A TIIÜKRDAY REIH' •— 2. 192« PAuE T IÎR je OI TH E HPRINGFiKLD NEWS SITE OF THE FIRST PHONE MESSAGE Wiat Price Jeautyi ■¿y T it iss J î v Beauty bin I 11» hcgitinlng with Eve whose lnvellm*»», tradi­ tion tell» uh , wits even greater than the perfection of the Garden of Eden. Since I but time, women and men too, only they are more auhtle about It have jierslMeutly »ought It. Thu» we have had our heritage throughout the age» a little and the Ideal of greater beauty for those who have the will to attuln it. Our feature» we cannot rhange hut we can make the most of them. One of my readers tuts s»k< Itilrresied In massage, then you must lake Wi* k u o w ln g It moat certainly ran b sjtta is to give yourself this attention two or three times every week. It done llere'a how! Before beginning, the face must be must never be given hastily Experl- thoroughly cleans*! wIWi s»sp sn'I.B ’en l until you And Just the kind of water, or with hot towel«. Omit the «warns and lotions that agree with cold reusing water , so that the pores your skin. Mmeniher that the lex- will remain open for the Ireatuient lure of the skin differs and that .hat The ollied of the facial Is Io Induce | which beautlfles one may have the a copious flow of blood and to keep opposite “ * effect on another. the fleeh Arm and the skin unllned. so a Anu, light (ouch Is best. Facial massage must always be done with MCLAGAN BACK FROM an upward movement, to prevent sag- TRIP TO YELLOWSTONE There was no demage done to either LIFE'S MIRROR cur. The accident waa due to 11»*» Reflections by Panne wet and tdlpp ry pav m eat and *o No sliver frame stands on my w et brakes. dresser No sm iling counterpart upon my resk Nothing material to gaze at, M arriage L I- .e iM i Issued Gr bold, or kiss. During i he past week marriage Ah, but d ep planted in my memory llci naes have been Issued by the Where always close you seem county clerk to the fllowing: Fred And framed within my heart Hartung and Claudle Broders, both of I have your picture. Eugene; Frank Funnel! and Bonnie Hart, both of Bend; Harry Montgom­ A Good Reason ery and I-aura Mae Green, both of "Someone said you don't sing In Cottage Grove; Edward Cole, Jasper the choir any m ore!* and Lucille Lambert. SprlngAeld; "No, I thought It best to stop.” Hershel Smith, Junction City, and "Why— what's wrong?* Vera Edson, Eugene; William Mc­ "Well, I missed' one Sunday and Cutcheon and Myrtle Mae Wallace, both of Eugene; Roy Graham and ail the congregation wanted to know May Omnan, both of Cottage Grove; when the organ was fixed.” Bogard Welch and Helen Campbell, " call and b m both of Eugene. on prices on plats snd other w ork. I f ret. rjrwrrsssrr gtug NeVer apply the cream In lumps W. C. M ela n in and family returned warm It Arst. Apply a goodly quan­ last week from a business and vaca­ tity. Begin to m assage at the tion trip to Montana and the Yellow­ corners of the ayes. Start with a stone Park. Mr Mt l.agan was call­ light, but Arm circling morement, ed upon an Inspection trip to elec­ where the laughing wrinkles come. tric plants In Montana on the eve of Use the fure Augers of each hand. h is vacation changed his plans os as U se this movement to rub In the to Include business with his outing. cream—and then stroke the wrinkles He visited two steam generating plants at Sand Point, Idaho and upward and outward. Libby. Montana, and a hydro-electric t'se a slow, steady pressure, and plant at Calllspell. Montana From an outward stroke (Aider the eyos, there he went to the Yellowstone and follow the eye oul beyond the National Park and spent four days tuth pies. visiting all the points of Interest. The If the forehead wrinkles are per­ return was made by the Southern »a- pendicular and between the eye-' trance of the park. Jackson Holt-, brow s, m assage the lines upward and | For "the' Wyoming. Teton Pass. Southern Ids- outward with the Angers F " ho, the John Hay Highway and the other forehead wrinkles, use a cir­ | McKenlxe Pans to SprlngAeld. cular movement. B B. Mink of Tangena accompan­ tlen tly plnrh the lines about the ied Mr Mct-agnn snd his family. The moulh as you massage with an up­ party covered 21175 miles on their trip ward stroke, taking care, however, and had no trouble except three punc- that you do not stretch the skin. | turea. Use only the stroke movement after After their return to SprlngAeld the pinching The upward Strok. ¿„ N.’ wpt'.rt"and "spent movement may be used In m assaging # from chin to temple to eradicate the . Ane little lines that cosnc In the skin j | CAIA AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery with Increasing years. Finish with a dash of warm water on prices on plate snd other work, tf WaJUv B. Gifford (left), president ot the American Telephone and Tate graph Company, and Leonard IL Klanard (right), pre«.dent of the Hell Tate phon« Company of Pennsylvania and Aaaoclated Companies, are shown standing oa the exact spot whore Alexander Graham Bell first talked over his