Good W ill fo r a bual- tieaa I m b u ilt by good goods, servire a n d | tru th fu l advert I m I ng. THE SPRINGFIELD KS%"S TWENTY-THIRD YEAR HRR1NGEIEI.D. LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY SEPT. 2, 1926 The L IV I Peepiee P aper- N IW J P A P IR IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 3$ IVenJ/ing R e a d y BRIDGE PETITIONS BEING M E D For L abor D a y The final plana for the I^abor Day I celebration were made kt a meeting held, at Wendllng Tueaday night and attended by a number of Springfield people who are on title committee« A« Calling For A Special Election! To Proviee $75,000 Bonds Petitions Are Being Signed In Springfield And Eugene^ This Week. FOR MAIN STREET Two Block To Be Repaved And Street Car Tracks Removed: New City Light And Watef Contract Before Council For Renewal- announced, the program Indicate« a fine tim e for all who attend. "The Wendllng celebration may not be Bids for repaving on two blocks of quite a« big ax the Trail to Rail cele­ I'nllln# for n special election *o Main street between Eight and Tenth bration,’’ «aid F. F. Foater, chairmen to te on n $75.000 bridge bond l»»u« | will be opened at the next regular of the program committee, when nak­ petitions are belag circulated In ’ meeting of the council September 13. ed If he could colaborate D W. Me * The revent «hake-up on the Pirate Ball Club has given fandom Springfield and Eugene. The petl- ‘ This action was taken by the city Klnnon'a statem ent that It would I I iiii « are the r<**ult of action of the food for many week«' goaaip. , . . council at Its special meeting Tues­ eclipse the Rugene affair, "But It will "Babe” Adaina (left), Cnraon Blgbee (right) were released from Springfield ('hiimlx r of ('onimarra i t ’ day night which authorised the adv­ be the best celebration In the county the team, and Mux Carey (centre) wax Indefinitely for Friday nlght’a meeting to provide i alleged ertising of the bids this week. Tha Iniuhordlnatlon by the Plttr ,rg managem ent If Uieea without whlxkerx,” he added. tnenna of rulaln# Ijine county'« »hurt» | old paving Is to be covered with two penalliea are indicted It may coat tha I'iraUa tha dug. The program for Che day follows; of the rout of the eonxiruction of the) Inches of black top pavement accord­ Morning: 9:45; Music by the I. O. nun h needed bridge over the W iliam -'' ing to the specifications. , O. F. band' of Rugene. c ite river at thl« place Last night ) ¡T O A S K C H A N G E IN The council took steps to have tha Wood 8porta Eye splice, line the Jietltloll In Springfield had 250 ' street car tracks removed and the H IG H W A Y R O U T IN G ,p iiCe. log bucking FlrBt and sec­ names Blgned lo It. THle petition tt«U» ' tracks filled with concrete and cover­ ond prises. thru u special election be held at the ed with asphalt. The tracks will ba Dr. W. C. Rebban, O. O Bushman Black face act by the Springfield time of the general election In Nov­ I taken up by the Southern Pacific and H. R Maxey were appointed on |Ora, ember. company, owner of the street car com­ la comm ittee by the Lions Club at charlPaton dance art,aUi Camp 34 pany. 1 their meeting last Friday to act with |oca| Surveys of the new bridge site have ¡M C P H E R S O N S E N T E R T A IN Some discussion took place regard­ S U N D A Y ■ •'«»'»« committee from the (’ham- ,na and Elisabeth of Mareola. Mr Fight on raft In the mill pond. 3:30 the three new members to bring the' MEETINGS NEXT WEEK State Bank was elected a member of lng Thursday night to hear the report and Mrs. Oeorge Kppu of Portland, Boxing and wrestling at Woodlawn unit up to Its full strength so that the the Club. of the bridge committee made by B. Mrs Richardson of Eugene. Mr. The American Legion will resumo fall program to be started when J. F K etels and Harry Stewart PW*. «;«•- E. Morrison, chairman of the bridge |»|Pr(P of Eugene and Wilma Jennie Free show at the hall 1:30 and 8 00. school begins may be carried out un- Bs m eetings at the Woodmen of the told of the meeting of Lion club ex­ comm ittee for the Chamber. Follow- | | | bbard of Mauler Oregon "Stop. Look and Listen”. hindered. This action was taken at World hall next Thursday Seotemhep ecutives In Eugene last week which tng his report It was decided to Ini'l l , .. Charley Chaplin In "A Dog's life " the Scout m eeting last Monday night 9 after the summer vacation. Tha ! they attended. It Is planned to form • te a petition calling for a $78.001 IA M R F R T W E D S Dance Music by Burton's orchestra' After drill Monday, the b oy. played P **™ ” foy thp fa” and 7 ’’“ " in organization of present and past , bond Issue to be predated to the LUCILLE L A M B E R T W E D S i _ _ c. v n ..H ^ ih e discussed and a proposal to . hang# , a new game invented by C. F. Barber j _ EDWARD COLE SUNDAY presidents and secretaries of the club. voters this fall, for the county a share .. .L Intermission 5:00 to 8 00 after they had asked him to -hnw show the m eeting nights from Thursday t® In a new bridge across the W lllon u some other night presented. Its 1 Old time dance at the cook house them a game full of action. That , t , h e, " B C. _ . ____ Mlxs Laella lum ber! of Springfield ASK. EUGENE TO ette. A committee consisting of Ira advocates favor the change becaus« 8:00 to 12:00. game came up to expectations was Peterson. John Wlnexnreld, und Jul-, became the bride of Edward Cole cf I FURNISH LIGHTS Burton's orchestra 8:00 to 12 00. the verdict of the boys after 20 min- the Springfield National Guard hold# lus Fulop was appointed to prepare .Salem at a simple and pretty wedding j its drills on tb» -am “ night and some A nursery w-ftl be provided at the utes of trial. the petitions and aee that they were Ceremony at the home of Lie bride's men belong to both organizations. A petition Is being circulated by whpre chtldrpn un(, pr ------------------------------ and Mrs W. Lambert. rP.ld en ts of the W illamette Heights circulated. j parents. Mr ..... ... „ A. — These men would like to see tbo years will be taken care of free for NEW GRAVEL CRUSHER change m a is so they could attend A vote nf thunks wus extended to I'ertonnlng the dl"tr'c'‘ “ k ' Y ■ « * » ’“ ‘ “ d the mothers. A trained nurse an as- READY T O OPERATE both the L egl:n meetings and th# the bridge committee for the work Light Board lo serve Springfield with slstants will be In charge. A kinder I _____ --------- ' drills they have been doing In connection , i , (|p parry ,ng a bouquet of < ’ertrlclty and. If they cam to supply gan, pn w„ n tratneu leaner w in oe The Springfield Sand and Gravel -ybP proposed smokers to he he'd with the securing of the n. w rl * ( 1 , tlons, and dressed In a gown of ,,l‘‘ ,own w ,,h» r he pit to n proT,dp(j at tbp perk for the children company will start operating at Its In conjunction with the National R E Morrison. G O Bushman. A. * „«rohed lo the alt-r .................. .... from four to ten years. new plant the first of next week, ac- Ouard w,j] come up for discussion and Perkins, und Welby Stevens ure w — ; « w bltP playad thP week and had 61 names Wednesday cording to H. W. Chase, manager of approva] As tentatively arranged* night. The petition Is still In circula­ nt * ’• • ¡Lohengrin wedding march. the company. The machinery is all montllIy boxing and wrestling bout# ROAD W ID E N IN G tion In an effort to secure more A commltV'c was applnted to look preceding the ceremony. Mrs. Roy U N D E T E R M I N E D in P,ac« ready t0 8tart and ,h e plact between local boys would be held for names before being presented to the Into the matter of Improving this end BBng "I Ix>ve You Truly" a --------- ' will start as soon as a new transform- thp of the L«,gjOn and Guard water board o f Eugene. of the W illamette Highway from Lo- companled on the piano by Mrs. Itoy No decision has yet been given by er Is Installed for the plant by the at tbp Armory. Failure to get quirk action on their w ill through Jasper nnd Springfield wbttP Following the ceremony re- made to « .e Mountain State« ,h<* S,ate Highway commission on Mountain States Power company. The reports of the delegates to the q ' ‘ the proposal to change the standard The transformer will provide electric statp conTpntfon at Marshfield will b« so that tourists will have the choice f rPHbments were served of traveling through either Pleasant M|> waa a graduate of the 1 , , a .'7 7 " t h e n r - width of the McKenile Highway from power for the gravel company and the given at the meeting. Hill nnd Gouh.