*RQ4QVUR.H PAOS POOR MR. ANH MRS. BA LUM CONTINUKd to apply for the Job Vou Observance of Col. Carmi Thrompson’s trip to I i u m i 1 don't car« to ba a movie PaMlahsd Xv«ry T to r m la j at the Philippines indicates thnt the United State« after all." Springfield. Lana County. Ora«oo, by soon must take a definite step, one way or the riar He looked apologetic and hurt other, so far as Independence for the Filipino is "1 mUht aa well tell you the truth." T K I W IL L A M K T T K PRESS concerned. H . B. M A X K Y . EMltor I added a« I noticed the changed ex- Much as Col Thompson is trying to evade *t, presslon on hl« taoe," I'm thinking I'd X ite» at the political discussions, the pleas for Indeperd- he much happier If I'd go hack to my ----------- SqataBtna ------------- euce have plafued his every turn. Col Thompson husband and make a home for him mam . « us 8CRI ftk > m «AT» was hoping to confide his attentions to busln ss and—" my voice quavered, "all that Tear la Adraaca---- »l.T» Thr«« Month« ------- TW aud investments. But the Filipino demands to »ort of thing.'* “By George you’re right!" he ex­ Moolha _________ 4M» S’M«e Copy ------fc know whether the United States is going forward -------- r s p a v a v g i s t is lh® of autonomy and Independency or is claimed, "a girl like you t« much bet­ ter off away from this rnught and going to curtail the rights already granted? tumble sort of life. And Helen. Sallte. This question has to be answered, and the an- here's another tip. )u«t between us W O R D S FROM T H E LIPS OF G R E A T M E N w ukuo rn v m . n u u « 8Wer cannot be posponed much longer two. It wouldn't he a bad Idea to And If He Tells You Your Virtues. Watch Him; If Both glre9 are finding the present sltuat >n youreelf another little playmate while He Tslls You Your Faults Hesd Him.—William more and more difficult. Manuel Cuezon, in in you're In New York. It was my «eelng Interview recently, said: "Things have come to a you with Carmen that made me— well, Feather standstill. A deadlock exists between General take thing« a little fast " Wood and the Legislature.” "I think I understand and realty I CHANGE THE LICENSE LAW American business interests in Manila Insist appreciate yonr advice. I know there- Evn with the expensive paved Pacific highway that progress is impossible until nationalist agita­ 're Iota of girl« who expect you to is squelched. love to them at first sight,." 1 running through Lane county the state has ex­ tion What has brought out the pressing question of 1 make pended but $400,000 inside this county more th a n , ------------- . c s -• im in n » First, the world- put out my hand to »ay hood-bye it has yet gotten from the license fees. At the ^ ¿ ^ " S n c j i n Uielast six years has been to "Keep what I told you about Car­ present rate thestate is expending money in Lane " freedom and responsibility of sub­ men under your permanent wave be- county for highways the county within a few " lreland Egvpt, India. Irak. Tunis, cau»e »he and I are—" he hesitated years will have paid the state more than It has j I I* all rec^ d w m e new degree of "The best little pals In the world?" expended here on highways, if the automobile government Second, the United States I flnlahed hl« thought license moneys are divided as they are now and ‘ * ultimate independence to the Philippines, | We both smiled and I closed the the increase in the number of cars continues. Rooseveit in 1908 spoke of Independence within a door on what had »eemed like a sen­ sational movie career but a few brief Because of the great increase in license money generation: Root. Schurman .T'iV'bui'.i.'Viviiid before. the state Is getting more than it actually needs ed It. Third, the FlUpins.to ex,belt ^ ¿ . u a u d moment« Walking out Into the brilliant bu b - even with its large indebtedness. The state I "We findj everywhere-amongthe, Christ ian^mp^ ahtne. I turned over the scene In my spends money on market roads but not until its inos the desire for lnd< pe di . y mind. What was I going to do? If money is matched and if a county is not in a posi- Wood-Forbes report Carmen were the kind of girl that the tion vote the money for market roads It gets none One principal point of contention Is the pres­ motion-picture director had had Inti­ ent government machinery