THE SPRING*¡KLU NF.WK HORSE NO LONGER FACTOR IN ACCIDENTS MOVING DESK STUMPS SMITSON FOR MOMENT ifUk When the plaster on the place 1» vlry next week. Smitgon will sling upon the roof or tne ere aaii. ann hfs dask To a rope and have It hauled while roomy enough for two men. to the top of the city hall and car­ had ao entrance or exit except a hole ried Into the room through a window In the celling with a ladder to climb In the meantime. Smttaon 1» follow- np «hen ascending and a pole to slide the city recorder's example and paint­ down wheu descending. ing and varnishing his office furni­ Smttaon wanted to have bis office ture R W Smith was not to be desk In the room where |t wonld be outdone by th changes |n the tire hall handy for him while performing his and made a few changes In his part double duties of fire chtef and chief of the building. The counter has of police. But when he looked around been changed from the side of the for a way to get the desk from the room to th center, facing the door, city hall to the new room above, he lined up with the recorder's desk, and found that there was no opening big the rear fenced off by a door and all enough for the desk to go through. newly varnished. Don’t put off fall canning too long. The peak of the fruit season has now been reached and canning should be done while there are yet a variety of fruits to select from. IRX u Q'S NEW WAIL ' '.AMBLERS AND GROWERS. CHE GOLD STANDARD. AMERICANS WORTH *150 EACH The world will watch with in- tanwd thia battle between the Mexican Government and the Chtholle Cfcuroh. ftrat of Ito kind in many yoara. The eeeaatloa of all ratlgioua services in Mexico w i l l un­ doubtedly cause turmoil and ,11»- tnsae mnong all claaaee. Mexican Indiana a , edally will resent being deprived a t service» which they believe eeeentlal te their spiritual walflara. The Christian religion waa forced upon them originally by Spanish conqueror», an.! niuch bloodshed in many —iT-r» accompanitxi the process. But the Indians are now de­ vout Christian», often more ear­ nest in their faith than people at Buropean extraction. That Old Dobbin 1» no longer a factor In transportation 1» sbowu by ! »tutlatlca Just released by the »acre tary of stale allowing the traffic ac- cktenla m ihe atate of Oregon for the ttrat half of hla year Out cf 8.191 ao- ridenta durlug Ihta period only ona of them waa caused by run-away horaoa All the other» were due to auto­ mobile*. i f Ihe 9.190 accident» due to auto­ mobile». there were 6,467 of them re «Utting from carelessness on Ihe part l of the driver» or operators Coupled with thia cauae may be Included speeding. 1S3; faUure to give right-of- way. 1.391; reckless driving. 340; cut- lo n g corners, 373; double at Inter»»- Ittona, 155; driving while Intoxicated. I 1J3; failure to give signal. 390; driv­ ing on left »Ide of hlghway.44; Im­ proper parking.79; reverse direction 'in middle of block, 40; passing to left J f »treat cars while discharging pa»- j »«ngers. 31; Inexperience, 24; Jockey- I lug on brldgea, 31. The other accident« not traceable directly to carelessness Include 199 I accidents from slippery. Icy. or wet , pavement» A total of 71 out of the whole number were caused by a fall- Peace, Goodwill The price o f cotton rose u p - good new» for cotton QAMBLFR3, not such good naws for cotton Excited T o u r i s t ( a f t e r smashup) "Run—sonny- run Run like every­ thing and bring the nearest doctor " Farmer Hoy:— "That's htm there v— under the car.“ That Are Good Phone J. C. Brill Stores BOY’S GLOVES $1.25 VALUE PR. G a u n t l e t s ty k 4 a leather glove with»{> ! V V fancy design o n ■ — cuff. They are lined. MEN’S SOC 3 PAIRS F Splendid quality socks of lustrous rayon and lisle in half a dozen colon from. (Secor B O Y ’S N IG H T M E N ’S S il GOWNS, SALE TIES, SAI Of soft fluffy out-ris J z\/"k Beautifully ra t­ ing flannel in lightuJ I vzv/ terned in a great colors. In a regu- ■ array of c o 1 o 1 la rw a y $ 1 2 5 . combinations, foui style, of good weig MEN’S NIGHT or siik crepe. GOWNS, $1.25 VAL. c°un,M n n O f fine bleached M u s 1 i n^P I $1-25 value- FEATHER PILLOWS tree at LESS A , c a - MEN S KERC EIGHT F( pure w hite hem- stitched hankies. / real Dollar r)ay at traction. Fine cot LINOLEUM Pilled with n e \ < f c l 0 n REGULARLY sanitary and odor-cD W glze 3 b 6 feet