THURSDAY THE blB IN U H O )4» NfeW» FAOE TWO Springfield is now a main line town on the new Furtherm ore »he 1» the first town in Western Oregon on the cutoff The loweretl j freight rates and better service to Eastern Ore­ gon because of the cutoff should mean m uch to ¡trade between the two sections of the etate. Springfield being the first town should benefit by 'its position. the THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I N atron cutoff Published Every Tharsday at 8prlnefteld . Lane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E M H. E M A XEY. Editor aa second clasa matter February 14. 1M4 at postetnca. JtprlagfleM. Oregon M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Year In Advance___ 61.76 Three Month« _ _ 7 5 c Month« |LSS Single Copy -------------------------------- So THVRSDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1»?« a a Here Conies Suzanne SEPT. 1926 he la an advocate of "four hour« ile»p give Ulan tu receive!" per night «Hough " Now I'll Tell On« BLO N D BEE O P IN E « Dotnr:— "That'« a very bad eye "Red Ursa«« 1« th» only athlete you bave «Ir How did you hurt II!" "I i-aoie home late laat night and I know of that train on hard drink and (eta (It. II«'« carrying Ice aaaln, «truck It on a kttcheu uteuall." Il hear.'* I wonder If "llabe" Ruth evi r Zeb Spink haa never been the «ante heard of lhat old u in f—"After the a Ilice he -was llred out of the l.ary Ball la Ov«r.” Man'« Club becauae he held th« lantern while hlu wife chopped wood. If there la anything In thia theory He reformed after that but (Iwy that pi-ople take on the nature of the haven't readmitted him Into (he club. food they eat we auggeat elatna he put on the menu of tnmie Cong re aa U lien a woman la In love alie acta . m«n. • like a fool, but a man In love len t acting A Vacation Roman«« "N o w thut we're engaged let'» Jump In my roudater and daah ovtr to the preacher'a" "Ik’n'l you think we better he In- Irodueed tlratT" a French courts are slow’ too. Title has been quieted on a tract of land on which suit wan filed in 1372. Lawyers Pees am ount to 21 tim es the value of the land. w rv o n ^ FROM LIPS OF OF U GREAT MEN the I nited s today are $15 a year WORDS FROM THE THE LIPS R tA l MEN fQp Taxes eaeh in 1>erson wh„ e s ta te Orvat Hrituln they ur,. ‘•Don't Be 'Consistent' but Be Simply True."— $75; France $35 and Germany $26. Jliver Wendell Holmes.______________________ i ANOTHER HALF-COCKED PETITION DROP IN A petition is being circolateti in our city asking th a t Eugene furnish Springfield with electricity and w ater It has obtained m any signatures chiefly because petitions usually do get many ’ R«duc«d Rate« signatures—They are easy to sign and take no "llow mueh la a ticket to N* Lout« 7" great am ount of thinking- The circulators of A WORD ABOUT PLAY th is petition do not tell people they haven’t a "Six dollar« and alx c e n t» ." ghost of a show to get what they a re asking for. " O o - t i! I can go over to the next The difference between work and play is that A Fine Noon Lunch Chielfly we suppose because they don't know it WOrk ¡8 activity for future reward and play is timrn and get o n e fo r lean thun that!" themselves- activity for its own sake. Served Daily for 40c I 'r l n - tig h te r« a h o u ld be a tr o u g be- Eugene has no Electricity to light Springfield We lav bricks for th e money we obtain; w Hey. i In the aaying. " T la better to with without she buys it from the Mountain States. In fact she has not sufficient to light he; play ten n is for th e fun we get out of it. f tlT C M U ' ITTI own city if it were not for the standby contract irofessionalisni is decried in the realm of w ith the Springfield plant. This contract pro- lel>cs- not because Individuals capitalize tin r The t*Mii|*er.o!iejitaJ Suxatuto Tides that for the privilege of being allowed to sk *^-. l>llt because as soon as money is paid tor I Lenglen, worM*« woman tennis hook on to Springfield every day in the year, if playing gam es the money becomes the reward champion Monday August 30, Tuesday, Septem ber 7, and Monday haa listened to the call she pleases, Eugene will not furnish service to instead of the joy of playing. Septem ber 13, ure the enrollm ent days for tlie regular Fail of American dollar«, turned pro- Term. any town or com m unity the M ountain S tates Playing is no longer play; it has become work. fesdonnl, and has ugno,! for a tour of 'he U. S. starting O c t L Pow er company lights. This contract runs until . it's a good school, and the rntes are reasonable, and »qqe How m anv of the signers knew of these interesting book on Games and Recrea- Who her oppuucuta will ha Is un­ we will gladly tell you about It. Don’t hesitate to ask. 1 a n tH 7 1 10 8 tional Methods for Clubs and Scouts." by Charh» known. conditions. F Sm ith, is a valuable contribution to the sub- As for w ater Eugene will have capacity to o( pjay because it shows how’ to organize in- Fair With M«r furnish Springfield w ater once the new Mt K en-, herent desire for plav in children and gives pruc- Bold H e:— "Will you marry tn»7" EUGENE, OREGON aie line Is in But Springfield has no w ater sys- tk>a, jn forniatjon. Shy. S h e:— "Ye»—but at thia time A. E. Roberts. President Phone 666 992 Willamette St. tern without she buys the one from the M ountain . I I think I should tell you that I am S tates now set-ting the ettv or builds a new one. l* ’ ' ““ 'ie'elopment has at- a somnambulist." Evedybodt- knows that Springfield ts in no tlnan- P( ; ^ a c u h t i . 