T H K S P IU N C U M I» XSW 8 PAOS S U TIIVHSDAY AVfiVST 13. Dsuebutee national forest for ih s »»»• fiscal year were surpassed by those of only one other foreet In Oregon ■ the Crsler. Timber sale receipts from the Deschutes forest for th® 7®»r total »lOl.t54.54. Receipts from sim ­ ilar sales 1« lh® Urnlnr national forest amount to »115.•”» 74 Negotiations on Ibe part of Bend for the past two yeare to obtain water trout Tuutalo creek for a domeellc , apply ended when the el»7 became Undor cunslrucllou »Ince March 4 the Crooked river bridge, speunlna ■ basalt walled gorge more lhau SIW T o G r o w B a n a n a s I n So n i t reel in depth »0 the route uf The | Dalles California highway In southern That Springfield will not tamely submit to edicts coming from the Jatferaou county, was opened to g«n "Trail to Rail" moot-court situated tn eral traffic Munday Brief »f Resume ef Eugene was shown Friday by the ac­ A. C. Dlnon. gensrnl manager of the the Week Cellectetf fer tion of the local H ons club at their Huelh Kelly Lumber oompany. ot Eu weekly meeting. The manly spirits gaae. an authority on weelern lurnbei Bur Reader«. ] of Springfield's booster organisation conditions, has been appointed a mcm b«r of th* national comm llle* on wood revolted from the extension of Juris­ iagvald Lien. 17. »«a of Mr aad Utilisation, which ha* Its headquarters owner of right® «• ®u diction to Springfield and Issued a The supply secured from Ihe 1 um counter edict which aet at naught the Mr* R K Ylen of Caaby. waa killed In Washington. D 0 . alo lrrlgalU.it dtalrUl. Ihe city trading Another new recent record for tbs fulmugattona of the Eugene hierarchy. while blasting slumps. (V* second feel of Deschutes water Since Friday all unusual facial In th« Columbia county cl*rh'» W illamette river level was set at Ku and paying »»5.0IW for ih* Tumalo adornments have been under the ban ot re for July amounted to »434 10. an geue when a mark of minus .7 feet wa* reported by the observer This Is right*. In Springfield. The males of Bugens loir«»»« of »170 over July, 102» Paper* were served on members of the lowest mark recorded since th* may tamely submit to hlddiing behind Final surveys h»v» been mad* pre such brush as Moaes wore, but not paratury to beginning conalructlun of start of taking of the measurements the public service commission »1 Hslcn lu a suit filed In the United »tales dis the men of Springfield. Such was the the new »200.000 theater nt Klamath a number of years ago. Two hundred aud fifty bead of cat trlct court In I’ortlnml lo restrain the resolution passed by the Lions club Fall*. lie are reported to have died In an commlaalon from enforcing an order The resolution states that "Where­ Aproxlmately SOU men are reported alarming eplaoollc. which for two placing Ihe valuations of the t'ooa aud as the Boosters and Sports of Spring- to be fighting 11 foreat ftrea on ata te! weeks has been depleting herds nest furry Telephone company nt »441.5(7 field are wholeheartedly with Kugene and national limber land In Jackson Corbett, llamascu». Troutdale, Boring for rntemnklng purpose*. This order tn making the Trail to Rail celcbra Gresham and Springdale. The tllsoa.s was Issued by the commission on Itton a success.“ therefore be It re- county. The entire Caacade national fore*t, la diagnosed as hemorhaglc septicemia April 1. 1(2« ! solved that any Springfield or Kugeue Voters of the stale of Oregon si tbs The Jackson county court ha* of­ After seven years of intensive search and experimentation, Pi icitlxen caught wearing the "Trait to lying ea»t of Eugene and comprlatng T J Harris has discovered banana seeds and is now introducing their ¡Rail Whisker* within the corporate 1.023.510 acre» ha* been clo«ed to fered a reward of »500 for th.- arrest general election In l(3g will express cultivation in the South. He plans to make this great foou iruit a and conviction of forest firebugs lo be their attitude on the question of re- limits of Springfield be arrested and smoker*. profitable crop in Georgia. Alabama, Mississippi, Texas tnd later in John Lynn. SO. died nt a Salam ho* coupled to the »500 offered by the slate tieallng the lilh amendment lo lb s fed fined 50 cents." The money thus South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky. Picture shows Dr. Harris oral constitution, according to an Ini­ raised Is being used to defray the ex­ pltal of Injurto* Buffered In an ex- • i for the sam e purpose The action was in his southern gardens. pense of Springfield entries In the plosion while blasting slump* near taken following the setting by an In tiative petition filed In the offlcee of cendtary of gtx fires on Evans creek the secretary of stele at Hnlsm The Sublimity. parade. • An average of one deer a week Is petition was filed by the World War About 100 delegatee from IS Ore­ Since Friday Its provisions have Veterans' league, of which F O. M sr been strictly enforced. The first of