The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 02, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    t I
T llt'R H D A Y
SID’T. 2. 192«
Heo Operetler»— Fred Cllngen wo»
To Vlalt Mother— Ml»» lUohol Bhar-
oion M t fiw Portland Haturday for a taken le th e ( » r i f l e C h ris tia n h>spl
ol ' uesday (or a n ojor operation.
violi with hrr mother. Mr» Kent
m i oaop»__
Tonall» Removed — Grace H heller,.
W II Pollard
(oiiilly wont Io Jasper Hunday (or a »»»on year old daurhler nt Clinton
combined busluas» and pleasure trip ¡th rlley had her tOMlI» and adnold»
| ri moved Tuesday morning.
Here prom Eugene—William Light-,
fool traaaaoted builneas In Hprlng
Doctor Dlppel Back— Dr. and Mr«,
field Friday Hr live» In the Collar.» H Italph Dlppel returned Monday
Creel dlsirlct In Eugene
from « week« trip to Crater Lake and
Houlliern Oregon.
H om e— M l»«
K vy la n d
Tigard of Tigard. Oregon led Hutur
Bach Prom California— Mr and
day afternoon (or her homr after «. Mr. F M Mulligan relum ed Hsbir-
v with D r and Mr. W II Pollard, '¡ay night (mm a three w eek', v
In California.
D on na P a r m e r In Town— M Mul
Una w a. In «own on b u .ln ... Friday
Tumor People H ere-M r. nnd Mr«,
aflernoon Iron, Donna where he ha. a T .lb er, of Turner. Oregon, were
nt ih* bom»* of or. nnd Mr«.
N. W. Emery Hunday.
Two Have Tonsils Out—Dsle Hhoi-
............. and Delvln B artholom ew ha I
V isit»
O r .n d m o th e r -T h e«
the.r Ions,I. and ad....... removed al K k .n or and Winifred Gravos are
the oflloe Of a local physician Friday. »'•>»'"« IhCr grand,»renls. Mr and
Mr». C II Mahany of Eugene thia
W s n d lln g P eople In T o w n — M r
ami week.
Mr« M J B lakely o( Wendllng wore
___ ___. .
M ove T o PuOene— Two rem oval. Io
In Springfield for a »horl tin»» Halui-
Eugene took place Monday. r O-
day on bu.ln«•»».
Ilaallnga of Second and E a,reel»
M a rr y
S te w a rt Im p r o v e . H o m e — m oved Io Eug.-ne a . did Richard R.
Harry atewart la having n«w hard- Stanton of A street
wood floor, put In h l. home on H<
Bo„ , r_ j
R Weldon cf
ond and A a,reel, and 1« having It Eu(f,.nt. WKH )n flprlngfleld Monday
reahlngled and palnled.
repairing the brick work on on» of
H er. P ro m
Mr« William
Spent Friday
▼ .a,
Culp C reek -M r and the Mountain S la te . Power cotnpnny e
Pa,ion of Culp Creek boiler«.
evening In lo « n with
R|Ch.rdeon To Have V a c a tio n -
Emery Richardson of the Mountain
-a ii- » _ M r . r . i i . t v S la te . Power company atarted on hl»
Goes T o W e n d l l n g - M r . Imlla I.y-
».cation W ed n e.d .y
harger returned ,o Wendllng Salur-
. ,
. . . . .
. .
. u
plana to go to Ihe coast for part of
She haa been alaylng at her 1
v . « . « . .n .i Pior-
J .V the time
Newport. Yahala. and nor-
borne In Springfield «Ince the death
. ,
. „ , . _
ence will be on Wa Itenerary.
of her huaband. C I.ybarger
Lyharger will work In Wendllng.
To Attend Dedication— Hugo Hallln
„ o f Weaiflr arrived Tuesday night to
. N a d v o rn lk
In s ta lls
M o to e -J
w „ h ()> (.a r
o |ao B
f(>r ,
Nadvornlk la Installing a new one- o(
g ||p |(„ pnrte<,
d ed lcalloi
half hor.e-power electric motor to f (h( npw
Temple at E-i-
run h l. cleaning m achine..
machine la being pul on Ila founda­
tion and will be ready to run nev,
Tyaon To Attend Conference W I
, Tyaon ha» been .elected by the local
safety council aa 11» delegate to at-
Vlalt At Rebhan'a— Mrs. Myrtle un<) th),
conference In Port-
Trogel and daughter. Dorothy, »pent )(in(, grptember 8. The conference t
the week end at Ihe home of Dr un(ler (he auspice, of the National
and Mr». W, C. Rebhan. They are Safely Council.
from Eastern Oregon.
