"— — . i. ■ ■■■• Passi led Ads ( buying oa saure» FOR BA L» OR T IM O R - V I a t o I I'hi-nograph and HO records. Fur good »hotgun mutt be In good condi­ tion. Pay difference If any. (ion C. Button, near Davenport'», W rit Springfield Call evrnlnga. AUK. 12-19 26 FOR HALE CH EAP— Floral 73« <1 Bt. I'h<>no 107J. Spray». HI FOR HAJ-K— llop B--ok» to keep pick- ara accounts la. Printed and In flock at Hu< New« Oflkto. FOR R E N T — 4 room houaa on .0, ■tract: with •lectrlct lights, «ewer- a*», Inald« toilet, cement walks. Inquire at Nawa office tor particu­ lar» tf. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H B S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T11K CO U N TY OF LANK, txialrc I McLean. i*talntlff. va. Duncan Mclx-an. Defendant. To Duncan McM-an. Defendant. IN T H B NAMF, O F T H E S TA TE O F ORBOONi You are hereby re­ quired to appear and anawer the complaint filed a DENTIST divorce from you and the custody, of o f the County Court o f the State 'of F tetos Wall < » *. L» neefa'Jtfst'antí pkoper. VaR the two minor children of the matrl- Oregon for the County of I-ane made This Summons is served upon you, portion 4 Tnasmnch an It In ennen Phoqe 43 age now In her care. and entered of record on ihe 16 day t ini (bat «aid a»->en»mdntk become ef- by publication thereof In the Spring Flret Nat’l Bank Bldg., 8prlngflold This «ummonn la ullshed once of‘ July 192», orddrfkg that (t ’ •aM 'ifsetlre .p t ‘an e*rb> data, a t erierrenev field NdWs, Springfield. Oregon, onou FRANK A. DFPUE each week for six conaeentlve week» nummons he publtkhed one •a rtt' ln O’XtWf^e fieriarefi To’ exJdt »fid -(hit. eafcb w d e t-fer 9fx Consecutive week» ATTORNEY AT LAW In the Springfield News, a weekly week for six consecutive and ccea- ordinance shall become effective from persuant to an Order of Hon. C. P. Newspaper published at Springfield. NOTARY PUBLIO alve weeka and t*e date of the first "n * mt»«»«» ¿ T council Barnard County Judge of Lane Coun­ T^tna County. Oregon by order of th» O r*'8on- made and entered July 21 publication w ill be Jnly IB’ l l , 1996 » " £ this ty, Button Bprlngfleld WM. G. HUGHES Hon. O. F. Sklpworth, Judge of the 4 . - t t " 1926, the flrat publication thereof 1» Buldllng Oregon. FIR B AND AUTO INSURANCE July 29. 1926 and the last publication above Court made July 1st, 1926. and Is dated and flrat published July 8th August 26th 1926 NOTARY PUBLIC i Anrroved hv thA M ayor this #th Say September 9, 1926. M. G. HOGB, F R A N K A. DE PUR 1926 of Animat 1926 Offleo nt A fish has been discovered that Attorney for Plaintiff, 632 W ill»nt W H IT T E N SW AFFORD, Attorney Attorney for Plaintiff. Attest. for the Plaintiff. Residence and Poet blushes During the bathing season . . FIRST ,r.w > . NATIONAL BANK O. O. BUSHMAN. ette BtreeL Eugene, Oregon. Residence. RprtngfleM. O re*o n ., R W SM ITH , Jl I t ; A 5-1F1F26: 8 M , Office Addrees. Eugene, Oregon 1t probably goes to mid-ocean and j Bprlngfleld, Oregon Mayor. Recorder Jnly I I . 22. 2«. Aug I. lS-JKN. Jl. 8-15-33-29; A. B -li, 1». stays there. WILLIAM DONALDSON icse-ÄCi »Sian. D. Wt. R oof SPR1N6FIELD GRAVEL CO. “The Loop