r THURSDAY ¿U N F A O I FOCK " BKPT, >, 1»2B t • » •■C r - Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LANE C O U N T Y U N IT c O — ■ ■ — Stafford School Finished This Week future Ths first meeting at the new Work on the new Hluffortl school (■laisi occurred last night By Svernai O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • building on the Marcoln road was F A R M E R S ' U N IO N • Corraapdods-ta flnlahed this week and the building FOR B A L B —Carbon paper la larga •h eels. M l M laches, suitable for Inspy. led today by the arohetect. Several Eugcn* hardware co® pan-1, p w Allen, Vida, President making (raM ngs T b s News O ff loa. John Hunalcker of Eugene The las have agreed to co-operate toget- • w . I. Seals. Bngenn, Vlce-Presl- THURSTON building Is a modern one room school UPPER WILLAMETTE feer at the la n e County Pair In giv- . denL --------- with a room for a library, a lunch Ing a demonstration of Irrigation . Betty M. Kappaut. Cottage Grove Mr and Mr». J A. Fhelps and two William Ruth and family motored room and cloak room. It Is healed Young Wife Afraid pumps and piping Bach company . Secretary Treasurer, w ill have a part In the demonstration . Walter Mo-gan Creawall. Conduc-* children of Swlsahome spent the week to Portland last Wednesday and t ^ k by „ an.l ha, a .eatin g rapacity To Ent Anything and will show some specialty p u m n i. • •*«»<* visiting friends at Pleasant lllli his .laughter. Miss Laura to her home for f„rly students * I • tor I - -- H Smith Eugene, Doorkeep- * Mr. and Mr». Ja*»** <><•« of H utch-. there. The contractors, Hargraves and or kind of machinery dealing with H *'| was afraid Io eat because I al­ s lason, Kansas, have been visiting at Mr ad Mrs. Arch SMiough. Mr. and Lln.leay of Eugene. have been a( woik Irrigation. Each one has some speci­ er. ways bad ainmach trout) o after­ 1 Clement Wa tervtlle, Chap- • the T F Kahler ranch. Mrs. Ogan Mrs John Pried and Mr and Mrs on (he building for four weeks It alty which will be shown for the bene­ O. • and Mrs. Kabler are sisters Mts. l^w renre Gossler returned home waa bulll along side the old school wards Since taking Adlnrlka I can fit of latne County farmers Interested lain eat and feol fine." (signed) Mrs A. . . . . e s s Lewis a sister of Mrs. Kabler visited We.ln>-day fTom an outing of several building which will be torn down In irrigation. Howard. (INK spoonful Adlerlka ■ ' — with them Sunday. days .pent on the coast _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The demonstration will he held at removes GAS and often brings sur­ * * * * * * The young folks of Pleasant Hill Mrs Margaret Campbell from the fair grounds 100 feet inside the prising relief to the atoinarh Slops F A R M R E M IN D E R S have been busy picking prunes on the |.an,) IT spent the week end with Mr Farmers Union Changes Msstlng gate on the w est side of the main that full, bloated feeling Removes . . s s s s s s Garmlre ranch. and Mrs Prank Campbell T*’ 1 * Mount Vernon Partners t nlon driveway. A meeting was held Tues­ ------------ At a special meeting of the patrons j „ b, w illiam s from Cottage Grove h«» change d their place of meeting old w aste matter from Inte’.ün»» and day night at Eugene to arrange de­ The W illamette valley Is becoming of v # |o b Hlgh acfcaI> ‘s ar,‘ in bl‘*xn the dis,rict h” providing shower baths and lockers, company own th place where Mr Rutherlatul company conferred with O. F Fletch- b~ n »,ow to develop. Danger of n„ w WIHtg and t„ put , nv lives. er countv farm a g en t and with F. E. European foulbreed has also slow r and Mrs Hahn who have been o il f alsike. white clover and vetch. P la its living on the Will Carr ranch moved ’' n1 cal n iiu.-fHTOUd lug. _ ~ g ~ neighbors — 1 hwe* •»» Cha esigl,le/v She r a i d e d Is.