THUR8DAY T H S SfMUNOV PAO» BIGHT Public Utility Advertising Lowers Consumers’ Cost Legion A u slllary To Meet ThjjsHjgeK Neat 8KPT 2, U>26 ■ n CHANGE ANNOUNCED IN TELEPHONE RATES Qr,M Friday-The local r.llroed right of * • ’' * • ’* wa" cniiM out Friday »trip about SO r*«t w*! ' *n • * 0 _ afternoon to flrht a email era»» ftro long before It was brought under con­ , . . K »« .are #r-rare 1 <* n h h s t w t n^Mt to th.« rail* trol by the use of cheinlrsle Important ebangua In th* trana- w icn-r? e. . . . ere reel Ire «W re ..u n ln a HUUi trUCk» Tb* tU* *»» at»rt»l| coBtlatntal rate» and In the •v r n lu s , and night period during which re- « I'»" burning ties .lo n g the on prier» on pi»”’ nnn Advertising in the public utility In Thursday dustry continue« to grow steadily la The American Legion auxiliary will proportion to the volume of useful meet next Thursday night at the work performed by these Institutions, sam e time the Legion meets In the according to W H Hodge. advertis­ W O. W hall for the first meeting ing m s u p r Byllesby Rngtneeriug since the Summer recess. A large and Maaagewent corporation, and attendance is desired as the members past president of the Public U tilities wish to organise tor the resumption of BRINGING QTIES CLOSER. whsn they p*,t In sn appearance w hile nobody notlcee drugplet unless Advertising Association the years work THE OLD RIFF RUNNER. transcontinental rates, for Instance, he shps on a banana peel and lands H A R D on hie beanl Cven then Mr Hodge savs- LIGHTNING AND OIL the day atatlouto-statlon rate b“- they only left a tittle I "That the electric, gas. telephone Montgomerys Have Baby— Mr. and MR. KINGSMORE’S CASE tween IVrtland and Chicago will be Vet doggoned If I’m a c h .p to get T U R R IB L « P «.v.d at th l. situ .- and electric transportation compan- Mrs. L. W Montgomery are the proud lio n I luet nueae I’m ae well off In a lotta weye ee T M I Y are and I »7 85 Instead of »11 SO, between Port be "evs I'll ‘ uat keep on the way I H A V E b ee n - doing my les are now fully alive to tile value parents of a baby hoy born yesterdav I When Mussolini roroatly told the land and New York. »10 85 Instead derndost to make thia store of mine a chummy, happy, com fortable of regular imwepaper advertising and afternoon. The baby weighed 11 world be would cut nulroud time of »15 80 place to trade In i between Naples and Rome five are using It on efficient and economt . pounds. One and a half houra have been And that's T M A T I hours by tunnelling five mount« " . cal basis throughout the Unit >d 1 added lo the reduced rate period Ro­ and Mra. L. B. it was suggested h er. that rail- States B*by Boy— Mr roads between Chicago and Cali­ ll uced ratea on tranaeontlnenlal sta­ “T hat newspaper advertising 1« th e .S e .v e y of Mohawk announced the ar- fornia might do the same to the tion toalatlon calls will begin at 7 backbone and principal reliance of all rival of a baby boy. born yesterdr.y unnecessarily long running time be- r M Instead of S 30 I’ M. the dis­ well-planned advertising programs of afternoon. t* e 'n the Pacific and the count will be approximately 25 per Lakes. the utilities, and that upwar-is of 70 Her< From Westfir—Mrs O. J. cent of the transcontinental day sta­ Now- lo and behold, the railroads per cent of all of the advertising ex- Poley and daughter and James and tion to-stntlon rates, and from 8;S0 P .! have done it! The ¡dorter running pendttures of these companies is for Delbert Mitchell were in Springfield M to 4:30 A. M about 50 per cent of tim e begin in «'-.- ..D r, .. .. wes space in the newspaper, large and frolu Westfir this week end. hour. ' travel : . will save one en­ the day ratea small. Move To Garden Way— Mr. and tire day in California for business K ow 'i the Grin Show Up! Or. Mortensen Back Tom orrow “That the occasional oW-fashloned Mrs. George P. Harrington have or sunshine. Due Dippei aays it takes 7 Santa F r Union Pacific and Golf Bugs and Others! Dr Mortensen will return tomorrow utility executive who Imagined that moved into the Gates house at Garden muscles to HMll.K and 3 3 Southern ' icifie. making the cut muscles lo FROWN, ao a a morning from Portland where he has They're getting to be pretty the editorial opinion of American Way. Mrs. Harrington will teach at in time si. lultancousiy, .110 n u ■- MOHT of ua are |«»y, ll'a only numerous und plentiful, but up been for the last »1* weeks for m edi­ newspapers could be purchased by School District 160 this winter. Mr aged by able railroad men. nutural that we'd rather smile, to yet they're not as Irritating cal treatment. The doctor is re­ Cutting time i-’r • advertising space or otherwise. Is Harrington is leaving Monday for the bringing la that right? But you WON'T as some OTHERS we could ported to be much bettor after his he!; ’ i inc ss, attille often If your teeth are now as rare as the medleavallst who coast where he is employed. Their c it i', clo- mention! The sort we dislike r. A ' stay In I’ortland but will taka a c o m - grayish and discolored, will are Files. Mlsqultnra. Anta, believed that printing was one of the two daughters will enter the Unlver- making men’s liv you* Nydenla Tooth Paste at recent cut in time t .