V. ° h i ¿'ary THE HOAD TO 8UCCH8B IS I’AVED | WITH ADVERTISING THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS STREET DANCE AND I ■ W inged Feet .S o c ie ty ORNAMENTAL LIGHTS ON FIFTH MAY BE GRANTED! A NEW SPAPER L IV E TO W N LEI SEN SIDEWALK CONTRACT IN GII) D augherty Indicted Syatam In clu d e Bloch B ttw a a n and L IV E IN --------------------------------------------------------------- C itir a n * C a ll on C ou ncil A skin g th a t M a in A NUMBER 32 HPRINOEIEED, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY AUGUST 12, 1926 TWENTY-THIRD YEAR T I » Faepiea Pipec" A. TWO LOCAL GIRLS MARRIED SATURDAY! The block between Main and A. Briyya and Doty Successful Bid­ street on Fifth may also be Included ders; Foreclosure on Deliqu- A very pretty double wedding took In tbe ornamental street lighting dia- ent Property to be Started; place last Saturday evening at 11:30 trlct when the new light* are Instal­ Council Will Study Plan for at the home of the Reverend Hugh led tbla fall by th e Mountain States Sewer Extensions. Uowertnan of 18»2 Oak »treet, Eugene, Power company. A delegation of all bu»lne*a men and property owner* wheu two Springfield girl* were unit-( The contract for two miles of cem­ ed In marrlalge to two young men along the block palled on the cou n cil' Arrangement* ter the carnival to ent sidewalk to be built at various from the neighboring town of Oo»h«n.; ia»t Monday night and b.. held on Fourth street Haturday places In town to replace board walks Mia* Delia Clark became the bride j aeetton be Included. Their request niitht »re about completed, according waa ordered let to Brigg* and Doty, Har-. -< L Daugherty, former U of bale Cornelius and Ml** Ruth Hal « a s promised consideration provided to da wall! Olson. general chairman In I local contractors, at tbe meeting of S Attorney General and political tou the bride of Sidney Help After I they would bring In a petition a* was charge of the celebration, lie prom­ the council Monday n igh t Their bid power ha* been indicted for alleged u abort wedding trip the young peo-Jdone on Main »treet. the «een» » « h e W a y . ise* a good time to be In atore tor two During fraud in connection with the <7,- was tbe low est being 14 cents a long standing werW’e «cord* pie will return to make their home*. Four more light* will be needed If, 000,000 American Meial Product« all «ho attend Honielhlng la pro­ www trampled beneath the flying square foot fo , sidewalk, 40 cent« a In lain» county. Mr. and Mr*. Cornel- ; (jje request I* granted at the next Co Emory Buckner la pushing vided for everyone. Thoae who do (Mt »f Roland Locke, stor track­ cubic yard for excavating and 41 a ..............will bring the Investigation that lua will be at home to their frielnd* meeting of the council. The addition­ not care to dance «III be entertained man ef the University of Nebraska. cubic year for filling. The J. W. ederal Daugherty betöre the utter August 14 at 1842 Oak street. al coat of the Installation and electric­ by the carnival to be hold In conjunc- Locha ran th* 830 yard dash lo the Swope Construction company bid a Grand Jury remarkable time of 10 end 6-10 seo- ity »111 be about 4240 a year. The Eugene. tlon with the dance. Several new onda Hl* • awl H O tor Uw e c » few cents higher. The successful bid­ property owner* declared their block features are promteed. but details era «ury aleo cela a new m art der* built a similar amount of walk was becoming one of the principal HEALTH OFFICER WARNS CHRISTIAN CHURCH b o n g withheld s* a aurprlae on the In Springfield last year. AGAINST TYPHOID FEVER T o Foreeloaa on D e lin q u e n t P ro p e rty TO HOLD PICNIC business center* In town and merited) night of the event. Enough la known the same consideration aa Main j — o f the plant however, to Indicate (hat LABOR DAY CELEBRATION The city attorney was Instructed to A warning against carelessness In