( ¡omi w ill fo r u bu Bi­ llenn In built by go tti K o o i I h , H orvlce u ti «I tru th fu l ltd v i t i Inlug. THE SPRINGFIELD NE ▼ ▼ J V. of U, Library k tH M UOSE RETURNS {/ociety V - - - a jo a r r » m s a v c a B s s * u a n a a H M a J HAZEL PARMETER WEDS Jnho Saavey Sail» P»pp»rmlnt SAN FRANCISCO MAN Crop For $6 Par Pound, to Mina 11 an-1 It. l’armeter anil Mr. Plant Lnrger Acerage; Local Carliilnn II. Peterson, war« quietly Conditions Suitable for In- mnrrli-d Monday, August 23 at 10 I*, Rector’s W ife Facing Murder Charge P e o p le s Pape«" L iv e NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 34 HPIÜNOK1KLD, LANK COUN'I Y, OREGON. THURSDAY AUGUST 26, 192« TW K N TY -TII1K I) YRAR T ill CREAMERY INSTALLS NEW STORAGE TRACK In order to handle Its Increasing business in dressed meats, the Spring- f ie ld Creamery has had to install a new room. beef conveyor In 11» storage | FREIGHT SERVICE ON NEW LINE SEPT. 1ST ________ Tha naw conveyor 1» a »ingle Rates t0 Klamath Falls Reduced track supported by wooden posts and 63 Cents by Cutoff; Pas* run» from the street Into the back | storage room. It has a capacity o f , senger Schedules Expected to be published within the next four tons of dressed meats. A new Fairbanks scale has b een ' Few Days- • d u stry . M “• *l>" liomi- of the bride's parents, installed with the track to weigh the I — Mr, and Mra. W. M Hunter, Tbe The Southern Paclfl-; company will chickens, pork, veal, and Iamb tbe Ona of lb«» newest and moat vain- i Reverend II L. liunn ot Eugaua par- creamery handles. Tbe creamery start hauling freight on a large scale ablr crops being raised In tha »Irin formed the ring ceremony, ships the produce tw ice a week to over the new Cascade line about ot Sprtngllebl la that of peppermint Only th„ inuiudlate members ,f September 1, according to an an­ the Portland market. which has Just been startl'd on a Urge <,_ Other local growra of the flavoring The bride wore a dress of white routing, has been published and will -a murder murder o f her husband and his choir stnget, Mra. Mills pluut are Frank Ilrown, Hob Uny and brocaded aatln and carried a bouquet new »«"*»■ A reunion of the entire Lusby «» into effect with mystery now four years old. J 1. Oxly of Unaheo. I of white and pink sweet peas. Cecil family, with the exception ot one The new tariff gives an Indication of Mr Heavey baa found thr growing Humor rosea and gypaopbllla, and a daughter, was held at the home of Mr. the decrease In distance between here 4L EVENT AT WENDLING o f peppermint ao profitable that he la (bower of Malden llalr fern and O cti RECENT BRIDE GIVEN and Klamath Falls and the Impulse and Mrs. C. N. Lnsby on Mill street going to add RO more acres to the 44 Burner roe« a. PROMISES TO BE GOOD Sunday Members of the family came the new rates will give to the local DINNER AND SHOWER he already has In the crop. He says Mrs. Peterson graduated from the Industries. The former rate on first from as far as Los Angeles and Port- that after tbe Aral year the <-oat of Springfield High School last June, AU who attend tbe Labor Day cele­ , . . .. . ... .. , . I class freight was »163 a hundred A lovely shower was given Satur­ raising the plant Is less than that if g ,r I'eteraon It a captain of a Stand- day evening In honor of Mrs. I) M. bration at Wendllng are promised • . . . . . . . „ « h . tm was the first at which all members potaloes. Thia year he will harvest ard qj , tanker sailing out of San date for the passenger service over »rnellus of Eugene, a recent bride, "grand and glorious" time by local 60 pounds to the acre and have 16,000 Francisco. Mr and Mr». I'eteraon at tb»- home of her mother. Mrs. Will members of the 4L who are pushing have been present for seven years. the line will be announced soon, rail­ One daughter Mrs. William Grimes sacks of the r«a>ta to sell. The roots |pf( ,„ r g an Francisco Tuesday morn- «'lark Among the lovely and useful .the event and some of them make no road officials said. are used to plant new acreage an«!' sell | ng by a„to where they will make gifts given the bride of two weeks effort to bide their belief that the of Eugene was unable to be present .W ith the lnauguratlcn o t t h e as She and her husband started on freight service September 1, the work for ft a sack. • their home. by her friends were two beautiful oil lumber employ««» will stage a cele- A new 13600 still has Just been In ------ ------- ------ in the local yards will be nearly com­ paintings. The Lone Wolf and a bration to rival tbe Trail to Rail cele- . . . _ _____. at the home of her parents Friday pleted. A small amount ot blasting »(ailed on the Heavey ranch to distill p|CNIC HELD MONDAY scene of Crater lake. j bration in Eugene. however. the raw oil. The plant 1» cut with a still remains to be done around the Prereeding the shower, a birthday - D. W. McKinnon Is authority for AT SWIMMER S DELIGHT Those present at the family meet- yarda tbp depot ha, ypt to bp raige<, hoe, allowed to dry like hay In the dinner was served for Mrs. Cornelius > the statem ent that the Labor Day on- Ing were: Mrs. Mabie Lusby and t0 br(ng it up to the new level of the field for two days, anil than hauled Swlmm er s delight was »elected her mother's home. R elative«i tertalnsnent will even be better than "We are going to daughter.Allce of Eugene, Lyle Grimes tracks | n the yards and tbe driveway to the atlll. Italn do«» not hurt tbe last Monday night by a number of alone were present. follow ing the tbe Eugene affair. --------- --- .. — Enren i, T * Smith of Loa . . . " . cu, peppermint The peppermint Is ahower refrestam«-nts were served. eclipse the Trail to Rail celebration." or l a i , w f ' MrB L a . sm ttn of c o s along tbe housetrack graveled, before The house was decorated with cu t'b e said. "Instead of putting cattle Angeles. Mr^aed Mrs. R S. Johns and [ work u completed. distilled for an hour In a val that . delightful evening picnic and supper Mrs. Clark received, w ith o u t there for you to look at, we are daughters, n‘‘th and (la ra and SOB- By that time nearly all the work on holds two loads st a time Forty The main «ourse of the dinner con- Howtrg Lawrence of Springfield, Mrs Vera lhe maln Une track will also have pounds of ell « an I" sn u r«d fr ” * r of vegetable stew, cooked In Mrs Riley Snodgrass. Mrs. Bernice . „ | ng to kill them and eat them." fox'*— e. W a .1 g _ ... . ... . . « When quisled further he admitted ,8OIn aD<* "ons- Frp, and ( UPPi..,nented by Indi Bowerman. and Maxine Snodgrass that the 4L had three beef ready for Onkrldge. Miss Maxine Lusby of Fort- lastlng t0 be done in places and other the contract prie«1 The ot » r tur» ' v,dujl| | uncbea brought by the ladles, serving, tbe barbecue lunch and that they i«nd, Mr. and Mrs R. E. Lesley «»f W t l - Bmall Jobs along the line, but the er» of this »eclbtn have been using w#rp anJ „ „ Rudolph Wenger Here—Mr. and were not logging oxen either. These mlngton, California, George Lnsby of heavy work will have been all com- M r H e a v y » still for their crops. M( Murray Hn() ,y Mr _ Beaver b elieve, that the raising l ‘^ e b h ä i Mr.” ltudclph Wenger stopped Ttxes- n ^ v e s will b<- lutrbecued and served Monmouth. Mrs. R. Strawn and son. pIeted It Is expected that the work of peppermint will become an Import <1(iu|rb|(.r Von, U ni (.. Dr snd Mrs. .lay night at the home of Mr. and free to all who attend. In fart, everv- Ronald Raymond of Oakridge, and on the bridge over the WillametW ant rr»g> here, n.'ltom lan«l Is Ideal ( |ni( t|ep,Bce Mr an(, M„ Harry Mr». N A. Rowe on