T w v m p r in o m t h n u t a s T H U R S D A Y A V G U S T 12. 192«» FAO « TWO Lane County Farmers Union News . O f f ic ia l p u b l ic a t io n l a n i c o u n ty u n it « o . M ________ —— ____________________ J Whoevor broadcases those santi mali od hy John ltrynu who Is fartnlng (Ito barley. Valley bvers are offering 1331 i nt eight o'clock don't know old tlray placo owaor by J. F Mooiw *'»• storie dv Uose.si for hetmehen Much of the barley of RANCH al» ut the modern kids bed Whoat front (ho HO acro tract thr> su­ mm h western Oregou is htghgrade milling Corra apon w day* ago for au exteuded visit the I'nlon High school No I In 1924 , this fail and intends to place the rest ket for purple vetch and hairy vetch In Washington. They expect to be 25. was visiting at the W L Itrlstow and- r a ditch next year. home this wek and calling on friends. , gone about a year. The water for the system will be remains firm. Red top and Kentucky bluegrass Andy Olson and sons. Alvin and Mr. aud Mrs. Muriel Dunn of Port- tak< n from a slough near the ranch seed are more abundant than lust toad visited relatllve* here last week. Henry, and daughter. Emma, left for and pumped into a ditch by a six Inch vear, while there is but a small crop Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weaver and son, a short vacation by automobile They centrifugal pump. Mr. Neher has of meadow w fescue . ' Roy and Miss Leota Stone arrived I’1»” to go over the W illamette past been leveling the land ho intends to 676 DEPARTMENT STORES Large quantities of common r y e ! Wednesday from California to >ni* wtalt Crater latke while away Irrigate and will plant tt to alfalfa. 942 Willamette St., Ktigene, Oregon. grass, with the cheaper bluegrass and visit Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver. Mr and Mrs. C. F. Hyde were at A combined system of dykes and red top, encourage a gixid deal of Loren Edmlston has purchased a their ranch Monday harvesting the ditches will be used to Irrigate the sowing on burned-over land this year ForJ coupe plums. They were aeclmpanled by place which is well suited to that form —— — —— — — jgrg Qenevlve Beaman who has Mr and Mrs Rower of Eugene. o f irrigation, haring a gentle slope N otices have been posted of a spec been quite 111 at the home of her GARDEN W AY when leveled. mother. Mrs. Beulah Harblt. has lot 1 meeting of Union high school dla trlct No. 1 to be heW at the high Honoring her guest. Mrs. W. W. proved enough to return to her work MARKET INTERPRETATION school building August 31 at 1 o'clock Larawood of Eugene who has been In Eugene. IS GUIDE TO PRODUCTION spending some time with her. Mrs. \V Mr. and Mrs. John EndlcotL Mr. P m to authorise the board to pro­ The yardstick by which the service of a retail H. Anderson entertained with a lawn and Mrs. Fred Gray and daughter, ceed on contemplated Improvements Wheat prices have held firm or ad­ party at her home Friday afternoon about the school The budget for the may u l d y be measured is the repeated rxi>ertence of vanced slightly, influenced by con­ The time was spent tn needle work E va Mr and Mrs. John Edmlston and ensuing year will be voted on between a customer in that (tore. children. Maude and James, Mr aud tinued dry weather in Canada. The and late In the afternoon refreshments the hour» of 3 and 7 p m remarkable Jump in price on July were served. Guests foy the • after­ Mrs. William Reutie and son. Herold. Rev. and Mrs W A. Elkins and Unfailing satisfaction with the quality of the gawds wheat at Chicago was the result of noon included. Mrs. W W Larawaad. Mr. and Mrs. Phetteplace and daught family are ramping up the McKenxIe era Verna and Eva; Dora and Harry tom e traders' being caught sh ort Mrs. Llchty and Mrs. John Larawood bought, with the amount of money saved, with the « - river. rather than of general market all of Eugene. Mrs. Helen Pierce of Calvert and Roy Never attended the Cooper and Swift have finished tent of the wear of the goods and with the courtewut strength. The bulge In prices was not Fresno. California, and Mra. Etta Sunday School group gathering at the their threshing run and have started flsh hatchery last Sunday from Thurs-1 attention received from the saleapaopto. deeignatee ffcfl reflected in the September or Decemb­ Chase. Mra March Chase and Mrs plowing ton. er futures The bureau of economics Florence Hardy. r»pA/ /to re to frodo. y 93rs. F Cooper has been elected Miss Dora Calvert from Junction indicates that bread grain supplies Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rae and family to teach in the Union high school No of the northern hemisphere, exclusive uad Mr. and Mrs. Don Raines and fam­ City is visiting relatives here. 1 next year taking the place of Mra This is the kind e f yardstick we invite yen to use Mrs. Bert Weaver was galled to of Russia, are likely to be less than ily of Chase Gardens left last Satur­ Kusaen Myers who recently banded In on this Store when you are making comparisons. last year. European buying is some­ day to spend their vacations at New­ Marshfield a few days ago by the Ill­ her resignation. ness and death of her mother. Mra what weak because of business con­ port Mra. Morton Rrlstnw and baby are W e would ieei a woeful lack of ability end disregard ditions. Mrs. T J Maxwell motored to Port­ Lafe Moore, who passed away last •gain at their home at Itexter Saturday. The body was brought to Germany has n new tariff on grains land last week with some frlenda tor our responsibility if this Store /ailed in any way to which raises the ratee ii o s ' . s . » 1< v. Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Bailey and Eugene where the funeral was held measure up to that point of satisfaction where your Rye production as repv.-’ed to late. daughter. Dorthea. accompanied by ¡*1 V eatcha Chapel Monday afternoon o ffic e r s of la n e c o u n t y • every visit here is made both enjoyable and profitable. Mrs Bailey s father. Mr Mounts, and 3he leaves to mourn her loss, her Is substantially below that of last f a r m e r s - u n io n • i two nephews, motored to Franklin last husband and one daughter and one years. , Feed grains have strengthened Tuesday, where they visited friends grandson besides many other relatives • C W Allen, Vida. ITeaident. W e aim to serve you always by deeds performed • i ad a host of friends. sligh tly in response to lower esti­ and relatives. W. I Seal«. Eugene. Vlce-Preil- • rather than by mere promises That we are succeeding W. H. Anderson spent a tew d a y s ; Anda Calvert and daughter, Ella, • dent. m ates than last year for oats and , is proven by the fact that our enmhined 745 L- ,rci motored up from Junction City last • Betty M Kappauf, Cottage Grove • basley In the United States snd Can­ in Portland last week on business. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Chase and Sunday and visited relatives here will do over a hundred million dollar business tlu . year. a d a and because ol unfavorable • Secretary.Treasurer. • I Mrs. Claude Yancey from Newberg Walter Morgan. Creswell. Conduc * I weather for corn. Portland is quot­ children returned last week from a , 1 ing about 328 per ton for barley. San vacation trip at Crater and Diamond and Mrs. Joe Hill from Hillsboro • tor. ! visited friends here th i first of the Francisco up to 335 per ton on milling Lalçes. H H Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep- • , week. Mrs. Yancey resided here four­ • er. . I • O. L. Clement. Wa terville. (T up • teen years ago. Carl Smith from Ncwoort visited * • ■•In. . - J. A. NEHER TO IRRIGATE Community News Judge By Evidence - Not Heresay! friends in Thurston tVeuuesday. Word was received he hy friends of Mr. ami Mrs. Tedd • Leavitt that a sen was born to th» n A gnat 6 at Newberg, Oregon. Hop Pickers, Fruit and Bean Pickers, Attention! FARM REMINDERS The value of thinning w lnesa- apples In the Milton-Freewater flu. trlct was shown In testa supervised by the state college extension service WInesaps on reaching mature age tend to produce small fruit If unthln ned Results of the test showed prac­ tical value of thinning as much as six Inches or more. This Is particu­ larly true where good grades and high color are required. Get a nice big roast from us, cook it up in the evening and slice it cold for your lunch in the open. Hard work requires good nourishing food. There is nothing so nour­ ishing as meat. We also have all kinds of cooked cold meats ready to serve. You’re never disappointed with any meat you buy here. GOOD SERVICE, COURTEOUS TREATMENT Independent Meat Co. Phone 63 G ood N ew s For Springfield Housewives The Marvelous NEW The cost of producing feeder lambs under conditions prevailing In the fall of 1925 with wool at 40 cents a pound was 39 24 per hundred weight accord­ ing to investigations by the experi­ ment station. Under the same condl- alons the cost of producing early lambs was 39 90 per hundered weight. 4th & Main St. HOP PICKERS EASY Washer Now can be yours on very Easy Terms -If you act promptly! Bee colonies located on a site with good drainage and protected from prevailing cold winds has proved moat sccessful in Oregon In tests conducted by the college extension service. Bees eat more stores when cold winds strike wet hive». Windbreaks on the north and west are especially good In Oregon. The hive» do not face the prevailing winds. If Oregon creameries would form I ' group organizations principally t o standardize manufacture and anle of | their products It would he possible to FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY DOWN ■ reduce the coats of selling, says the experiment station. This would also establish their products on the mar­ ket In a way certain to give them a | more permanent relation to the con- I suming public. i WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCER­ IES AND HOME VEGETABLES, LUNCH GOODS, ETC. Hop picking days are here bringing with them the usual demand for supplies—in a hurry. You will find them here and find us hustl’ng to get them out to you. Make our «tore your headquarter for your hop picking needs. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME TOWN PHONE 9 - WHITE Hungarian vetch is the beat vetch j for Oregon lands rather low. flat and ) poorly drained, experiment station (testa show. It also trlves better than ! other vetches on the acid soils of the J W illamette valley. It ig a good yleld- er of hay and silage and produces seed of good quality. It Is rather liner stemmed than common vetch and appears to retain Its leaves better. CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery on prices on plate and other work. U $10 For a Limited Time only We are making a very Special Offer of anly $10 down and the balance in payments you will never miss! The new Easy Washer is the last word- ..It washes and dries at the same time! Speedy! Compact! Efficient! Safe! Mountain States Power Co. Come In Today ! NOW ! Springfield, Oregon Phone 58 Get An Easy Washer On Easy Terms