-n or Jasper and Spring- ,.,aaa „( 1926 of th Springfield High ' 1 p •’ * PVe ° P , go feet to the SO feel set by the com -1 Springfield Mill and Grain company The comm I. to confer Roh(xl, Mr c „,e ,a by , he »ctlon. Several of the signers Isslon. In attem pting to widen the which Is nearby. The new plant use# -j-yLER FUNERAL AT field, le w . I « ..- • V . H O I I I M I 1 . w ir . 1“ — ----- t h e h a l l . . « t h a t I n t h n u '« « 'O H . Ill » n r u ip u u B --------- — N pry.-j, company of Salem, where a *’ ' highway to 80 feet, the commission 150 H P. ad a 200 H. P. transformer w rlth tihe State Highway Department LAUREL HILL TODAY ,r nK I,K 1 * Ihn encountered opposition from property will he put in. on n the changing of the routing of I*1" , b„ yoUng couple will make their tlon a remedy will be found for the highway and Is to acl with a similar b(1InP owners all along the road. Those , „ Samuel David' Tyler died at hi# water situation In- the W illamette com m ittee fremi the Llpns club The Sprlngflpld Those present at the wedding were: who have summer cottages on the Springfield Thanked For Part In Tra l homp atn 2J ........ . m b „ r , M r s Ida H'ghts district without the necessity wnu J ,7 7, com m ittee has for members E E. Mr. and Mrs. U . A. Iwmb. rt. Mrs l.ia upper stretches of the highway fear To Rail Parade 1 Tupgday eventng and will be buried Morrison. M M. Peery and W. P. ,1'ole. Cole, Mae an,t and Ruth ' • ,hat tuun 1 Cole, mr. . Mr. . . . . and . " lls n , hat their thelr houses houses would wou.n be oe In in the way A letter was rpcelvpd received „y by Mayor Mayor Q Q .iln the the Laurp, Laurel Hill pemptery cem etery today today. _ _ .. «■__ : The petition reads: "To the Eu- ______ _ Mrs. R K Bock, »»rr M.rjr Magi , * ] . Wp of the nPW grade and he farmers q Bu(Jlman and by thp Ioca, 4L of services will be held at 2:30 Tyson. Mr a n d l Mr!,n ^ ; 1inI% drW an.? Mrs <»>* undersigned' resident water and a'«"« ‘° ” pr part of “ ** d® Springfield from Joseph H. K oke.'from the Walker Undertaking Chapel , u( » " users Vl .-»,n llisnei.1, uirsuir, ivo- .V .» „....n corv A Roy W hite, Mr. d Mrs. Roy Smith, light pectfully request that you obtain a ‘ha" X «or «hi tlon and J. S. Magladry, chairman r f ' conducting the services, Charge and Reverend F. L. Moore. franchise from our city to furnish - t * * 1- now surveying for the the civic and Industrial parade thank-1 Mr. Tyler v o 7" nr old when ha NatlvWnda Murquay nnd Ellxla Ing the citizens of Springfield, the ¡died and had lived' In Springfield for us with electricity. And If you pos- widened r Rodrigue. Mexican section hani'" Methodists To Hold Quarterly Con- ____ He leaves hl# slbly can. supply us with water from When the county road crew now Lions Club, the Commercial Club and the last ten years tarane# were taken to the police at* ' ,on your new new main There Is to our at work on the McKenzie Highway : tbe 4L fof (be apjenjid participation wife, Mrs. Marthe Tyler, one son. C. Thursday afternoon charged with ,n thp paradp E. Tyler of Centralia, Washington. The Methodist chureh will hold !♦# knowledge a private water line in the finishes with that work, they w ill thpy stealing a gold ring from the Turn *r move the rock crusher to the road , durlnlg tbe Tral, to j ^ n Celebration I and three daughters, Mrs. Grace Bell W illamette Heights district.” conference Wednesday Jew elry store. Upon showing) that Quarterly on the Middle Fork above Jasper and ,ptter Eayg ..Your pretty floats of Missoula, Monatna, Mrs. Etta Mel- evening September 8. At this tim e , they were at work across the Wlllnm- surface It. A stretch of that road ( .„ „ ^ u t e d largely to the beauty of loch of Garfield. W ashington, and ette river nt t$ie time the robbery was the business for the past year will be DEPOT TO BE OPEN has been rograded this summer and | {be para(le g pringfleld did herself Mrs. Olive Love of Astoria. aald to have been oommlttedd, they settled and the work for the new yeir DAY AND NIGHT ,g flngl9hed except for the coat of proud and we are proud of you.” outlined. New committee# will be were released. Starting yesterday the local South-, <'ruBhed rocfc- ________ DESHAZERS IN AUTO Mr. Turner later made an Investiga­ nippolnted to succeed the ones for the Rural Carrier« To Hava Vacation« ACCIDENT TUESDAY ern Pacific depot will be open day: . . . - tion of the crews but was unable lo past yiear. Mr. B. G. Sankey of