The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 19, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    X » *
waa well. Heart fallur- waa given as
(he causa of Ila death by *ia phyalcan
In charge.
O rdered To Clean Up Place— F
R e v e r e n d Pointer Hera—The Rev­
Hera From W endling— Mr»
John erend James Pointer, fromer pastor
Hsr« From Harrisburg—Mrs. J. V
Hayworth was In BprlngfU-ld (row Purcell of W nndllng was In Spring- of the Cbrlatlan church of Hprlngflvld
Arid F riday (or a abort tim«
wan here Monday vlaltlng friends. Il­
Harrisburg Friday.
ia now a teacher in the cbrlatlan Col
W alterw ille Man Here— T M Car
W e n d lin g M a n H s r « — R o b e r t J a c k
lego at Minneapolis. Minnesota
awnva of WrndlliiK transacted bual n<-y of W altcrvlllc waa In Springfield
F in e d F o r S p e e d in g — W II Goddard
In In»n Friday.
paid o fine of » 10 Monday for speeding
Here F r o m Blachley— Mra. Il A ! Hayden In Town— Charley llaydnn <>• Sixth street between A and Male
Itnlnbilnirr of Blackley «pent Friday'»'»« In town ttuturday from hla ranch The line waa for a violation of the i
traffic laws committed Sunday by
Io Springfield on bualneaa.
j on Camp Crank.
Othel Dick who had borrowed Mr I
In T cw n __M r« C II Hasting» of
Here From Leaburg— M ra Al Mont- Goddard's car and waa caught going
Thuraton was her« Monday for a short K»niery of Leaburg «pent Friday In 3# miles an hour by the traffic officer
Springfield Janie« K ennedy, also of
l-cnhurg was In town the sume day.
Hera From deeper— Mra Perry Wat-
F ro m C o tta g e G rove— M r and M r«
lace waa In Springfield Monday on
W R. Cole of Collage Oroye spent
bualneaa from Jasper.
Sunday In Springfield.
Answering complaints of aeverul
V isits Hera— Mra J V. Hayworth
Individuals who have paid fines <n
M a r s h fie ld
B anker
H e ra — J o h n
waa a vtaltor In Springfield Monday
Springfield city court, R. W. Smith,
Montgomery, president of the Cltlmns
from Harrisburg
recorder, has addressed a letter
State Bank of Marshfield stopped In
Craawall Men Here— E V Purcell Springfield Friday morning on hla way to the public. Ills letter follow s;
"Springfield, Oregon. 1
of Crnawi’ll a|mnt Monday morning In to Rend and Klamath Falla.
August 12, 1826 I
town on bualneaa.
Specialty Man Hera—Jam es Hend J •• To all Interested parties, and the
Vlalte Paranta—Mrs Jos Lemon arson, specialty man for the E V , press In general, greeting
left for har hom» In Portland Sstur- Price lallor company was here Mon
"The Springfield Commercial Club,
day after a visit with her parents, Mr day from San Francisco at the Llndey , and some private cltlens have r a j
and Mra John Wlnsenreld.
tailor shop.
J reived communication from one E '
.. „ _
.. Hruce Knowlton, of Portland, Oregon; ,
Hara From Portland— Mra. Al Can­
Huntly On Vacat on— M B Huntly
,, 7
, . and one Norman Schmitt, o f P o rtla n d , i
non of Portland spent the week and e ft M o n d ay for
fo r a tw o w ee k« trip
In Sprlnrfleld visiting at the homo of down the Skyline Trail ta Crater lake Oregon. Also a little squib In the ,
Northwest Poultry Journal of August
her coualn. Mra. Mart Doane.
He Is accompanied by A L . Mills of
date, re.airing to Sprllngfleld as a,
Portland and several other Portland
De. Kester Away—Dr Rug«na Kes­
rube or hick town. etc. etc.
man. The party will pack thetr camp
ter lert Sunday for Portland for a
c - .t ..I
"If these; I started to say gentle-i
from the MrKentle bridge to crater
. . .
. .
nm nW ed to
stay of two weeks. Ha Intends to . u
; men. but I refrain as I do not want " I “ “ 1 ■»
lake, coming hack by Medford.
of Oha
take up the study of the rheet and
I to class such gentry as belonging to
heart while away.