The annual Sunday school picnic of street, especially a . Fifth atreet was every minute will he enjoyed. a l.o a main entrance thoroughfare to use of drinking water w a . laaued this start foreclosure at once on all p r* COMMITTEEMEN NAMED the Christian church will be held next , ilu fu r d Roach's orchestra lie* been week by Health Office, W. H. Pollard, perty on which there are delinquent Sunday at the city park with sp e c ia l, the town obtained Io provide Hi« music tor the There Is danger of typhoid fever a t'd u and no interest hag been paid. Plan* fOf the Labor bay celebration alreet dance to be held oppoalt* the nt Wendilng under the 4L auspice* music and an orchestra In attendance this time of the year, especially as It Many delinquent property assess- Itoth Sunday school and church ser CRANE GANG ARRIVES Poal Office. Carnival equipment ha* T O lAIODK O N B R ID G E dr’’ year and the r,Ter *’ ,aW' n* Dt8 ha” beeD ra 'd ’ ,nCe the C° an' wore furthered at a meeting at Wcndl Vices will be adjourned from the be< n obtained from the American 1-*- Ing Thursday night, attended by a TO W O RK ON B K I U j t doctor stated ell started Its campaign to clear up church to the picnic and held there. limit la aet tor the nuiulx r of Halt A ccid en t B en efit» to be T a k e n The plan* of financing the affair special singing and other music. Fol ! w l|, bp uged t0 help other cran,. typhoid The three eases of typho one may catch at the flah pond, ac­ Workmen’» compensation will bo haa not yet bee* figured out. but W. lowing the services, a picnic lunch . have occurred In Springfield th gtePi g|rpn |nMaUed are requested to attend to make final * _ . _ _ , C. M. Dillard. Oeorge Cox A C. I*d-1 ease. The number of men having the tions asked for a special election to arrangements for the celebration )' * '" -™ - — a« c — - - - , A combined picnic of the Eastern ----- disease in vaccinated regiments w a s.b e held at the time of the general Friday night the members of the , 'lloord an<1 M A- N ea t Dillard. Cox sta r and the Masonic lodge* wa* held MRg m s o v o n T T P D Big Time Promised At Com­ bined American Legion And Ladies Civic Club Celebration Saturday At Fourth Street; Committee Meeting Tonight. Tuesday night at the city park, near FUNERAL SUNDAY T«ry ,ower than ,n tho8e n°‘ e,ect‘on in NoTemb«r to TOte on vaccinated. trunk sewer bonds. On the suggest- tha ln(lu„ riai About thirty Typhoid vaccination lasts from tw o'ion of th m ayo, that a drainage ea- |ocal people were In attendance and The ^ ,„ ,,.1 of Mrs. Mary Elisabeth to three years and is not hard on th e.gin eer be called in to locate the prop- igp<.nt , he e r e „ |ng and Pottpr of w altervllle was held Sunday ® I'o iT P r OT V\ B i i r r v i i i e u e iu o u u u o j — ----- --- z . - . . terUInment* Picnic lunches were morning at 10 00 o'clock at Walter- person taking It. said Dr. Pollar . er place for new run ’ ■ ,akPn hy , gupper Rpvpr(>nd O, gon o( Three shots of serum are n eeded., the idea of future Installation of a ' _ - from ____ five to «*>«*»*» n f lr t . H © 1 SPW PrRFP disposal diR DO Sal n la il f the D«?tlt’ . Ott» seven tNav« days n apart. He sewerage plant, petition, at gpyen Eugene conducting the services. In­ believes the vaccination to be the ! were tabled. The council feels that it ternm ent »«« In the Mount Vernon best way to prevent the disease. f is only a question of a few years until Visits Parent« Here CITY WATER SAID TO cemetery. Those not vaccinated should drink the city will be compelled to quit Mrs. Joe Lemmons, of Portland, has Mrs. Potter was an old resident of BE FREE FROM GERMS pr*8” p boiled water. dumping sewerage In the river. mmlttee chairmen named for the qrrlved In Springfield and Is visiting W altervllle. having lived an the family -— j A petition for another fire hydrant Recent tests of the city water sh o w < <,'l' *'ril,l<’n arP »Potts, John I ut, ,11. hpr parPnta> Mr and Mrg j obn w in- place continuously for forty years. ™ nnr.. Wendilng; ground». H. B Bailey irnreld. œ u n V ^ « from N rtra m 'in 'H M SPRINGFIELD MEN LIKE on W illamette heights was tabled a. It to be free from bncterta and pure,. . 