-attle Roaches and SUCH! Fly Tox pl< te reat at some beach before re­ arts of the devil. sity of Oregon this fa ll f.O ccn ti a tube makes them Jv set and u!l tho Pacific C will KILL Ibis sort, but will suming his practice. white, your gums pink and your “That advertising has shortened by a good example. NOT Injure a Golf Bug at all! Alice Mortensen returned Wednes­ breath sweet. Takes a shot gun to tlx THEM' one half the time that would have day from Crater 1-ake where she has Soon passenger-carrying (lying been needed without it to obtain the — SPECIAL TH IS WEEK — machines will bring Chicago seven spent the summer. Mrs. Mortensen present widespread use of electricity, Walk in our store briskly! Step right up to the Soda Fountain! rearer to New hundred l’­ drove to Medford to m eet her and Take out a 50c piece and rap II smartly on the counter! When Alice gas and telephones In the homes f •> thou.«, id miles York an.' bring her back. cornea to ask you whai yoU want, say "Gimme <>ne of these O'nswr - c arer the . the people, Mint Julrp» whleh your »re »«Ulln< thl» wr»M f”r & cent» <*’t I i "That Advertising has had a power­ Kearns Has Accident— Roy Kearns Drink It' Thru remember where p ’u GOT 11» »«» you c»i> M**l Bernard ays Great Britain ful effect in reducing the rates chant­ of Marcóla was badly hurt about* the another tomorrow! must ta’ coal fields, nation- ed for these services, and in holding chest this morning In an accident it alizo a. . o them, thus cut- ting out 1 trial career that them down to pre-war levels, while the Fisher mill at Marcóla He w as causes •< 1 trouble. “Britain’s hit by a heavy timber and had tho the general cost of living is still up 5 th an d M ain Government must have the cour­ ligaments torn on his chest lie Is mere than 65 per cent. age and the financial intelligence” recovering at his home. “That the greatest thing that can to do this, says Shaw. «• His suggestion wi',1 send a shud­ happen to progressive, well-managed der through the rich coal mine utilities would be universal know -, owners, for he observes tru’hfully: ledge of their business and problems: w The mine owners themselves will that the modern utility believes in supply money to buy their prop- OLD F A IT H FU L rty, since what they get from the frank publicity of its affairs, and that Your physician bends all of his Government will be taken from advertising is the best medium f o r ' energy for the welfare of yourself them by collectors of the income getting the facts im pressed upon the and your family. He sacrifices hie tax, the supertax on estates and own comfort In order that you and public minds.*' duties.” Evidence that regular and truthful yours may be made happy and comfortable. He is a scientific man, advertising is a dominant factor in ’ How would high finance in o f course. His constant aim Is to America which sympathise« so successful utility management is to so perfect him self that be may U»c«l by P u b lic U t ilit ie s 0 -- sincerely with itself in the Incom, be found In the steady consistent pro­ render you better service. The Used by O il i C »y m to o m m p p i ó n i tax question, feel if it w ar. living gress of the Mountain States Power hours are not his; the days are not T é lé p h o n é Com ponics U s e d b y in Britain? Company, a Byllesby subsidiary, serv­ of his choosing: his constant task li< U s c Y ^ c i*v c r^ c íric ic n t" d e llv é ry e n d is an endless search for better Great is the endurance of man. ing 88 towns and cities in the five methods of treatment—for more economical operation arc essentiol factors No animal with four leg , can do northwestern states with gas. elec­ palatable medicines—for more what man does with two le*.j- Yoa harmless agencies for the relief of tricity. steam, telephone or water read of the Riff warrior, sixty- suffering. seven years old, Hammouch Ben service. Believing that the physician Is Hadgje, who ran seventy m ile, in possession of an easy way of across the hot desert between sun­ HUNTLY BACK FROM making money, there are many rise and sunset, carrying a peace ‘"s- - 3 w. > would im itate him, so far message to French headquarters. TWO WEEK'S TRIP as surface markings are concern­ Even more remarkable was the ed. There are cults and healers M. B Huntly returned the first of feat of an Irishman, nearing mid­ galore; they even guarantee cures; dle age, who in a six-day race io the week from a two week's trip in ' they advertise to the world of their New York City ran more than 600 alleged superior skill. Remember the Cascades with H. L. Mills and miles between Munday and Satur­ __the capable physician never party of Portland. The trip included day and was subsequently elected has need of advertising. The in­ a stop at many