T I l i m aDAT AUGUST 2 ^ 1 9 2 6 5 lyUttSUXUsM J i l a w fttO BPOO R THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS i*ttbll*h«d 1C»try Thursday at Springfield. Lane Couniy. Oregon, by THE W IL L A M E T T E PRESS E d ito r ia l H. K. M AXEY. Editor. aa second claaa matter February pot toff Ice. Springfield. O Even royalty lu crime is having a tough time. DON'T WASTE T IM E ON The "Crown IM nce" of C anton’s underworld has “CURES' IF YOU SUF­ been arrested in connection with the Mellett FER FROM CANCER m urder. * It le. perhaps, not too ranch to say 1«. that at uo tim e in history has the public shown so much Interest In th« problem of v a in e r as It has ilurlua the lust few years, and thia lulerest C om m ent IM S at tbe Jstoea C lark Hara - -James ( la rk to think may anally form au blu» of the despair Hint follow» lUa illalllu slopped ln tkprlngfleld Thursday on sluiiuieut, the tragedy of th« cure« hl» way frm t.o» Angeles Io Montan«. that do not cure. Doctor» know heat M r C lark waa a form er resident of of nil O f vital Impurtanco In the»« Sprluaneld, being In tbe n a l vaiata c n a ri I» the previous (Im a that I» logt. and other business h. re Tim o la a m a tte r o f life amt death! w ith a cancer. 1‘aile n is who dl» I HCMMONS IN T H E C t l t i 'l ' t ’r C O U R T O F I I I » ; cover the dlaeasa lu II» early »tag«» » T A T E O F o H h X iO N IN A N D F o i l and reaort promptly} to competent physician« fo r tre a tm e n t may g< I j I,A N N C O H T Y . W. II. Coala, Plaintiff. va Mary well, but If they w ait In order to Iry I p;|üul»e'lh Coat».' Defendant NATIONAL HEBT AND LIQUOR It may be said calmly and In a spirit of t h e ? '“» b' ”“ ,ul» »"« h M members of M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T I deepest sym pathy w i t h the troubles of Europe ,h* medical profesalon throughout -75e that the Government of the United States has Europe ami Am erica One T e a r lu Advance.----- 11.74 Three Months People i u a ll To M ary Elizabeth Coat», Defend- . So uo m oral right to subsidize European taxpayers walks or life have boon aising their an advertised cure, or to see If the Six M o n t h * 41-St Single Copy with money taken from the pocket of Amerieaus. , earnest attenslon to the cause and trouble w ill disappear o f Ita rlf, the ant. iliaca««1 may take such a hold upon J IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T U THURSDAY AUGUST 2«. IMS so long as Europeans are spending for drink ¡cur« of this disease. Societies have; (ham that Ita eradication becomes O F o ltE Y lo N ; Ton ara hereby rw sums which In a few years would discharge t h e been formed, educational campaign« Impossible - Am erican Society for the ( MUlred Io appaar and answer ^the <■« WORDS FROM TH E LIPS OF GREAT MEN rtuwr,vtt„ _ ............. ................................ American debt. The money lent to Europe was have be«-u launched, intern atio nal p la in t tilt'd a g a in s t you. In the abova Control of Cancer. e ii t lt lr il C o u rt anti cause, o r befora Ridicule Often Checks theAbsurd. More O ften , obtained from the pocketbooks of day laborers conferences have been held, a ll with the expiration of (he tim e prescribed Sm others t»ie Noble— W alter Scott. >« l,ur »n ‘at citle«- cornfield hands of the middle the hope th a t by concerted effort Menus West. negro washwomen of the tar South and means would be discovered to place In addition B to ir d a seed In the O rder of publication, t o w lt ; supply, lettuce On of before the expiration of elx^ persons who are wretchedly poor but none cancer under Im m ediate and complete or a bit of apple should be placed be w„ „ k , , h r da,„ , h(. flr , | EUGENE'S RAILWAY MAP the leas patriotic citizens. Any governm ental control. the wires of the canary cage ticatlon hereof, and It you fall la I m easure dealing with the European debt is dls- In