TH U R SD A Y HKIT.EM BKR 9. 1«>2». rAO S TW O Hav* Baby Olrl— Albert VI. and Fln.d For Leaving Flro— A M I'm hrut ot Portland wa» given a #2# fin« wit« of Motor Rout« II. Eugcu» an­ and has cleaned up the hogs from the disease? In just I«« court Thuraday afternoon nounced tho arrival Friday of a baby "F urther evidence is given by the (»acker’s re ­ I'uM U hed Rv»ry T h a r^ la y at for leaving a camp flro unaltend, <1 girl weighing 9 pound*. port for llardin county, Iowa, which is an urea ORBOON AGRICULTURE! C O L within the national toroata. 8 prlng fleld . Lane County. Oregon, by accredited as being free from bovine tuberculosis I.BOB. Coivallls. September 9 A f F o il S A L B — Carbon paper In largo T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS During a nine m onths’ pcrlisi more than eleven viird hreaktng else* of fresh«»,n la C A L I. A N D 8 K K Dr. N. W . Em ery •h e e l*, Mx.19 In c h **. « u lia n i* tut H . K. M A X E Y . Editor thousand hogs were shipped from this county predicted by K. B. I^ntou. registrar, on prices ou p la t* and other work. If making tracing * T h e new s Dfftoo. a . a . . a I • «. - * it * a . . I .1.1 who look* tor at lea»l a to per cent -------------- _ „ . ... „ vBbru- rv M 1 M ) a t the ¡»ml slau g h tered with an average econom ic loss caused by tuberculosis of only 4.7 ce n ts each Increase in first year »tmlent», with poat Op ngfi— .----------------------------- Th s figure is less th a n a fifth of the g en eral a v e r­ the total registration ot all regnlar Gas Make« People Nervoua and Resting* M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E age. which in turn is about a third of the loss In »twlenla Of SSO<* for the achool year. -7#c 1919, when system atic tuberculosis eradication Thl» eallmate doe» not Include .uni- One Y ear In Advance___ $1.7# Three M onth* Ga* preasur* In the abdamnn cau.- * 1 M o n t h . ______________ 9LM Sing)« Copy _ tner .ea .lo n and .hort course »tud- - 50 was Just begun.” O O a reaUnas, nervoua fee Ing and enla. . THURSDAY SEPTEMBBR 9 192« In these days of a m ultitude of crime, some e n ­ The college la expected to be a. prevents aleep. Adlwlka rem ove, ter,»rising m erchant is overlooking his hand by lively place September 20 when th“ ga» In TEN mtnutea and brings out WORDS FROM TH E LIPS OF GREAT MEN not advertising a complete yeggm an nn’s s set se t put p u t up tip large freahmen group reports tor the »urprtalng amount* of old wwafe “ W ant of Occupation Is the Bane of Men and ,n ha n dy cases. Surely there would be much tle- third annual "freahmen week’’, iwhlth matter you never thought was la Women. Perhaps More Especially of the latter." nian(j for these necessary and m uch used tools wilt continue until Friday evening. your system. Thia excellent tnteatl- A Fine Noon Lunch -Horace Mann. Freshmen week, tried out for the flrot ttal evncunnt la wonderful for conatl- Hunting season opens tomorrow. Who will time year before last, proved »0 bene- patlon or allied stomach trouble Served Daily for 40c IMPROVE TH E WILLAMETTE Rt At honor of being the first m an being shot fl, tai 1 hat It 1» now a regular feature Don't w aste tiro* with pill* or tab­ h.»m tv of forests, lakes and stream stre a m s th ere nr ft „ i,w>r’ For r beautv e re ,» , for ¿per? of the school year Freshmen be- lets but gel HEAL Adlerlka action! is no highway in the west that can surpass the .com e acquainted with the college. Flanery'» Drug Store. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ......' * * RECORD BREAKING CLASS EXPECTED AT OPENING DROP IN Cafe Fountain W illamette m ilitary road. Dense forests line it on both sides and wherever there is an opening it is generally for a green m ountain meadow ori clear lake. The headw ater country’ of the Wil­ lam ette is just as nature made it there has been little change by the hand of man. In fact th ere| are a few old tim ers am ong us who helped cut this first road through th e wilderness who will say that the Willamette road is nearly like it was V I“ I campus ami tradition», type of stud­ ent government in force, »tudent ac­ tivities and honor fraternities. The first general convocation for ’ freshmen 1» scheduled to take place ‘ Mouday evening. September SO. Presi­ dent W. J Kerr presiding. Now and ¡then In the course of the work the prospr-ctlve student» will b«' divided I luto section« to listen to addre»»es CITIES NEED PURE WATER T here are those who love the m ountains who "I cannot play upon any stringed instrum ent are not anxious to see these 8»**ta ’u.a d* but I can tell you how a little village to m ake :» Budgeting of Time. Money and easily a c c e s s i b l e . 