- ■___ 1 - ' 1 1 " ( buying or sEuwo^^ ^ ^^m cY get results ) / SALK o il T il A U E V I 0 t o I FOR SAI.E— Seven-room housa with Phonograph and <0 record*. fo r acre of ground on Eaat Main St «(««I shotgun m a il ba In good eondl- Price 11800. 1500 down, balanea Uon Pay difference If any. Geo. C. Ilka re n t Address J. E. Stewart, t il Oadar H t. Klamath Falla. Ore. Butane, near Davenport's, Weal a Springfield. Call evenings. Au«. 13-1318 W ith Good Wlahaa Flrat S c o t c h m a n “ Did ya give FOR SALK C H EAP— Floral Hpraya Handy a birthday p re a e n tf 73d (I St Ilion« 107 J. HI Second Scotchman: — r o l l SAI JO llop Bnnka to keep pick- pair of homing plgrona." ara account« In. Printed and In •lo ck at tha Nawa Office. NO TIC E OF F IN A L ACCOUNT IN T H E CO UNTY COURT O F T H E F o il R E N T — 4 room bouse on O. STA TE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR street; with electric! lights, sewer­ T H E COUNTY O F LANE, IN PRO­ age. Inalda toilet, cement walka. BATE Inquire at Nawa office for particu­ In re Estate of C J Dodd, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un lar«. If. deralgned executor of the above en­ F or FOR R EN T— Three room furnished apartment, with bath, basement; W ater and llghta furnished for 122 BA 24B Pearl HI. Eugene. FOR SAIJC OR R E N T —« lx room bungalow, modern, comfortable A good buy. Also a small Iron cook stove for sale. Mrs. W. T. Clark. S21 B street. A 1»-S6 CALL AN D BEE Dr. N. W an price» on plate end ether work, tf summons IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E STA TE OF ORBOON IN AN D FOR LANE CO U N TY “ ' George Ellie, Plaintiff, va. Gladys Elks. Defendant To Gladye Ellla, IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and anawer the Com­ plaint fill’d against you. In the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the expiration of the time prescribed In the Order of publication, to-wit: on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the flrat pub­ lication hereof, and If you fall to answer for want thereof. Plaintiff will titled estate haa tiled hla final account In the above entitle court; that the hearing Ihrreon will be had before the said court on September 10, 1926. at the hour _____ of ten _______ o'clock ______ In the ____ fore­ noon and that all objections thereto muat be filed In writing prior to the time Of said hearing W IL L IA M 8 DODD, Executor. IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE A 12 19-26: H 2 9 O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and anawer the FYFCHToR'S AND EXECUTRIX nPP>7 ,o ,h ’> C00rt fOr ' h" 2 ? ? complaint filed agalnat you In the EXECUTORS ANU KXBt u j lt iA Jn thp pOIDp|uint which la in above entitled null within a ll week« N O TIC E ¡substance as follows to-wlt: for a de- from the first publication of thia sum­ IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E (.ree of (hla Court dissolving the con- mon a. and If you fall ao to anawer 8T A T E OF OREGON IN AND FOR , ra<., of marriage now. and heretofore plaintiff will applv to the court for T H E CO UNTY OF L A N E IN PRO- ,.g|«tlng between Plaintiff and Debnd- tha relief demanded In the complaint, BATE „nt. and for such other, further, and namely that the marriage relation In re Estate of Jacob C. Nicholson, j different relief as to the Court may betweern the plaintiff and defendant deceased. ¡seem Just and proper. be wholly dlaaolved Notice |a hereby given that the un Thia aummona la served upon yon, Thi» aummona 'la served upon you derslgned Ernest C Nicholson and f by publication thereof In the fbprlng- by publication by virtue of an order Kaale E. Weber have been appointed n«-l. Sklpworth. circuit Judge, directing of the above named estate by th e ' ,,,-niuant to an Order of Hon. O. F. ouch publication for a ll consecutive above entitled court; that all personsI sklpworth Circuit Judge o f t h e weeks In the Springfield News This aummona la first ao published July owing debts to the said estate shall above Court, made and entered July 20. pay same to ua. and that all persona|]92g nnrf publication thereof la » . i »2d The undersigned attorney Is a res­ having claims against the said estate' Ju|y' 29 19?g , nd the last publication ident attorney of the State of Oregon, shall present the same to ua w ith , September 9. 1928 m O. HOOE. and hey residence and post office vouchers attached at the law office, Attorney for Plaintiff, 532 Wlllam- address Is SIB Platt Rulldlng, Port­ uf II. E Slattery. 