In the of the state's money mated «he was. would I want to stay I Established ten years ago. It gives the • 'in the same apartment with her and A greater bhare of the automobile license tax,1 parliament w h i c h has “general legisiau perhaps In the end approve of her as advocated by Judge C. P- Barnard, could be powers,” though it cannot pass lawscontrove - view s’ 1 would have to returned to the counties from which it originates, mg the Bill of Rights or creating a bonaeo c ultra-modern decide soon Oh. If Curtlaa would market roads could be built without match money beyond a certain llmitl. It gives the U nl ' only write! One word from him and and counties gotten out of debt by a change in a Governor General, appointed b y t e ’ • I knew I would return home. But If proportioning the money, giving the counties. ' and who can has veto control all departments 1 more any of legislative act As a a 1 result the h|« pride kept him silent, what then? Doe« 8«111« Find a la tte r from Cue • • • 'legislature has policies It cannot carry out be THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Teaching the artistic use of rouge Instead of forbidding it among high school girls is advocated in one would gatehr AA-4 Illinois. s From t w u s observation v u u v i la u u u u u v r v v u iu g a ic u i » there VlZXWA is much TWtynh to Y amwvi n Ls-kl«S «Lir. ") »Vi learn about this subject. Y Bob­ bing the hair and rolling the hqse might also be Included in the course. • • • i u i u v u i . OUR PRESIDENTS PROMISED IT 53HT7, cause the Governor General refuses to sign the bills; the Governor General WU1 not not carr> out betaus work with him- will have to make way for one ÌS system M'll is 1ft system which permits the Executive and legislature to work together Until this anamolous «T»*®“ . 1“ changed8 there can be no real progress with the Filipino question. * e Elven Mussolini cannot have everything. The day before Spalla, Italian heavyweight boxer, met Do vou keep a pencil more than one day? a Spanish foe in Barcelona, Mussolini sent this Neither do we. That's the reason more than one telegram to the Italian consul In the Spanish port: billion are manufactured in America each year. “Tell Comrade Spalla that I demand a fine, clear victory.” Spalla was decisively beaten. WE HAVE DEBTS TOO! • a • France complains about the .lie of the n.Uon- Every resort keeper and most of the summer i France compm. » tQ tWnk home owners on the McKenzie highway have oil- al debt and ber aD 11 monev But when ed the road in front of their placee. Moral, .up- Uncle,SMUtdtme t not heed £ port the resorts and when we have enough of considering debt Han't collect it may be them we will have the highway oiled. S. has some too Jon collect y • . / hard on ub to meet our obligations. H e r« Friday— Among out of town people here Friday were Mrs, Robert Evans of Eugene. Harry Jackson of Waltervllla. Mrs. Ixtrln James of Air- ley, Earl Ingram of Veneta. Mrs. Wil­ lis Ferree of Motor Route B I A tkunMW« cvftural nnd profcaMuest et HtSnr *hjp w liw outoUndins t hs/acWrWtw fit l)w Sow U n o v n i i i Earma are mort, aged to the extent of »g.ooo.ooo.ooo Railroad Indebtedness la estimated at more than »11.- 22 d e tw rtm m l* o( the C ollrflr o( Literature. Science sod the A rts . 000.000.000. Aimee should get a commission from the Corporation Indebtedness other than the ra ma s s vaudeville circuits. She has furnished them with estimated at »40.000,000.000. more jokes and wise cracks than anyone else for Persons making Income tax returns report debts t-ita quite some time. 1 tag nearly »18,000,000,000. A rchitecture and .A llie d A r t » — Business A d m in istratio n — Educa­ tion— Journalism— G raduate Study — La w— Medicine— M u sic— Physi­ cal Education— Sociology — S o c ia l e • e • e • The total debt owed by the American people and the American Government Is estimated at »122,000.000.000 to Fire Prevention Week should be observed on -150 0M 000 000 the farm too. Fire losses on American farm “ Thia Is approximately aDI 35 per cent total $150.000,000 annually. wealth of the nation. »363,000,000.000. Keep cool with Coolidge, they said a year ago. But today voters are frozen almost to death. of the estimated On this tremend­ ous debt, the American people are paying »20,000.000 In In­ terest