gon counties attended the annual con­ being killed on the highways of Ore cer of Portland 1* president. fenders to suffer the trials of the vention of the Oregon Title association goa by reckless auto drivers, accord The state game commission at ft* lng to K. F Averill, stale game war "Trail Twister»" court were H J Cox at Astoria. n eit meeting In Heptember probably Boardman rancher* who planted den. who has given game wardens That old familiar strain. "Way dow n’ 110“ ' the b*tB< on« of these and Harry Stewart, who were caught instructions lo arrest drivers for reck wUI be asked lo adopt two measure* with the proof of guilt upon their wheat are highly elated over the heavy sooth In the land of cotton.” some d a y (tr* lta w hkh d,?Telow ’ hether pollln- less driving when the responsibility to protect game fish In Oregon, ac­ w lll glee way to "Way down south tn lted or BO‘- aBd the more I1« orou,17 ^ B esid es passing this manty resolu­ yield which la running from 10 to <0 cording to K F AverUI. slate gam* appears to rest with them bushels per acre. the land of bananas," If the dreams of the Plant «ro’,,> the 1,r• i"” rted pay for the float, and Q O Bushman on The Dallea-Callfornla highway. 48 Into between the Vale Irrigation dis­ FOR BAfJ»—f'nrbon paper In large eheets. M i » lachee, suitable tae trict and the secretary of tho Interior Sana seed into Florida. There he Position, places the »laminate or pel- reported upon the generel plan, for mile* north of Klamath Falls. m aking tracings The new« Office. Receipts from timber sales In the cultivates the slippery skinned fruit Ien bearln« flowers b*Iow'- thMe ar* The public service commission d» the floats. on Melbourne Farms, the experiment found UD“ “* appendages. Then again, the to inspect the Ables Irrigated ranch I Boom company for permission to ceaa* be plans to plant his seed In Georgia. mal* are BOt " * n UBtU ,be f<" Saturday. August 21 which h a . been I operation* on th* Coquille river. A la ba ma. Mississippi and Texas. m ak flowe” Bot op*>B UBt,‘ ,he te' conducting a .cries of Ladder* are used to pick *v*rgre*n Later he will invade South Carolina. 0Ter aBd d*‘ad r glpptn< blrd out the squash vine* and other plants. there Is freedom from frost six i performed the function o f transfer-, In court For Throwing Tomato«* A family quarrel found Its way into months In the year." Labor condition* la Salem are th* ! ring tb s pollen from on« hunch of the court* today when Bert Woods “I'm not bringing these seeds to fruit to another; this agency either v a s fln«d »10 in Justice court for beet on the Pacific coast, according to life to accomplish something freakish, became extinct or the plant failed to throwing tomatoes at J. H. Harris. a report for July issued by th* United State* department of labor la Port bnt to grow this food plant or fruit.” I produce the attractive nectar.“ The two fam ilies are neighbor* Har­ land. Dr. Harris is certain that great ba- _ . - Dr. Harris successfully crossed the ris live* on B street and Woods on Mr« lossea la the stst* of Oregon, nana plantations can replace the cot- , . . , , , . - .. . red banana with the commercial yel- Fifth. The children of the two got axolustve of Portland, during July a* ton fields of the South. Cotton crops , . . , . . to fighting and calling names and last . . . . . . . low from one to three Urge seeds de- gregatsd »444,340. according to a re are being eaten up by the boll weevil .. , veloplng near the flower end of the night the parents became lvolved. A port prepared by Will Moore, state and other pests. I . . , _ bananas experimented upon. The large supply of vegetables furnished fire marshal "No. we wouldn’t have too many minute b l a c k specks sometimes the ammunition for the two men who Tb* number of Inmate* nt the Ore bananas." says Dr. Harris. "The ba- found ln bananas are unfertilised Indulged In the sport for some time goa state penitentiary ha* reached it* before they were compelled to quit. nana crops would go Into the making ovules upon the central placenta; the peak In the history of tb* institution anann f flour l r . u r which v x r h ir 'h f a as n a good F r ir w l as fl* _ . a . o f h banana Is fertile _ seeds are three-eights of an There are now a total of 5(2 convict* Bayb Boy Born— Mr. and Mrs wheat flour.” Inch ln diameter. Walter Palley of Mabie announced In the prison. The banana plant gave up produc- ur. o r n . has u a . been ewwu balled u&ueu as «8 the IIP the arrival of a baby boy Tuesday Dr. n Harris Th* Ladd A Rush bank nt Salem, lng seed years ago and multiplies it- Luther Burbanks of Great Britain morning The baby was born at the which 1* one of the oldest financial In- self vegetatively, according to Dr. p Or seventeen years he was superin- Pacific Christian hospital. ■tltutlon* ln the *tat*. ha* received a Harria. | tendent of the British Government FOR SAIJ6—-Payroll sheet*, printed permit to remodel It* quarter* at ■ "It was necessary, therefore, if seed Agricultural Experiment and Teach- and la stock at th* Nawa o « e e cost of »50.000. Form suitable for road, eonatraetloa productlon were to he induced.