The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 19, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    FAQS n
T H U R S D A Y A U G U S T 19. 193«
n u t »c'KUWk* J1.Ü m _ ws
Lane County Farmers Union News
L / Ng
C O U N T Y U N IT e»O.
Study Innoeulated Leyumas
• O F F IC E R S
Community News
My Spécial
C o rra a p o n d > -ta
The child who is ready to eut«r • C W. Allen. Vida. President
School should be lit tor ihe best liiat • W. I Seals, Eugene, Vice-Fresl- •
•duration can. bring him. The child • dent.
aheuli be tree from all handienpa • »Betty M Kappaut. Cottage Grove •
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ball
Mrs Blanton from Rrooks Is visiting
Which may be presented by tutelli • Secretary-Treasurer.
gen; care.
• Walter Morgan. C resw ell Conduc-» and son Alfred, who are leu ring sooi ( her daughter Mrs William Rennie
Relatives of Mr and Mrs. Charles
Too often when a child begins • tor
• fojwthelr home |n Nebraska a reuntoi
school. the teacher finds him handi­ • H, H. Smith. Eugene. Doorkeep- • of the C E Bailey faintly was held Grant from Montana are visiting
capped because he has been neglected
• Inst Sunday at the home of Mr. a id them.
With the exceeptlon j Miss Laura Ruth from Portland,
at home. I' m rents have (ailed to re- • O. L. Clement. Wa tarrtile. Chap- • Mrs Jay Fish
cognise that they are accountable and • Ism
• of a son In Toledo and a daughter In «ho la a CnthoRc Sister there. Is
Nebraska, all the children and their visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs.
responsible for the proper develop- »
• • • • •
• • •
William Ruth.
ment of their children.
Children fruit grower the Oregon Agricultural fam ilies attended the reunion.
should receive a thorough physical college has agreed to make tests of
Those present were C E. B ailey.’ Mrs Herbert W>dss and daughter.
and mental examination before begin- fruit sam ples sent in through the his children, grandchildren and a fe» Bonnie Jean, from Eugene visited
Mrs Helen Campbell last Friday
Bing school. Slight defects. If dis- county agent for 12 50 per pound friends
Mr and Mrs. Karl Bailey
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Bertsrh anti j
covered, can be remedied before Serb* Wherever a farmer |s not certain that and son. Alfred, of Nebraska, Mr and
ous or permanent Infury develops.
his fnttr »Ml pass he Is advised to Mrs. H. E Bailey and children. Mr family spent the week end at New­
Only a few weeks remain before have It tested before going to the ex and Mrs. W O. Bailey and family, and
Mr and Mrs Fred Spencer and
the schools opeu to receive th etv pense of picking and packing. Ve- Mr and Mrs. Marvin Bailey and family
daughters. Lots and Ethel, also Mr
youthful charges.
Thia fttrnishee ually the arsenic can be removed by all of Wendltng. Mr and Mrs. A. C and Mrs Orville Richardson took Sun-!
ample time for preparing the children wiping the fruit
Wilson and daughter of Eugene. Mr dap dinner at John Edmlston's.
for school. Freedom from disease
du « t 0
absence of rata this sea- and Mrs J E. Bailey and children of
Mr Conklin who lives west of Eu­
and physical defects means greater gon niOre Of
|a te spray has stayed Jasper. Mr and Mrs I41wrec.ce Bailey
gene was In Thurston on business i
e S ciea c y and safety for oar schools- on th# fruil than asuaj according to and family of Bend. Mr. and Mrs last Saturday
A thorough examination of your child. County Agent Fletcher
Frank Bailey and daughter Dorthea.