717 W illam ette Street. Eugene, Oregon, within alx gtreet. Eugene. Oregon. land. Oregon. months from August 10. 1926. the date Jl 29: A B-12-19-26: 8. 2-9 JA N E T R W H IT E . Attorney for Plaintiff of the first publication of thia notice. Residence and P. O. address SIS Ernest C. Nicholson.. Executor, NO TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N Platt Dldg Portland, Oregon Essie E W eber. Executrix. Jl 12 2» A 5-13-19 24; Sept 1 D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R (A 1026: 8 2-0 16) KIR. U N IT E D STATES L A N D OF- I f ICB. Roseburg. Oregon. July 27, 1926 NO TIC E la hereby given t h a t I Charles H Mathews, of Ooehen. Ore­ gon. on July 6. 1926. filed Appllcatloa to Purchase. No 016576, the Ix ta 2. 2. ¡4 6. 4. 7. and NEhi of 8W I4 of Sec. 25. 1 Tp IB 8. R 3 W . W. M.. under the 5th 1 Section of the Act of March 2 1337 D R . J. M J O N E S 1(34 8tat.. 656. as amended by the Act O P T O M E T R IS T of July 1. 1903, (33 SUL. 733) and that 'he will offer proof of hla right to pur- LARAW AY B LD G - EUGENE IN T H E C IR C U IT COt’ R T OF T H E S T A T E OF ORBOON FOR T H E CO U N TY OF LANK. Louise I McLean. Plaintiff. va. Pun ran Mct-ran, Defendant T o Duncan Mcl^aan, Defendant d ir e c t o r y Funeral Director 228 Main SU 62 J Practice I. M. PETERSON Ceanmerclal State Bank Bldg.. Springfield, Ore. above described land by settlement or entry, or under the Mining L aw a or In any other manner, are cRed to ap­ pear at the time and place named and submit testimony In support of their e la lllM l. WILLIAM DONALDSON OaH Phon« 57 DR. N. W. EMERY Off N T 1ST Button BIO»- FJ»ene «0-J Reeldence Rhone IB I M Bprlngflald, Oregon D. W . Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill gtreet HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. "The Loop II Your Homg When In 8pringflgld DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phons 43 FRANK A. DEPUE AT Flrat Nat'l Bank Bldg., Springfield LAW NOTARY PUBLIC BwldllnB Springfield Oregon- L«»v» For Sweetwater— R. D. Job«», Joe Cowden, and A. J. Bohnetoky Inft Friday for Bweetwute», Oregon where they will work In oo» of the ml«»«. .w tltla y i o a iia a w ith in th * N lk lfl decree of the above entlUed Court dissolving and forever setting aside the bonds of matrimony existing be­ tween plaintiff and defendant here­ in. and granting to tks plaintiff * 1*^ * named a decree of ahsotuts divorce from the defendant This summons to served upon you by publication thereof in the Spring- field News one« each week for six successive weeks la eonfom tty with tha Order of the Honorable B. F. Skip- worth. Judge of the above entitled Court. The date of tke first lri>hllca- tlon of this Rummone Is The date of the this Summons Is September I, 1020 E O. IM M K L , Attorney for P laintiff Residence and Post Office address: Ewcrne. Orefron. Jl 22-20: A. 5-12-10-20: 8 e p t 3 Plans for the Improvement of th» bird refuge, according to a proclama­ Scappooae drainage district have beea tion Issued by Governor Plerc«. In a rage because she refused him approved by State Engineer Lupe». funds to attend the Trall-to-Rail cele-1 Th» Improvements will eonslst of a»- »ration In Eugene. Joseph Plans, 39 proxlmately seven miles of dikes t * shot his wife twice In the buck und hold back the overflow from th» , Columbia river, and a pumping plant, killed himself at Klamath Falla ' the estimated cost of the entire 1 * Fuunh Hoeson. 53. sign painter of provement being 3293.400. Portland, died lu Spokane. Wash., a One of the Southern Pacific passe» few bears after hla automobile had ger trains was delayed north of th» Umpqua river while ooe of the bull moose which range that territory rsa wlth- ahead of the locomotive for three »F wlU four miles. This Interference of tra la kegtu on a 3100.000 union high sahooi schedule by the moose to »at an * building at Klamath Falla. The hew frequent occurrence aad the animal» school will benefit fonr dlstrtsts. are seen eften by th» tsala eoews a«4 FnMtleaDy the enttrn population of paaaengers. Swoot Homo. Holly. Crawfordsville Closer oo-oparutlo» between th» U aad Foster to bow engtged In picking wertern state» to combat strong-errt evergreen blackberries. Abort two salesmen and promoters of oadcstraM» trueklends a day are being shipped. stocks and sesurttles was foroeast * F Extensions, knprovsmeata and addl- B. Crewe, state corporati«» e o * Uoai to th« Askina« municipal water mlgllooeT M the rM < lt ^10, u k * supply haws been agreed upon by the at a meeting of securities eotnmlssto» d ty eeBBeg f a , total cost of the ers from the various westarn states a t tm prev.m s.to was srttmated at 3500, Saa Franclsoo. Mr. Crows attend»* the conference. A live deer waa brought to Wald­ The contagion named hemorrhaglg port by Frank Johnson, who had pick­ septicemia, which caused the death at ed It up on hla farm. The animal was more than 250 head of cattle in tb * la pitiful condition from a strange districts of Boring. DamascuOy ' malady, believed possibly to be the Gresham and several other localitto» hoof-and-mouth disease. In the past three weeks. Is now u » T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E IN S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E 120 Oth Btrsst, Springfield CO UNTY O F I.A NE. SUM MONS New Bada, Matreeeaat Chaim . 2nd Olive Bowles. Planltlff. VS Mrs. Lydta Cartoon and Charles J. Hand C haim and Reekem. New Carlson her Husband. Defendant Blmmena Bada. Tablas and Bad TO CHARLES J. CARLSON T H E ABOVE N A M ED D E FE N D A N T: Spring«. IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE OF OREGON you are hereby requir­ ed to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed against you In the above Phone Re». 101-J Office 73-J entitled court and cause on or before F. H . W A L K E R Five persons war» killed and 222 the 26th day of August 1926 said date IN T H E JU S TIC E COURT, EUG ENE J U S T IC E D IS T R IC T . L A N E CO- j persons were injured In 1719 traffic Auto Truck Transfer being more than alx weeks from the U N T Y , OREGON. > accidents In the state of Oregon dur- House Hold Goods, Baggage, date of the first publication of this summons and being the time pre- W illam ette Collection & Credit Ser' Ing the month of August, according Marchandise Moving acrlbed for such appearance by you vice, a corporation, plaintiff. to the report of T. A. Raffety, chief Office at 312 Main St. In the order for the publication of C. E Wilson and vs. Mrs. C. E. Wilson. f° r the •<*»• motor d,Tl- this summons, herein entered of re­ lion. Ilia wife, defendants. cord. and If you Will so to appear According to Emil B r itt weather ob- SUMMONS QEO,. N. McLEAN and answer for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief | To C, E. Wilson and Mrs. C. F- server at Jacksonville, the recent rain Automobile, Fire and Life Wilason. his wife, defendants: broke the longest dry spell in Jackson- IN S U R A N C E In her complaint demanded and IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E Tj||e jn mOrs than 40 years. There Surety Bonds,. Phone 017 prayed for. to w it: R 0( drouth of 102 days, Judgment ngnlnst defendant Mrs OF OREGON, you are hereby re- My business la to protect your qulred to appear and answer the only .05 of an Inch falling In that business Lydia Carlson for the sum of 31600 00 complaint which has been filed 860 W illa m e tte St. Eugene ,Or«qoi^, together with Interest thereon from agalnet you In the above entitled time. December 17th. 1925 at 3 per cent per Court and cause within alx week 1 George R. Reeves, Portland con- nunum until paid and the costs and j rom 0( the first publication j tractor, was low with a bid of 397,- disbursements of this suit and 3250 fin th(s 8umnlong an(j you (ati to goo for construction of the first unit VASB Y BROS. as special attorney? ees , appear an(J ansWpr the plaintiff o( the Columbia hospital to be erect- A decree that the Plaintiff's mort ) w,„ gsk Judgm«,nt against you In the e thence Eaat 12 chains and Ralph Spencer. cedented fall of Lake of the Wood«, four feet and thence South 25 chains The Sternberg tannery at Albany near Klamath Falls, which has left to the place of beginning; and quiet that waa recently destroyed by fire motor boats and piers stranded high Ing the title to said premises In said plaintiff as against all claim» of every will be rebuilt, business men having and dry on a barren expanse of mu4 kind of the above named defendants raised 215.000 as a loan for six years flats, to believed solved In the discov­ and all persona claiming by, through without interest. ery of a large fissure In one end of th * or under them, op any or either of A p ^ , , ^ waa med wlth the pub- lake Into which waters are pouring. them. I j|C aervlce commission by the city of There are 159,521 acres of land open T H IS SUMM ONS la published by i Marshfield asking for an order requlr- to homestead entry within the Port­ vlrtue of an o rd e rth e re fo r made by Cooi w < te r eo to land land district, comprising Yamhill, the Hon. O F Sklpworth, Judge of „ _____ I extend IU service. , Washington, Polk. Tillamook, Mario«, the above entitled Court. The date of the flrat publication A proposition to Issue bonds to the Lincoln, Linn, Clackamas, Columbia, hereof la August 12. 