tbelr way to Long urfng will be free at Wendllng. from Thomas Lusby of Oakridge, and Mr. will be In its final stages then also as tbe heaviest part of the work o* for the crop o n e plant for i Hl„wart and family. Mrs. Theron Reach and Loa Angeles from their the baseball game ho tbe dance«. The and Mra- C. N. Lnaby. the bridge 1« now finished. three years and there Is 00 of Portland, Mr. and Jirs home at Oawego Mr. Wenger I» we’tl only things that will not be free are chief seel p«-»ta. Hog fennel 1» '*>«t chief Mr and Mr, p , ut Raa known to old residents of Springfield the conceaalons at which Ice cream EXPLOSION IN PIPE enem y of the c|4 p as UH» makes funi. Mr Í and Mra. liait Crib a. Dr. and I« a nephew of Mr«. Rowe, and other things common at a cele­ INJURES WORKMAN SAFETY PICTURE SHOWN the oil trong. bration are sold. The boxing, speak- AT 4L MEETING MONDAY nod Mrs. B . R Dlppel a id «laughter. Mr. Heavey ha« gpgtmrfed 1hl» Mr. anil. .»tra. I H N»s't. Mr. and! Tire Explode«—W R. Manning had ¡nr. Isaac Cline place while the machine county. This is the third year In caught Are from a carbonite open I Mr. Aitken Is a safety engineer be raised In this vicinity. Hprl«r«' l'l ¡ r g ^ b e r Monday n ig h t, and. :n was being Jacked up. which Wendllng has held the celebra- light causing on explosion. sent ont by National Safety coun- would have a good cbonce to freu te ,he regular drill work, Mr Forge was severlv burned on The moving picture was entitled "A tlun. his face and neck before he could Hangman s Sight And Foresight and the factory. ' "jW B staged a game of Indoor baseball at Back To Cahfrnla— Mr. and Mrs esca fe from the fire. He bad to ,o ’d tbe sl ory first. For Tlbbetts Fined For Drunknness 1 the High school yards. W • eaver crawl on hands anu and kimnto knees uvaraj nearly diversion an educational picture An IMPROVEMENTS MADE j................... 7 .— , . - 1 ■ —■ ! Dave W ftV» r s and n d son. ' Roy, left Sat- , u raw i u u u his is ihumbb — ------- — ~ IN BELL THEATER M. M . M . l . B ack From Trip Mr. “ " * for their home In Oakland .H- H W Tlhbe" ^ P; “Pr^^“’. v Lorn- a mH- thrll ,.xcfpt on their return last I. better, according to the latest reports. Mr. 1 >bb.-tts «.«- 'h- '’r'„ ‘ , n bur|e(1 today at Lpurel Hill cemetery . -h n th f tbe new r<,,„n of the changre being made In t h e , , hrottgh ttH) Sacramento val- Mra Mortensen wont to Portland Sun- locked h, tbe new Jail which was - - ed t0 the nor,h of the "eW retiU at 2:30 P M. from the Walker Under- ,umber shed being built there and ex- ' 1<>y day for a visit with h i m . t l n l x h e d this week theater. taking Parlors. The Reverend David tendst from th€ street in front of thn Manager Jack I-arson announced Husband of Eugene conducted the ser- power plant to the paved street at thn yesterila f th«' purehaso of one of the Tlces- ” * railroad crosstng. From-the railroad ntost up to date cooling and heating Mrs. Starks died at her home at 636 to F,fth street ■et the present pres-m THE ANNUAL SIGHT SEEING TRIP sywtoma mad«- which will arrive and D street Tuesday morning, aged 80 ; p, ank road, torn om outl. and a be Instoied within three woeka ill be but\t The years. She lived her la < 20 year« In Bew macBdam gtreet will Two Jundred' n «• w mfrolstered Springfield. She Is survived by four | (n(.reag,ng , raffic has made a plank seats hare been oruered from Port­ sous. George Starks of Portland, Wtl- road t(X> diffl<.„it and costly to'k eep land and will arrive the first of next liam and Chari«-» Stark» Of Springfield Jja Tbe ¿ew in (ront nf th» week. They will be put In the roar, and Edward Starks of Read. City. ,un!ber yard win be sixteen feet wide. of the lnlldlng and the old o w s In j Michigan. Mrs. Evaland Christy o f The roof and sllt,nK of n,f new (he front mov»‘