the wake o f a ll this Interest has tween answ er for want thereof, lia ln t lff w ilt Cottsge Grove is peeved because is has been posing the funds of these people, and America been prraented and ever Increasing freijuenly. W 'hrre practicable, this apply to the Court hw lha re lie f pray­ menu may be varied by the addition num ber of proprietary “cures” • some­ left off one of Eugene's railroad maps, so t h e ' has a right to demand th at money honestly owed ed for In the Com plaint which la In of chlekwetsl, dandelion heads, thistle editor of the Sentinel says in an editorial in his p0 these American taxpayers shall not be spent times to capitalise them for selfish substance aa follow« to w lt: for a da- last week's issue. Well a little thing like t h a t ' on the boulevards of Paris or lu the beer gardens ends, sometimes to advance a sincere and plautaln seeds, and lha fruiting era« of thia Court dlaaolvlng (ba c o » should not worry Cottage Grove, the first tim e it of European provinces.—M. E. Church Board of belief In a curative procedure. Every heads and tender leaves nt senet-ln : tra c t of m arriage now, and heretoforu W atercress. existing betw arn P la in tiff ta il DafawB- medical man knows, and every non and shephard'a purs« happened. If she had been left off Eugene's m ap Temperance. wild oats, knot lira»», and o tB « r '* nt- * n" port, - h o played a neutral game, » h o » e „ t s „ id “ “f L i,“ I ™ ’ » S ' p " £ A r t l . r m - ■»* e......'• - .......... ...... “ » counsel of dlspalr T here aeerns naturodly wagging along like the tail of a shep- era. had the^nerve V s t a n d ’T or T h e Kian “ ^ s U n d | Tbi’ l" a " oJd5 rltlclanl whlch has ° ften been some evidence that the new discovery has some m erit. Are not valuable against it had good fighting all along the line le^ ! ed a ‘ the c° l eR‘‘a' discoveries being made every d ay 7 The Kian ran second, it is tru e but the good-Lord i There is some » tru th in It- » . i So. a fte r each new announcemenL good-devil chap ran third everywhere, without a U nfortunately alm ost all institutions of ,earn- there „ „ f re»hening of intereat single exception, so far as the good state offices inK are engaged in the business of turning out among cancer patlenta and those per* were concerned " Iprofeesloal men. th at is, men for white collar >(>m whQ iurroun() ,bem Th„ e This is true of other communities and other / Too ntanv m others regard the school as useful 'q^lars^t^nformatton'^loorweys ar« states as well as Kansas. Candidates trying to ,f or their children in enabling them to escape tre a tn i„ nt, 4rt. « ,i,„ i,iia t .r .d . carry water on both shoulders.” usually fail to frOm the necessity of m anual labor- money is paid Many of the victims get away with i t In this day of clear-cut issues There is nothing inconsistent in earning one's uS(. ul| thP MTlngl which office-seekere find it foolish to assum e a;ow n living by one's own labor, at the sam e time th and thPlr re u u v « » can get neutral attitude before .election day. being an educated man To have an education K,.lh, r In Of ttim e the cur« ’ or a broad outlook upon life does not necessarily lg f()Un(1 to hav,, been w ithout avail Eugene did herself proud last week in observ-! mea,i th al *'e ,oJ ” “ 1?* “ ¡ ¡ '¡ 5 ™ ? ! . S h w «,' S ome , lra M on ’' p '»“»1'’1 '' • » ri »«"“ “’" Ing the completion of the Natron Cutoff with the nlen(ied sallB antl Je»U9 u a « * J® “n '■ riv . n for ita failu re. aomsUmen “ Trail to Rail” celebration. It was bv far the most tb e .CUattJ,1U a,n° " K . , L , ° . ? ± d ,,nottor' bul ,he p‘"n' wl” successful, largest and most impressive celebra- £ e,r handl/ ra it ?