TUB HOAD TO 8UCCB8B IH PAVED I W ITH ADVERTISING THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS [ A T h e People« Pape^" L IV I M tW S P A P fiR IN A L IV C T O W N O. o f O . U b r » O TW E N TY -TH IR D YEAR CITY REPRESENTED WELL IN PARADE NUMBER 33 SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 1», 192« RAIL CELEBRATION INTERESTS MANY 4L’S WOffl HARD ON LIBOB OH PUNS ir r ig a tio n System O n A bles F a r m to 8 c D e m o n s tra te d Business activity was largely sus­ pended In Hprlngfleld today to allow people lo attend the opening day of i th« Trail to Rail celebration In Eu- i /Ration Issued to Springfield Committeemen Meet At Wendl- ! gene. A large number of people went Five Flonta Entered Tomorrow People and Farmers to In­ ing To Arrange For Annual over thia morning to aee the historical Showing Resources Of Town; spect Effect of Water # parade, and more will go tomorrow Labor Day Celebration; Port­ One In Historic Section To- on Land Saturday. i when the Industrial parade la held land Man To Speak; Many The Booth Kelly m |lls closed today I day; Mnyor Bushman Aide To Amusements Provided. Hprlngfleld people Interested In Ir­ ho the men cnuld attend. The W est­ Grand Marshall. rigation are Invited to be present at ern Lumber company of W estfir also The men of the 4L locals at Spring- 8|>rl,iafl<>ld wilt have a represents- closed today and will not open until an Inspection of the L. C. Ables farm ! Held and Wendllng are determined tlon In be proud of In the Industrial Monday A speclall train to Westfir northeast of the city at 2 o'clock next ' that the Labor Day celebration at Saturday afternoon. Proffeasor W. L parade of the Trail to Hull celebra­ ' and Oakridge passed through here Wendllng will be better than ever tion nt Eug«-ne tomorrow an a reault I this morning at 0:20 to bring the peo- Powers, head of the department o f , before and are working bard to make aolla of the Oregon Agricultural col­ of the effort« of the Chamber of Com , pie to the celebration. It will return the celebration a huge success. The nirree and the I.Iona dub, who under Friday nights at Haywood field lege, will I m - present to discuss the Ir­ Labor Day celebration at Wendllng rigation results obtained on the form. the direction of 0 . <1 lluahman have came through yesterday from Wendl- this year will be the third annual af­ five float« entered In the parade. The demonstration Is to show the Charles H. Brakelow of Phila­ Ing bringing people from the Mohawk fair put on by the men and they are Two Ronta have been enter aa city delphia has Just been chosen with­ j valley to Eugene effects of water on clover and alfalfa giving lots of time to the arrange­ out opposition, to be the new Grand flouta by the Chamber of Commerce A number of Springfield people | At thie time a showing will be made ments. Usher, la thoueth* U Hawe beam the and the l.lnna club One of three la Exulted Ruler of the Elk«. This have parts In the K lstaw s pageant be "» 7 °“n« »ceding alfalfa, one year I m his seventh term as head o f hla A Joint meeting was held Tuesday entered In conjunction with the U k u I order and he has served 3 Ing given Wednesday. Thursday and (seeding alfalfa and red clover seed. ( by the committeemen from Spring- M< untaln Htatea Power company and terms as Grand Exalted Esquire. Pr|day nights at Hayward field. ¡The Ablea farm Is pioneering Irrlga- he cMttled <* M field and Wendllng at which the plans will »how the city Induatrlal tracts Among those In the pageant are; Mrs. «<» "ect,OB snd •onl*‘ ’,o n d e r ' for the celebration were presented by and the advantages they have from Bernice Van Valiah, Mrs. N. W Bm- ful result« have been obtained by its, the several committees. Each sub- their location near transportation and SPRINGFIELD HAS ery. Mrs. Levi Neat. Mrs. I^w rence ' manager. O. W Hobson. , committee first met and discussed abundant power The Springfield A NEW PHYSICAN Chase, Mrs. 8herman Potter, Mrs Special Invitations haves been la- o o A D D O F H F A L T H their plans and the cost and then at Mill ad Oraln company has a float of sued to Springfield business men » B O A R D _ _ _ _ _ „ ... . . Duncan. Mlaa Mary Elisabeth Whit- the later meeting of the whole group their own entered allowing the milling Dr Carl Cert H Petteplace P et.ep ..ce will open bis n,a apy m|m M>xwpJ, Dr. « .« w e ll M is . V e m . attend the demonstration along with FINDS WATER PURE these plans were considered and all Industry and advertising Springfield ofll.es in th . First National Bank )(< >w) IjOmba„ , the farmers. worked In together. products. There Is no danger of typhoid fever The 41, locals of Hprlngfleld and medb lL.