charges each day of the year Including Sundays, or »7,300,000,000 a year. essential acids. The avers«« Inspects L u m b er— K K M ri.lndeB was here Saturday front Kug«-ne In­ specting a carload of tlea for the Southern Parile company. MONDAY, AUGUST 30 Monday August 30. Tuesday. September 7. and Mo«»«lny September 13. are the enrollment dayB for the regular rail Term. , It’s a good school, and the rates ore reasonable, anti we will gladly tell you about It. Don't hesitate to usk, Eugene Business College EUGENE. OREGON A. Fc Roberts, President l’hone 666 992 Willamette St. ICE CREAM SODAS SOFT DRINKS Candy Is the sweetest gift of all. Ixived by young and old—married or Blngle. It Is the ideal gift We carry an ever fresh stock of all flavors—In pretty boxes or In bulk—ever ready for your selection. M ARSHM ALLO W S CHOCOI.ATE3 H A R D CANDQS8 BON BONS EGGIMANN’S HUNGRY CHILDREN When your youngsters come rushing into the house from play demanding something to eat at once, give them each a slice of PERFECTION BREAD and butter. It Is full of body-giving energy and health und the youngsters love it. It Is full of that rich taste obtained only by the use of fine Ingredients. PERFECTION BREAD baked in your home town bake shop is the best bread that can be made. We Invite Inapsc- tlon of our bakery at all times so that you may know every­ thing about Perfection bread and pastries. SPRINGFIELD BAKERY data compiled by the Nebraska Agricultural col- le g e ' tain meal that Americans eat. however usually contains bread or other foods that contain some kind of protein. Generally a combination of these with the protein In tmaua will supply tbs body What It needi. Bo far as nutri­ tive value go»n It la therefore nil right to use beans occasionally In place of meat for dinner. THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF The average farmer gets value of about $440 about , 13,Boo.ooo.ooo Beans or Mast Many people believe that beans such as the navy, lima and other kinds of drlsd beans, are substitute» for meat froui the standpoint of thrlr nutritive value. Recent research by the fa tte d States Department of A g ri culture on the kind of protein contain ed in different foods has shown that the protein of meat Is superior to that of tseana from the standpoint of meet­ ing the n«ede of the body. The pro­ tein In meat la called "complete" or "efficient" while that in beans Is call ed "Incomplete." bscause It lacks cer tii« or does sba get discouraged and decide on another course? (To be continued) The present national debt of the Uniter States la eatl- mated at about » State, county and muni- In living expenses trom from ms his iarm farm, , accoraing according to in T H U R S D A Y A U G U S T 19, 1 9 2 « ~7-----> ..............- ' - * - = s m Fred Frese, Prop. Phone 66 Perklns-I,axLon Bldg- F'lfth Street. Freer-anf M o f f m i M W o r k — Extension Division. Slaa Year Opeas Septnaber 27, |9 2 t F o r in /« r m o f io n o r r u f o /u t f w u ’rtte A rf»« of Orofan. bufón». Oro. $1Qoo Down SW?» Down Q ct (h ù booti Today! SOUND VALUE Sound Value is demanded by the thrifty house­ wife. Even the most discriminating will agree with us t hat the New Easy Washer Is a Good Buy- Not only Is It easy to buy but it is easy to run! ^ V h e re to go this S um m er Let us help you plan your v a c a tio n . G e t a cop y o f “ Oregon Outdoor»” —Ulus» traced vacation guide, from your local agent. Profit by low aummer fares and fast, comfortable aerv* Ice to the beaches and other resort playgrounds. Designed like a watch but built like a truck—the New Easy will give years of satisfactory service Only the finest raw mater­ ials are used In the con­ struction of this machine. With its vacuum sup prin­ ciple of washing—which sucks soap and air and water t h r o u g h a n d through the clothes—there Is little or no wear or tear In Its operation. Take It Easy with an Easy- Special Offer and Free Demonstration In order to help you “Take It Easy” we are making a Special Offer, for a Bhort time only, of $10 DOWN - Balance 18 Months Let the New Eajiy do your next week’s wash—FTREE. Just phone 58 you will be under no obligations- A ik about (he low faret (a California and (he East. S o u th e rn P acific C. O L M N , Aant Get an Easy Washer on Easy Terms Mountain States Power Go.