TlIURRDAY AUOÜHT R. 1i»2rt THF, SPRINGS ¡FLO NF.W8 page s r .; «m g Hw Confessionsj o fa new irire - — IWroWbíMuihM. (jjodysBalur AN ATTEMPT AT PLEASURE repulsed hlm. hut only «fier « elrenu l'tt» effort. Kille sud Donald Clam- •>nl* had «one on io another cabaret a ft,r I had naked to be taken heme, pleading that I was tired I felt that I could never again be the happy-go-lucky- person that I had been before I had felt the Influence of Curtiss. Even the conversation of ¡th is crowd aeemed to be on auother piano of existence and thrlr one am hit Ion In life was so obviously the pur suit of pleasure t'h. If I had only re- 1 ntalne.l with Curtiss! Perhaps, after I all there might be some explanation of his behavior, frr surely. I reasoned C u rtiss, with his high code of morals 1 Bh,ch h" h»’’ »»«»»»•'» ,h-' Why shouldn’t I go on out. after my dull summ er, and have a rtbr,‘ -,f n;-' being «• ui i not. him little pleasure? Surely Curtiss had apparently enjoyed himself..»»'if b wllty of an affair »uh mi during those long, dreary days, in the society of Letitla Evans. " lh,'r woman, th en too. I knew that Ellie had rem arked that Curtiss, himself, was probably looking som etim es things look uglier than about for a bit of diveraon and although 1 was sure that she spoke th,‘> really are -and yet. i questioned of men in general, she had possibly been correct in her supposition wh>- couldn t he make * o’.eau for, right at that m oment, he m ight have been with Letltia Evans. Jbrea!“ of th,‘ »Ruation—end why had Thoughts of the freedom they now had of seeing each other made he ,e< me com* ln ,hl* me most unhappy and yet 1 had known th a t this situation would Life was indeed complicated and I. exist when I had made nty decision to leave Curtiss for the tim e who had only tasted its sw eetest poi- being. He had said that I should have faith in him when we last i«*n. was now cousdmm of a «harp discussed the problem and yet it would have been too hum iliating sting which seemed also hidden in it» to stand quietly by and thus lend acquiescence to this inexcusable fairest flowers. flirtation. I Property Sold— K II Dunn li«* «old lliuv In lh» mountains «n a camping pleasing Curii*«." "You know I'm not, Kille I uutan i hl* pince In West Springfield near the trip. non» of u» really have freedom. W efovrrhead > rosslug Io John Tehee, who are alt Inexorably bound to some I comas to HprlnrAetd from Washing »•nil HALE Carbon paper la largo The properly consisted of a I sheets, Jitx'tS Inches, suitable to* other person or persona and what we ton making tracings Tb« News tlffloa do I* bound to re-act on their Uvea a« three acre track well aa oura Some of the ancient To North Oakota—Ml»« P"«rl N-l philosophera declare that the Itliallty of everythin« la FREEDOM They non Islt July IT for tlordunvllle. North hold that none of ua are really free Dakota to visit her «taler. Whose bus Mis« Nelson plans here and I bellvva It, too. now that I band died lately Io have her sister return with her to am o ld er’’ "Have pity on my aching head and Springfield. W. F. Walker Funeral Director don't make me think. Salllo,” pleaded Elite, "and learn- of all do I dealra a lecture on duty.“ 't in not pteachiu« and you know It I'm Just trying to explalu why I can t get a kick out of these wild parti««." Ellie sat up and pointed a slender finger In my direction. All trace of frivolity had gone from lie .eatures "I'd like to make a prediction. You'll chaange your views before Christmas and thank your star* that you're here Instead of in lllrnih gham watching Curtlsa and hl* Letltia Evans having their clandestirs love with you sitting slleutly by In prideless humiliation." Perhaps I would hear from Cudtlsa. (To be continued) • These jealous suspicions battled down my first impulse which Tomorrow’s mail might bring a letter had been not to go on the party paired off with Howard Wood urging me to return and an eaplana- H o w doss E llis k n o w a ll th e d s ta ila while Ellie had a date with Donald Clements. But. a fter all. I now tlon of his recent aberration Until of S a llis 's d o m e stic problem s? Io it so g e n e ra lly k n o w n th a t aha argued, perhaps I needed a little attention and certain it was th at this did happen it would be impos could have heard of It th ro u g h a 1st- 1 had wanted, m any tim es during th e summ er, to be assured th at sibie for me to return, for. turning 1 was not hopelessly unromantic*—1 recalled the words of Letltia. back would be a mute admission that Was it possible. I wondered, if I had allowed myself to get into a i would be aatisfled with the old con run of provincialism and th a t this sort of life, for a little while, dition». .No. I would stay on. even 1 0 0 0 VOICES IN was the very thing I needed though I could not become a part of On Vsostlon—Carl Olson. Will be absent at the Southern Pacific depot for the next three works as his vnea lion began Monday Mr Olson «til family are going Io spend part of ihe aSS Main SI. •S J It - s ld e l ie e 12ft ( ’ HI «2 M Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant A Pure Sweet Thought W s fs sl so d s rn so rry fo r o u rselves th is m o n th th a t w» have ordsrsd a nlcs n e w M a rty r's H a lo from W rig h t's H s r d w s rs «tors and a im to w ssr It arou nd th s stors R E G U L A R L V I W »*vs heard so m uch ta lk on wacatlon fro m fo lk s w h o'vs gwas o r who a r» g o ing th a t it's got o u r g o a tl N o w wo r e g c le g to T R Y and u rt Y O U fo lk s to spend some o f your v a c a tio n m oney H E R E so’s m s b b t W E can ta k e a w ss sm a' v a c a tls n our- SELVES! Is T H A T a th o u g h t to bs