THURSDAY AUGUST 19, 192« IrHRÄ» ■ -------- -------- =y Hava Maaalea—Nadine Neet who i I h » o I rma whan they era aocuaMa In. Printed and In A 6-12 19 any right, title, estate, lien or Interest lr raore like a lounge or a club, than a place in which to eaa bq purabaeed for a few cents etock at the New» office. In the real eatate described In the transact business affairs. complaint herein. Defendants. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT A «malI man, with gllatening black hair and sharp penetrat­ SUMMONS To the above named defendants: FOR RENT—t room honae on Q IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE You and each of you are hereby ing eyes was seated at the desk but arose with alacrity at our ap- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE atreetiw ith electrlcl light«, aewer- STATE O F OREGON. IN AND FOR STATE OF ORBOON IN AND FOR 1 noticed a dissipated puffiness about hto eyes as ho notified and required to appear In the prwach; COUNTY OF LANE. IN PRO­ age. Inalde toilet, cement walka. THE LANE COUNTY. above estitled cause and anaw er th e re came close to uh and the innumerable lines about his mouth su e- BATE Inquire at Newa office tor perttcu- In re Estate of C. J Dodd, deceased. George Ellis, Plaintiff, va. Oladya In within six ^ Sted * • * * * / “ the 80,1 of n,an who had always lived each lara lf the Brat publication of this summons, Notice la hereby given that the un­ Ellla. Defendant !o f h e X ‘ “ “ •' pro- To Gladys Ellis, and If you fall to appear and anawer dersigned executor of the above en­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE herein, the plaintiff will apply to the t itl'd •• stats has filed his final account IN TIIB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE OF ORBOON: You are hereby re­ « ¿ d u,, a. - ^ w^ er to show h,s STATE OF ORBOON FOR TUB In the abovo entitle court; that the quired to appear sad answer the Com­ Court for the relief demanded In the complaint filed herein, to-wlt: hearing thereon will be bad before the COUNTY OF I .A NR. plaint filed against you. in the above For a decree decreeing the plaintiff said court on September 10. 192«. at Loulae I. McLean, Plaintiff. “ByJ he way:” he 8ald after * few moment’s enthusiastic talk, ih» hoar of ten o'clock In the fore- ! •" ? “ “* 5 on <* to be the owner In fee simple of the vn. the mob-ocene. In which you’re to take a prominent part Is walt- the expiration of the time prescribed following described premises: noon; and that all objections thereto Duncan Md-ean. Defendant. Commencing at the 8E Corner of ror you on the floor below and in the meantime leave me with must be filed in writing prior to the In the Order of publication, to-wlt: To Duncan Mctx>an. D efendant On or before the expiration of six Sec. 10, In Twp. 17 8.. Range 6 W hs ! Sallte so we can get all the details of her meteoric career straight­ lim e of sulil hearing weeks from the date of the flrat pub­ of the Willamette Meridian In I.ana ened out, he Hmiled pleasantly at Carmen who immediate!" start­ IN THE NAMK OF THE 8TATE WILLIAM S. DODD, Bxecntor. lication hereof, and If yon tall to County. Oregon; thence running West ed for the door. OF OREGON: You are hereby A 12-19-2«: 8 2 9 answer for want thereof, Plaintiff will IS chalna and 4 feat; thence North, The moment qulred to appear and »newer the ______ she had gone a coin- already taken place. His grow ing complaint filed agalnat yon In the EXECUTOR’S AND EXECUTRIX' apply to the Court for the relief pray­ 26 chalna thence East IS chain« and Du , a mptamornho«i« four feet and thence South 26 chain. P metamorphosis came over Mr. familiarity, his sly, risque remarks* ed far In the Complaint which la In above entitled ault within »In week» NOTICE Simmons’ face. When he spoke It and the little luncheon date« that substance as follows to-wlt: for a de- from the flrat publication of thia aum quiet­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF T H E jcree of this Court dissolving the eon- to the place of beginning; and _____ none, and If you fall ao to answer in an affectionate tone rather ing the title to said premise« In said would be necessary In order to “talk plaintiff will apply to the court for 8TATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR tract of marriage now. and heretofore plaintiff as agalnat all «¿alma of every I tb* n U»*t of a man to w h o a I had over the part.’ From experience I THE COUNTY OF LANE IN PRO­ existing between Plaintiff and Defend­ the relief demanded In the complaint, kind of the above named defendants. Just been Introducid. had learned that unfortunately friend­ ant. and for auch other, further, and namely that the marriage relation BATE In re Estate of Jacob C. Nicholson, different relief as to the Conrt may and fall persona claiming by, through, ’’Why. you’ll have Gloria 8 wan son ships between nmen and women hava betweeen the plaintiff and defendant under them. or any or either of and Mary Plckfonl gcreamlng for deceased. seem Just and proper. be wholly dissolved. Ian annoying way o. notstandlng still them help,” he announced, “your’a lg an Notice Is hereby given (hat the un­ This summons is served upon you, Thia summon» la »erred npoe von The human emotion« are not dlsclp- THIS SUMMONS 1« published by by publication by virtue of an order dersigned Ernest C. Nicholson and by publication thereof In the Spring- adaptable type and especially suited made July 1«. 191«. by the Hon 0 Esale E W eber have been appointed held News. Springfield. Oregon, once virtue of an order therefor made hy for those fairy princess things that lied at will— It was all so confusing, disheartening and difficult to under­ F. Sklpworth. circuit Judge, directing executor and evecotrlx resp ectively. each week for Six Consecutive weeks, the Hon. O. F. Sklpworth, Judge of are going so big." stand. each publication foe a ll conaecutlve o f the above named eatate by the {persuant to an Order of Hon. O. F the above entitled Court. “Oh do you think so, really?” I The date of the first publication week» In the Springfield N ews Thia above entitled court; that all persons j Sklpworth Circuit Judge o f t h e I began to draw on my gloves, I hereof Is August 12, 192«. and the date asked , "you’re very flattering, to say eum m oia 1» first ao published July owing debts to the said eatate shall ¡„hove Court, made and entered July 2«. was regarding the morning Interview of the last publicatloa hereof Is Sep SI. 19!« the least" To tell the troth I was pay same to ua. and that all persona ( u^«, the flrat publication thereof is as closed. Itg outcome had been a The undersigned attorney la a ree- ’>»» "« claim« against (ha «aid e s t a te |Ju)y 29 lt2 « ami the last publlcfftlon teinber 23. 1926. frankly embarassed at his manner E. O IMMEL, ¡keen disappointment but I tried hard Ident attorney of the State of Oregon, shall present the same to us with j September 9. 192«. Attorney for ISalntlff. Residence and said the flrat thing that came to to look at It In a philosophical light. •a d her residence and post office vouchers attached at the law office! M. 0 . HOOE. mind. and postofflee address; Eugene. Ore­ addreaa la S it Platt Bonding, Port­ uf H. E Slattery. 717 W illamette I Attorney for Plaintiff. Btt Wiliam- 11 would not even be offended at Mr. gon. A l»19-96: 8 Z-9-X« 23 “Your features are Just right—not land. Oregon. Street. Eugene, Oregon, whhlo six ette fi,reet. Eugene. Oregon That there were a great JANET R. WHITE. too small to photograph weB aad your 1,M ’ ,h ® d“‘e JI 2#: * 6-12-19-2«: S. 2-9 many girls who expected Just that Attorney for Plaintiff of the flrat publication pf thia notion. eyes and hair will be a knock-out!“ Residence and P. O. address SIR IN THE CIRCUIT ,COURT OF THE Ernest C Nicholson» Executor, I thought of all the girls all over the sort of atteatlon I had no doubt. Per­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Platt B ld g . Portland. Oregon. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Essie E Weber. Executrix. I world with flaming ambition to “get haps before I had loved Curtiss. I J l 22 29. A. t i u t M ; S ep t >. COUNTY OF LANE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER (A 19-2«: 8 2 9 1«) considered the rela­ In the movies." Why. It wasn't su dBt„ of . "*- »• "• 228 Main St. Residence 12S c St at his office In Eugene, Oregon, at 10 tke firwt publication of this 8u m -i'nS his voice. I ve never seen a girl STATE OF OREGON FOR LAN» General Law PracUca 62 J o’clock A M . on Septembar 8. 192«. | mong th« plaintiff will apply to the who so completely b o w W m e over at COUNTY.* «2 M Myr’te Sevey, Plaintiff: rs t hMU All partis» THIm^ng any Court for the relief prayed for In the nrst sight. Now, ltisten. Sallie dear.” H. Sevey. defendant I. M. PETERSON I above described land hy settlem ent or Complaint filed herein. Full Auto Equipment i.°r JI d loathed the way he called me Sal- To Chas. H. Bevey-defer-Jant. Attorn.y-at-Law entry, or under the Mining Laws, or Lady Assistant ’ ’lie and I drew back In my chair un­ TN THE NAME OF THE STATB 1 In any other manner, are cited to ap- OREGON: Yon are hereby r^ Commercial State Bank Bldg., pear at the time and place named and j bonds of matrimony existing be- counclously shrinking from his de- OF qulred to appear and answer the coon Springfield, Ora. vourlng eyes.) suhmlt testim ony In support of th eir' tween plaintiff and defendant here- plaint filed agalnat yon In the ahov« clnlme ¡in, and granting to the plaintiff above Oh. I say 1 don’t want to be crude entitled sntt on or before six week* HAMILL A CANADAY. R eglsterer' named a decree of absolute divorce or anything like th a t but—you’re Just from date of the first publication off WILLIAM DONALDSON Jl 29: A 5 12-19 26 ¡from the defendant this Summons, or for want thereoff my kind of a g irl!” ..... ...................... . . . . .. I This summon» Is served upon yon the Plaintiff will take Judgment Oall "Please— I'm married. Mr. Sim­ against yon and anply to the Court D ealer In N aw and Second Hand iN T l t r n i i C U f T C O U R T O F THF by P«hHc«t»on thereof In the Sprlng- IN T1IE CIRCUIT COl RT OF THE nel(} Npwg once each week for six mons," I stammered. fot the relief prayed for In the coflB Goods SUTTON TRANSFER STATE OF ORBOON FOR 1H successive weeks hi conformity with "Isn’t that a strange coincidenceY’ plaint and for a decree of abeolnta 129 5th Street. Springfield COUNTY OF I.ANE !the Order of the Honorable O. F. 8k1p- he beamed, “so am I." divorce from you and the custody off SUMMONS Phone 57 j worth. Judge of the above entitled the two minor children of the marri­ I moved restlessly In my chair. Oliva Bovtles, Planttlff. vs. New Bede, Matreaaoa, Chaire, tnd Conrt. The date of the first publica­ age now In her, (are. “Now listen Bule-eyes," he held Mrs. Lydia Carlson and Charles This summons Is uHsh«d onoa tion of thia Snmmona Is July 22. 192«. Hand Chairs and Rockers. Naw Carlson her Husband. Defendant The date of the last publication of both my hands In a tlghtntng grasp, each week for six consecutive week» Simmons Beds. Tablas and Bad TO CHARLES J CARLSON T H E , this Summons Is September 2, I92t. I’m not going to play ‘the part of a , In the Springfield News, a weeMF DR. N. W. EMERY B, o . IMMEL, .... . « put . a I-,» at oMyr S p r in Qf g fle « 3prings. ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: llllan and lot nf of ‘Ifs’ Ifs in In the the Newspaper Counfy published Or(8tb.< IM F I was beginning to understand what September 9, 19M. publication July 16. 1M«. M. 9. HOOB, FRANK A. DB PUB I h Offtoe at Pays Por Double Parking—-Clifford he had m eant I saw tha whole pic­ HAROIT) J. W BIJA Attorney for Plaintiff, M2 Attorney for Plaintiff. Wilson paid a fine of |1 Thursday , FIRST NATIONAL BANK' ture before me.—tt I kept on with Mr. Justice of the Peace ette S tr e e t Eugene, Oregoa. ¡ B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ] W . F. W alker Funeral Director D. W. Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. “Th* Loop” afte »oom for double parking on Main Mr*®L 9 y •prlngflalA.... Residence, flbriagfletd. Oregon July II, M. 99 Aug. I, 1B1FM. Jl 18, 12. 22. Au«. B, 1B-1FM Stm m dne-iust *• plainly ag H it had Jl IT: A B-U-12-M: « M