U THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Ofi.FRANK CRANE SAYS 81 -rlngfleld. I-ane County. Orvgon, by • T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. B. MAXEY. EMitor.________________ u THURSDAY AUGUST 12. 192«! T m i apRlNOFtffl.n N* WP PAUB POD K »econd c U m m atter February M , I »01 at lha poatofftv*. BprtngfleM. O THE TRACK RUNS ON Eire M«ek«r Sends Book To Library hrailon The autographed bo«k 1» a FIREMEN TO PRACTICE The Springfield library ha« received copy of "Kate Mulhall, A H otuanoa o f TONIGHT W ITH TRUCK a book containing the ilgnalure of the Oregon Trail.•• It « » • • "•< through Hie mall with no other Identl- Tonight 9prln(fl*M*a new «re en­ Kara Meeker, nationally k n o w n flcatlun of the «radar other than the pioneer who 1« coming to Kugene thia gine will be taken out for a practice name written on Ihe fly leaf month to attend the Trail To Hall eeh- ! run with the volunteer crew In charge under the direction of J««« StulUon. i tire chief. The Bremen will be given 'an opportnlty to become («miliar with i their place» on the engine and the Out in the country the other day I stood on the hilltop and saw the railway track, like a allver sllter way new „ppurHiug works The 'hilltop M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T I g e a r la A d v an c e____$1.7® T h re e M o n th « ribbon, running away Into the distance. The sun enf|Be wm b„ taken to a place near Iks was — _ shlnglng -.i.t.. h brightly. r i ♦ lv I I <'fhiilH vo 2 a 1 tm in the high school »_.. ■ and — hooked ... ... M o n t h « _______________ » - » S in g le C opy - could perceive train to a . hyd­ many miles away At night I stood upon the rant an If In a real Are. The other T H l• K8DAY At’Ot’ST 1«. 192« same hill and could see the track only for a little nplmrM(UR wm a|> t>«» muni by the non distance; beyond that it was swallowed up in the |1() jbey wm gnaw how to u»e It in WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN shadows. Hut 1 kow that the track runs on. ra, # oi flre T here are high m om ents In life when we can rhw #r# enuy « a l fte u c í r u«y -t- the ----- vaujtnt i ne ore caught Are »love. The Are w« wus < sear the top of the Cascade range is conceded by revelations of those moments In our memory and not ,jani[„rcUg #nd wa» «oon put out M ountaineers to be one of the most beautiful and pjlXi through the fog and obscurity, trusting by íb ,.mic«l» from the new Are engine teteresting m ountain sections in the United ,nor,> to faith than to sight. « . . . Previous to ehl« actual demonstra- States. Nowhere can such a variety of scenery We cannot abide on the peaks. Most of our tlon of the efllclency of the new en­ be found as in the Three Sisters country. ¡journey is through the valley- gine. avverai test» had been given II at his his desk desk m mind by Jrgg gnjiaon. The Ar»t took place A road with an easy easy grade grade five five miles miles long, long The -p^e m erchant at m ust ust keep keep in in mind would tak e automobiles from the McKenzie high- jjjS larger plans even when details would d®ny 1 Thursday under the direction of the way at Prog camp to the foot of Collier glacier, them . insurance underwriter» from Portland the popularity popularity of of an an ice ice field field The The sailor go on ),r,, h,,ra , „ t the , be engine un One could imagine the sailor m m ust ust go on dead dead reckoning reckoning when who who W were her« to l«»t a mile wide and three miles long flanked with high there are uo stars by which he can set his course, der local conditions. At that test the peaks— when one could drive an autom obile with- Hut he knows the stars are still there. engine was found to more than fulflll in a few hundred yards of it- Build a road to Col-1 Even jn iOve we come all too rarely to the ,ht, c|alm> put forlb for ,, Her glacier and the Three Sisters will be the m ost| m ountains of transfiguration and most of the Tbr un » VWT rsu I a n or Y I mah B > K H L B g H C g i • SOM1 »HC $- BHOPC, MtOTHBU. The whole countryside is in v ite d to th e Diamond Jubilee Reception Saturday, August I4th from 8 to 10 P. M - prlor to the opening, Monday morning of the l * JVST HAD TO FIGHT Mother—"I thought I told you not to flg h t— and this boy a total j stranger!" Lad— "Well, mon. all me friends are away!" MONDAY» AUGUST 30 Monday, August 30. Tuesday. September, and Monday Septem ber 13, are the enrollm ent days for the regular Fall Term. It'd a good school, and the rates nre reasonable, and we will gladly tell you about it. Don't hesitate to ask. Eugene Business College EUGENE. OREGON A. E. Roberta, Urealdent Phone 066 992 Willamette St. ■M B saM m w Take Home a Quart On these more than hot sum m er afternoons and even­ ings—when you crave som ething tasty and satisfying som ething cool rem em ber FXiGIMANN'S ICE CREAM. A quart container of tills frozen goodness will make the whole family smile EGGIMANN’S The butcher has a hard time making both ends m eet CARD OF TH A N K S We, the bereaved numbers of the family of Mary Elizabeth Potter, wish to thank our friends foe the many ante of kindness expressed during the recent Illness of our wife and mother, and for the sympathy given us at the time of her death. The many flowers and- words of condolence were a great help in our recent loss. Elliott Potter Mrs. Glenn Anderson Mrs. Mae Lano Mrs. Elsie Irwin •••»... t Mrs Mollie Hacks •" Mrs Eva Nelson George Potter Clarence Potter Harvey Potter E E. Potter. Fit For a King W hether it Is Cor a light lunch or a full course dinner PERFECTION BREAD Is always baked good enough for a king's taste. A nice crispy brown loaf of Perfection looks gotxl and tastes better. The wise housewife depends on Perfection bread and pastries and she Is never disap|>oint<*d. THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY PerklnB Laxton Building FRED FRESE, Prop. Fifth St. Springfield Phone 66 CARD OF TH A N K S SALE ” We wish to expres« our sincere ap­ preciation to our friends who were so kind and thoughtful toward us during otlr recent bereavement Mrs. Stella Lybargnr Lela Lyburger A. M Stlffler and family. Year« in the serving^numths in the making A SALE THAT IS A SALE! ' L o w Fares to C alifo rn ia heralding the worth while things which emanate from the Schlesinger chain o f store« and the worth while things done here for Oregon. A tbrzroiigh ruhuraI and profeMional scholar ship is the outstanding tharto trristke of the State University P ortland’s Progressive Store invites you w ith a full heart and a glad hand V COME! Training it offtm tl in 22 departm ents o f th e C olleg e of L ite ra tu re . Science and th e A r t s . A rchitecture and A llie d A r ts — business A dm inistration — Educa­ tion— .Journalism—G radu ate Study — Law— M edicine— M u sic— Physi­ cal Education— Sociology— S o cial W o r k — Extension Division. 51st Year Opens September 27, 1926 hnr Information or catalogo« ufrltt The fívgittrnr, U nttfartltf of Oregon. F.ugene, Ore. Reduced roundtrip summer fares are now in effect. Plan your tr ip to C alifornia and take advantage of them .Tickets with 16-day lim it are on sale daily; also season tickets w ith O ct. 31 lim it at slig h tly higher c o st, permitting stopovers P our trains daily, including Southern Cali- fom ia Express d ir e c t via Sacram ento and Los Angeles. Soiathern Pacific C. OLSZN, A e n t