TH U R SD A Y RBPTKM HKlt !», 192*1 T H « aFMNöHICU» wa ---------- K -------------- —---------: FàOIFOÜII Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N . * * • am LAN« s w x - M l^ l'Y W COUNTY 1 I IU I ▼ M » f> U N IT » O . t4 M ____ - . ■ ■ — !■■■ I I « - —— «n 1 R e c o m m e n d » C o p p e r C s e b o n s ts FARMERS UNIONS Challenges Flying Amongst Channel Swimmer« • O F F IC E R S O F LA N E C O U N T Y F A R M E R S ' U N IO N FO R M ONE LO C AL • At a meeting at Thurston Hall Sept-, amber 1 the three Farmer» Vnlon lo­ cals of Mount Vernon. McKenale and Vida decided to consolidate and hold district meetings once a month. The first meeting under the new arrenge- Bt,nt will be held at Thurston. Web- Beaday. September 15, at Thurston halL There will be a good progra u i f music. talks and refreshments. All lain» n W are requested to bring their ha-'kets The decision to consolidate follow ,d a meeting of the Mount Vernon local at which a large attendance from McKenale and Vida locals were p resen t The new local will be known as the McKenale River District f t U n e County. The following officer, , J , . „ ’ were elected; president. H. C. Jack- son of W alterrille; rice-president. Myron Wallace of Jasper; secretary. Mr. C W. Allen of Vidn: conductor. Ira Grey of Thurston; doorkeeper. T. W. Carney of W alterrille; chapUn. C ¿Someone confused Uncle Ham (With Santa Claus Thursday at the local postofflie and. with a simple trust In his good nature, left a letter with two price markers on It In place of a • lamp for delivery. The letter bore this notation. "Can't afford to buy a one cent stamp so please let us off with this one", and on the price tags was written, "tine two cent stamp." Their faith In Uncle Ham was Justl fled for Postal Clerk Walter tlonajer Is going to See that the letter reaches Its destination at "Hnowhlsh. Wash tngton" which he takes to mean Hno- homlsh. Washington "Trudy’’ F.der' Emeet Vierkolter >lr»- Corson (Cade) C. W Allen. Vida. President. W. I. Seal«. Eugene, Vlee-LYsai- d en t Betty M Kappsuf. Cottage Ornee • Secretary Treasurer , ^-aj,er Morgan. Creawelt Conduc- , , or , jj . H. Smith. Eugene. Doorkeep- . #r • o t clem ent, Wa terrille. Chap­ . ,ain ........................................................ T v ctri7i A T T E N D S W F. Tyson left Tuesday evening for Portland as a delegate from the _ ... SPnngtleid mill of the Booth Kelly company to the Industrial safety con ference held there yesterday. He was accompanied by E E. Martin of the Eugene office of the company. pf c>mp „ w L Smtth McVornavk ot Camp J6 and H & of WeBeUB<. ”rt ¡ra: k5. hn, e~ : 7. - summer "Trudy” Ederie. 14 31 m.. Ernest V ie .- H e ,. U h r -. and Mrs Carson (Gad.) 1& hrn., Ml m- each hav. a vriììingnen* to competa ln auch an avant an i « P ^ b l . • -•» S T Community News m ings. Mrs. F B. Godbolt of Red Bluff. California Is expected to arrive at Pleasant Hill Friday to visit at the home of her brother E. B. Tinker for several days. Notices have been posted by the school board of Union High school district No 1 for bids covering the construction of auto sheda. toilets and addition to the gymnasium, and for painting of theschool buildings, to be In the hands of the clerk by 4 p m. Monday September 13. The young folks of the Christian Endeavor are planning a basket din- ner for Sunday September 12 A fire on the north side of Cooper's butte caused conetderable alarm Mon- day September « and many neighbor. turned ont and kept It under control. To Teach In Portland— Miss Grace Male left for Portland Monday to take Bp her duties as teacher In the Port­ land public schools. Co To Bena—Mr. and Mra. Ivan Mai" motored to Bend Monday to send the holiday there. To Attsnd Bible University— Mr.. Mae Craft baa left Eggimang Candy JUtchen where she has been working |o enter the Eugene Bible University Which starts next week. More than seventy of the 4 H boys and girls of the Coburg community will hold th first club fair ever held In I.ane county at the Coburg school bouse September 11 at 10 30 A. M under the direction of Arnold D. Cop tier, club leader. The fair will be an exclusive club affair at which the club members will «bom the result» of their summer» work and will give demon stratlons of their work. There 1» n» admission charge Ten clubs from the Coburg vicinity will have exhibits There will be a corn, polatoe. mini, poultry, turkey, calf, sheep, sewing, rooking and camp cooking club present with demonstra­ tion* of the work by some of tlfi-m and stock Judging by the other« H C. Seymour, stale club leader of lh - Oregon Agriculture College will he present and give a talk. Mrs. Wil­ liam McCoy, chairman of the club de­ partment of the Parent Teacher» As­ sociation qf Coburg I* In charge of th- tolr Judgmant Given Judgment in the sum of 11400 has been