7 row ''b^t'* “ i Bold H e:— "Oh that'« alright—you Clal conditloin to do either one. „ ‘,u e n s ls U8 ° ur racuitles grow beet can go to any church you want to— The complaint is heard th a t the w ater mains e a t™ w thv «^lish nourishes m ore than and I'll go to mine." have not been extended as far as they might be u n d e r/ ° . n,Pul*‘on' in the city. We don’t believe th a t the M ountain X L P^ n « L n X h X i e Hnd No Doubt Tru«. S tates Power company , » « « f i . - t o extend WJh d W ^ e m eg h e v „ h ^ e « , "Do you know of a man who m ains anyw here there would be adequate return ' . • . whistles at hla work and la not happy on investm ent. In fact we have known of exten- A gam e entered into with delight always is bet-j and contented 7" W«1 have special beribbon boxes of luscious sweefH In aions being m ade without connections justifying ter the health than a "daily dozen" if ap- "Yea—our letter-carrier." all sizes They are filled with tem pting assortm ents of returns. If the citv owned the system and made preached with distaste. Physical culture Is most bon-bons, chocolates and sweet m eats extensions w here there were no house connec- wh<\n taken as play. Speciflc. tions we would soon find ourselves as taxpayers best education and development also come Father — “So your h e a r t I • We know you cannot think of a more approporate or paying out of our pockets for these dead ends. as P aY' pleasing rem em brance for your best girl or your mother. broken 7" The service the M ountain S tates is giving is as The game of authors or a cross-word puzzle Daughter:— (home from vacation) Ct me In and let us select the "nicest box of candy" you ever saw- good as any city this size enjoys- If th ere is a contributes more lasting inform ation than a "Yes. in two place«—at Mountain quarrel it m ust be on rates But we are paying history of literature read under complusion or a Top and Lakeview." ra te s th sam e as Albany. Corvallis, Independence certain num ber of prescribed hours of reading and other cities. It there is a genuine demand for the dictionary. Consistent. low er rates surely representatives of all these Education In the past has largely Ignored the Gushing S h e:— "I understand he la tow ns could get justice through the public ser- play element. ric e commission- ‘ Children have been made to study history ami w ry fond of children." Cyndlcal H e:— "Ye»—-quite right We hold no brief for the M ountain S tates ‘ geography with the promise of rew ards in grades Pow er company. But we do realize th a t any in- when they have finished, not by the Inducement —and like Edison—I understand— d u stry established in a com m unity is entitled to ° f the fun of learning them . If rtiey know how th e support and patronage of th at com m unity.! Play at history and geography there would be Springfield has made m uch to do about herself no nee^ f° r rewards. and is out trying to locate new industries here. ’n childhood organized play does three very If we are going to hearld to the world th a t we do Im portant things. It. teaches leadership, co- and all the other PERFEXTION delicacies found a t our Bot support the existing industries In our town operation, and the need of obeying rules, bakery m ake an Instant hit with every m em ber of the We will m ake your Suit or th e n the world is going to know th a t we are n o t 1 If, y °u don 1 ke*P UP the ™l«a y °u ° ut Yo'* Itreas, will alter or remodel family. • entitled to any m ore and we just as well shut u p ;can 1 m ake up the rules as you go There are your old one, will Clean and Our quality oven products look gpod and taste good and a n d remain a little country town. certain regulations th a t have to be obeyed or FT««« or Dye them . are good by all tests. When you take home one of our Ae it is there isn’t a chance of the petition j th ®re *8 no game, 240 Main Street cakea, the grown ups as well as the children win see th at eircluated doing us any good. And it will surely ,n fe „ there are a l*'a -vs ni,e9 th a t ran t be there is not a morsel left over. give us a black eye. ’Kn° red; If tP * ™ ™ tO, gH “ a PPrec,atlon, THE • • • of the im portance of rule« In youth the way of Fruit Salad—the daintiest of layer cakes with a variety of life will be hard for him. icings. B utter cream , sugar or boiled icings. M arshal Foch’s salary has been raised to $3000 All in ail. play holds an im portant place in life, a year. After winning the w ar a m an ought to I As well as “Lord teach us to pray," there is THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF be netitled to a raise in wages, so France has re- 'need for the supplication, “Lord, teach us to cognized it. play.” ■ a j ■■■■■ i « ... i 11 — i i Fred Frege, Prop. Perklns-Laxton Bldg Phone 66 Fifth Street. OH FflANK GfMNE SAÏS Cafe Fountain MONDAY. AUGUST 3Ü Eugene Business College Sweets fo r Your Sweetie EGGIMANN’S OH, BOY! CAKE!! Model Cleaners SPRINGFIELD BAKERY •with at y our. Auto Necessities DRUGSTORE Comfort and Protection Everything for your Auto—Wind­ shield Wipers, Strumberg Carbu­ retors, Bosch Ignition Systems, W eed Chains, Klaxon Horns, Polish, Fan Belts and Replacement Parts. GAUZETS 49c Box of 1 Doz. A new patented sanitary n ap ­ kin th at affords protection to the clothing because of its ex­ clusive lining. Our prices are right, see us before buying elsewhere. We have complete repair shop to take care of your troubles. Give us a trial. Willard Batteries. We test and w ater your battery free. Cool and comfortable. Flanery’s Drug- Store 23U 3^222^ Springfield Garage We Fix Em 414 Main Phone 11 J