° th.a t aU W^ u'd ‘ «» "»»«'•'«' •• | tion ever pulled off in this part of Oregon. Spring- 8UPPort themselves in an enter-. th<> rMlUt the No one . i l l , field was well represented In both the hlstorilal Sency. . ever know how much tim e. h..w much and Industrial parade -in fact more so t h a n a n v An,nn8 the va8t num ber of people only a cer- pfftir, how niU(.h desperately needed other visiting citv. Resides this participation the t ^ n proporUon are equipped to make their living monejr gOPR |nt£> the pursuit of these town practically closed up two day* to attend the b< tb e ,r, br», n , w‘’rk' bow ^1» proportion ph-Btoma; but anyone «ho w ill .to p celebration. Members of the "Trail to Rail" com- • !8 ‘° be «<> one knows. It Is ultim ate- -------------------------------------------- W l,.~ b ,v , ,„ ,a u , .p p re n a te d ,,„r spin, S Z ” 0 “ “« and cooperation ar.d we can feel that this Is th e .re“ “ '* ®um W r °* tne two s xes. sentim ent of all Eugene. , boubtleas many people are following a profes- B B a sional life and gaining a m eager livelihood who would be (better off working with their hands. | Two years ago the local Chamber of Commerce -^Q.d P^r ^a PS some m anual laborer» could make We will m ake your Suit or Dress, will alter or remodel suggested lire name “Cascade Line" for the a success as professionals. Springfield-Klamath Falls Natron cutoff W hether Aa. a rule- however, these things take care of ypur old one, will Clean and th at suggestion had any affect on the railroad themselves. Every man finds his own level Some, Press or Dye them. officials in naming the new route the "Cascade are e'-iuiPP*'d by nathre for m anual work and 240 Main S treet Lin»” is r.ot known but anyway the new name a r»‘ properly endowed for intellectual work, * THE should be re?civcd with satisfaction in Spring- The college should be able to train both classes, field It should nbt aim to make every man a teacher; , B , or professor, or even a doctor or lawyer It should aim Vo give him that education which would be! What next, men? Beautv doctors at Chicago th e most satisfactory groundwork for any kind convention declare half a miHion of us use coe- of life, w hether that of a firm er, a storekeeper; m etier secretly. or a doctor. "WfrA Model Cleaners ' 1 Monday August 30. Tuesday, Septem ber 7, nnd Monday Septem ber 13, are the enrollment days for tlie regular Fall Term. It's a good aehool, and the rates are reasonable, and we will gladly tell you about IL Dou't hesitate to ask. Eugene Business College EUGENE, OREGON A. E. Roberts. President Phone G66 992 W illamette St. Creamy Deliciousness lee Crcnm served by us In our confectionery or which you may purchase here for home use Is much above the usual In creamy dellciousness. It 1* pure through and through Young or old can't get too much of this frozen Jain I incus. EGGIMANN’S NEX r TIME YOU SERVE TEA HAVE A LIBERAL PORTION OF PERFECTION CAKE TO GO WITH IT Never again will you take the tim e and trouble to do the work to bake your own cake. Our cake looks good and taates delicious. Perfection Bread has real etrength-bulldlng Ingredi­ ents put Into it in the m aking and the baking. You should always have a loaf of Perfection In the house. THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY DRUGSTORE Fred Frese, ITop. Perklns-Laxton Bldg- Phone 66 Fifth S tre e t h t'ip íe lf ?som Sah 'Runstssr EPSOM SALT Two teaspoofuls of P uretest Epsom Salt dissolved In a glass of w ater and taken before breakfast, m eans alm ost imme­ diate relief. •Safe because It’s the best. You save because It’s only half a cent a dose. Flanery’s Drug Store L o w Fares to C a lifo rn ia Reduced roundtrip summer fares are now in effect. Plan your trip toCalifomia and take advantage o f them. Tickets with 16-day limit are on sale daily; also season tickets with Oct. 31 limit at slightly higher cost, permitting stopovers. Four trains daily, including Southern C aliforn ia Express direct via Sacramento and Los Angeles. hern PacificUnes & OLMN, 23U 3^222^ J!ta* vim a H* 1 a nt 4