“ he tng Stations in Jamaica and Bermuda William Burch, who has been a log­ P R IC E D F R O M f 5 8 .0 0 to $112.00 work, aawmtlla. etc., with tabla to ging contractor for a number ot year*, commented, "to subject the plant to His creative work won him election compute workman'» compenaatloe waa killed instantly at the Hchelder conditions conductive to reproduction as a Fellow of the Royal Society of See our display at any time, there is no and deduction» No employer should as opposed to th - usual tropical con- Arts and Industries of the British Em- be without these I- t m when t»ey mill, near Ix>rane, when struck by the obligation to buy ditions which, of course, favor vegeta- plre. oas ba portdiaead for a few ceoia top of a falling tree. Redmond ban be>-n selected a . tho stte for a 45.000 egg hatchery which Is to bs operated by W. H. Thompson of Standard Ipswich Silk 5 6 Stores Canby. Work of Installing machinery Designer probably will be started la September. I Becauae be used a circle of fire la ' — ■ . ■ I timbered country to keep coyote* away For Ladies from his flock of sheep at night. Frank With the Belrobe Byrne, cam pleader for Pat Reilly of ' In th e W e s t Jefferson county, was arr est ad near Bend and fined »25 Herbert Hoover, eeeretary of oeui- meroe. plane to loee him self some­ s.td n tl Clear eyea. clear akin, healthy looking llpe and tooth, pro- where ln the wilds of Oregon the Inst | « , v illa h t n o o d ^ h in g hand, ere EVERY ONE th . re.u lt of care 10 dny* of Aagust. Just where ke will X n O o n ’ .n d a Dreg Store I. th . M A «K «T F L A C . Mr th . pur- spend hie lime, or with whom, the ohaae of AIDS for GOOD LOOK8I Wo OOTTEMI Sport Last secretary would not say. But remembahl Remembah, Good Folkal There ARE tlm ss whan you "1st down" a bit In attsntlvsnsa* to Ladiee Tan Oxfords for sport Th* Valley Brotherhood of Baptist*, y o u r7 .V L n and an un.xpsctod o.tustlon Ilk. a "data" aria®, whan It \ which Includes representative* from ! or street wear h .m m ea nacstaary to gat bsautlful In a great big HURRYI It a Marion. Polk, Benton and IJnn ooun TT4EN that you want to have RIGHT at HAND tha equipment to tlee. held its annual picnic at Rant lam metsphorose SUDDEN right In front of your mlrrorl And the balance of hla ad points out ths things you will NEED park, near Jefferson More than M0 persons attended the banquet la that a good Idea7 For having the most attractively ar­ ranged and bent kept garden tn a club of six. John Croats of Tankton received the first prise ln a garden I. • • ! Inspection tour conducted by tleorge Ladles Black Patent one Nelson. Oolumbla county agen t strap pumps China pheasants are unusually abundant la eastern and western Ore­ Invented Year« Too Late! Nearly EVERYona these day» gon and dear are plentiful la every POURS On and STAYS! use* KLEENEX to »wish off the t i t * Style section of the state where deer are to IV» this LIQUID Rouge 1 And Cold Cream after application! once It’» In place It stays PUT! be found, aecordlng to B. F. Averill, Softly abaorbent paper, it leave* It blend» readily and you can use state game warden, ln hla monthly re­ tha akin smooth and velvety and your face and lipa freely for Tan and Blacks port. you THROW the Kleenex away smile*, grins and ktsaes without " ~ Wide Toe Patents, Suede and C a l f A mortgage given by the W est O o M t ' after using. Think of the towel* fear of disarranging IL Costa It save*. Coats 35 cent* a box. Leathers. Close out price HydroBleotrle corporation to the - 26 cents a bottle! ’ whiskers are ruled OUT BY LIONS CLUB OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Bananas Will Be Coming Big Crop in Southern States COLONIAL Cooking is Easy with a new COLONIAL RANGE HOSIERY 98c to S1.85 C.J.BREIERCO and W illam ette Wright & Son I Patterns QUICK TRICKS Store No. 11___ Eugene, Ore. Ladies' Oxfords $4.95 $3.45 One lot Pumps and Oxfords M en’s Tan Oxfords $3.95 arid $4.95 $2.85 Edmonds Foot-fltter Shoes and Oxfords Values to $7.50 Close out Price $4.95 a pair Boys Tan Oxfords All Silk Dresses. Values to $16.50 now $9.95 Good Last A Strong Shoe S3.35 «i“1' “IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY AT BREIERS” Bankers Treat aad Barings Bank of { Minnesota tor »755,000 has been filed . with the f^hsmbta county clarh. The mortgage eoveru land, leasee. tdecUIc ' works, power houses, sto., ef the enr , poratlun In Columbia, D o u la s, Barney. Head River. Lane, Llnoein, Multno- j mnh aad TIBamnak oouaUee and In i Mason. Wahkiakum and Hkamanln dies. W ashington 'I — SPECIAL THIS WEEK — Nydenta Tooth Paste ——........- ........... Nyal Tooth Brush ..........................—— ................. - BOTH FOR 50c KETEL’S DRUG STORE 5th and Blain ... 50c ... 50c TCöö