Good WII! for a biinl- n«*an la built by good (o o d i, service a n d truthful advertlalng. THE SPRINGFIELD NEV,<: TWENTY-THIRD YEAR Sms library SPRINGFIELD, IJtNE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 1928 OHANGE IN F I R E LOCAL MOUNTAINEERS ALARM SYSTEM MADE CLIMB DIAMOND P /A K Call» Dry Conference tm A P sop ias Pape»" Live N C W S R A P tR to w n Live NUMBER 38 PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN till O P E H O N M I A change In the «ro alarm system ; to atari Monday ral and Barbara and superintendent Bain asked to report up fo(. The and expect U co ect from two, to of change will cut the time from elga- , bp baby Her parpnta. Mr. and Mrs. A new typewriter wilh purchased for . , r»in„ *nibn Mackey of Marcóla, two brothers, Not all tbe delln- of smoker« In conjunction w i w w e ------rolled In one of the classes. Ing a letter Io reach Klamath Falla ^ y Mackey of Lebanon, and Elbert ircoia ana a si»trr ¡nt" National Guard and thfca will be one of proper Since no new mid-year classes are be* the same day K la sent rrom Spring Markey of Marcóla, irroia. a and a stater. . Mrs notify the American Legion that th ti Ainrua.ed The renort f t owner® w’ho haTe appeared re- of Lebanon also survive .. . . . . . ___ . things discussed. T ie r e p o rt f i _ _ ln< started this year, any child that fleld. Maude Bates 1,hr• • dOM,n ,o,dln* ■h ,lr * borrowM (b<> d<,,,.ru, eH wbo „ten d ed » e stats c«»tly before the city recorder w ith , The greatest saving rill be made ner. from th e district two years convention at Marshfield will he 1927 may be started to school thia In parcel post rates between the two be needed this year, and to request ed. Some of the delinquent taxes go. given. cities. At present parcel post sent to KESTER FUNERAL AT back aa far a . 1912. the city a tto rn ey !™ ' ,f the Parfn ti 80 d w ,re' ‘ 1U“ u*h them to return them. Several bills The Ladlee Auxiliary ot the Ameri­ Klamath Falla requires rates for the Mr. Bain believes it better to keep states. There are many recent a>- LAUREL HILL TOMORROW P*ld ,he bo* rd can Legion will meet at the same third gone. With postal service est­ _____ The high school JanKor Is to look time as does the I-eglon for the open- sessm ents not paid, but the city la them out of school If they lack mdf4 ablished direct to Klamath Falls the I than a few months now of being s ix Funeral services for Nelson Kester after the high school gymnasium in Ing of their fall business. As many <”»T foreclosing on the old ones. second son« rates will prevail, at a However, the abolishment of mid-year who died at hla home here Tuesday the future at an increase In salary of ladles as can are wanted for the fir st, » J - *** ■ v . - « , .a.™ uvu, aavlng of a cent a pound for one ¡classes will not keep any child from j',” night will b eh eld tomorrow afternoon » month. meeting of the year, as much Import- 1 rtv L th e « 'e r in g school that would have dona pound nd additional two cents ant business will come up for discus- ceeding against the property bo the under , h. old at 2:30 from the Walker Undertaking every additional pound. Moore Bridge Petitions Have 359 Signatures , • buyer al public auction may know 80 unaer Tne in Plan t'hapel. The Reverend F. - .............................................................. the amount held against the property th* The œ tltlo n s for the highway bridge ( will conduct tbe service» with Intern bond issue are in the bands of Ira I’<-t- ‘when he buys it from the city. The athletics are starting with a bang. LADIES OF G. A. R. ment at Laurel Hill cemetery. Pointer Speaks At Lions Meeting »-raon »dth 359 signatures and will be I city has 330.000 in assessm ents on the Walter Fenwick, high school coach, TO MEET TOMORROW Mr Kealer was 92 year» of age und turned over to n K. Morrison, chair-i Janies A. Pointer, former minister books altogether, the biggest part of bpln8 ready to start fall foot ball had be»-n a resident of Bprlngtleld fir m. n of c b . mbpr of tonim erP e| „ , the Christian church here and In- thi8 belnfc ag8egsments for gide w„ ks Practice. Part of the football game» The laidles of the O. A R will hold 22 years He was a meinoer ot m e brl(1((p ron„ nl more signature« w ill probaoly he ¡Lions Club luncheon Friday. Mr. meeting, moved ta*e Grove on Thanksgiving . The Eggniann's hull. They w ill luke up lie Is survived by eight children; obtained before the petitions are pre-| Pointer Is a former member of the jo cancei the assessm ents on delin Armistice Day game will be held on new business for the coming fall and local Lions Club and Is now an In- quent property that has been taken the Iocal fleld' with L'pbanon the winter meetings and dispone of any Mrs. W F Walker. Mrs. Jessa Lorah. sented to the county court structor at the Christian University over by the county. Under the law. Ponent A return game with Lebanon timi has ronie up during ihe summer. Dr. Eugene Kester. Edgar Kester all pay the asses»- ,s <*hpdu>pd Lebanon on Nevember Danners Movgç—E R Danner and of Minneapolis. Minnesota. He gave , he cHy hag a ri(rht Following the business meeting, the Springfield. Hugh Kester and Lew turn from business io Kester of Portland, Aaron Keeter family have moved Into the F ran