” (W ellford’s Inc. was a model office.) “ And so?” said her visitor. “T here it is,” said Sally prouiU iy- An Extension Telephone cost* only a few cents a weok. Order One NOW at Our Business Office THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. t BELL SYSTEM One Policy • One System - Universal Service