The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 12, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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B ack F ro m
P o r t la n d — M r » . I n t t i
Tonsils Out— Mr». W . O. TowUtrtnn
had her tnnatla rom ovnl at the office Bowman returned from Portland thl
week ufter a »tay there of a month o
of a liicul physician Wednesday.
b u a ln rs s .
H a ra — Il
I . (loll
hu» taken the Robert V ‘
lu » hou»« on 1) atreet, moving In thl
Laxtons Back— M r ami Mr» W e lte r week.
I.a x U ’i» «ro back from a w>ek end
Leave» Hoapltal— Mr» O rvull T ill
trip lo Hale in.
relum ed lo her home in M areóla afir
Go«» To Portland— Mrs M ary K '«
nine day» at the Pacific C hristian I I '
sey left for u abort trip to Portland
pltul tn Eugene.
Wodnesilny. Hhe w ill return today
In Portland- - M r . and M rs W alt'
Portland— Mr»
Hi o il and M r and Mrs. Floyd Finn
W h ile led Wedne»d»y for l"ortland
nery attended Buyer»' week ut Perl
a fte r »pending a few daya with her
puronta, M r and Mr» W M Lam bert.
At Albany— M r and Mrs W illia m
Inapacta Lum ber— W. L. Grey of
Dawson spent Sunday at Albany with
Eugene wae In Springfield W ednes­
O th e r Hprliurfleld people
day Inspecting a earloard of lumber
wh»» were In Albany were M r and M r
at (he Booth K elly m ill for the South­
Harold W illia m s who spent the w e d
ern Pacific company
end there w ith friends.
H ere — Jam«»
Cumming» of North Rend was a gurat
at the home of M r and Mrs C F
Egglm ann Tuesday night.
He left
fo r Cottage Grove where he -will atay
fo r a while
■end Man Visits— John M cN utt was
D W M cK innon Tuesday n ig h t M r
M rN n tt 1» a cousin of Mrs. McKinnon
H e was on b it w ay to T he Dalles
from Bend.
Go To Dallaa— M r. and Mrs. C. F.
Egglm an and th e ir gueaL Byrdens
Cummings of Marsh held went to D al­
las for a visit w ith friend» Wadnea
From Cottage O reva. Miss
M argaret llem ew ay Is spending the
week at her home In Springfield She
has been staying for the summer at
the llem ew ay berry farm near Cot­
tage Grove.
B etter— Mrs
Pollard who has been III w ith the
typhoid fever Is nearly well and w ill
be back a t her place In th« Commer­
cial S ta le Imnk In a week or so.
f *
P e o p le
Baby Boy— D r and Mra. V . L . R illt -
r of lax-rhorn have a baby boy, born
at (be Pacific Christian hospital S u n - '
day morning.
The baby weighed
e ig h t p o u n d s .
Dr. Mortenaan Better— Dr. Morten
sen la recovering from hl» recent
operations at Portland nicely, accord­
ing to the latest re p o rt H e w ill not
be able to resume his practice until
the Arst of next month however.
Go To Corning— Mr». Edyth Oleson
and daughter left Sunday morning for
(turning. C alifornia to attend the b irth ­
day celebration of Mra. Oleaon'a great
Hara From Albany— Miss K ath e rin e
grandm other who w ill be »9 on Aug­ K ester of Albany «as a guest a t the
ust 11.
W . F. W a lk e r home this week
Kester came Thursday on her way
Goes Bast— Mrs. E lla Lombard left
home from a trip to C alifo rn ia
yesterday for Chicago and other East­
la a nurse a t '-he Albany hoapltal.
ern cities.
She la going to vlatt
On Vacation Her«— Mrs. E d yth Ol.
friends and relatives lo Wisconsin be­
son and daughter. Lucille, are spend­
fore going to Chicago
M rs Lombard
ing th e ir vacation In Springfield a t
w ilt return before school opens this
the home o f Mr. and Mra. H a rl M c­
M ra Olaoa Uvea In M arsh ­
Boy Breaks A rm —Charles Verateeg field.
broke his le ft forearm Monday night
Tonsils Taken Out— T w o operation»
while playing on the high school
fo r tonsils and adnolds were perform ­
gronda. H a was visiting at the home.«
ed by local physicians F rid a y
Ire n e
of hla aunt and uncle, M r. and Mra
▲nderaon, seven year old daughter of
W heeler. Tuesday ha returned to his
L. M Anderson of SprtngnAeld, and
home a t M cM in nville.