Former Residents Here— Mr. and t that grade of cltlxenshlp; get any
Mrs John DI mm and daughter, ac gtr g out of that kind of publicity. — .
. . .
Fie M r In Town— J 1» Fisher of
oomuanled by Mrs. John DI mm Sr they are welcome to It
Wendlln* was In Springfield Sunday.
and Mrs. Turner mother of Mrs. , "We will not stoop to such low FIR LOGGING SLOW
Cascades, there la less lumber p ro
Hara From W allen— H E Duncan
Dlmm «topped In Springfield Sunday blackguardism.
Springfield has no
was In Springfield from Walton Run-
SAWMILLS ACTIVE dactloa now than a month ago, the
for a visit with old friend«. Mr. Dlmm jdifferent rules regarding traffic than
letter states, several night shifts h a t­
wae formerly owner of the Springfield any other city. Strangers are made
Portland, Aug. 1». - (S p ecial)-T ak en
ing been closed down during the past
Visit Parents— Mr. and Mr«. W il­ N ew s and la now In the printing j aa welcome here as elsewhere. Spring- as a whole logging In the fir districts
I field Isn't broke, and trying to relieve lo f western Oregon and Washington Is two weeks. Agricultural and other
lard Nelson of Red Bluff. California business In Portland.
ere held th* traveling public of their sh ec k e ls, at present less active than It was dur- Industries have largely taken up the
era visiting at the home of Mr and
Baby Oles—Services
Mra N Nelson, parent« of Willard Thursday afternoon for the Infant ' In order to Increase Its bank account. Ing similar periods of the past three employment stack , that obtained
"Mr E Bruce Knowlton was arrest- years, according to the 4L employ- earlier In the summer.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. M Briggs
ed In Springfield on our Main street ment letter published here today. The
Goes To Portland— Al Munsy was ; of Creswell who died suddenly Tburs-
With the return to school of many
pavement at Sixth and Main going Willamette Valley district In Oregon
|n Portland laet week end Tom Shar day morning
Funeral was In the
at 36 miles per hour. He was cited to and the Grays Harbor country in young men, who have been working
u L n ? . , , ' w „ £ r,‘-1’4
Wh"r'’ h' : w « X n n V s d " y , ’.rnd .Vl’w r X l y - P P - r " « »
»‘J ®
than I on farm, construction ad other Jobs.
did not show up at all On the con poth er west coast districts, the letter ] openln?B w,Ilhe^made^ for many men
now engaged In fire fighting and other
trary, some of the members o f the said.
Elk» fraternity appeared for him and
Woods work In the pine districts sea«onal work.
told of hl« musical abilities and o th er,o f the Inland Empire Is becoming
good qualities. We try to use all more active, the 4L letter reported.
'com ers alike, and pa«s Judgement on although forest fires and fire hazards nn‘ pet " m an plat» and other work
¡them according to their offense, an d , ther are still slowing up operations.
not according to their musical talents.
Fir sawmills, generally speaking,
i SO he was assessed »10 as a fine tor are cutting on approximately the
Keep th e Light Bill
D ow n
Poor lamp« require more electricity and give less light.
The beat Is the cheapest la the long run.
We carry a complete line of
Westing house Mazda Lamps
They are the best lamp» made—give more light and
burn less electricity.
Henderer Electric Supply
6th and Main St.
Hotels Drug Store
I speeding.
< 8ame schedules that held before the
"Since that time, orer the radio and Fourth of July. Skilled sawmill help
through the press and automobile as- >« well employed.
soclatlons. he hat been howling his 1 Jn
plne districts Just east of the
head off. warning all motorists to shun
| "Now. honestly and candidly, we',
j haven't seen any difference In the
travel through Springfield. HI« com-j
, plaining hasn't hurt us at all. W e '
«till live.
“As for Schmitt. I cannot aay what
hl« trouble» are about.
The Northwest Poultry Journal
evidently got pinched for cutting^
corner« on the Fourth of July Too
bad. But this Is not the first time we
have heard an old hen cackle when
«he ha» not laid an egg. We were
raised on a farm. Springfield I» dn
the map. Stranger» are welcome.