« Weber P ain t. House—Carl Weber
Work O n B rid g e — A county bridge | M painting hla houae on South Sec*
crew was at work Monday putting la ond a,reel which w a. »lightly damag-
new railing and repairing Ihe bridge ed by the fire which destroyed- tho
across the W illamette. The heavy Nelson Fisher home la»t summer. He
traffic across Ihe bridge soon »hake« has repaired the houae «Ince the flr-i
the limbers apart unless they are and built a nww two-car garage and a
watched according ,o the men.
woodshed to replace the one» burnt
up by the Are.
Much Pipe Laid On Eugene Line—
The new pipe for the Eugene water
Lineman Hurt—O. B Manley hurl
•Vslem la laid to the railroad croas- hla back while working for the
Ing Ihls able of the Jasper road and Mountain S tales Power company 03
th* tunnel work under the McKemle the new line to W endllng
He was
concreted The pipe already laid will lifting a plank and twisted him self In
not be covered until It Is tested and some way so as to throw a kink In
found all right.
| his back.
Outstanding Values for Fri­
day and Saturday in the
Basement Store
prices on plate and other work, t!
A change In the hours of the open­
ing was announced this week by the
Drop Inn Cafe, effective last Mondar.
Sealed Bids will be received by the
The cafe will now be ready to serve
City Recorder of Springfield. Oregon,
Its customers at 6:00 In the morning
for the covering of the surface of the
and will stay open until 1230 or 1 07
I In the evening. The former time of pavement on Main Street from the
¡opening was 11:00 A. M. The change | East Curb line on Sth street, east .o
¡the end of the pavement, the width be­
was made possible by the hiring of
tween the tiwo curb lines of said
a new cook who will be on duty in
with Asphalt or Black top pav­
, the morning In the future.
ing material, two Inches In thickness.
The new sign purchased recently
The Contractor to furnish all Mater­
by A. T. Gravos, proprietor of the
ial and Labor in the performance >f
Here are the two women- swimmers Who were the Arst of their sex to be
the work, and assume all respon?!-
successful In aalm mlng ,he English channel, and one who was not suc­ week. A delay in hanging the sign billty in connection with said- work,
cessful They are (left to right, Lillian Cannon, unsuccessful, Millie Gade. was caused by the breaking of a relieving the town of all responsibil­
second to cross channel, and Gertrud.- Ed.-rle, first woman to swln,. glass In shipping it from Portland. ity as to accident etc. The contract­
The glass to replace the broken on
■ a -------------------------------------------t
or to furnish a good and sufficient
■ arrived this week.
bond of not less than $2000.00 as a
guarantee that the work «will be com­
pleted In the time specified, and ac­
We, the bereaved members of the
cording to the plans and specifica­
family of Mra. Phllinda Starks wish
tions of the City Engineer, and jr-
to thank our friends and neighbors
dlnances governing same. Bids will
| for the kindness expressed during the
he received up to noon of September
illness and death o f our mother, and
13, 1926
Bids to be opened at the
for the many flowers and words of
regular meeting of the Council, Sept­
ember 13, 1926, 7 30 P. M
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clark
Council reserves the right to reject
Mr. and Mrs. William Stark
any or all bids.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Starks
R W. SMITH, City Recorder.
Mrs. Evelyn Christy
Pennsylvania’s Contribution to the Sescjm
Prices Reduced on
Westinghouse Mazda Lamps
Prices effective September first
Get our prices before you buy
Henderer Electric Supply
Ketels Drug Store
Here 1« Ihe Keyatone State • bonding at the great Seaqul-Centennlal Inter
national Exposition at Philadelphia, celebrating 150 year« of American Inde­
pendence. In thia huge structure Pennsylvania 1» displaying her progress
from the arrival of Penn to the present day. The building Is one of th»
bandaomeat on the big exposition grounds and has proved a rendexvoua for j
hundreds of thousands of people who have come from near and far to see the
magnificent exhibits established by forty three of the loading nations of the j
world. The Exposition continues until December L
C harges D r y League
200 pcs.