1020. and the date amount of 11500, with which to in s u ll Clatsop and Benton counties, accorri- of the last publication hereof is Sep a water system, septic tanks and lng to a recent list of vacant land» teinber 23, 1926. electric lights In the Boring school­ camplled by the Portland land offlcw B. O IM M E L , The state irrigation securities c o * Attorney ftor Plaintiff. Residence house. waa voted down. and postofflee address; Eugene. Ore­ Esther Motanlc, full-blood Cayuse mission has been petitioned by th» gon A 13-1D-24; 8 2-»-18 23 Indian maiden of the Um atilla Indian Eagle Point irrigation district in Jack- reservation, will be queen of the Pen­ son county to extend the state g u a n * dleton roundup September IS to 18, in tee of interest payments on a $400,000 IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E elusive. It is announced. bond Issue for another year. The stat» 8 T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E has previously guaranteed tnteregt The property of the Eastern Oregon CO U N TY O F LANE. state hospital. In Um atilla county, has payments on this bond Issue for four SUMMONS been set aside as a wild game and year». H. W Johnson. Plaintiff, W. F. Walker General la w 9 E IG H T GRADE E X A M IN A T IO N Uniform State Examination for the eight grade w ill be given to con­ ditioned pupils und all others who | have compiled with the conditions, on Thursday and Friday. September 2 and S, when application has been made for queatlona. A limited num­ ber can he given the examination In the County School IbtperlntendenPa office. B J MOORE. County School Superintendent. (A 24: 8 2) ClassifiedÀds ■ b u s in e s s iH R Ä » T H E 8PR1N0FM LD NEWB THURSDAY AUGUST 26. 1926 WM. Q. HUGHES FIRE , AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY FUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bprlngfletd, Gr by the Sheriff of T.ane County. Or- gnnum from the 20th day of Jan. "J"1«*1- egon to satisfy said Judgment and ugry 192g an{, the f^-thur gum of accruing costs. $25 00 as a reaaonable attorney's fee This summons Is served upon you anJ ltg c0gt8 and disbursements In by publication thereof In the Spring- j thlg actlon; and that the personal field New», pursuant to an order of property attached by the plaintiff In the Honorable 0 . P. Rarnard, Judge th(g act|0B be sold to pay said Judg- of the County Conrt of the State of mpnt, attorney's fees, costa and ac- Oregon for the County of I * n e made crutng cost*. and entered of record on lbs IB day This eummona to served upon you of July 1926, ordering that tb ' said by the publication thereof oa»e a sntnmons he published one »arh week tor six encceeelve weeks In week for six consecutive and •> cces the Springfield» New», In accordance give week» end the date of the flrat with an order made and entered the nnhllcatlon win he .Tnly 1Rth 1926 14th day of July. 191«. authorlxlng and of the leaf wiMtcatlon will hr and directing the M rvie« of mone by pablleatton Date cd Angnet 26th. 1926 pohUcutlt* July IB. 1MB. F R A N K A. DR PUB Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence. SnrlngfleM Oregon. July 19. 21. 99. Ang. B, 12-19-2«. HAROLD J. Jnetle» of Jl. U, M, M A b » K »»MB The I>™g«r Fruit company of Sa- lem haa made application for permla- slon to operate a licensed warehouae under the federal warehouse law. Thia would b« the first federal licensed warehouse to he operated 1« the Salem dietricL T h * Mabel M ill company to reported to hav« ptuwhaaed th« 89,999-aer» Drew timber traet above Relley aad will top th« a*w holdings with a tog­ ging ralltwad for whleh a eurvuy al­ ready has k m made. Aa surveyed, th» I l M w«ald ran freai Fox era ah. sight rtOto eaat of Bolley, to Mabel to Lane Ito ■ der control, according to Dr. H. C. Johnson, veterinarian. Dr. Johnsoto haa vaccinated 1500 head of c a ttl* sinc« the epidemic started. A complaint has been tiled with th * public service commission at Salem by the city of Vernonia against Vernonia Light & Power company, a private corporation, formerly owned by the Northwest Trust company, Port­ land, and now In the hands of tha r » cetver, for alleged violations of th» laws regarding public utilities and ask­ ing that the commission fix reasonable rates and charges. The last piling for the north and «Outh Coos bay Jetties has been drive» an