of the sm aller monn- i capable importer can get his vic­ Mayor of Long Island City. tain lakes of the Cascades and follow­ tim into his clutches by no other That tough Ii. in the six days could have run any race-horse ed the Skyline and Trapper’s trails, i method. So long as people are in the world to death. gullible— so long as people can be Seventeen pack horses. In charge deceived, just so long will the char­ of George Moody and Art Lightning at Bakersfield, Cali­ were used on 'he outing They camp­ latan flourish. fornia, strikes and destroys 600,- The quack is not aligned with e f­ 000 barrels of oil lr. a Stan,lard ed the first night out from Foley forts to eradicate disease. It was Oil tank— made of steel, presum­ Springs at Horse Lake, from there , no humbug that discovered diph­ ably. visiting Cliff Lake Irish M ountain,! theria anti-toxin; the cults are not Is there no way of stopping such hunting for cures for cancer, tu­ Waldo Lake. Iram Bell Lake, and re­ waste ? What about a coating of berculosis and other enemies of the turning by the South Fork to the cars reinforced concrete on the sides of human race. No advertising quack the metal tank, or a coating of which met them on the completion of made the canal zone safe for hu­ cheap reclaimed automobile tire the trip. man activities; nor drove yellow rubber covering the whole tank? They plan to repeat the trip next fever from the Sooth. » Ar.d especially what about light­ And still there are those who do- year, leaving about September 6 so ning rods? Are they a delusion? cry the faithful, hard-working as to make a hunting trip out of it. Was Franklin’s idea worth noth­ family physician who happened to ing, and did the Frenchman Dan­ The country is full of game, Mr. be there wher. Baby Sue came into ton impose on the public when he Huntly reports. Fifteen deer, an elk the world; when Grandma all but peddled lightning rods before he and a bear were seen by the party, , died of pneumonia! Ingratitude took charge of the French Revolu­ has been called the ehlefest of sins. Members of the party Included ?J. j tion ? B Huntly; H. L. Mills and his son, I Think of this, when you are tempt­ ed by the glaring advertisement of Americans eat more sardine* per Lewis Mills and wife and two child-! the quack. capita than any other race, which ren; George Moody, and Art Belknap. is good for sardine men, bail for sardine eaters. If this country de­ Steel pended less on a ckn opener and The Springfield Mill and Grain oom- Thurston People Here— Mrs. Oeo- Open c a b Closed t a b p jc k U p more on good cooking it would be Open cfsb C losed c<*i> pany has Installed two new rollers of rge Willands was In Springfield Frl- A daptable to healthier. Canned foo»l, : .eluding Removable posts Bodv C anopy rool Canopy roof the latest type In their warehouse »lay from Thurston. Dr. Willands C om m ercial canned sardines, Is a ble.-.-ing, a O pen sides Screened skies and side ra ils O pen sid es Screened sides number 2 to take care of the fa ll. runs a sawmill near that town. An- convenience and an economy. But B ody grain which is coming into the mill other Thurston visitor to Springfield it should not lake the place o f com­ petent cooking, and too often now. Friday was Lee Davis. it does. t I’ve Made My Decision! KETEL’S DRUG STORE A Silent T estim onial £ FORD TRUCKS et» N E W PRICES EFFECTIVE NOW CHASSIS EXPRESS EXPRESS BODY BODY $529.35 Are You Picking Hops? A GOOD Lunch is half the battle. You will find a good variety of cold meats to choose from at the Independent Meat Co. Phone 63 4th & Main St. Phone 63 for meat deliveries Mr. Klngsmors, of Maryland, convicted of knocking his wdfe down and repeatedly kicking her, Is moderately described by the poor wife as acting “downright onery." The "orretry” gentleman was sen­ tenced to five blows with the eat- 'o-nine-tai Is on his bare book. What do you think of that pun­ ishment Is it too much or too Bttle? For the wife beater, five hundred blows would be too few. There are nine tails to a “eat", m the five Wows will amount to forty-five stings. Railroad Officiala Go Through— Two carload» of Southern Pacific rail­ road officiale paeaed through Spring, field Friday oh their way north from an Inspection trip of the new line. Among them was C. T. King of Port­ land and T. Ahern of Sacramento, California. Mr. King will have charge of the line beginning September 1 ■when the road pauses from the con­ trol of the construction division l.o the operating division. '•>T? $63L35 £6004)0 STAHE BODY B04DSTEB with $632.75 $476v40 Delivered at Springfield Equipment -ÔCÜ starter-balloon lire» front -30*5 Cords rear • Ford Truck» cover a wide range in kind and type, each type economically adaptable to a long range of uses. Behind us is the service of a corps of transportation engin­ eers and efficiency experts to assist in bringing motor truck transportation down to the lowest cost per package — per ton— per mile- E. R. DANNER MOTOR GO. Fifth and A Streets 4