R. F. D. No. 2 Start Work On ay en r l)r. Cheney of Eugene, district and night with an additional telegraph Identify any of the men as the ones Leo DeShazer, youngest son of | g being laid on the piers left on his vacation of two w eeks superintendent o f the conference will man ln the office on the new shift. T he| who were In his si roe at the time of „ „pn br,dge and a wide ap .Monday. His son Elmer will substl^ L . A. DeShazer w as cut on his fore- be present and preside at the confer­ change Is made necessary by the tak-' the robbery. lng over of the Cascade line by the ° 7 „ brldge lg being built tute for him on the route while he Is'head and upper lip and Mrs. DsShaxef ence. operating force and the Inauguration ^ ‘ 7 ' fa„ ralng gpt tn. Th « » T family The stolen ring was an $8 gold Mr. Shankey and fam ily a r e ! , bruised and shaken up In an aut<> operating force and the Inauguration tbe tan rajns set in. The ring. going to the hop fields near independ-1 mobile accident on Thirteenth street of through freight service. bagp of fbp p1prs covered with I. O. O. F .Installs Last Night ence to spend the vacation. ¡In Eugene Tuesday at 0 o’clock. Throught freight trains began go- wfttey jn Ulp winter and lt is neces- The local I. O. O. F. lodge held Its John N ice will leave ln the nenr The accident occurred when the auto- Carbollneum Company 8hlp# Many annaul Installation of officers last ,ng. - r y to have them lu while the w aU p . N)ep , wb,pb tbpy wprp rldlng col. Pole« low gp work on tJlp nPW _ _ son will . . take . . . his . . „ R. w. aw !............... . another ai __ __ __ of night at the hall with the district and passenger service will b egin , Ibis place on F. D. ¡llded with on IL. the ___ corner pan bp rughpd th)g wlnter. The Carbollneum Wood Preserving grnnd master present from Coburg to September 15, according to the an- No. 1 during that time. Paul N ice has Moss and Thirteenth, company Is turning out about 100 witness the ceremonies. The new of­ nouncement of railroad officials. Tuea­ There were five passengers ln the ben working on a construction gang day two big Mallet engines passed, Unshed poles a day according to C. ficers wero olecteil last July and their Poles Up On Power Line on the coast near Gold Beach this car, Mr. and Mrs. DeShazer. and their through on their way to Oakridge. O. Wilson, manager of the company. Installation has been delayed on ac­ Mr. DeShazer re­ The mountain Slates Power com­ summer. He returned to Springfield three children. Theso treated poles are shipped as count of th summer luss ln lodge af­ They will he stationed there on the pany will have the poles up on It# Monday afternoon. ceived a minor cut on his hands from helper service over the heaviest far east as New Hampshire and North fairs. the broken windshield. The DeSha- grade on the road. t new line between Sprlngflekt and Carolina. #ers were on their way to visit their To Teach At W eatlake A now telegraph operator will be .W endllng th is week and will begin To Teach At La Grande— M ils During August the company turneu Mrs. Vina Mcl-ean has signed a con­ daughter, Gertrude who Is In the Part- necessary from now on. M. P. Hard- guying them next week. Guying the out a total of 3,000 poles and will In- Tresa Emnugh spent the w eek end In sty is coming from Drain to take the poles will take a week as there are tract to teach at W estlake during the fle Christian hospital recovering from creaan their output ln the future on Springfield en route to La Grande 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. shift, W. C. Land j so many turns ln the line betw een the coming school year. The school term severe burns received here over a account of the Increasing sale of where »he will teaeh school for the opens September H . The W estlake month, ago when her clothing caagM them. Eighteen thousand, pole# have coming year. She attended the Ore­ will have the one from midnight to two towns. A# soon as the poles are district has a new school house «hit lira Mies DeShaser le recovering 8 A. M., and J. B. Pennington will up and braced, the crew will start Already been treated and shipped thle gon State Normal school at Mon nicely from her burns. year. 4 have the 4 P. M. to midnight s h ift stringing «he wire. mouth last year. year It Is announced. S o cie ty