The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 12, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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V M '. k s r . ;
S p i l l I ...I I ■ l o t i o n
by the prevent
water shortage, due to the luck ot
precipitation, (he Arnold Irrigation din
trict, located near Bend. Is »«-arching
for a water storage site In tho uppet
Itos Chutes country.
Accotdiiig to the monthly report ol
Brief of Resume of Happenings
C. G Thompson, aupi rintsnd«*ut ot
la Notary Publie
the Week Collected fcr
Crater I.aka National park. 45,304 pea
A notorial commission haa boon
pie entered the park up tn midnight
Our Readers.
granted Beulah I Brlnltlck
She la
July 31. an Incroase of 15.362 over last
. . cretary In the sheriff's ottico lu Eu­
year, or <1 per cent Increase.
gene and haa charge of the auto lie
Oiling of the Pendleton l.a Grande
With lookouts blinded by a heavy
elise department.
section of the Old Oregon trail haa pall of smoke, which Is hanging ovat
been completed
the central Oregon couulry and with
R W Smith Is Proud Grandfather
A total of 115« antoniobllea were the relative humidity dangerously low
It. W. Smith. Sprlngflt Id's city re registered at the Pendleton auto park the forest fire situation In timber ol
corder. announced the arrival of a during the month of July.
■ he Deschutes watershed la setloua.
new granddaughter Thursday, making
Aggregate hank deposits In Oregon
B P Morphy, 50. rcarkar, employ
Everybody Get- Samol« Chawing Gum bject was to give a free sample of the fourth grandchild for hint. The ed by the Flora Logging company oi on June 30. 1920. were approximate
With 25.CC4 sample» of chewing «hi »¡ng gum to everybody In Spring- baby's mother is Mrs. Dorris McElroy Carlton, was killed by a falling tree.
ly »2.«00,00« greater than ever report
gum Ben H. Rouw. northwest repre- Held. Wherever the big yellow auto- of Portland, youngest daughter of Mr.
ed In history of the state, according tc
The market price for oil of pepper­
I he fluanclal report of Frank C Brent
• ntative of Waa Wrlgley Jr. Coin- mob le stepped there was a popular Smith Mrs. McElroy Is u Springfield
mint Is now around »10 a pound It*
gtrl having been born at Glenwood
well, stale superintendent of banka.
panv was in Springfield Tuesday. His P0 * I«r °hl an<* young.
cording to advices reaching Eugene I
Park and attending the Sprlugfleld
Bend Is to be the host to sheep men
Fire al Oakland destroyed E E
of Oregon this (all, when the annual
Delp. Goahen. and Dorthy Dalton. schools.
Marriage Licenses Issued
Haines' garage. K II Easley's Mack-)
Saturday afternoon Mr Smith left
convention of the Oregon Wool Grow
Work in strnighteulng the Umatilla
Spritglield; Charles Henderson and
smith shop and J H Wayfc>rth*a paint |
Purirg the past week ths ecunty Eliiabeth Nelson, both of Klamath for Portland to visit Mrs McElroy
era* association will be held there river channel for 2t>0 yards above the
eh rk has issued marriage licenses to Falls; Charles Graves. Vorden. and and baby
October 9 and 10 have been s-dected new »24 00« concreta bridge al K-ho
He returned Monday
The fourth annual meeting of the ea tentative dates (or the 1920 con la under way »lit. sand and gravel
the following: Everett Fggeston and Nellie E. Graves, Eugene;
Dwight morning, after spending Sunday even
Epworth league uietnute of the Meth vonttou
Esther Kerlee. both of Eugene; Wil­ Welch. LaVerne. California, and Viola ing In Salem.
accumulating around the piles under
odist E plaopal church arns held in
liam Blachinger. Portlard. and Marie May N'cher. Springfield
Briefs la support of the application the old bridge tbreeleu Io change the
FaUa City.
for a rehearing of the case of James course of th» river and leave the uaw
McMullen. Junction City;
An Innovation at the Ws»Mngl(fl« Wllloa and Ellsworth Kelly, convicts span high and dry.
"Doctor. I am prepared for anything
Reel«. Eugene and Marie Hansen.
Road in Good Condition
Notable gains were made last week
1 have steeled myself—tell me the county fair this month will be a booth who are awaiting axrrvtioa for ths
Junction City; Dale Cornelias. Gos-
a n d Delia Eliiabeth Clark.