taveatkia s t the Centennial Exposition 50 years ago. In the background son ba seen Memorial Hal), relic of the Centennial, and which Is now being used as a museum. It was on this* spot that Don Pedro, then Emperor of Brasil, met the Zk-year-old Inventor and exclaimed. “My God. It talks!” when he heard Bell's voice come over the wire. The exhibits to be staged by the organisation these men represent will be one of the great features ot the Sesqul-CeDlennlal International Exposition, which opens In Philadelphia Jnne 1 and continues to December 1 to o'»,brat« the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. MANY T R A F F IC VIOLATORS CAUGHT A large number of traffic offenses were committed during the week end inoat of which were for minor viola­ tions. W. E. Sweek was stopped Monday for cutting the corner at Fifth and A streets. O. J. Overland received a 12 fine Monday for leaving the eDglne of his logging truck run­ ning white he was In a store. J. M Alnutt of the Eugene Milling snd Elevator company paid a 21 Monday for cutting the corner at Second and Main Sunday. K. Dillard parked h la ! car on the sidewalk Saturday and I paid 22 for the privilege . H. C. Train was fined 22 for cutting a corner. R A. Taylor parked too close to a hyd­ rant and It cost him 21 Monday. Frank Bunbrldge waa arrested for speeding Saturday on K street. , Harlod Taylor was arrested for the same offense on East Main street as was D. R. Boehart ot Douglas Gardens. R. H. Wheeler of Wendllng driving an Essex coach ran Into O. H. W heel­ er driving on Overland sedan Sunday. Money Earns a PERSONAL Interest Yes, a savings account draws 3% interest—which is a big enough inducement to be thrifty—but it also draws a greater interest which has in many, many cases been the “making” of success. A bank account earns PERSONAL interest! The per­ sonal interest of worth while people—influential people who can help you. Your bank account no matter how small—if added to regularly speaks of a reliable, sound character. Money in the Bank gives you— Increased courage! Freedom from worry! Greater independence and relief from embarrassment. FIRST NATIONAL BANK O F SPR IN G FIE L D - Im portant (¿Announcement $10°° DOWN $10QQ Take It Easy With An EASY DOWN TRANSCONTINENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICE CHANGES (*• £ffective October 1,1926 R eduction in T ran scontinental Rates The New EASY W asher Helps You Enjoy Life! . FR EE Com« In todny and hove a F tp « dom- nnntratlnn of thin madhlno marvel. 11« many features will astound yon. Its simplicity will surprise you. The New EASY Is ensy to buy—easy to run. You will bo under no obliga­ tions whatever. Sure it does! The New EASY Washer greatly reduces the amount of time, labor and money required for the washing of your clothes- It washes and dries at the same time. It has eliminated almost entirely the handling o f clothes all you need do Is put them in- -dirty— and take them out—CLEAN- No more lifting of heavy pails of water—the NEW EASY even empties Itself. SPECIAL OFFER—Only a few days left We, too, can help you enjoy lifts—and we will be glad to. We are- therefore, making a Special Of­ fer of only TEN DOLLARS down—which will put the EASY In your home—and small payments you’ll never miss. Substantial reductions will be made in Transcontinental rates, for example, the day station-to-stanon rate between Seattle and Chicago will be ,7.80 instead of >11.30; between Seattle and New York >10.75 instead of >15.70; between Portland, Oregon, and Chicago >7.85 in­ stead of >11.30; between Portland, Oregon, ana New York >10.85 instead of >15.80; between Sar. Francisco and Chi­ cago >8.25 instead of >11.90; between San Francisco and New York >11.30 instead of >16.50. Reversed Charges on T ranscontinental Station-to-StationC eQ g Heretofore the reversal of charges has been available only on person-to-person calls. As a further convenience to the public this privilege will be extended to Transcontinental station-to-station calls. Longer Reduced R ate Period on T ran scon tin en tal Calls Reduced rate hours for Transcontinental station-to-sta­ tion calls will begin at 7 P. M. instead of 8:30 P. M.. as formerly. Between 7 and 8:30 P. M. the discount will be approximately 25 per cent, of the Transcontinental day station-to-station rates; from 8:30 P. M. to 4:10 A. M., the discount will be about 50 per cent, of the aay rates. Because of the unsatisfactory service conditions which it brought about, the existing midnight discount will be dis­ continued on Transcontinental calls. ►2 The net result of these rate changes will be a saving to the telephone users«! A e United States of approximately * - changes >3,000.000 a year. - The service uoi interests of p public convenience, to relieve the burden no< congestion ofbus ¡nets st midnight and to furnish still beCttf Transcontinental Ones of the System. Mountain States “Get an EASY Washer on EASY Torma” owei Company T hi P acific telephone and telegraph compart