Maude Edmlston Spent several days'
preliminary to his entrance hi school,
Mr and Mrs. Pattee and family of In Portland last week visiting her
may reveal defects, the correction of
Wemdllng. Mr. and Mrs. Ckeshlrre const«. Mrs. Sterl Dunn
Squirrels Coma Down From H ills
which will give your child a fair
and children and Mr. and Mrs. E
Mr ad Mrs Dave Weaver and Mrs
The dry weather of the summer has Bailey from Cheshire and Mr and , A. W Weaver and I-eota Stone,
You have undoubtedly purchased « u s e d many squirrels to come down Mrs. Jay Fish and children. Alma. motored to Portland last Sunday for
school clothes, but how about bis from the bills to farm and orchard Charltne and Florence Bell Friends a few days, returning home Wednes
health* He ahould be in the best lands, according to County Agent O. present at the reunion were: Mr and day.
poeaiMe condition to start the school S. Fletcher, who says many of the Mrs. Marsh and family of California,
Clifford Weaver spent the week end
Mr. and Mr. H L. Mounts, father e f Mrs with his parents. Mr and Mrs A. W
year Has he been given a thouough farmers are poisoning them.
physical going over, and have bis Fletcher advises all farmers to get Frank Bailey of Garden Way.
Mr and Mra. Frank Campbell drove
teeth been properly taken care of? rid of this new crop of squirrels even
Mrs. W. H Anderson has at her
T his fall some ten thousand children If they poisoned last spring. He says guest this week, Mrs Elisa Stevens to luuidai last Saturday to spend the
win enter school In the state of Ore-; hl» ° « c e has placed more poison bar- of Springfield.
week end with relatives.
Mrs Sarak Hays from Bovllle. Ida­
gon. Seventy-five per cent of the Her the last two months than in any
Miss Miriam Male Is visiting her
children beginning school will be j like period before. Good success has sister Mrs. Frank Ktntxley of Fall ho. Is visiting relatives here.
found to have physical defects which I been experienced by putting out the Creek.
are correctable. If these defects are j barley on the edge of the land to be
Ed and Jeff Mounts of Franklin daughter. Margaret, and Mrs Titus
will permanently * protected, th squirrel eating it before visited with their sister, Mrs. Frank from Eugene spent Sunday afternoon
In Thurston
handicap the child. Now is the time getting to where food Is more plenti- Bailey last week.
Miss Heersma and Harvey Calvert
to have these defects corrected. With ful.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rae of Chase
spent Sunday at Belnap Springs
the opening of school each year. j
Gardens have returned after a vaca­
Mr and Mrs Edwin Bernhardt and
there occurs a certain Increase in the i *
tion trip to Newport
children from Cushman spent Sunday
number of cases if communicable dis- •
The Sunshine Club held Its meet­
night at John Edmlston's.
eases, as shown in the reports to the 1 a
ing at the home of Mrs. George Fish
Mr and Mrs Arrh Shottgh motored
Canary—First W ednesday. Third
Oregon State Board of Health. The
last week . It was decided to hold a
to McKenxIe bridge last Satnrrdav
child entering chool Is in grave dang- * Saturday. F a r m -« Union Hall,
community picnic at the school house and visited relatves over the week
er of these communicable diseases * C loverdale-Second and Fourth
Friday August 27. Late i„ the after- i
as he has not been exposed to them * Fridays. Cloverdale School House. » noon refreshments were served. T h e. end
Mr and Mrs Claude Yancey from
while at home. There are preventive * Creswell First and Third Tuee- », members present were: Mrs. A. C.
m easures that will render the child
CroawolL M. W. of A. HML » Travis. Mrs. U. G. McElhany, Mrs W Newberg visited old friends here last 1
Mr Yancey ran a blacksmith
immune to many of them
In order
<°™« F ork -S econ d and Fourth • H. Anderson. Mrs. Florence Hardy. week
several years ago.
fo give the child a fair chance, he * Thursdays^Farm Union tU ll
• I Mrs A. W. Ferree, Mrs. Elcborst. Mrs
Ray Never spent several days last
ahould be carefully examined all de-
D jutebo-F lrst Tueaday. Danebo« Jay Fish. Mrs. Waller, and Mrs.
week visiting relatives In Seaitln.
-ects corrected, and I m m u n I « e d I School House
* j George Fish.
diseases. —
Mr. and Mrs. G. H Neal motored
Mr Charles l4>avltt and Rev Teddy
• days, Dorena Church.
Btate Board of Health.
to Yoncalla last week and v is ite d , Leavitt and Mr and Mrs D Mopley ;
• HadleyvlUe — First and Third •
their old home.
of Newberg spent Tuesday n'ght at i
• Thursdays, HadleyvlUe School. •
John Edmlstsn's.