k 's short address at the m eetin x speak- raent within 60 days of foreclosure bv l9 ' o ,h er & ames are to be arranged ladles will phasure and help tbe president. Mrs. of Ontario, Canada und M. Kester of Lenhart house on Ninth and A from ing on "The Opportunities Of Service the county on property taken over by with several preliminary games in th» air. his former home at Santa Clara. Clubs." the county, and retain title to it. if C. E Egglman. celebrate her birthday. Bufilo, N ew York. Four new courses have been added ’ Ithe city fails to pay the assessm ents. An Invitation to be preaent has been ' title to the property goes to the to the high school schedule and on» extended to the Inillea of t*he Eugene The new courses are; high county. Mr. Peterson found, on look- r°PPe chapter. Refreshment» w ill be areved school geography, commercial arith­ I Ing up the property lists, that the By A. B CHAPIN and a program o f music will be give , “GOSH, ITS HARD TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT ROAD" city had failed to gain title on some metic, botany, and physiology. Th» by the ladles. Mrs. Bert Doan Is In alternate with physic b> property in the past years and th eti latter att" 7 two ° ahernatp . » ill W illi.: charge of the entertainment. ' ing half year courses with physiology It belonged to the county. City as-1 . . sessm ents were still charged against tcom rst 0 1 e 5^ar- CHRISTIAN CHURCH the property, and In order to c le a r ’ Moat of ,he out of town teaeher« the books of a lot of useless charg-s. | ar\ here now readr be’ in th- ‘r TO MEET EARLIER ¡the council moved to have them can- work an<1 wlH at,end thp Lane Count' 'celled and strike» off the books. T h e, ‘eachaers ,ns,itute at E u !tn e Fr,day ív s i v e s Services ut the Christian chur-h co un amount thus cancelled was »308.29 and Saturday One change in the p e - will start on the winter schedule with interest amounting to nearly a ^ nneI wa’ made durin« th* next Sunday September 12, meeting like sum I MiS* Crys’an taking the place hulf an hour earlier, or at 7 30 P M. ive- of Miss Nina Boesen who resigned to Instead of 8:00 P. M. The Christian r H A N Î > lS ^ ± teach In Eugene. Endeavor services will begin at 6:30 Deer Hunters Leave For Woods High school teachers are as follows. P. M. With the opening of hunting sea­ <71*/6- Alfred J. Morgan, principal of Lin­ Next Sunday Reverend M. Ralph son set for tomorrow, many Spring- coln school and manual training In­ Childers will apeak on the subject ft field hunters have made preparations gtructor; Uorothev Abbott Portlan1, "Loyalty” at the morning services and to hag the limit early in the season En on "Paying the Fiddler” In the even­ and are on their way to the hills for ¡Springfield, coach and physical train- ing. IVunday school will begin at the a n early start tomorrow morning. j ng instructor; Sylvia Veatch, Cot- regular time. After the sermon In the Among those getting a good start tage Grove, mathematics; Mrs Vlr- evening. Reverend Childers will g h e were Sip Yarnell and A. B. S tew a rt: gin)a Rice, .Springfield, commercial; a fow minutes to a discussion of rell. who left Sunday for China Mountain Daniel C. Taylor, Cottage Grove, hli- glous laws of Mexico and will answer Verne Wooley and Norman Anderson tory; Frances Hodge. Salem, sci- any questions pertaining to this law. left W ednesday and James a n d ence; Pauline Miller, Salem. Eng- Charles Pumphery left Tuesday moru- Ush and girl’s physlcsl education; LIBRARY TO OPEN ing for Thompson's resort. They pay Spaulding. Hood River, English plan to go from Thompsons to the jand music; and Mrs. Georgina Peter- THREE DAYS A WEEK East Fork and hunt there the first few son. Springfield, domestic science. The Springfield library will bo open days of the open season The assignments for the grade In the future on threq» days In the teachers are; Brattaln school; Mrs. week Instead of two as a result of Naw Operators At Depot Marjorie I-aSalle. first grade; Miss action taken by the library beam Two new telegraph operators are Hazel Stephens, first A. and B; Mr«. Tuesday night. Monday, Wednesday Mrs. Ora present at the Southern Pacific depot Crystal Male, third B; and Saturday are the days designated. as a result ot the chang« In the per­ Read Hemmlngway, principal and One hundred neiw books are to he sonnel they» last Friday. Arthur third B; Miss Anna Oorrie, fifth B; added, to the library soon, It was de­ Sayles comes from Tillamook to take Mrs Eula Montgomery, sixth B; and cided. The board will go Into the the place of W. C. I-andi who goes to Miss Crystal Bryan, fifth A and sixth «election of the bonks with much care the station at McCredle. J. B. Pen­ B; for the Lincoln school; Mian deciding on the volumea together, in nington w u relieved by lUmna Bran­ Alta Manning, second A; Mlaa Bdnn VW order to buy the books an cheaply aa son ef Oakridge. Mr. Pennington will Platt, fourth B; and Miss Mary Vorla, poslble, theboard Is going to enter In- have a »Uft nt to» stotlon nt Oak- fourth A. Mra. L. K. Page win to negotiations directly rid ga. wboieeale houses. ON CUTOFF SEPI.IS Diamond iwak, 8702 fest high, »aa climber Sunday by two parttaa from Kugene and Springfield. A party composed of Fred Terrell. Fr-