The state highway commission has truth about her condition— what Is the for the display of daffodil bulbs grown part they played In the prfeoa break by mills reporting to the Wee« Coast
in the county
at Baletn on August 12 of lest year Lumbermen's association la produo
SprtngfleW; Harold Ackerman. Notl. put most of the M cKtnile highway In bad news?"
Telocaset, 22 miles south of l«a base been filed In the elate supremr llon. new orders booked and shipments
and Orroa Carpenter, Ncti. Sidney goixl condition again By blading and
"She will recover, sir."
Grande, and Perry, four miles west, court.
mede. Production last week totaled
were both threatened with destruction
A cache containing user 104 rates 109.512440 teet Be» orders were booh­
by fire Friday.
or chalet» wine, gin and bonded ed for 114,191.4(6 feet and shipments
Ipswich Silk
i>6 Stores
Members of the Eastern Oregon whiskey, valued at »15.000, was dis made totaled 110.9»u.»J6 fuel
Medical society and the state board covered by Jim l»errlck and Ord FOIt 8AIJB—Carbon taper la large
of health mat at North Powder lakes Castle. Lincoln county engtue- rs. un
eheste, 25x3» Inches, suitable fue
In annual session.
der some brush along the beach about
waking tracing« Th« News Offloa.
For Ladies
Showing an Increase In output, the
sawmills of the Umpqua river at
With the Belrobe
In the W est
Reedsport shipped 5,000,000 (eel of
lumber during June
The war department has allotted ’
front unexpended balances MM4 fo»
A happy looking bird drifted In last Tuesday end blithely asked
I look and dnm operation on (he Yam
us to show him our line of FIRE ENGINES and when Our eyebrows
hill river in Oregon
lifted and our chin sunk, he says; ."You seem to carry sverythflng
The Umpqua highway between
ELSE, to I thought mebbs I could get a nlcs new hrs engine here at
Sport Last
the right price!"
Reedsport and Drain will be reudy for
And I looked around and draned if hs w a -n t about rightl At this
travel fur the full length by August
Ladies Tan Oxfords for sport
time of the ytar we ARE inclined to terget that prescriptions and
16. contractnra plan.
or street wear
drugs it our business and start out ot sell all aorta of things that
Due to the extended drouth and the
mebbe are a bit apart from pain healers and health builders.
dwindling supply In Bull Run river the*
So now that ws've been property kidded on this subject, we right
HERE and NOW want to remfnd you ad call to your attention the
use of water for sprinkling has been
fact that we ARE druggists and have a whole raft of suctv here for sale,
further restricted In Portland
Cast your »veg on ths items listed below;
The state penitentiary Rax plant
sold to the Oregon I.tnen Mills. Inc.,
approximately 10 tons of eplnnlng tow
for which It received (340 a ton
¿ ftp -
Seven buildings In the village of
I-adies Black Patent one
I Tolu, abuut eight mllea north of Med
fis É ÿ à S .
strap pumps
ford, were destroyed by a timber and
brush fire which originated near Gold
; Hill.
Profanity Preventive!
Drive for a normal school In east
Taere are scores of people here in «-Springfield who
1 era Oregon has been started as the re­
Wh»n a low minded molar
hate the taste of o liv e o il be
starts In to ake, we've got a
sult of a meeting of repreeentatlvcs
i.usc lh«y never tasted' Ute
remedy you should take!
Tan and Blacks
j of the principal cities held at The
HEAL quill! Squlhbs Olive oil
costs very little and douses the
Wide Toe
i Dalles.
Patents, Suede and C a l f
Is the best and has the true
pain a n ! It stops your russlti
Leathers. Close out price
Smoke from forest fires became so
nutty friendly flavor that It
an«! raisin' caln'
Try wmn
SHOULD have 50c • 56c • »1 50.
I heavy at Cottage Grove that Buster
Keep It In the Medicine Chest!
a pair
| Keaton had to discontinue filming
Edmonds Foot-fitter
; scenes for his forthcoming picture
j "The General."
80 et».
D ouble C o m b in a tio n C re am
60 cts.
B ezoln and A lm o n d C re am
Regular freight service over the new
All Silk Dresses. Values to
Good Last
Values to
A Strong Shoe
This week only, the two for 50 cts.
$16 50 now
i clflc between Klamath Falls and Eu-
Close out Price
1 gene will be Inaugurated September 1.
! It Is announced.
5th and M ain
i Mrs. Ruth Brown, wife of George O
” i Brown, secretary of the state land
N board, died suddenly at Neskowin
!_ 1 Death was due to heart disease. She
_ 1 was 52 years of age
iaa r '
The city of Salem faces the prospect
of paying claims aggregating more
than »500 aa the result of working
members of Its paving crew In excess
of eight hours a day.