-t-a* here M s e ai v n e r (I ¡of secondary Importance are maple. lasl w eek to Coburg where they will 676 DEPARTMENT STORES years ago. cascara and French pink raise chickens. GARDEN WAY Mrs 'Jennie Ermlnston of Rügens 042 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. --------- Public school at Pleasant Hill opens Mr. and Mrs. T K. Griffith and son. Careful survey o f Oregon pear or September 27 with Mrs Clark prlncl- sp«m the week end visiting relatives Vern, of Prineville are visiting at the chard» for finding diseased bark and pai and Miss Gulllford primary here 111 leach Herbert Taylor of Eugene was In fcome of Mrs Griffith's parents, Mr wo°d in the fall or early winter is teacher. Mrs Riley Petty Thurston on business last Friday and Mrs. Ed Robertson. recommended by the experiment sts- at Enterprise this yar. Fred Price from Noil spent ihtlur- Hop picking at the Anderson Hop- Don. All such damaged portions are Mr and Mrs. Roy Moon are moving llh his brother John yard began Wednesday. About two rumored in both bark and wood from to the Gllfrey ranch at Cloverdale, day night bendred and twenty-five pickers are branches, trunk and roots. This is Mrs. W lllism s having sold the ranch Price. •mploved. the best method known to elim inate (hey w ere renting at Pleasant Hill Mrs. Jesse Fountain and children Mr and Mrs. Owen Thomas are the hold-over portions of infection for the The Interior woodwork of th high «laso Mr» While snd children of Bend Summer vacation days are drawing to a close happy parents of an eight pound son. trees next spring. school has been repainted and the ,pcnt Sunday night at John Price's, thought» of Young America are turning to the horn Saturday August 28th. They ■ school and grounds are being put In Mrit c „ nklin of Eugene is spend- hare named him. Keith Owen. While there is an adequate number -hape for school (hat opens Beptem- )nj( . aT€ra| daya with Mrs. Arch room» which were »o gleefully aliandoned last Ji A community picnic was held al of creameries in Oregon from a hand- her 13. E. E. Kilpatrick formerly ol though. the school house last Friday evening, ling and manufacturing point of view, the Corvallis high school Is to be _ and Mrs Cummins from Call Mr. Back to »chool does not give the young folks so muck Grace Maxwell has returned fron several important factors require at- principal and Miss Lottie Bendwhadi-r forn(a Mr. and Mrs Link Yar- — METKODS of ir r ig a tin g TO BE SHOWN AT FAIR \ *--------- ■w Community News Again, School Days Require Preparations Newport. where she spent the week gs the guest of Gertrude and Helene ICoke. Ross Manning, who has been In the dairy business with I. Cline, during the pas year, has moved to the Lever- In f ran«*, east of Springfield. H. L. Mounts visited reslatlves in Franklin last week. Prune picking has been delayed, on account of the cannery being unabie to handle the great amount of fruit eom lrg in. The growers are limited to haul a certain per cent of their prunes each day. Hop picking began at the Fish paras Thursday. Sixty picker, are employed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Reverend Childers To Return Sunday — The Reverend S. E. Childers will be back next Sunday from his vacation gnd will deliver the regular Sunday evening services at the Christian church. The topic has not been an­ nounced as Reverend ChIWers did not tend word what it would be. He hia been on a vacation of a few weeks In California. tention says the experiment station, and Mrs. Cooper teachers. neR Sunday right They left for their Srme of these thinrs must be eltml- Budget notices for the Pleasant lllli bornp Moodsy. Dated and some Improved If th“ public school have been posted'. The S|WD Weaver, and Mr. and Mrs. creameries are to serve their pur- meeting will be held Tuesday 8--pt- rbarjeg Weaver from Michigan ar- pose as an economic and efficient ember 7. 1 r| VF and Mft p ^ , RobI. y an(, faTn. early and ,ate lambs ln Oregon is Tlsltlng at the home of Mr. Sm ith' Thurston store said by the experiment station to do- brother, Mr and Mrs 1) u. u in io n pend on many factors. Early produc- They returned to their home at Prine their ram h near Springfield. tion is not practical unless summer vtlle last FrldaF Mr - and' Mrs Herbert W eiss from range ls ot guch quaijty that the Mr>- English and daughter. Mar- R ngefa are going to operate the iambs get fat enough for market be- F“rel of f entral se’>Bt 8und*y Thurston Store and Post Office. foce |earin< „ Tbe sumn,er ranre Pleasant Hill. Mr and Mrs. L C. Yarnell snd must be near enough to a railroad that The road between Pleasant Hill and ew es and lambs can be trailed to the Ja’ P*r ’ rhlc'i’ ,h> daughter. Edna. June and Mrs Wkdi- load in e nolnt ithout ton an< a t k i r . er Edmlnston spent Suday at Belnr.p loading point w without too monk much in lo ,, s s , Williams, Gresman . . Springs. of weight The Blue mountain sec- ™ »ch" " M rY Rose Baughman of a Eugene tlon of Oregon wl-hln fifty mlDs eltaln atM f; ? . t “ a . v of railroad Is largely but not entire'v Or*""1*" ranrh makln' * rt,0,t*r ' ,m e oat " “dnesday to .pond a f w She has The dlstanct cut to jM p* r than by the Jacoby days at the Price home early lamb districts been ill for several days with flu portions together with central and road. and Is recuperating. south-central Oregon grow largely Inspect Certified Potatoes Mr snd Mrs. Ernest West and late lambs. Professor George Hllwop, of the children of Cottage Grove spent Mon­ Oregon Agricultural college. Is I » day night st Fred Gray's. WANTED—To buy lots ln good loca­ Lane county today to visit five fields A. W. Weaver has sold his thresh­ tion for building. Phone Spring- of certified seed potatoes. Four fa m - ing machine. field 9 2 9 era In the county have raised certified ^potatoes this year. Professor Hilsop will Inspect them now and again later In the fall. We’ll Flan Your Meals With You Over the Phone M rs. B row n H a s O p eratio n — Mr» Homer Brown of Jasper had her ton­ sils removed1 here Monday. T IM E A N D P L A C E O F L O C A L M E E T IN G S Just ask us over the phone what you ought to have for dinner. Not only have we a wealth of suggestions in good things but we can tell you about the best and freshest things in each morning and the newest products on the market. In this way you can make your meals infallible suc­ cesses and often spring surprises of triumph and apprecia­ tion on your guests or your husband Plan for two days as we will be closed on Monday Labor Day. Phone Phone Canary—First Wednesday, Third Saturday, Farmers Union Hall. Cloverdale—Second and Fourth Fridays. Cloverdale School House. Creswell—First and Third Tues­ days, Croswell, M. W. of A. Hall. Coast Fork—Second and Fourth Thursdays, Farm Union Hail. Daneho— First Tuesday, Danebo School House. Dorena—Second and Fouth Tues­ days, Dorena Churoh. Hadleyvllle — First and Third Thursdays. Hadleyvllle 8chool. H eceta—First Sunday of each month, Heceta School House. Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed­ nesdays, *vV, O. W. Hall, Jasper. Lorane—Second and Fourth Wednesday». I. O. O. F. Hall. McKenzie local, second and fo u rth Wednesday, 8 p. m I. O. O. F. hall, W altervllle. Mt. Vernon—First and Tljlrd Wednesday. BrasLeld Store. Silk Creek Meets Flrnt and Thltd Thursday at Cedar School House Spencer Creek—Third Friday, Pine Grove School House. Trent—Second and Fourth Wed­ nesdays. Pleasant HUI High «! School Bldg. Vida—Second and Fourth Satur days at Mlnnoy Hall. Secretaries will please send In time and place of meeting and change» of date as Miey may oc­ cur. • • • • • • • • coo. cm ju»t now as it doe» parent» who must outfit their hoy» and girl» with »unable clothing, furnishing^ •hex-» and supplies. I '.c J C. Penney Company Store offers its service». Evt rv aid will be given to help you make selections that will offer the lea»* strain upon yotfr pocketlxok hut at the >.ime time, pro.ide the utmost in sfylc. in quality, in wear-resistance and in the » n r i - f ^ c h i l d r e n will experience Irom your purchase» Io. i I icul The great buying power of the countrywide Organ- iaation of which this Store is a part, lias been employed to assemble stocks of school needs that will prove de­ cidedly attractive. The result is highly plaasmg as you w ill appreciate when you are in our Store. T ry Your Home Printer First Many merchants buy sales books, Involcos and manifold forms from traveling salesimen chiefly because they think they are saving money. They usually buy In large quantities while if they were buying from the local printer they would buy ln small lots. Quantity printing Is always much cheaper than in small lots. The truth Is the buyer Is fooled about (he price. If ho had given the same quantity order to the local printer he would have gotten Just as good and jierhaps a better price- And, too, his money would have stayed at home, been paid out to the local people who would In turn have spent It in his store- | There has never been a traveling printing salesman come to Springfield that offered an individual piece of printing with quality and price that could beat us. We’ll bet on that- T h e W illam ette Press 1 t