awarded Mrs. Olive Bowles, of gprlngfleld. against Mrs. Lydia CBM- , gn c|rcuJt court An or(J„ lQ f, r„, ,„ae ()Q B mortgage and »ell a farm E]mlra , Q gatl>fy ment h>g bipn fay thp ro||rt Th<. y County Agent O. H Fletcher, »h o says It Is being used almost universally lu the large wheat giowtug <11st i lets Instead of blue stone treatment. Two ounces of cop­ per carbonate to the bushel is being used, Specifications for a home-mad» mixer are ou Hie at the county agent a office. May Be Formad Plan» for the formation o f a drain­ age district In the Mohawk valley are beln* discussed at a meeilng lialay f Interested farmers at the II. It Brown house IXiunty Agoni U. H. Fletcher explained the law In regard to the formation of a drainage district. The FOR RENT—Private garage at »17 ' U n arm want an open dit. h run u Street bee o r te lep h o n e I M through their land In carry off over- IM ersoa O-B-l* nuw W . P. T Y S O N A T T E N D S SA FETY CONFERENCE V Clements of Thurston. E LETTER W IT H PRICE TAG The copper carbonate dust treat­ FOR STAMP SENT TO P. 0 . ment for the control of stuut in wheat New York’s last tribute to the famous movie shiek, Rudolph Val­ entino, as the cawket was taken until a house became vacant so ho from the Actor's Chapel following the funeral. Following a brother’s FOR 8ALB—Carbon paper In larg» could move in, and an ther sent .n arrival from Europe, a funeral sheets, 24x3# Inches, suitable foi hl« rent a week before the house train will carry Rudy’s remain« making tracings The News Office became vacant so he could hold the back to Hollywood for uiterm oiL ’* __________ _________ house. His action was wise a« there , « We Offer You À Hotpoint Super Automate Range For Only $9.99 Down And with pleasure, we will in­ stall the range absolutely free— Saving you $34.00 in wiring ex­ pense. With • • • > • • • * ‘«ri>"«l “ * ax lhe *am'’ * E°c®l realtors are receiving appll- • cations for houses nt the rate of one • Fridays. Cloverdale School House. ’ Creswell—First and Third Tues- • days, Creswell. M. W. of A. Hall. • Coast F ork -S econ d and Fourth ‘ <11(1 not have an emptey house on his • llNl- • The Inquires come from all over, • t»" Marshfield, Hab ra, .McMinn • Thursdays. Farm Union Hall. Danebo— First Tuesday, • School House. D orcna—Second and Foutli Tues- • days. Ilorena Churoh. • H adleyville - First and Third • Thursdays, Hadleyville School, • Heceta—First Sunday of each • month, Heceta School House. Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • nesdays, W. O. W. Hall, Jasper. ! • Lorane—Second and Fourth |a WadBMdBFB I. <>. <>. F. Hall. i • Mt, Vernon—First and Tljlrd • Wednesday. Braafield Store. this faithful efficient • were three applicants for the bouse • T IM E A N D PLAC E OF • LO C A L M E E T IN G S • Canary- First Wednesday, Third • •ntnrdayt, V a nu m UBloa H alt . , ,.-„irth 811k Creek Meet« First and Third • Thursday at Cedar School House • "> r" ur " r » •'«>• ........... . ; . ci ired alat «MpUrm la < "• daj ■ . • v lb and E ug en e b ein g am o n g th» I * cities listed. Most of the people are locking for nonie», all hough there * • have been several business men In • ' lhe c" y |,M,1 tl" lr Intention of buying here after renting for a • short time. The scarcity of houses I • Increased by the number of people * moving Into town from the country • to «end their children to school, large • numbers having «pent the summer • • away working on their ranches. That the housing shortage will re­ • main Is the confident belief of one • dealer who cltedi the opening o f the • . Natron cutoff as giving a great lm- • , p(J[R(! t() , hR t()Wn Anoth(>r rRMon spend much less time in the • Spencer Creek-Third Friday. • lnttklng , h(; ,own an attracllye on„ • Pine OroVe School House. • for fam ilies is that the living costs • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- * are cheaper here than In nearlby kitchen. • School Bldg. servant to work for you, you'll * nesdays. Mountain States Power Co. Pleasant Hill High * places. * Secretaries will please send In * Back From Portland— Mrs. A. J. * time and place of meeting and • Morgan and daughter, Mildred return * changes of date as they may oc- • ed from Portland yesterday where • cur. they have been visiting for a few days. Iro n in g Is N o t Such a Chore! THERID-JID W ILL NOT W IC C L E W ABBLE J IG G L E 'É IP O R SLIDE 1 No it isn’t —when you have a complete modern Ironing O u t f it - such a« an ED IS O N Electric Iron und a K1D-JID Ironing Table. Only a F ew More Day« —Act N ow Better hurry come in now. Take advantage of our Special Offer. The outfit is yours on the lowest of terms. A dollar a month with your light h ill—should not stand between you and ironing-day comfort. W e ’ll G iv e Y ou $X .Z5 F or A n y O ld Iron Mountain S t a t e s P o w e r Company