Justice I» metered out to all alike '
Comparison with other cities I» wel l
"Signed. R W. Smith.
J. C. Brill Stores
—We can not help but think how very popular Irving
Berlin Hong can and does apply to our business relations
to you—our custormers.
—How It must be “Always’’ that we give you service,
good merchandise and "Alwnys" at a reasonable price. Not
for Just an hour—not for Just a day—not for just a year
but always.
_That Is where “Your Store” has always stood and al­
ways Will. We can and Do—
Your Store Always
Greater Ax Billy Week!
Another Merchandise Event of
Paramount Importance Being
Launched by Eugene’s Largest
Department Store.
Every single day Is Important, because each day
brings forth its new opportunities for economies.
C ity Recorder.”
State News
Pensions have been granted the fol-1
lowing Oregon claimant«: Patrick M.'
Hennebary, Portland, >50; Fred W .'
Bowen. Roseburg. »40; Emmet J. F ay,1
Reedsport, and Leslie R. Hale, La
Grande, »30; Fernando Fergonia and
Thomas L. Parker. Portland and Utley,
N. Beckley, Silverton, »25; John A.
Patereon, Charles Thompson and
Oliver Jones, Portland. Stephen A.
Clark. Warren, and Arthur Grlmstead.
Waludo, »20.
Bids for the construetlon of approx- i
Iniately 41 miles of road and on«
bridge will be opened at a meeting of
the state highway commission to be
held In Portland Thursday, August I f . ,
Projects for which bid» wlil be open- (
ed fcillow: Benton county — Alsea
mountaln-Phllomath »action of th«
Alsea highway, 6.13 miles of grading.
Benton and Lincoln counties—Eddy-,
vllh--Blodgett section of the Corvallis-
Newport highway, 16.7 miles of broken
stone resurfacing. Jefferson county—
Rubble masonry parapet wall coast mo­
tion !n Ogden park on The Dalle«-
California hlgkwny near Terrebonne.
Lake county- Drews valley Iatkevlew
section of the Klamath Falls laxkevlew -
highway, 16.1 miles of broken stone
Hurfnrlng. Tlllnmook county— Whuel-
er-BrlgliSen section of the Roosevelt
coast highway. 2.(6 miles of grading.
Jackson county — Bridge over the
Bogue rtvwr on the Pacific highway at
Gold Hill requiring i pproxlmistaly 460
snhfr yards oi asmvaDon.
The building next to the city library
In the name block was ordered clean­
ed up for the same reason. Mr. Bush­
man feels that these building« should
( he made presentable before the cele­
bration In Eugene as there will be
many people p a c in g through Spring-
field then who will gain a bad Impres­
sion of the town from these building«
! on price« on plate and other work. If
V 1
“One at Night—
Next Day Bright”
Thousand« of satisfied users
feel that way about
They work naturally and form
no habit.
Pleasant to take, easy In action,
safe and sure.
Good for children as well as
Box of 60 Orderlies
Drug Store
Coburg Bridge Every Sat. Night
Garrett’s Orchestra
A Fine Noon Lunch
Served Daily for 40c
Friday and
Colored Glass
Lemonade Set
A seven piece set in assort­
ed colorings. Note the at­
tractive shape of both jug
and tumblers- Both aro
full standard size and ex­
tremely effective-
“The Home of Good
If You cpend All
That You Earn!
If you spend all that you earn, some other
fellow is banking YOUR money, and 20 or
30 years from now, this other fellow will be
spending HIS old age in comfort on the in­
come from YOUR money- This other fellow
is wise—he is looking ahead. NOW—while
his earning power is the greatest—he is lay­
ing by a tidy sum to live on when he is old.
And he te doing it with the money you are
spending foolishly-
Why not beat him at his own game?
Save a part of what you earn each week and
make certain of peace and comfort when
you are old.
$1-00 Opens a Savings Account
and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank
Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System
11th at Willamette
Berger of l*>tgene. who owns the build­
ing between Second and Third on
Main formerly occupied by an oil
station, was order Monday by Mayor
Buabman to clean up the premises
and make It more presentable before
the Trail to Rail celebration In Eu­
Commercial State Bank
Spriaw«»«, 0»«®»u