7 _ „ . LEGION CONVENTION it was said that the two-lnch main on *« i i a •» Wendilng; finance. Frank Crawford, a c c o rd in g to o ffic ia l» o f tb e M o u n ta in , -— .............. - ■■ sh e was 73 years of age at the time --------- the heights would not supply sufflè!- S la te . Power company The w * t» I . , Ru«e M - danc’ s k '"""r- Visiting In Springfield—Mr. and of her death on August 6. She was a Springfield members of the Amer! eut water. The council will take up tested at the Oregon Agricultural col «PrlngflckL Program. F. h F o R .,, Mrs. C. T. Tbaralson. of Lowell. Mon- member of the Christian church and _ , „ . ,, , , . > ... . . . . . !,..n I.erion who attended the conven- with the Mountain States Power con»- l.g e hy bacteriologists. .Two tests W”nd!!n«: >'arklnr; „ ,l W bk‘. , . Inna, are visiting Mr and Mrs A J tf,,. Women of Woodcraft at Walter .<»” l - W " WI"’ . ...» t,on at Marshflehl are unanimous in pany the possibility of putting a larg- made on July 2d and one on AugU'it 2 Wendilng; stands. G. C. Smmer; cof Morgan on W illamette heights this vtlle Mrs Potter Is survived by her hus-' declaring the convention the best er main on the heights. fee, Sherman Fields. Wendilng; nurs­ week. ahowed the local water pure. The new fire engine will be equip* band. E l.o tt Potter: four sons. George one ™ thev thev ever ever attended. The Coos A test of a local well water made at ery. Mrs. lflcketrelr, Wendilng: bar- the same time showed It to be con. be> "«■ K Kooch. Springfield; and Pub JEWELRY , REPORTED . u», and Clarence Potter of Culp : | Z hlcb w « ‘ the hearts o , t h e e reach any house on the hill, the chair- It — I*«« D. Ik W. 11* M —V Inn«« , Hetty. McKinnon. tamlnated. STOLEN SATURDAY « ar^ '’(’',Pr <* E Ert! « the Convention man of the fire and water c o m m it« . Potter of Slltoose. Washington: a n d 'a t^ V ° H™ “ aid .''It w a. the first reported. He said tb it the d.strtcf SPECIAL PASSES OVER No action has so far resulted from five daughters, Mrs. Glenn Anderson convention I ever attended where now had fire protection for the flrat Wendilng Man 8*11* Fann C. F NEW S P CUT-OFF the thelf of Jewelry reported Saturday Springfield; Mrs Mae Lane of Culp Starr of Wendilng has sold his farm ! everything took place exactly as it time. He also said1 that the hydrant afternoon by Mis* Zelphla Sneed. At , Creek; ................... Mrs. Elsie . . Irwin near that place and Is moving to . . of Walter advertised and’ where everything on the hill could be used, as the new A special train bearing Klamath piR(,tly on t,me It wag tbp p„mppr wtn draw water out of t h . Hprlngfield this week. An Item In a Falls and Eugene celebrants of tbe that time Miss Sneed had a local boy!»IHe: Mr*. Mollie Hucka of ^ lnbury under suspicion and reported him to and Mrs Eva Nelson of Toppn«b. thp AmPrlcan Legion mains even when the pressure 1. v e ry Eugene paper Io the effect that he completion of the Natron cut-oIT went best convention the American Legion Twenty-two g r a n d w a . looking for a service station de , lhro(lgh g pringfield Saturday at 2:20 th police. J. J. Harbaugh, Juvenile Washington. ever had. There was more construct- ■ low. luge«l him with offers, four letter* he , p M from Ranh, ad. where they had officer of Eugene Investigated the af- children and five great grandchildren Ive legislation passed than ever be-1 ----------- _ ¡o r e , LIONS CLUB SELECTS Ing received at his W endilng address I ,„ p WPddlng of Mlgg Kugen„ Saturday n ig h t and h«d « local «>«> »»rvlve her. and two hero In Springfield b esid es. K,ng Klamath A goldpn gptk„ wag boy up for questioning whose name he Those attending from