2-iih them esneciallv gTeat and KlorioM 8 d ‘ y " 8a id t h e oW G r e e k T h e - i s ir , n„ h ■■ and ••Colls»» Regulation». “ purselves in * ntistodes. Entrance ..g a m .» .,.o n . will take aftt ri Ke dnnw ine the country Rut if One of the mo8t l,nP«rtant elem ent« in m aking»plai(, Thuntday. September M rr..n- o r high m o u ntain daaiaiag th e people th e a 8m al> tow n a ’freat and S e rio u s city is the as- aibr,lul,.H w,„ p,. „pproved the fm ouatalat aIh nS T n ^ l i E S of re- ««ring of an ample supply of pure w ater. m |# y < Sept,.„lb,.r „ and re„.«ra- ^ t ^ n ^ w . w l v ^ o m T h e h u b b u T o f o ^ ' As the cities have grown larger the problem I tton all otb„ atud. 0„ wl„ u k . crea Saturday, recitations beginning com plex city P life. • It is necessary n e c e s s a o that tn at thev tney be oe *,as becopie ex{ent m ore tQ difficult. m unlci|w l g overnn ,e n , place \ ,7 reached easily by m otor so g < d . ■ . > built. . . » nnVh XlcKenzie mid’ S h e r like Dead Horse hi Vnmnaretivelv easy m ountain roads. It will be com parative^ easy to m ake a good road. We should all be Interested in seeing it improved. have gone to insure sufficient uncontam inated I w ater for their citizens is shown in the case of I Ix>8 Angel«*8. California, a few facts about whose watpr system should be of value to all Interested nlannln«? « " d ty aupply' ' Eugene Business College EUGENE. OREGON A. K. Roberta, President Phone 666 992 W illamette St. LISTEN! ____________ for ■ A I . M - l ’ayro tl and distribution sytsem , represents an invest­ ment of more th an $75,000,000. _ _________________ The main source of supply is a giant a q u e d u ct1 B etter national health and better national n^a r |y 050 miles in length.' It is know« as the wealth are seen in the announcem ent of the Owens River Aqueduct and is laid across the M0-1 Jnited S tates D epartm ent of Agriculture th at jave Desert and up the east side of the Sierras to] ‘the outlook for the complete suppression of tap the m elting snows near their sum m its, iuberculosis am ong all kinds of live stock is en- ,t took five years to complete and Is capable of •ouraging.” m eeting the w ater needs of two million people. The government, with the co-operation of vari- This aqueduct is said to be the largest In the ovms states, set out several years ago to undertake WOrld bringing w ater to a city. the eradication of tuberculosis in cattle. Coun- Fifteen reserviors are used for the storage of ties townships, farm organizations, com m unity the water. They have a total capacity of 12O.«O<» groups all helped. acre feet or about 39.000,000,000 gallon«. T h is , ^ Tubercular cattle were slaughtered promptly. js enough to m eet the city’s dom estic w ater re-] For some time there was strenuous objection on quiretnents for an entire year without being re-i filled. the part of some farm ers. The netw ork of w ater m ains carrying the Then came complete justification of the gov­ o _____ — w ater to consum ers totals alm ost the num ber of ernm ent’s policy. Entire districts were found to «' entirely'free’ of the dfcease. Herds Improved miles across the continent. 1 value Stockm en were pleased. Consum ers Surveying and other preliminary work has x) were pleased because the fear of Infection been done for a second aqueduct about 260 miles ■om tubercular live stock gradually disappeared, long which will be built In the future It will ln- Now the Departm ent, of Agriculture says th at crease the capacity until seven million Inhabit- with the current progress in elim inating tuber- ants can be taken care of. ulosiF in cattle a noticable decline of the sam e The w ater brought from the m elting snows is isease among swine is taking place-” These de- pure at the source and comes through t h j aque- Llls are cft«d bv the departm ent: duct uncontam inated. The problem of keeping dis are cited Dy tne ae p an m e tn ._ ------- jn reservoirs Is met by an elaborate *A striking example of the effect