T l IK SPRINGFIELD NEWS T, H Its I »AV AUOUHT 2«, 192« Leave* For Portland—Oporg» WII limns returned Io Porllund after a stay of a few days In Springfield. TOWN AND VICINITY PAGE FTV1 A Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever’ Price Jjeauty Go To Fall Creek— Mr. arid Mm. Inepecta Lumber Here It. Hwanson William Donaldaon spent Sunday at People H e ro — M r. text M r* T om A l l 'l l o f C iilla g 'i Griiv« ¡was lu Hprlngfleld yesterday front Ku- Full Creek with Mrs. lirown. Un w eek end here w ith frie n d * . gem- to Inspect two carloads of it To Albany—Clark Wheaton spent lu n ih e r fo r thè S o u th e rn P a cific coni Suuduy In Alahny. He went there to R e tu rn e F ro m C otta ge G rove— M r* pany. see a liunehull game rlitKfl> !■! Tuoedny fo r u ‘ abort V is ite In P o rtla n d — M iss Ju le Poi- Hurt By Plank—George Flith had his b in i r c tu r iic d |o P o rtla n d T h u rx d n y left foot bruised at tin- Booth Kelly Cuahm an People In T o w n — M r und w lth M r um l M rs. M oD »n tild who bave mill Saturday afternoon when a large M r* E, E llr n lln ln am i d n iia h lo r, M r* hi i n v ln ltln g n l ih « hom e o f th è Poi- plunk r<>ll*-d over on top of It. Mil'nllnUgb of I i i ' I i i i i u i i bn vo In i n In Iarda. Has Operation—(Burge Wl*bniun to w n for a f' w day* on n vtalL Visits Brother— Mr. und Mr* them. Cuta A rm On P a ll— Ed l.u J ó le o í W i-i.tlllu g b ro u g h t III* m o th e r to to w n Moiidn. fo r lu v d li n l u lt ' iit lo ii Mra l.a Job ha* cut a ga»h In h e r u rm op n t in p u ll. and sprain'd hl* ankle badly Monday Sutunluy. night while at work at the Mountain H era F ro m B end— F lo y d M a g ill and S la b s Power company plant. lie wan at work In Hie fuel shed at the fa m ily o f Head m o to re d o ve r Uunduy to «pond lln day w ith lit * m o th e r, M rs. (dunl when the accident occurred. a la ry M a g ill. ume. B eautlfjl hair Is possible to all— and by studying line and proportion, Il can be so arranged as to emphasize the b e *t features and soften those that do not measure up to our Ideal. Too many people who could have m asses of soft, glossy hair struggle along wih thing lifeless wisps, when a very lltlc care would give It the lustre and beauty of health. Hair needs exercise—not Just a 1 pat to smooth. Few people comb or Tills Is one cf Ihe beauty spots of liru*h tbetr hair enough—and many the itesqul-Centennlal International ! who devote sufficient time to It use Exposition In Philadelphia. The expo­ sition celebrate* the 150th anniver­ ' a harmful method. The comb should be Inserted and sary of the signing of the Declaration of Independent The view shows the ' pulled outward in such a way that tower o. une of the main exhibit build­ the hair will be standing straight ings rearing Its bead up from among out from the roots. To pull the comb the gorgeous landscape which artists ! down through the hair Is to pull tbe have built around the giant structures hair against the direction of the roots, which house exhibits from forty-three j and causes the hair to break. Sepa­ nations of the world. The Exposition rate the hair In strands. Hold out continues until December 1. straight from the roots. If the hair 1* long, comb tbe first six Inches, from the end—then tbe next six Inches Oswald Olson Attends Meeting— above, and so no. Never pull m e hair. Oswald Olscm went to Marshfield Sat­ Brushing is perhaps even more Im­ urday to attend the division board meeting of the Brotherhood of Railway portant than combing. It stim ulates Clerks for the Portland division. the natural oils In the hair and gives the hair that natural gloss so neces­ After tbe business session Sunday, the sary to its beauty. U se the brush in railway clerks went to Sunset beach for lunch and a swim. Over 60 were the same manner as you use the comb. present st the meejng. Mr. Olson re­ You need not fear brushing or turned to Springfield Sunday evening combing the hair too much or too A. J. Perkins Back—A. J. Perkins often. The more the better. At night. returned Monday after spending three Just before retiring is th best time. weekB tn Portland for medical atten­ You will find that it soothes tired tion Mr. Perkins has been having terves and invites complete relaxa­ trouble with his eyes and had his ton­ tion. Both brush and comb should be sils and some of his teeth removed Visits Relatives Here— II. II Col­ Go To Coast—Enoch Stewart of the lins and family are here from Olym­ pia. Washington vllxlttng ut the home Independent Meut m ark't and faintly of hl* p a n n i* Mr and Mr*. E. W left f< r a vacation at the coast Mon- C ollin* and w ith hl* sister Mr*. Clara '«'T- Fawver. Visita Parent*— Mr. und Mrs. Hoy Her* From Roaeburg— M r* lb ward Return Hom* To F lo rid a — Mrs (. alrn* ure here from Keedsport for a Here and daughter* Louise of R"S»- visit «Uh bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. burg were guest* Thursday evening Mitchell Wilkins and h e r t w o at the lió m e of Mr. und