TIIVRMhAY (BUYING WtSELWfl FOR BALE—Carbon paper la large abeela, J«»39 inches, »tillable for waking (raelnga. The New» Office F or bai » Ilop Booka to keep pick era account» In. ITInted and In atnrk at I tin New» Office. CALI. ANO SEE Or N. W Ktm-’ y on price» on plain »nd other work. I’ Reflection« by Panne I have been drinking The «unitin'i aunnhlnn Amt guziug nt the ocean And thinking of the rexiftilne»» Of life; and woiiderlg why M> n itrugale an— When al moat w<- live to die IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE n f OREGON F u ll THE CO UN TY OF LANE. Loulnc I S eb a M , I'lnlntlff, va. Unman MrI.enn, Defendant. To Duncan McM-an, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed ugnlnut you In the above entitled ault within a ll week» from the first publication of thia sum­ mons. and If you fall ao (o anawer plaintiff will apply to the court for Ute relief demanded In the complaint, namely that the marriage relation bet wee en the plaintiff and defendant be wholly dissolved. Thia aummona la aerved upon you by publication by virtue of an order made July 11. 1926. by the Hon O F. Bklpworlh. circuit Judge, directing such publication for all consecutive weeks In the Springfield N ew s Thia summons ts ftrat ao published July 32. I»!« The underalgned attorney la a res­ ident attorney of the State of Oregon, and her residence and post office address la SIR Platt Building, Port­ land. Oregon. JANET R WHITE. Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and P. O. address 31S Platt Bldg. Portland. Oregon. Jl 22 2». A. 5 15 19 26; Sept. S. e- U S IN E S S Gemerai la» Practica I. M. PETERSON Attornayat-Law C mb mereiai Stata Baak Bldg.. Springfield, Ora. Oell SUTTON TRANSFER Phon* 57 DR. N W. EMERY O CNTIBT Sutton Bldg. Phons t(hJ Rssldaneo Phons 16» M Sprlngflsld, Oregon D. W . Roof JEWELER RepuirliiK a Specialty Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kind» of gravel for con­ crete or rond work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock «and. Bunk- era at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. “The Loop »» Your Home When In Springfield ' .FRANK A. DF PUE A TTO R N EY AT GCT RESULTS) EIGHT ORADE EXAMINATION Uniform State Examination for the eight grad« will be given to con­ ditioned pupil» and all others who have compiled with the conditions, on Thursday and Friday, September 2 and 3, when application baa been made (or questions. A limited num­ ber can be given the examination In the County School Superintendent’» office. E J MOORE. County School Superintendent. (A 26: S 2) D IR E C T O R Y DR. J. M- JONES OPTOMETRIST LARAWAY BLDG., EUGENI LAW NO TARY PUBLIC Button Springfield I Buldllng Oregon. | W. F. Walker Funeral Director m Tonalla Removad—Wendell Qllfrey, ■on of John Qllfrey had his tonsils and adnolds removed Monday by a local physician. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Remarkable work In the control at forest fire» has been done In the Pa* clflc northwest, where the worst fire season was experienced since 1919, la the opinion of J. C. Klrcber, forest Inspector from Washington. D C on Brief of Resume of Happenings Inspection tour along the Pacifia coast. the Week Collected for Marlon county this year will pro­ duce approximately 3.500,000 pounds Our Readers. of English rye grass seed, according to estim âtes made by Harley O. In an effort to cut down expenses, White. The largest previous crop of F o il HALE—Seven-room house with ROOF RBPA1R1NO— Old roofa made the government la going to do away Across W ith a Bang this seed was less than 1,000,00» acra of ground on East Main St. I to laat by a paving proceaa will with Its rat killer at Portland. Here Ilea what’s left pounds. The seed is selling at »4 Fries »2500, »500 down, balance wave you money and grief. I^eta Silver cyeek falls, a few mllea to »5 per 100 pounds. Of Good ol* Bill like rent. Addreaa J. E Stewart, get Hied right for winter rains. south of Silverton, may become a He slep t too near A bean disease Is prevalent in the »1» Cedar St , Klamath Falla, Ore. j Guaranteed satisfaction Pernmn- national park, according to word re­ northwest this season which appears A steaming »till. ently located. Phone Eugene 2S25J. tf ceived. to be the same as that which affects I. T. Looinlti, Eugene. tf. SUMMONS Clyde B. Altchiaon of the Interstate sugar beets, reports M. B. McKay, - ---- I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE commerce commission spent last plant path< ioglst of the experiment FOR RENT—Three room furnished j Notice of M eeting of County Board ¡S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R T H E week In Wallowa county resting and station at Corvallis. The disease in apartment, with bath, basement; of Equalization ¡C ol S T Y O F L A N E . some cases has damaged 50 per cent Water end lights furnished for Notice la hereby given th a t on the Robert W. Prescott, Plaintiff va viewing the scenery. »22 6« 245 Pearl Ht. Eugene. ■ e.-ond Mon ley In September. 