of the work rf eradication has been received by the ie p a rt- system of tests and sterilizations Instead of the old way of throw ing In powder, aent from an Iowa packing company, which has kept books’ on such losses for the last seven chlorine ga« is mixed with w ater In a way similar j to the charging of carbonated water, and this is •ears “ In 1919 the average loss per hog caused by:™ n Into the iberculosls Infection was 75 cents. This figure | It is a significant fact th a t the health depart- the economic low for hogs slaughtered in the ment reports th a t since 1902 not a single case of an t In 1920 the loss declined to 66 cents. In ' w ater-borne disease has been reported in the 921 to 49 cents and in 1922 to 32 cents. Since city. This one example of the extent to which e n te r­ 923 the loss has reclined further to 26 cents. *• ‘We have actual knowledge, through experi- prising cities will go In their struggle to Insure w ater Is Indicative of Its im portance in -------------------- t pure ---- nce.' the company adds, ‘th a t the tuberculin eat applied to cattle has reduced bovine tuber- urban life • w w HEALTHIER LD^E STOCK MONDAY. AUGUST 30 Monday August 30. Tuesday. Septem ber 7. and Monday Septem ber 13. an» the enrollment days for the regular ra il Term . .. . It's a good school, and the rates are reasonable, ana we will glutliy tell you about It. Don’t hesitate to usk. When hungry, tired, sleepy, melancholy, sick, healthy, awake, asleep, single, m arried or divorced. Pry a big dish of «B aUMW a t t k * N « « K a h l* tor road, w ork, aaw tnllla. M a . B NO be without tbeee f> EGGIMANN’S ICE CREAM All flavors. Also in pints, quarts, gallons and brick». EGGIMANN’S We will m ake your Suit or ITeoa. will alter or remodel your old one. will (’lean and ITees or Dye them. •40 Main S tre e t THE Model Cleaners Coming to EUGENE Dr. Mellenthin You’ll Like Our Doughnuts Our doughnuts arc popular everyone who tastes them does enjoy them . Richly delicious because they are made of the best Ingredients throughout. Perfection cake Is good too. Most everyone knows th at In Springfield. If you haven’t tried K , begin now and jee w hat you have been missing. THE BREAD YOU DOWT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY S P E C IA L IS T In ln « e r n * l M * d lc ln * fo r t h * p a it fifte e n y * « r * Fred Frese, Prop. Perklns-I-axton Bid»- Phone 66 Fifth S tre e t DO ES N O T O P E R A T E Wlll be at • Otborne Hotel Wedncaday September 29 Office Hour* ’ 0 *. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. MeUenthln 1» a r«Kular gradual.’ In m edicine and »urgery and I* lic­ ensed by the »tate of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appen­ dicitis, gall »tone«, ulcer» of atomach, tonall» or adenoid». He ha» to hl» credit wonderful re­ su lt. In dl»ea»eg of the stomach, liver, bcwel», blood, skin, nerves, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many aatiafied patients In Oregon. , Mrs. L. L. I’eetx, Moro, heart trouble. Mrs. F. F Hager, (daughter Marie), Walton, tonsils and adenoids. Mrs. K. C. Mulloy, Hillsboro, ulcer of the leg. a Mrs. N els Peterson, Hkamokawa, W ashington, colitis. Grover C. Gouf.hler, Coquille, Ore., colitis and ulcers of the stomach. Mrs, Carl Johnson, Marshfield, ear trouble. J. W. Turner, Dalles, stomuch trouble. E. A. Ilussell. Klamath Falls, appen- dlcitla. Remember the above date, that con­ sultation on this trip wlll be free and that his treatm ent Is different. Married women must be accompan­ ied by their husband*. Address; 211 Bradbury Bldg., Lo* Angeles, California. (8-9-16 23) S ta r t East N ow final sale date for summer reduced roundtrip fares to eastern points is S e p te m b e r 18 ■ Order your reservations at once. You can take advantage o f these reductions by leaving any day between now and the lKth., returning on or before October 31. Plan your trip to include California, either going or returning. It costs but little more—-less than half what yt»ur roundtrip fare to California and return would be. Stopover wherever you wish. So travel the scenic Shasta Route southward to San Francisco or Los Angeles. 3 delightful routes east from California, with world-famous trains to serve you. Avoid the last-minute rush. Call a Southern Pacific travel expert today. Southern Pacific O. O L M M ,