Mra. W. M daughters, Westa ond I-aurls. left this Ham Cairns. . week tor their home In Madison, Donaldson. Returns To Portland—Mrs. Jen- I Florida after a visit here this sum­ 1,lu Cannon who hu* been tn Spring- Renta Lenard Hom*— Dr Carl Phel mer with her sister, Mrs. L. It N*et. , held ou business returned to Portland teplaee ha* rented the home of Mr*. Doctor Dippel On Vacation— Dr and Sunday. William Lenord on North Fifth afreet and will move In today. Mra. Mra. S Ralph Dippel, accompanied Here From Tillamook— Mr*. Her­ 1-enord and her daughter, De Etta by Mr*. Dtppel's mother. Mr* Steven bert Moore and family of Tillamook Duryer will move to Eugene lu make Uallter left the first of the week for are visiting at the home of tbe Rev­ their home with Mra Ivenard'a daugh­ a week's trip (o the mountain lakes erend T. J. Moore. of the Cascades. They will visit ter. Mra. Clarence llradley. Crescent. Odel, Crater and Diamond Her* From Portland—Mr. and Mrs. Return To California— Mr and Mra lake* before returning (o Springfield A. M Bonduraunt stopped at the home Dwight Welsh of l.a Verne. California Goate Create Intereet— Tw o milch of Mr. and Mr*. C. W. Kenyon Sunday left Friday morning by car for Ihelr goat* shipped to Springfield from uu their way to their borne in Port­ home at la» Verne, California Mr. Fall Creek try freight attracted u land from a trip to Bend. and Mr*. Welab tea-h school ai Aiuea, large amount of Intereet at the local Hurts Hand—Albert Hurper of the California. They have been gueata railroad yard* Tuesday. The goat* John Sruvey hop rauch hurl r,gM at the bum* of Mr. and Mr*. J. A. were boxed and formed part of a hand Monday by running a evdle Into Neher (or a week and a half. shipment of hoUHehold goods shipped Il while worklg on tbe hop bailer. To Westfir— Dorothy llallkn of Eu­ here by Wllllum Denney of Fall Visits Mother Here— Pete J-amberty gene went to Westfir Sunday to vlsll C reek. und (ucilly of Portland spent Sunday her parenta who are «pending the sum­ Wire For Lin* Cornea—Workmen mer there. She was accompanied by were busy Tuesday unloading a car­ at the home of bis mother, Mrs. N. A. Rowe. He was accompanied by his Misa Alta Zimmerman of Eugene load of heavy copper wire for (he wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. while In Portland. Mias llallln has been staying for the Mountain States Power company Curl of Albany. summer at the borne of Mrs. Etnma which will be used on tbe new line being built between Springfield and 01*00. Barber He* Guest*—Mrs. H. L Wedllng. There were 61 large spools Barber and her son. C. L. Barber of Two Finad Friday— Ivan Beeson of the wire In the car. j Bend, spent the week end at be home was lined | l Friday for allowing hla Doctor K e . f r T o Return S a tu rd .y ,,f “ * r * “ • C' F B ' * * “ ’»• lined 12 for rutting rom ers. Both attending at eerie* of lecture* on • F,n^ Fof L#avlfW Fir»—J. M Fined offences occurred Thursday The back I Woods of Summit, Oregon plead driver of the Bend stages was Fri­ diagnosis at Portland will be bach He ^esme down 8unday g uilty In Justice court here Saturday day .charged wHh not stopping at Saturday. the railroad crossing He was re­ for a short stay, brlngllng Mrs. Kest­ to the charge of leaving a forest Ore A Fine Noon Lunch leased as the driver said he was a new er's daughter, and her husband. Mr. burning and was fined 125 and 12 Served Daily for 40c driver and didn't aee (ha track until and Mrs E. O Jarvis, with him They coats.. A. T. Moses was the complain­ returned Sunday nlghL Mrs. Kester he was on top of It. ing officer. going back wtth them M arcó la Man H e r*— I l W H ro g g ln * und fa m ily e f M u r ió la « u * In tip rin g - Held F rid a y M r K ioggH ie epr allied t i l * b m k la st week m id hu* been lu to w n fo r m e d ic a l tre a tm e n t. Beautiful Hair Possible to All One of the most Important thing* wa»bed dally—and rem em ber, they that contributes to a woman's appear­ an: as Individual a* handkerchief* ance Is her hair. Only the well :ress- and tooth brushes. For prsocal com- » C u m in i: i. lot nl ro p ri i-o in ivo of III« Y> in iii'ii'. |i i l * i w n* In ro M onday on liu e lin n ' M r C in iim liiK * m n ki N III* bi uili|U n i le ra a t C otta ge d ro v e . ..— Kiw anas Eleee Power Company Man A s O ffic ia l Mr. S. E Merrill. A ssis’ant General Manager of the Mountain S tat;s Power Company with headquarters at Albany, was elected Lieutenant Gov­ ernor of the Northwest Kiwanas Clubs for Division 6 during the Ninth An­ nual Convention recently held at Eu­ gene. Mr. Merrill is well known throughout Oregon and has been ac- u>e for many years in Kiwanas and other club work. Goes To Portland— Mrs. Robert U Drury left today for Portland for a visit over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Kennlth Tibbetts. Mrs. Drury had as guests this week her parent* and brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Dixon of Los Angeles, Mr and Mrs. Marshall Dixon and daughters Alice an