1821 1 Agnes 8. Klemcr. a widow, H elm E. The prune harvest la on through­ of the crop, he says. the County Hoard of Equalization of Klemer, a single woman; Walter F out Yamhill county with many times Establishment of the boundaries of and for Lain- County. Oregon, will at- ! Klemer and Jat> Klemer, hl» entire families working In the orch­ a proposed road Improvement district NO TIC E o r FINAL ACCOUNT tend, nt the courthouse In »aid wife; Edgnr I,. Klemer and Florence ards. Growers uniformly report a sought in petitions submitted to the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE county. and publically examine t h e . Klemer, hl» wife; and also all other state highway commission by resi­ «dent rolls, and correct all err-. p^rM,nH or parties unknown claiming heavy yield. STATE OF OREGON. IN ANO FOR »" THE COUNTY OF LANE. IN PRO- ‘ r <" valuation description or quail- any right, title, estate, lien or Interest The spring salmon fishing season dents of Polk and Lincoln counties PATR ¡*1*** o f land. lots or other properly In the real estate degcrlbe.d In the in the Columbia closed at noon Wed­ will be considered at a hearing to be •d by the assczuor of said complaint herein. Defendants. In r*' E stale of C J Dodd, d e ren -.-d. nesday and marked the end of one of held by the commission at Falls City Notice la hereby given that the un Lane County; an ! It shall be the duty To the above named defendants: the poorest seasons in the history of on Saturday, September 11. derslgned executor of the above You and each of you are hereby ■in»' Interested to ¡ opear at W eeks of under-cover work gather­ notlfl.-d and required to appear In thei U*® Industry, lltl.-d . tat.- has filed his final account the tini« arri pia. appointed. P ersons w ishing to exam ine th<"lr above estltled cause and answer there ' Wounded by a stray bullet two ing evidence and obtaining “buys” In the above entitle court; that th" hearing thereon will be hud before the aas.-sam enta should call .hiring the in within six weeks from the date of weeks ago while hiking on a ioneiy came to a head at Llamath Fails sebi co u rt on S eptem ber 10, 1826. nt week Im m ediately preceding t h e the first publication of this summons mountain trail. Lew Lawson of when city, county, state and federal the hour of ten o'clock In the fore­ me. ting of llu- Hoard of Equalisation. and If you fall to appear and answer officers combined in one of the big­ Dated thl 21st dav of Aomist. 1926. herein, the plaintiff will apply to the Gallce, 45 years old, died in a Grants noon; and that all objections thereto gest liquor raids ever held in south­ BENJAMIN F KEENEY. Pass hospital. most be filed In writing prior to the Court for the relief demanded In the ern Oregon. Thirty were taken in County Ass-saor of and for time of said hearing An oil lease covering 1160 acres of complaint filed herein, to-wlt: Lane County. Oregon. the wholesale raids, incluaing ten wo­ WILLIAM 8 DODD. Executor. For a decree decreeing the plaintiff land near Merrill in Klamath county Non-Coal. A 1! 19-26: H 29 to be the owner In fee simple of the has been taken by Charles G. Adams. men. (8 29) Sullivan * Sullivan of Portland following described premises: Commencing at the SE Corner of It Is thought drilling operations will have completed their contract for EXECUTORS AND EXECUTRIX) start this fall. Sec. 10, in Twp. 17 8., Range 5 West j SUMMONS NOTICE grading five miles of railway exten­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of the W illamette Meridian In I u n e , Mrs. Helen Kyron, »7, of Warren- sion into the national forests near 1*T*IIF* UOUNTY COURT OF TUR __ STATE <)F OREGON IN AND F o il STATE OF ORBOON IN AND FOR 1 ounty. Oregon; thence running W -sl ^on. committed suicide following a Cottage Grove for the Anderson A THE COUNTY OF LANE IN PRO- I^tNE COUNTY Bnd' * ‘ j quarrel with her husband. John Ky- BATE Km"- Pla,nt,ff’ ’ • 0 U d y ,' t n v fee.« .„AT t £ „ ™ U t h 26 chah . “ ®mP'o7® ot the Warrenton Middleton Lumber company, which will start this year upon a cut of 40,- In re Estate of Jacob C. Nicholson. BIB». D efendant ¡font f««t and thence South 26 chain. - P 7 deceased I To Gladys Ellis. to the place of beginning; and quiet- Lumb*r company. 000 annually for tan years in federal .. >1 I h .r t . Ih.< th . ... I IN THE NAME OF THE STATE i |ng the title to said premises In said Hulling of alfalfa seed will start timber. um „ „ . ? S i t t ? S .- B S 2 S T .™ i “ S T along with the - . w . : b’ “ 1 persons issuing <>r any or either of and about 30 acres ot sw eet clover j check, apparently „ the only meana seed Is to be hulled. | of halting the flood of worthless paper “. m 2 .h". n y Ina» ran HI * Inti NOTARY PUBLIC must be filed h t this Office within July 29. 1926 and the last publication highway was satisfactory, but now It 3190.(MM) or more for the creation of a building fund, and the expression waa thirty days from the date of first pub­ September », 1926. Office at is understood the elate wants an 80- almost unanimously in favor of tha M. O. HOQH, lication of this notice, which first pub­ Attorney for Plaintiff, 633 Wiliam toot road. FIRST NATIONAL BANK lication will be September 2, 1926 bond issue. 8prlngfleld, Oregon HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. ette S tr e e t Eugene, Oregon. Jl 2»: A 6-12-19-36: 8 M S 2-9-16-23-30 Classify dAds Í ¡ B PAGE SEVEN THE SPRING HELD NE5VH SEIH’. 2. 192« s