Springfield DELEGATES FOR MEET of Charle* Grant Burled two call» In p©r»on. Mr. 8tarr han driven, murk In < the completion of the i r*^URe^ io divulge. au0 ■were; Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly. Carl, President John Ketels and Harry Today rented the house belonging to Mr. A. new n_„ line bteween the two towns ! Miss Sneed claim s to have seen a The funeral of Donna Jane Grant Sensensy, Jack Larson, and Jess g (Pwarj oj (be Lions club were select- „ . . . . i hoy climbing out of a window of her F Flower* on Fourth street. Twelve cars. In. Ind ng an Observa aatunlRy , ftPrD an , ¡daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meets. j ed at tbe m eeting Friday to attend Mrs. M. B. Huntly was elected as district council of the club to tM 1 h'l' h*"" t'° '" V fr th H'< "r im enle" ln v«stigati°n to have missed three p Grant of Thurston was held at the d a wMch Thp JpwP, ry had w alk er Undertaking Chapel th.s alternate delegate to the national con -, bejd y je Eugene Hotel S u d n ay , Hurt By Log— Earl Briggs of Fish­ which retu rn ^ from tho c e r , ^ B l e . J rtn^ Eleven of the coaches came ventlon of the Ladles Auxiliary at Auggt jg xij jjjP officer* of the O r* er's mill wa* hurt Monday afternoon ° ' been left In the room, while she was morning at 10 o'clock. Internment Philadelphia this fall. She will go t o , gop district will convene to discus« when a Ing rolled on hint, hitting hH from Klamath Falls the other going, Jn gnoth roonj Ij#(pr lg was In the Laurel Hill cemetery, head and also breaking a bone In hl* <” '• to Ratlheml from Eugene ®aturda^ eUlmed. (he same boy tried to sell Donna Jane Grant wns 10 years old the convention In case Mrs. Oeorge ol | cureent business at this meeting. 1 A report w as heard from, the par- wrist. He was take to the P a clfle, morning. This special Is the first I She died at the Pacific Chrlstlaln h os-, Salem cannot attend som e Jewelry down town. Christian hospital. I passenger train to make the entire ! ade committee of the club regarding I pltal -Tuesday morning. Besides her _____________ J trip over the new route. Wtork trains ¡the float Springfield is to enter In th« j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. STATIONS ON NATRON Visit Snow Field* ! and passonger roaches hooked io work LINE ARE ANNOUNCED Trail to Rail celebration. M I t Donald Young. Eugene attorney, and Grant, she is survived by a brother, Back F ro m P is h in g T r ip Ja m es (ra in g bayp g(l„ P over the road before — ' Peery was a guest at tbe meeting. H E. Maxey, editor of the Springfield J- Frances, and a sister, Margery and Charles Pumpery returned from but no complete passenger train. Names of eight new stations on the i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ News, spent last Sunday In the T hree, Mary. a fishing trip on South Fork and the Natron cut-off line have been announ Naw Houses On Willamette Height« Sisters region, visiting W hite Branch, ' Mc.Kenile river*. They report that ced by the Southern Pactfir compay j Three new houses have been recent- lava creek, the Obsedlan cliffs, Oilller - M «- Emma Grant Diss Wsdnesday the fishing w as poor. Those using BOY SCOUTS TO Glacier and Little Brother peak B oth ' Mrs. Emma Brant of Etna. Callfor- The stations above Oakridge will b e 'ly butlt In the Willamette Height« boats seemed to have the beat luck. HIKE SATURDAY men have climbed the Three Sisters nla died at the Pacllc Christian hospl- McCredle, Prior, Fields, Frasier. Aber-1 district and are now completed or In provlous years and are familiar tai In Eugene Wednesday, August 4, nsthy, Cascade Summit, Odell Lake nearly so D. W. McKinnon has hl« A hike and overnight camp 1* plan­ Man Injur*«—Carl Hansen, who with the country. They report C ollier1 aged 76. Sh lg survived by a son, and Crescent Lake. Section houses ! new place half painted and will finish work* at the Davis and Davl* mill