TIUKSDAY AVGUST 2'-’*> n u e HH K W urat».'« F A OK TWO Lane County Farmers Union News O F FIC IA L PU B L IC A T IO N L A N « COUNTV U N IT n O . 14 4 - lea. ihe vart.gated cm worm. Is noted ORDERS FOR PYROTOL hy the experiment station as having NOW BEING TAKEN preference for Ihe family laundry C orr«tpond--U hanging on (he line Alt egas hatch Tb>' co u n ty aKviit a n n o u n ce d (h ta in a few «itt quickly maturing variety in a well j , r ». \ w Weaver s niece and hti Mr. “n‘> Mrs W. J. llutta . nt.-rt ,'n the Hessian flv. which som etim es gardens from July to October Eggs does a great deal of damage to grow­ prepared fertile seed bed will usually hand from Portland spent the week ‘ ‘I >tl*'ir son-in-law and daughter. Mr from these adults hatch Into ihe over­ of Ibibllc Itontla T h e | mm »I i i «» w b»dn< form ' d fur fall «• < f lb»* « xplu«|vo wl,h her. “,,d Mra- •* K- Meudal and family ai d ing wheat in the W illamette vallev, be less Injured than a slow growing wintering larvae completing two g. 11 will do«»’ S a tu rd iY S op ••toh« r IN a n d y |r n,„| Mrs. Dava Weaver and aon Mr 1 Mrs. Gruver Willey and ».mi has beer, prepared by the Oregon ex ­ variety, even when seeded much erations a year a ll <»rd« rH niiiHi I m * plac«’Tutu| la a ««fa h igh expbmlr*» moved Into the lien P lu ley heme 111 • gent, has Just received a letter from operate in combating the Hessian flv h e re w ith re la tiv e s. sh e e p In e a s te r n O regon 1» given hy w ith al»uii( tw ice (be puw «r of o rd i­ Jan ies H kstiugs has retu rn ed 1 to Eugene. Mr. Pltxley is employed in Don C Mote, entom ologist of the -x- as * is no r- s p e c te r o f p ro p e rty Ihe e x p e rim e n t s ta tio n as $1 «.'> per n a ry d y n a in l’«' T h e e x p lo siv e c< nv n his h.xue here after spending some the ixuieut factory perinn n station, in wh ch be stat ** lines.” lo a d . In a> lu a l p ra c tic e th e r e s t of fr :ii Im p u n t. W .tib ln v tu n and ri »(ii that the circulars may come from time in ihe hospital at Salem where Monday m im ing W O. ODflawall g r a tin g Is no th e sa m e Home ra n c h he received treatments. captured an tmno use porruptnu In bis m> ti own about a ll th e ir r e n t e and H g ( wi U n p e r pound phi* fre ig h t w hich the press too late to be of value this RAINS PERMIT LOGGING m ake* th«' to ta l ix»at h«»re ab o u t < - year in which he outlines briefly WORK RESUMPTION Robert Parrot has been in IVrtland yard. He lassoed the animat but not som e v ery little iif iho 1 who re n t re n t* T h e c o u n ty a g e n t a n n o u n t»d m easures for combating the H e ss . for the past three weeks having his until ^the animal hud departed with som e pay hi high us 310 to $12 an in re (but If etnniith o rd e r* a re ta k e n fr> in fly. Following is a copy of this letter: Portland. August 26 - (Special) - back treated. A team of mules ran some of his quills for llv beurflt of lh. and som e less th a n 15 a n y one ubippinx point fo r a earlon t. “The Importance of thoroughly Heavy rains last week in all sections away with him and a wagon passed dog. The porcupine is ihe first that , F re e s ln g Injury su< h us le n d to pro­ It will h e *blt»p«« relatives this vicinity. ance cf plowing the stubble and vol­ Is killed w hile th e cam b iu m uud Inner ture. and should be adopted where The C W Cook family have been h a rk re m a in s alive. unteer wheat and deeply burying i; Cascades have effectively checked here. local conditions permit Where cut­ I * and Mrs. Carl Phetteplace of visiting at the home of Wllred to o k In the fall. The Hessian flies on well- forest fires there, the 4L letter said. worms. wlrownrms. and white gruba «1» gmisentw here last of Chase Gardens. Mrs Clok had covered stubble and volunteer wheat and have permitted release of many P»” ™ F a rm U nion Meats—The Partners trill he unable to work out