• Hoceta—First Sunday of each •
T O O M U C H PO ISON SP R A Y • month. H eceta School House.
j Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- •
Due to the fact that Oregon fruit « nesdays, W. O. W. Hall. Jaspar. •
s being condemned in Eastern and . Lorane—Second
Fourth •
European market because of the pre- , Wednesdays. I. O. O. F. Han.
lent of fruit spray containing arsenic • jncKenrte locwU, second and •
he state has taken steps to curb the . foarth Wednesday, 8 p. m. I. O. O. •
«Ding of the fruit until it Is wiped, i • p j ^ jj w altervllle
J. E. Stewart is a deputy food In- • Mt Vernon—First and Third •
pector as well as the county fruit .» Wednesday. Brasf.eW Store.
nspector and O. S Fletcher, county j • sllk creek Meets First and Third •
gent, has been appointed a deputy . . Thursday at Cedar School House •
nspector by J. D. Mickle, dairy and . 8peDcer Creek—Third Friday. •
ood inspector of Oregon. These men .
o roTe gchool House.
lave authority to enforce the law.
• Trent—Second and Fpurth Wed- •
One-one hundredth of a grain of • aeedaye. Pleasant Hill
High •
rsenlc per pound of fruit is all that • School Bldg.
■ allowed to get by on fruit sold • vk la—Second and Fourth Batnr- •
•his inspection conforms witih the • ¿gys at Minney Hall.
stern and English requirement« • Secretaries will please send In •
ade after people had become I l l1 * time and place of m eeting and »
tun eating western fruit.
• changes of dat«
they may oo- •
For the purpose of assisting the * CW-
Mr and Mrs. D G Linton and child­
ren motored over the McKenxIe pass
to Prineville Saturday returning S u n -.
day. They vlstted with Mr. L in to n s'
sister at Prineville.
Mrs. Fred J. Elliott and three child­
ren. Mary Louise. Frances, and Emily
and Miss Etla May Wangelln left for
their home In Phoenix. Artxona,
Thursday August 19 They have been
spending the summer at the E. B.
Tinker ranch.
Mr. Andy Olson, tw o sons. Alvin
and Henry and daughter, Emma re­
turned Friday night from a trip to
Crater lake via the McKenxIe pass.
The young folk of the Christian En­
deavor society had a social at the
church Tuesday night August 17.
After guessing games were played
light refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Faust and son. Glenn
are picking blackberries on the Bur-
ror ranch.
Are You a Paradox?
A PARADOX, if I were required to define it, is a dolt who
throwB a Douglas shoe a t his Big Ben, rolls off his Oster-
m oor onto a Congoleum rug, hops into his B. V -D.’s, runs
his Gillette qulekiy over his M ennen-lathered face, eats a
hurried breakfast of Shredded W heat and Postum , lights a
Chesterfield on his way to the office and there, later in the
day, dismisses an advertising solicitor with the blunt re­
m ark, “Advertising don’t pay- It never sold me nothin’!*’
If we are not doing your printing, somebody is to blame. Is It you or us?
The Springfield News
i&out your
Joseph G urney” Can non
... ■
—— I
l‘" ’r w
I a l l u n it i
" i‘ , r»oo. of th.
b a c te rio lo g y of
gun A g r lr illiU r a l C ollege, v is ite d a l­
fa lfa p lo ts In lb « r o iii. lv W e iln e day
Io s illily debts « h e t» legUIUoa have
been Im i'ii ulated w ith pure c u ltu re .
N e a rly a ll tlie e x p e rim e n ta l p lo ts in
the c o u n ty have been so Inttm iila ti-d
as w e ll as som e o f th e c lo v e r 111 Ids
pure v u ltu re »
were ‘ g o tte n
fro m th>- college and th e seed Inuoeu-
iatod at th e tim e o f p la n tin g
T h is
la sa id <0 assure s tic re s a fu l g ro w in g
o f th e le gum e crop.