ned by the Boy 8couts of Springfield glacier has more crevasses than us- Harry Grant, of Etna and three will be located at all these places and It this week. The house Is an ollv« was hurt Saturday morning when he for Saturday under the direction of nal this year. The large Ice field I s ' daughters, Mrs D. Berry and Mrs depots -will be at McCredle, Odell and (green. slipped and a big log rolled over him. Walter Gossler, Scout Leader. The | TT’*' A. F. Flowers home Is waiting badly broken up, some of the cracks Emma Mills of Etna, and Mrs. Bertha Cascade Summit. He was badly bruised' but no bone* boys are going to go up the Coast Odell lake I* expected to be t h e ' for the plastering, which Is retarded being a mile long and over 109 feet Cook of Wendilng. The body was Fork of the W illamette and camp out were broken. popular summer playground when the for lack of water. At present water shtpped to Etna for burial. that night at the John Seavoy hop deep. new line Is In o p e«tlon , according to has to be hauled to the place to finish They will take their pup Maks Ready For C »l«b«tlon— A com­ ranch. Mrs. Dleksy Buried Her» 8unday L. L. Graham, district freight and pas the work. The hose was given a coat On Vacation— Dale Flowers left tents and camping ntflts with them. m ittee of about six men from the senger a g e n t A lease on a hotel J of paint Sunday. The funeral of Mrs. Lout* Elisa Monday morning on a two weeks vaca- Both troops met last Monday even­ Booth Kelly mill here are going to tlon and trip through Eastern Oregon ’ Dickey was held Sunday at 11:30 A. and cabin site at the upper end of. Nelson Fisher Is progressing with ing at the High. School grounds and W endilng tonight to help the Wendl- and Washington. He Is going to visit M. at the Walker Chapel with intern- Odell lake has been taken by Allen the building of his house to replace Ing men clear t l « »rounds for the had #a baseball game. The hoy* sel­ In Bend. Pendleton, Spokane, and ment In the Mount Vernon cemetery. Wtlcoxen, of the Elk Lake resort near ¡the one burnt down this summer. He ected two teams with William Cox labor day celebration. Bend, and he has started to Improve will have It complete within a short and Thayer McMurray, captains. The Portland before returning to Spring-¡The Reverend F. L. Moore of Spring- the property. ! time. field. i field conducted the services. side lead1 by William Cox won 8-1. Visit At Albany—R. W. Alber* and - . I. ■ [ l Mr«. Dickey died at Jasper Friday family went to Larwood’ near Albany H e rs From Culp C « e k —Mrs. Wll- Back Frem Poittand— Mrs. Georgia V isits Emory*—Miss Abbie M sssee night at the age of 86 years. She Is Baby Girl Born— Mr. and Mrs. to spend the day with Mrs. Albers' llarn Paft«n of Culp Creek was In GrifBs and daaghter. Gladys returned of Portland arrived Friday for a visit survived by her husband W. M. parents today. They were accompan­ Harry Parks are the parents of a baby of a few day* at the home of Dr. and Dickey of Jasper and a cousin, Albert Springfield Thursday for a short this week from at trip of a few daya ied by Mrs. Albers sister who ha* girl, born Friday evening. The baby time. .to Portland. Mrs. N. W. Emery. Bartlett of Springfield. weighed six pounds. been visiting them here. American leg io n will meet on Fourth and •,« ’d ‘‘ » rd » « on ■ commute« street to build the stan d , for the car- named by tbe Springfield 41. to co nival. The comm ittee In charge operate with the Wendltng 41. In ar w is h es every member Of ranging the cwtebratlon Neat a nd u ir n iu v r t capable a jm u ip wa «elid in g a saw and hammer to be p re-,c<” represented the local 41. hospital th the erection of the committee which was to have confer- »« nt. to help with 1 v-a*/4 if H th*» « tt H11 n o’ h (» a r\ltn l elm Ini red * with the IV Wendilng hospital ntstidw. mlttee. This committee did not meet as the Wendilng members were not j a