Gladys Zehber. Ave year old daughter
Wadding Anniversary Celebrated— o f J. L Zehhev of M otor Route 2. were
M r andMrs. K V B a rre tt and fam ily the ones operated upon.
and M r B arrett's m other le ft Bunday
P lrrle Case Dismissed— The case
for Bellingham. W ashington to attend
iigHlnet Robert n r r l e has been dis­
the tw entieth wedding anniversary of
missed upon the motion ot the pro»
M r and Mrs. A. Castle. Mrs. B arrett
«eating attorney. It was announced by
and Mrs. Castle are daughters of L.
R . W . K e ith Thursday.
P lrrte's tria l
E. Thompson of SprlngAeld.
' in justice court here August 2. result-
a guest at the home of M r and Mra
Leave For C alifo rn ia— M r and Mr»
T. I I McVey are planning on leaving
Springfield (or some phten In C sllfor
nls T h e y wont south Thursday with
th>* Idea of settling In C alifornia! a fter
looking over the situation. M r. McVey
ba» hen Woking for the Southern Pa-
cldc railroad.
P o r t la n d
for a »hurt tim e Wcilnusdey.
Red spider mite» on hop» cau-e
H u rt— Robert
Richardson FOR (JALE— Payroll sheets. printed
and In atoca a t tha News office
serious In ju ry In season» of prolonged
caught his finger In un emery wheat
- U t h ace im p a n te d by h ig h te m p ra-
w ith which be was playing Saturday
work, saw m ills, ate., w ith table to
and had the nail torn off and the | compute w o rk m a n s
compensation tures. »ays the O. A. C . e x p e r i m e n t
and deductions. No em ployer sbontn station. S u liur in some form Is the
Anger »ma»hed.
Has O peration— Mrs. H. C. M ille r o f!
be without these f- -ma when tbey Standard control.
caa be purebaaed fo r • few cents
M arróla was ta k e r to the Pacific :
■M r-
Christian hospital for a m ajor opera
tlon Monday.
Here From Brow nville— Tom Gar-i
rot ol III 11« u v lllr « »» lu Bpi IngA« hi j
C alifo rn ia— V i c t o r
Neher le ft Tuesday for Pomona Col­
lege, C alifo rn ia where he is an assist­
ant Instructor and at the aame (tine
(uklng post graduate w ork leading to
a M aster of A rt» degree, M r. Neher
graduated front the C alifo rn ia school
last year In the science departm ent.
He came here to attend the wedding
of his aiater, Miss Viola N eher last
ed In a Jury disagreement.
Goes To W ashington— Mr».. H . E
Maxey and son, Bruce Norton left
Saturday for a two week« visit in
W ashington
Mrs. Maxey Is going to
visit h’ -r mother at Hoods Port. Mrs.
Maxey's sister w ill be there a t the
same tim e from Spokane.
Tw o In lls t In Guard— T w o new re
K ester To Go To Portland — D r
erults fo r the Springfield National
Eugene K ester la leaving August 18
Guard were reported for this week by
tor Portland to attend a series o f lec- (
Attend Funeral— M r and M r» J. M
Lieutenant C. A. Swarta. commander
tures given by the Oregon State Medl-
o f the troop.
T hey were T ru b e rt Tompson le ft last week bo attend the ' cal Society
In Septem ber he w ill go
Henderson and Clarence Fandrem
to Chicago to attend the Laboratory
T he tw o new men bring the number In Decker of Belllngnhnm . Washington
Surgical Technique. Dr. H eater la go­
which was held Knturday. They re­
the guard unit up to 20.
ing to study chcet and heart surgery
ceived word August 2 that M r. Decker
Returns From C rate r Lake— Jun was seriously Injured and le ft the fol­ a t the clinic In Chicago.
n lta Lom bard returned from C rater lowing day.
W hen they arrived at
To Ycllowatona Park— W . C. Me-
L ake Tuemlay a fte r »pending the sum
Bellingham; they found the M r. Deck lj»gnn changed his vacation plans
n x r ther as an employee of the C rater
er had been Instantly killed In an ac- h u rrid ly last week and le ft Thursday
L ak e Ixtdge,
She reports that .he
- m orning for M o n ta ra points and Y e l­
sum m er ruah of tourists to the lake
lowstone Park. M r Mclotgan had In-
M eter Installation W al
-W o rk of
la over for this season although there
i tended to go to Eastern Oregon on his
Installing the new m eter recently
are a tlll people m aking the trip to
vacation, hut was asked by the Billsby
bought by the M ountain States Power
the lake.