White Graniteware
69c each
The ideal holder for fruit Jars. Well made of heavy
galvanized wire. Fits any holler. Holds eight jars. Very
convenient Tor putting Jars Into water nnd lifting them out
of water. A canning time necessity. Friday and Saturday
In the basement store you can buy a genuine Androck rack
for 69 cents.
< ►
z , •(
Friday and
Nickel Plated
Bread Tray
Well made of highly polished retlnned wire with basket
In center for drying silver Simple and sturdy in construc­
tion. Each dish held In place allowing thorough reusing.
A time« nnd labor saver that should be in every kitchen and
Priday and Saturday they are 69 Instead of 89 cents!
Androck Canning Racks
T .'h S i
-p -
Androck Dish Dryers
Triple eonted first quality white grnniteware. Will
not chip or crack easily. Choice of: 7 qt tea kettles, col­
anders, 8 qt pails, 2 qt- pitchers, set 3 stew pans, double
hollers, chambers, set 3 mixing howls, 9 qt. dishpans, 6 qt.
covered kettles.
Frssd O r Firs Charga—C 8. Bota DANNER COMPANY SELLS
ford was released Thursday 1» the
Justice court on the charge of leaving
The E. R. Danner Motor company
a camp Are burning as the Justice of
the peace felt tiia there were not turned in»a record number of salsa
sbfflclent grounds to hold him. Mr. for Ford cars for the moatb of Aug­
Botstord was charged In a complaint ust. eclipsing all tba other dealer»
filed by A. T. Moae«, Are warden with of the county and making a record
leaving his camp Are burning. Upon hard ,o beat by any Ford agency In
Investigation it w as found that the the state. The salesmen for the com­
Are which had been left was one o f , pany sold 36 Ford cars last month,
papers and other refuse m aterial, nearly half of the total number sold In
which Mr botsford had picked up on Die entire county. The total number
a camp ground and burned. . Aa th e '« ( of Fords sold in I-ane county was 7»,
la no danger of Ares now on account with agencies at Cottage Grove. Cres­
of the recent Tains and as Mr. Smith well, Junction City, and Eugene a o
felt that burning rubbish was a good counting for the remaining 40 car».
Next month promises to be as good
deed, be let Mr. Botsford go.
for sales, according to one of the
V is its M u rp h y 's — M r. and M rs 0 . salesmen of (he company, who based
A Cover visited at the home of Mr. his statem ent on the result of the
and Mrs. Dalits Murphy this week first days business. If the company
tittjB keeps up its record breaking pace It
will become one of «he leading Ford
agencies of the state.
Representative George Holden
Tlnktiam of Mafwachusett» de­
mands that Attorney Generul
Sargent prosecute the Anti-Saloon
League tor violation of Federal
Corrupt Practices Act. He claims
they » huge to bring
•bout prohibition.
Merced design on the
ends, stain-finished with
bright finished rim. At­
tractive in shape and full
standard size- being 13U
inches over all.
Goes To Portland— Mrs. John Win-[
Zpnreld left Wednesday for Portland
for a visit with ¡her daughter Mrs. |
Joe Lemons who Is 111 there. Mr. t
Wlnxenreid will leave for Portland
Save as you go and you will go far; spend
as you go and you'll go to the poorhouse- It
Is all right to be the good fellow NOW but
the good fellow of TODAY is the one that
is penniless TOMORROW-
Saving does not mean being miserly- It
means a sensible “center-of-the-road” posi­
tion, saving a part out of each week’s pay
and putting It away for the future.
Why not take a part of next week's pay
and open a savings Account with this strong
institution? When you do, we will present
you with the unique home safe that is shown
above. This safe is an exact replica of the
famous Liberty Bell. No better symbol of
the Independence you are saving for could
be had. It onlv takes $1.00 to open an ac­
count and obtain a Liberty Bell Bank.
“T he Home of Good
F urn itu re”
Prote cted by Electric Burglarly Alarm System
ments nnd cards In many beautiful
styles, either printed or engraved, cant
be hud nt Ihe News Office. Let us '
show you our line.
Save As You
11th nt W illamette
Commercial State Bank
Springfield, Oregon