through hundreds of forest fire fighters. Patrol week. Mr and Mrs Homer l-hette- been here for some time but ow ing Vnlon of W ullervllle held a meeting are pri»vulent com should not be plant­ ed on freshly broken sod land Crops work however, is still being done. place. Dr Phetteplace Is moving to ill health did not accompany her the covering soil In the following Wcsinesday xilght at which the coumy belonging In (he bean family, such aa „ ... . . . from Powers to Springfield His if- husband' sou. Robert on their trip spring after the surface has been awm opera on. n > at located In the First Na- cast Mr. Cook and Robert left over commissioners were present to dis- cowpeas. soya beans, clover, alfalfa, beaten hard by the winter rains. pine districts, is holding at about the < the N. P. and visited Tacoma, Seattle, cuss road* and lax mattera fallow ing e t c , may safely follow sod. and grown “If clover has been seeded in wheat same level as for a month past, in ‘ton»' b« nk A""*’, 1“* the business session, the McKemle lo­ before grain, especially com. much *ynard later will be in an immature stage auction is reduced to a few pounds * Satunlay fum>rp, •n d most attractive to the Hessian During this process the udder should . ,, , .. . ,, . . . . FARM REMINDERS „ ... . was held in Newberg Monday He fly- when th e first spring brood of be watcher carefully to see that no ... , , , . , . . . . had been ill with double leakage of W heat seeded’ in September will be­ soreness develops. Wtth persistent . . _, Irrigation districts* of *east*ern *Orc* . the heart for several monuis com e Infested in the fall and serve milkers It may be necessary . to reduce the feed to nonlegumious hays only. 1 Mr and Mrs Ray n“U* h enUT‘al" | ^ X e^ ° ^ , r^ a s'a^s*the^cldlege' '/'x SS • wintering place for hessian files. ....... ed last Sunday for dinner several ro- “vr<-al “k'“t*ea »»)» me college eg- “There is no advantage as far as IMives In honor of Mrs. D O. Baugh t*‘ni’lon service. The leading honey Hessian fly is concerned in seeding • • • • • • • • • vary much later than October 15. It la • OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • and Mr. James C alverts birthday J produchlK «’•«‘flcU are on Ibe L’ma * Those present wem; Mr and Mrs. D. ' 1"“ an'1 « “Iheur irrigation p.i.J -tt, FARMERS' UNION probable that October is the beat time • O. Baugh. Mrs William Culver of AlfaIfa and •» •* * clover are the lea.. to seed winter wheat for optimum Many * J Eugene. Mrs Ida King of Nebraska. ing nectar producing plants • C. W Allen. Vida, President. production. • W. I Seale, Eugene. Vice-Presl * Mrs Mae Jackson and daughter. native plants are of secondary Import­ “3. Wheat should never be seeded • dent. * Luclle and sons. Lawrence and Byron ance. SB wheat stubble if it is possible to • Betty M. Kappauf. Cottage Orova • of EuBPne, M ts . Stella McPherson •void doing so. If it is found n eces-, • Secretary Treasurer The female of the cutworm moth To ask low prices today and high prices tomorrow • qBUx htFr, Ester and aon Lav^rn of •ary to do this, the stubble should oe • Walter Morgan. Creswell. Conduc-« Springfield. Mr and Mrs. Glen Riddle is said by an Oregon experiment sta­ would leave you to guess what our prices will deeply plowed in the fail, taking par­ • tof- be the next day Our prices EVERY DAY * of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Max tion circular to lay from 200 to 500 or ticular pains to thoroughly bury, be­ • H. H. Smith, Eugene. Doorkeep- • we„ of Elmlra, Mr and Mrs. John Oven more eggs either singly or in are as low as they can be made, con­ yond the reach of the harrow, all Tvie eggs are usually deposlt- sistent with prevailing market er- * Calvert of Liberty. Arthur Calvert of masse«. Ttie •tubble and volunteer w heat No vol- O. L. Clement. W aterville. Chap- • ¡£"ad^«>d.Mr and Mrs. James Cal- ed ln •