Engineering and Managing sompany
company, w ill not start for two weeks,
to Inspect one of th e ir plants at Libby. ;
V la lt K etele— Mra. J. F Ketels hod tt was announced at the plant
M ontana
As a consequence M r Mr-1
As guests Wednesday friends from h "- ija r.t Is short handed now on account
latgan w ill spend his vacation at Y e l­
borne in Nebraska
Mrs. C. C. Collins of vncatlon time. W C. McLagnn la
lowstone Park a fte r he finishes his
and son from Hebron. Nebraska, and away at preaent and L. E. Danks Is
business at Llbbv.
Charles Cooley, of G rants Pas*, a also enjoying his vacation at the
b rother of Mra. Colllna, both lived In coastThe installation of the m eter w ill:
aw ait the return of these tw o men.
Nebraska when Mra. Ketels did.
Diamond lake w ill net be Included
ta C rater Lake National park. The
PveeWant'a ce-erdlnetfag eommleelen,
which had tx-en for four days consider­
ing and holding pahlle hearings on tha
question of extending park bouadavioa
northward te take In the fanons flak
lug resort. follow lB f a b rief hearing
et Medford, voted naaalmevuty to aee-
ommoad that DUm oad Mho remain un­
der forest eerrios Jurisdiction
Coasrots paving and parapet wall at
M acKay dam has boon completed and
w ith thle work the eoastructiea work '
ot M acKay dam Is rapidly being
brought to a close a fter three years
has bees used by tbe reclamation serv- ‘
Ice In building the dam. which w ill
store 172,000 acre feet ot w ater from
M acKay creek to be used each year in
furnishing w ater to the Herm iston-
Stanfield and B utter creek regions.
Max G. Cohen, who prior to August,
1913. was a police m agistrate In Port­
land. and who was convicted of sub­
ordination of p erjury there and sen­
tenced to federal prison, only to be
pardoned and fully restored to c ltlie m
shlp again by the late President W il­
son. was convicted of the same crime
In the southern district United State»
?ourt and sentenced to serve IS months
In the government p enitentiary at A t­
"KJatnwa” Stupendovi Pageant Each Night
Ptoneer Parad* — £ ir Ch-ctn — Boxing
Concert» — Dancing
Eugene, Ore.
A ugust 19 -2 0
'MB '''aw—.a ^ r f i r a U H K BI W I W
Drug Store
Time for Putting
on the New Roof
Before the W et
Weather Comes
See us for an estimate on cost of a new mineral sur­
face roof either in the roll or shingle form
Certainteed Shingles ............. ....................... $5.50 a square
Certainteed Mineral Surface — ------ -------------------- $3.25
Major Mineral Surface ----------------------- ------------ $2.75
Certainteed Smooth Roofing .... $1.50, $1.75, $2 50 and $2.90
Wright & Son
F ountain
A Fine Noon Lunch
Served Daily for 40c
Friday and
6 oz. Bottle
Keeps your liver functioning
Rexall Liver Salt contains the
ingredients of the better saline
mineral waters.
The action is gentle, yet cer­
Keep fit.
Garrett’s Orchestra
Because of the great number of In­
cendiary forest dree, the Douglas
county court has offered a rew ard of
1800 for the apprehension and convic­
tion of any person startin g a fgreat
fire wKhln tha eoenty. Rlnee the mid­
dle of July there have been more than
128 fire« reported as being laeendlary
C oburg Bridge Every S at. N ight
w ttn lavish ceremonies, m watch
more than 1000 Indians participated,
Modoc Charlie, 7«, blind trib al conn
eelor for the K lam ath Indian tribee.
was burled following a funeral service
which lasted for 48 hours without In­
termission. and at which nearly |4000
worth of food was consumed.
“Trail To Rail”
Here is a very handsome
bowl for flowers or fruits,
that will give an artistic
touch to any table. Satin
finished in topaz and* other
beautiful colors. Note the
pretty shape. 12 inches
Priced -
“The Home of Good
What are you Doing
for their Future?
When your children grow up and start into the world,
"on their own,” competition will be greater an da living
harder to earn.
It is just as much your duty to provide for their future
as it is their present, and every advantage and every aid
you can give them will make their life’s path smoother and
Take eduaticn for example-
You from your own ex­
p erien ce can see how valuable a good education is, even
The world makes room for brains, pays well for
Tomorrow a college education will be ab­
solutely essential to success. Just as essential as a high
school or a grade school education is today.
It is your duty to provide the necessary financial means
for higher education. By starting a savings account now,
and making small deposits you will be astonished how it
will grow into large funds—and make your children's
future a guaranteed success.
Start Today to Cultivate the Saving Habit
Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System
11th st Willamette
Commercial State Bank
Springfield, Oregon