PAO2 T H R U T IIK a W U N U d & A M&WB THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1». 192ft Farmers Exchange Store of Springfield Announces the Most Important_ _ Selling Event min in the History of its Business Career. Our Entire Stock at Liberal and Substantial Reductions A Startling Reduction Event that Strikes a Smashing Blow at Present Day Methods of Merchandising We combed the market to obtain the best merchandise from the foremost manufacturers where Q U A LITY OF MERCHANDISE, Excellent Tailoring, smart snappy styles create the sensation of the season. For the month of September we offer various lines of high grade desirable merchandise at such low prices that will be the talk of this community. The Mail Order Houses have nothing on us: We Had the Cash, -we turned the trick. See it for yourself. Ladies Fall Coats A rare selling of Ladies High Grade Coats. It is seldom that we can offer at so low prices a large collection of New Coats which meet to the last detail to the high standards of Style. Quality and Workmanship. . Advertising alone cannot tell the story of these values, you must see the Coats. .Fabric. Quality. Correct Style. Good Tailoring. Silk Lining at such a low price. $16.85 to $24.85 Girls' Coats $6.95 lo $12.95 Men’s Suits and Overcoats 100'! pure virgin wool Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men in Latest Single or Double Breasted Styles, Underpriced lor September. $16.85 to $29.85 Boys Junior High — Pure Virgin Wool also in Single or Double Breasted, long Pants $ 9 .8 5 $ 1 9 .8 5 Ages 8 to 20 Boys’ Knicker Suits ................. - .......... Men’s Pure Virgin Wool Trousers ..... $4.95» $9.95 $4.95» $5.95 Young Men's Virgin Wool Baloon Trousers in Latest Novelty Light Shades and Stripes $495» $5.95 a Boys Longies. Sires 4 - 1 6 ................. $1.95» !b3-45 Ladies’ Tailored VELVET HATS - $3.95, $4.95 Unusually Chic and Smart for Miss and Graceful, Dignify­ ing for Matrons. These Hats should more than please you, Smartly Tailored in becoming bright and black colors- All shapes embody­ ing the style ana feeling of the Better Hats. SHOES Men’s High Grade Work Shoes — ...... $3.50» $5.50 $2-75» $4.50 Men's High Grade High Tops 12 - 16 inches ....... ...................----- -------- $5.95» Ladies High Tops 14 inches ...... ......... ......... -.... Ladies Dress Shoes in Latest Styles .... $3.45» Boys' Heavy School or Dress Shoes .... 52.75» Boys' Best High T o p s .......................... $4.45» Men's Heavy Work S h ir t.............. ..... Men s Corduroy Pants--------------------- Boys' and Men's Sweater, Blazer ..... Men’s Dress Broadcloth S h irts -------- Mens Wool and Wool Mixed Shirts .... ------ -----$1.29 ------- -------85c —-...........$2.95 $1.95» $5.95 - $1.95 $1.95» $2.95 $9.95 $4.95 $5.45 $3.75 $5.95 Every pair of our shoes is guaranteed to satisfy or we replace them. UNDERWEAR Men's Heavy Cotton Union Suits Fall W eight Men’s Heavy Bib Overalls ...............— Boy's Heavy Cotton Union Suits Fall Weight We carry the best Standard make of Nashua blanket only. Prices for September only 64 x 76 Double Sheet B lanket------------- ---- ----- $ 1 .9 5 Full Size Heavy Double Nashua Wool N a p -------- $3.45 Wool Mixed Full Size Double Blanket---------------- $ 4 .9 5 These prices are so ridiculously low for these high grade blankets that we are compelled to restrict the sale to 2 of one kind to a customer. — Be sure to get yours. 9-4 Pequot Sheeting For Men,Ladies, Boys, Girls and Children in all styles light and heavy, low and high tops. We always had the reputation, that we sell the high grade latest style shoes at the lowest price in Lane County. We are very keen on this reputation, and we are more than anxious to prove it to you this time. Men's High Grade Dress Shoes — ...... BLANKETS $ 1 .4 5 ......... 95C Men’s Wool Mixed Union Suits Heavy ............................ . ........ .................. ...... ........ $1.95» Men’s Pure Wool Union Suits ........... $3.95» Ladies Heavy Cotton Union — ......... -... 95C» Ladies Silk and Wool Union — ..... — $1.95» $ 2 .4 5 $4.95 $1.2 5 $2.95 Best Percale ______ Jape Crepe .......... ............. ............................... Ladies and Girls Raincoats Latest Styles ........... ------------------------- $3.45» $4.95 Hope Muslin _________________ ------------------------- 17c Holeproof Pure Silk Hose In All Shades............... $1.00 Our Guarantee IS YOUR PROTECTION. TH IS BARGAIN SHEET IS OUR PLEDGE OF TRUTH— EVERY IT E M IS HONESTLY DESCRIBED A N D PRICED SO LOW TH A T IF YOU COULD COM­ PARE THE MERCHANDISE WE OFFER, YOU COULD NOT BUY W ITH GREATER ASSUR­ ANCE OF VALUE- EVERY ITEM IS GUARANTEED TO BE FIRST QUALITY AND ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. IF W ITH ANY ARTICLE PURCHASED FROM US YOU ARE NOT FULLY SATISFIED, YOU MAY RETURN IT TO US, AND WE WILL RE­ FUND YOUR MONEY WILLINGLY AND IN THE TRUE SPIRIT OF A REAL FRIEND. J. FULOP, Prop. If you have money to burn these prices will mean nothing to you, but if you are like most folk, if you want to get the biggest possible value for every dollar you spend, then you will welcome this opportunity to save by buying your needs now. THE FARMERS EXCHANGE THE S TORE OF SPRINGFIELD