less f e a t h e r s , ■ „plendld weight and pretty >” patterned a rt ticking. (Second floor) — Good House Brooms, 65c value, Two For — Lisk Retin Pans, T he Heaviest T in Pans Made, 4 Q u a rt Size, 2 For ’ — Electric Soldering Irons, 6 feet Cord J »L50 Value — T in Pails, 12 Q uart Size, Sale, ; ‘ T hree For Returns To Burnsy— Alfred Town- sent! who bus been visiting friends and relatives In Sprlngfletd for a few days b it for his horns In Burney Wed­ nesday morning R[H)F HKI’AHIINf»—Old roof» mad» to last by a paving pn«ce»» will •ave you money and grief I-ets get llxed right for winter raina Guaranteed aatlafacUon Perman­ ently h»cated. Phone Kugenr 3336J. 1. T. Ixxunls. Eugene. tf Lo ng bearded. H eavy-brow ed s e ls n tls ls a ll a«»m to agro» th a t on account of a lo tto sun spot» and » « I s tw is tin g * , w e 'ra g e ttin g tn« tric k w s s th o r w s 'rs now a n jo y ln g l A nd w a th s r th is IIS on the hlxhwnys not properly lighted contributed tl. Prom Insufficient clear- unco there were 30 Prom failing asleep. the driver» caused 3 One ear eaught atlre uud 104 accidents are Hat rd ni unknown Hut as alalod above there wns only one aeeldent caused by a ruuaway team Thia 1» the ttrat compilation of any authentic (Inure» pertaining to causes of motor arrldenta In Oregon and 1» made by the secretary af stale for the uae of law ottlelala. The figure» are compiled from report» of nectitenta Visit» At Coburg— Franklin J made to the varloua peace officer» by Drury la visiting In t'oburg thia wci-k the part lea involved nt the borne of Walter Drury amt fam­ The President’s »Utomant on prosperity waa confirmed by great corporation». The big steel com­ pany in the last six month» earned more than »92,000,000, General Motors more than »93,000,000. Thus in net profit» one single automo­ bile concern eclipses the great steel «company, biggest industrial unit in tne world. Happiness and Constipation! Columbia, Pec co and the Spirit of Brotherly love bars boon Joined In mw person, a baautifpl woman. Tbla young lady waa on« of the central fig uros In a pageant staged at the Sosqul- Centennlal International Kxpnsllbi.i In Philadelphia, celebrating 16 ' years of Aniarlcan Independence. The Kxposl tlon conUnues until December L They a r v miter i n ‘ lines! Without dally regulur iltniluu llc-n. there’s NO chance of your having hiul'h Without h nll'i you’re a mesa! Just a mess! Tun» ypurs'dl up with 2 weeks’ triuDu’ itt of Thatcher’» Blood and I.Ivor Syrnp! Try II and note ll»e differs nee! He The so rt i In a dull, I«»’ »ml doesn't I kind« make* world' An chase» it! 'I can ilscoura sort throats, In- Pack Is hnve about! — SPECIAL THIS WEEK - 1 Pt. Columbia Hot or Cold Vacuum Bottle KETEL’S DRUG STORE CALL, AND 8EE Dr. N. W. Emery on prices on plate and other work. If Lord Beaverbrook doubts tha gold standard's value, calls It a financial medicine often fatal to the patient Europe turns against the gold standard, for the reason that thia country HA9 the gold. They forget that we also have THE G 0 0 D 3 for which gold la *PAli the gold in creation wouldn’t help us or keep ua where we are if we didn’t have mills, factories, farm«, mines, oil wells, and erpecicaliy inventive and industrial Mm. C1emmingt°n Camon, of ?' v York, swam from Dover to iUirr M'ate, in the rough Channt.-. water, twenty-two miles in 6 hour« and 20 minutes. It waa a fine performance, but a $75.00 put-put bo' t would do better. N ^icy Hanks a powerful woman, might have beaten Mrs. Carson’s swimming record. In­ stead, »he contributed Abrahum Lincoln to write tha Proclamation, and that waa more useful than it would have been for her to swim f-om Paris down the Seine, past Gibraltar Into the Mediterranean, through the Suaa Canal and on to China. Biltwell constructed Davenports in many beautiful coverings of Velour Jacquards and mohair. Velour covered at $75.00 and up Jacquard covered at $85.00 to $100.00 Mohair Davenports $110.00 and up I FOR BALE— Carbon paper In larga sheet«, 26x39 Inches, suitable fw making tracing*. The News Offloa Biltwell Bed Davenports in all coverings. W e can save you money on these. FOR SALB— Payroll aheota, printed and la atook at the News gCOoa. Form eaRable for road, eonetrectlon wnrM eawmUle. ate., WHh taMa 9a «oatsiato workman'» éoiapandaUoa and deductions. No employer ahoaM Wright & Son