- ta'Springfield P Dr Th* <’<>"•<>»«• Rehhan. Eva In general the celebration will be The 4L locals of Hprlngfleld and from drinking the city water, accord- of ]agt year Wendllng have a float In which they p hag ¿ ¡ ¡ ' ^ 7 on " t V S p r ' l n g f l e l d ^ i i T POWER PLANT RUNS ing to recent tests of or the tne water made mane Ing „ p rw,nP and all Bn free. v i tertainment for everyone ahnw ftitw superior W QOfl p Trt» the here I. belching black smoke q„ . . t of of Health Health Officer. OfBcer. W. W. H. Pollard PoUard P * - 7 P'B,L COBtert “ .. | , quest ,er to carry th 'free »«- for • all on • a e.rt raft. The ronta contest- straining every boiler the e. ! I1 who * « *■ by ths men. The BoMh K e lly c o m | , o r tU n d parade " sent the board a sample from the suit ng from the , , , . . . . . . c ants In this event will be placed on " load put upon tt resulting panv In ulno mbTlnic a float which la M^g 1 drinking fountain In front of the Cotn- B R 0 W N — OF --------- JASPER dry which a raft and the last man on the raft l Hmi|.............. ” — Charge of the floats Mr Bushman equipment arrived this week from ' part of the electricity normally turn q( found |Q fce « “ Installed In . >ted The heB,th offlcer adTlge. Ing will .U r t In the afternoon and check on the Jolllff and Scalefe Gar- I shed by them. the parade and will ride at the head »<"«• ____________________ tln tll th . fall rain, come to rel e v e , waUr from any we„ continue until the crowd leaves. Two !age. The check le said to have been not bepn touad abgo_; dances will be held, one an old time of the Springfield entries. , passed the first of the week In pay­ the situation, the local plant will he j ------------------ er.4e the electricity Ary well teated dance at the cook house, and the Besides the floats In the Industrial SMOKERS TO BE upon to ,,.n generate ment of * bill for repairs. It was for called all tne the npper W illamette valley section, there wee s float entered by HELD TH IS FALL 1*0 »so «nd ana w » •» «igneo ••Smith.” ’umitn. w n en jfo r an ----- - as If a sam ples of the water Is collected other a modern dance at the hall. a. signed When j for the Springfield Mill and Grain c o m ­ I presented to the bank for collection . far north as Salem. In the winter In a clean bottle and sent In to the The address of the day will be given . be a forgery _ - w I 4koeA tnWTIA by B. F. Irvine, editor of the Oregon pany In the historical secdlon section of the pasy l * gpr|nafleld National Guard and it was found to Brown part of the electricity for these towns state board of health. 1 Journal. parade held this morning The flosi American Legion post will start a was held In the Jail here until unt Friday comes from the Southern Odegon ' A' Martin, of- represented an old milling scene with gpr|Ca smokers here beginning next morning when he was taken to Bu- w a t e r power plants on the Rogue and A n n iT I A N M A D E T O A D D IT IO N M A D E T O lflcprg of r*1*011 Bnd R*lph company at oae of the oldest hnrre lu the Wiliam month, according to the plans an- ( m , by the sheriff Klamath river«. CIYT HALL AND JAIL Eagene. have assured the men that The plant here Is generating around ette valley on the float This hnrr nounrw, thla week. The smokers will I the company would continue Its re- »500 kilowatts dally now. although was used at the Hprlngfleld Mill. Hirst! jjiyen . _ by . the t vo organisation, and CARSON HAWES Alterations were made this week to - ha, f of , he eX. they haye run up as high as 4500 tn being ___________________ Installed In 1M4. j will consist of boxing snd wrestling of the HAS ACCIDENT cases of emergency. The h esyy load the city ball and fire station to take The finance committee with Julius ■ nrpnts A monthly card of local tal-| Fulop as chairman had 1175 00 raised | ,,nt w,n be arranged and an errort . . . , „ . . , . carried may he seen when the 350« to care of the new Are engine and the j Npw conimlttee chalrmen haTe bPen 111 he arranged and an effort take thp place of tboge by Monday with prospects of g"«<1n« made to aecure outside attractions “r"nn -• “ ’7 * 0 ' pr n* ' ' 40«« kilowatts generated now are change in arrangements made n ec-, appo,nted more this week Those donating to from to „ m, to add to the ’ ho w n. Injured ThurMsy when h s compared with the 3000 which Is the essary by the recent purchase of the prevloug]y gelected who couId n0| engine. An addition Is being built | sprTp Tpx Kn(ght pf camp „ w,u , . n, . r Pd hv . .v ear overturned near Judkins point. Is normal capacity of the plant At the coal of the two floats entered The proceeds from the amok- . . . . . . . . . over the Are hall to house the tw o ; {akp 'ls Drug Store ............ | 1 0« '*’* Mohawk valley to Wendllng by (Urned hla rar over. The car States Power company. The new one as It la felt that the town does of a„ arrangemeBts and tlme aHot. SyrlegfleM Bakery ............ - » l 5 0 i lh * Mountain States Power com pany.jwaR bBdly demolished, having two lights are of a new tvoe which Is de­ not need a much larger one. It will E. R Danner Motor Co...... 210 0«; Th" '*np furnish light for the brt)gPn wheels, the top crushed, and signed to give a better llv'ht. They be of wood, reenforce with Iron so menta for the celebration. Wright and Son .................. 2 5 00 ,ow n» of w "ndlln* an Marcola a n d ,thp wind«hdeM shattered. are 50 watt lights with the Inside as to make it as Inexpensive aa poa- Pr. Rebhan CASCADE FOREST Rcbnftn .................................. K00 P°wer *° RU<,h nrtH* BR wani to UR* frosted so as to give a white light •ible. Dr. Dlppel ........ ....... - ............. | The power company Is going to hook instead of the red ray common to the Scouts Have Over-Night Hike BANNED TO SMOKINO » up |pft gpr|ng Issued August 14 by the Department work. Independent Meat Co. .... ... I 2 00 Wendung and Marco!, but under the Fourth street was Jammed with peo­ of Agriculture. This action was taken , Farmers Vnlon .—---- ------ — .... • » 5 00 new arrangement, the ple Saturday night on the occasion only because of the very greet danger Mountain o'clock and hiked up the Coast Fork DYNAMITE CAP D. E. Orlndell - ..... ................. .... t 1.00 States Power company will _____ of the American Leglonand Ladle» of fire being canned by smokers, ac­ 1 2 00 to above Hop Island. They camped INJURES TWO Civic club rance and from the evi­ cording to Forest Supervisor Macdnff Springfield Garage the light. on the Seavery hop ranch for the Springfield Mill and Grain Co 11000 dence among the crowd, a good time of Bngene. He sta te , that a greet 2 6 00 The new line will be about 20 miles night and received Instructions In Asa Nichole, ten year old son of Springfield N e’ a .... — ......... was had by all who attended the car number of the fires already started long. are working A crew of 14 men »re pjt<,b|BX tbp,r pup ten t, and In camp­ 1 2 on Mr and Mrs. J. L. Nichols of Shannon, R. M Newland ......................... nival and street dance. thia year occurred from a cigarette on the extension which will take 2 600 and his sister, Isabel, five years oM, First National Bank ——- Booths, where one could try one’s or cigar .tub. carelessly dropped by nearly two rnontha to complete Ths Monday Troop 1 hed It. regular 2 5 00 were Injured Monday evening by the •y. B. Flanery .............. .............. luck at the wheel, throw the ring for someone In the trail (n a national I son line will provide «11 the territory he- m0pt)n|t and Tupaday Troop j. The explosion of a dynamite cap. The boy P ell Theater ......... —---- ------- tween Springfield and Wendllng with ,ngtructtons snd was carrying an axe which exploded ducks, fish, or try their skill *■ a ball fo rest Improved camp grounds and tosser, lined the str e e t For the Improved place of habitation are ex­ electricity, and marks a step In the the cap when he threw the axe to the Street Work Done After Rein hungry there was hot dogs, coffee or empted from the order. development of the tributary districts ground. One of hla eyes was Injured The city street crew took advantage The area nnder the smoking ban so badly by flying pieces of (he cap Ice cream. Mrs. Speare Dies Saturday of the rain Tuesday to .crape Second to Springfield. The dance was the attraction of the includes a wide eweep of territory be­ that It had to he taken out at the Paci­ „trect from' Its Junction with Main to Mrs. Ada M Speare died at her young people as well as well as some tween the McKensje and Middle Fork Christian Church the Bridge over the W illam ette river. ______ Has Picnic ' home on Fifth and K str e e t. Saturday fic Christian hospital Tuesday. H l. of the older. Roach’s tour piece of the W illamette rivers through slater received an Injury to her eye The men leveled the bumps made by « k j m sm . nenn,«1 morning age 69 year». She had been orchestra from Eugene furnished the which many people are passing at this Over o n . hnndr«l and ,B h„alth fOr some time and w a. also, hut It 1» thought that It can be the summer travel In the music for the crowd. time of the year on their vacations. »«ended the annual picnic of , t