Salem for the first time In history ,
has passed through the month of July
two consecutive years without a drop
of rain, according to a report Issued
by the local weather observer.
A reward of (25 for Information lead
Ing to the arreet and conviction of |
persons who break Into powder and i
tool houses of the county has been of- i
fered by the Columbia county court.
T. B. Kay, state treasurer and pre» ’
(dent of the Oregon Linen Mills, Inc., I
of Salem, has gone to New York and j
other eastern states, where he will
make an Investigation of the flax In­
Fire starting In the picker room of |
the Brownsville Woolen mills at
Brownsville, destroyed the building, 1
T ho fact that “ a penny saved is a penny earned" is just as true today as it haa
valuable machinery and a large quan­
always been.
But the intelligent housewife has learned that it never pays to sacri­
tity of stock with a loss estimated at
fice quality for quantity—especially where food is concerned.
It isn't necessary to
«Irr.gglrg lh-’ road »he gravel surface,
has been placed on the crowu until II
la aa good aa the road was early In !
the spring except for the dual Sun .
day saw unuaally heavy truffle up the
highway and over the pass.
98c « $1.85
6th a n d W illa m ette
S to re No. 11
, an miles above 0(1«
Ilei ause ol the extreme drynees. a
Intel of 21.U04 acre» In Hi» Mount
lloisl national forest hae been ordered
eloaatl. The Area exleiids front ths
('lm kninas river to the lllllockburn
road, and covers the watershed of the
south fork of (he Clackamas rlvor and
Its tributaries.
Reduction of rates charged by the
I'aclflc Telephone and Telegraph com
pany In (he stale of Oregon will he
sought In proceedings to be filed by
Governor Fierce with the public s««rr-
Ice commission, according to announce­
ment made at the executive depart­
ment at Salem.
Official driving of the tost spike on
the Eugene Klamath Falls cut off of
the Southern Pacific took placa near
the summit of ths Cascade mountains
Saturday The wedding of "Miss Eu
gene" I» "Mr Klamalb Falls" took
place at that time with a mock mar
rlage ceremony.
A Good Josher!
Eugene, Ore.
Ladies* Oxfords
M en’s Tan Oxfords
Boys Tan Oxfords
Shoes and Oxfords
One lot Pumps
and Oxfords
$3.35 al,air
A tten tio n T h rifty B uyers/
J. C. Brill Stores
Alternation Sale
sacrifice either when you buy your groceries here. You can fill your market-basket
without emptying your pocketbook— and you get QUALITY, SERVICE and SATIS­
MACARONI Package ......................... ................... 6c
COFFEE In can per pound ............. — ................. 50c
PORK &. BEANS, medium, 4 cans ........ ...........3bc
MASON LIDS per dozen ....... ........................... 26c
ECONOMY LIDS per dozen .................. ........... 25c
PRUNES per busQel .....— ............. ...... ........ »100
BUNNY MONDAY SOAP 7 bars ...................... 25c
CATSUP per bottle ......... ...................................... 20c
OLIVES Urge m m ____________ __ _________ 20c
CORN 2 cans for ........ . . . . ..................................... 25c
PEAS good and tender 2 for ............................ ... 26c
TOMATOES fresh, basket ................................ 20c
PEACHES, Muir, per bushel .................. ....... »1.26
PEARS fresh per bushel ................................. |1 00
The Foulds
Aluminum Deal
is a Dandy.
See it Here.
The cost of living In Portland, aa
determined by the department of
labor, Is nearer the pre-war cost than
In any of 32 cities on which the de­
partment baa been keeping continuous
A elble which oovered the power
I shovel working npon the Reedsport-
i Ncottsburg section of the Umpqua
highway, haa delayed the opening of
I tha road, according to announcement
of officials.
Special trappers from the office of
Stanley Jewett, tn charge of predatory
animal control, ara being sent to the
Dog lake. Thome« creek and nearer
marsh gectlons of Labe ooanty, where
heavy damage la repoVUd to stock
J from soyotaa.
- ■ • .......... .
An Outclearing of Summer
Merchandise Goes Merrily
on at Eugene’s Largest
and most Complete
Department Store
—Practically Every Department In Thia Big Shopping Em­
porium IlaB Been Called Upon To Provide Merchandise Ot
Desirability In Order That Thin “ Alteration Sale” May Be
One Of The Outstanding Events.
Look for the Yellow Cards
as they are Safe Guides to