Marrlag« Lie»"»»» Istutd
7or neaily a lisK oewbsry, tbe
tuttsmal politicai Mft was tnflugne-
•1 by thè celnefnl personali ty od
"thè gentlstnan frrwn Otinolw"
lu o le Jea Carmen. 99 years ohi.
atjly re c e n ti reairad frsm pnbllc
astivity, to ea>w (he peaea and
« t M ttf hte U s m le Daw^la.
Durlns the pn«t weak marrta<n
license» have been l»»umt by the
county clerk to th< following: Robert
Italey anti Eleanor W11»on, both of
Elk Grove; Ralph t'he»nut anil Ora­
dell Johnson, both of Kus<-ne; Fred
Wull»i-hl<‘gnr and llattle Gate», b o ih
of Creswell; Knar Rnger aud Mary
Mnrketi. both of KUgenS; Kelthly
Blake and Ruth Rogers, both of Eu­
gene; Walter K Belt. Newport, and
Wave Ix*aley. Eugene; Norvall Pow­
ell. Cottage Grove, and Averlal Luc­
ille McDermott. Eugene
942 Willamette 8t.. Bugene. Oregon.
No Deferred Savings—
Peerless Savings Always!
W e do not have deferred savings
Here you save
ns you go— and the saving remain« in your pocket.
The amount of the saving can easily be determined
by merely comparing our quality and prices.
W e make no check upon the amount of your
yearly purchases from us, assuming that y>u buy
what you want when you want it where you can
gel the most for your money.
The unexcelled buying power ol the 745 Depart,
ment Stores of (he J G Penney '.«wapAny aseum
y o u goods of standard quality always at the lowest
possible prices.
The great co-operative buying and selliog work
of this Nation-W ide institution has practiially eli­
minated tlie middleman and brought producer and
CuMumcr together.
TEiiKgs YoM.Shuwid Know
Identification and registration cards are not re­
All that is necessary lot you u> enjoy
peerless savings here is to come in and get then*
'A perfect knee la • w onAeiM ly
MnaSriaetod hliaaw
&» shook
ghaovben. Its
firm •eoanekhac
beawta, and tta smooth.
And. the knM-Jakta
is a mighty ugly prcp<
un whan
It la hiftuwd or dlaoaaed.
Knee Injuries are vary common,
and w a a »light hi jury msiy raaoM
in aaatooa dam ags
Ovar «aa hi
heavy p«danta may aaault in dla-
aaaad aartfiagaa and roughened
fricdonwurfaeaa whlsh wCI taka
moatha or yaara to care, «ran If
eara ha poanihla. Tha cartilagaa
ara often «rowlcd out o f plaoa by
prearara or si..tin, raqulring sur-
gloal removal before relief may ba
Ever, the kncc-cap may ba Inrod-
ad in inflammations about the
Joint) the ‘‘Synovial Membrane*
lln»g tl.e joint, and, when Inflam­
ed, hqcornes “synovitis”, a moat
painful (ondituaj, and one always
hard to cure. It is a serious mat­
te r when the synovial fluid escapee
from its natural dtuarton, and ac­
cumulates in a bag-like cavity, re ­
quiring tapping sometimes for r e ­
lief of the severe pain.
Volumes could b ■ w ritten on the
knee-joint and its diseases. I
would like my renders to remem­
ber these points:
(1) T hat all knee affections are
serious, or capable of becoming so.
(2) T hat rest and heat are
among the first'tilin g s thought of
in successful treatm ent.
(8) T hat mu age in any form
may be positively iejurlous.
( I) Tnat a : killed pnyslrtan
and surgeon should be consulted on
tho appearance of knee-aymptwou
t ir e -
You Call a Good
when you are sick.
You get a veterinarian when your anim als are ailing.
You wouldn’t, w ant a horse doctor to tre a t you or ex­
pect a phyRician to adm inister to a horse.
If you ape wise and consistent, you will tak e your Ford
Automobile to
An Authorized Ford Garage
where only
Authorized Ford Parts and
Trained Ford Labor are used
Then you feel safe and hove a car th a t runs well. We
guarantee satisfaction. There is no guessing with us-
Danner Motor Co.
Authorized Ford Service and Sales
Fifth and A Streets