snesrsd’ a t and upon? So If you w ill plssss look o v e r those Ite m s we got lis te d bees and th a n flg g e r th« th in g s yo u're going to assd th a t you can buy h a re — ws M A Y bs able to pinch off a lit tle r a t r a coin and ta k e a bu gg y rld a o u rselves. S tr u t yo u r s tu ff! OS EUGENE PAGEANT i thia gay crowd of Ellie’s choosing Al­ The party was over. It was was the line from Othello— “O. God. thougr It required great courage I Travellers Strange Germt! three o’clock in the morning and I that men should put an enemy In Eugene. Ore.. Aug 6— Eva Rich- must be firm in my resolution Medicine Chest! Liable lo meet them frequent their mouths to steal away their i mond. prominent mezzo soprano of sat before the aressing table taking ('tunes in a wea case like a Doc­ The next morning I was In the liv­ when you are away from home Be­ down my hair and staring at myself brains!" But luckily for me 1 did not ing room, reading one of the new New York will sing the solo parts In tor carries. yet It's a real First ing strange to them they may take the pageant "Klatawa" to be pr uced AID hit. There’s not • uuf i»f any a dislike to you and cause you in the mirror. I had not had the good say it! novels which Ellie had recommerded ONE tiling to lake ta r e of a pro trouble A morning and evening What had come over me? lure at the Trail to Rail celebration time I rad expected and. being ever- when nty hostess made her appear­ tla, I d -pell of »Itkn- •»» bul It's throat and rasa) gargle with a solo Where was the laughing care-free was announced by J It Raley, page analytical. I gearcheed around for the m lty complete for a Into» I anything ance. tlon of Itorasepllne lays 'em low' reason. I had tried with all my might Sallie th at had romped and played i ’’Just you wait until I see Howard ant manager, after a series of confer­ you'd have happen lo you Bpl- lull Costs ISc for enuf to kill 7,R7S.iSS. ences with the dramatic soloist. for home use tool Price f.T 00 to enter into the spirit of the party with FJIie °n these same kind of <71.MS germ s- all sorts* Wood." she announced. ’’I'm going Following a prolonged concert tour SPECIAL T H IS W EEK! although, in spite of their coaxing. I parties before I was married? Had to murder him for feeding us that 35 had refused to drink the gingerale ’ Curtis» made me over so thoroughly of the east. MI»« Richmond recently 1*111111 Olive Shaving ('renin boot-leg Scotch which he was recom­ »1.00 highballs which Howard Wood mixed for him self that it was impossible for returned to this state to rest Learn G illette itu io r mending so highly. Compared with It Ing of the originality of the pageant surreptitiously from a flask which he ™e to be congenial with these gay Total '»far. BOTH FOR 35c poison would be a tonic to the produced from his pocket. All the young pleasure-seekers? Oh. I loved anil Its depiction of the development system ! The only reason I even no get yoiim Now. Only 72 Hein no el ring« to It of Oregon »he became Interested In while there was gomething straining 901 made the effoort to keep on living was After studying the at my heart strings—som ething that I realized now that nowhere on because It faintly dawned on me that Its production even guarded my tongue and kept me -arth but In his arms lay peace and you were here and I’m a bum enough music of Klatawa with Ihrofeasor W from contributing anything to the ris- happlsess and protection I think the hostess as It Is." she concluded. en- F G Thocher. author, and Mrs Doris 5th and Main que conversation. They asked me for reason I thought of protection was be- sconsing herself on the divan and ad­ Smith, directress of the pageant. Miss Richmond consented to play Haraja- a toast but when I looked around at cause on our ride home In a taxi, justing a few silk pillows. wea. a prominent character In the their excited eyes and flushed faceg Howard Wood had tried In his In- ‘‘I’m sorry you urank It. It Just Is­ show. all I could th’nk of for the life of me. ebriated condition, to kiss me. I had n't worth fooling with. Is It?" with a Miss Richmond Is a native of the sidelong glance at the lit effects It state. Following a course of musical had had on Ellie. training in Portland she went to New "Oh yes It Is. If It’s Just half way York where continued progress In her | decent. 'Cause jrou see It takes some­ vocal study won her admission to the j True education combines theory snd practice, and Its goal la service thing more than a good floor and direction of Yeatman Grllfleh. After * Oregon's Land Grant College affoids Ihe liberal training essential lo music to pep up a party." a success fnl season In New York and ! personal cultnre and civic efficiency, combined with special training "I didn’t take any and I'm glad of Brooklyn concerts she returned to the for leadership in Helds vital lo modern life. IL" I repeated west and last year made a brilliant “I guess I know it! I said 'pep up Basic and G eneral T raining— ! debut In Portland. Since then she ,a party’—you certainly aren’t kidding has Ailed c o n c e r t engagem ents! In the School of Basic Arts and Sciences and the depsrtnnn!» i yourself that you added any merrl- of Industrial Journalism, the Library, Physical Education, and throughout th country. ¡ ment to the occasion, are you dartin'? Music. Her Interest In the pngennt hinges j Honestly Sallle-Alley. I don’t want to largely on the character portrayal of Technical and Special Training— be catty, but you would have been a Sacajawea. Indian maiden whose tra i With curricula leading to the bachelor's degree In the school of hug« success at the Young Peoples’ glc history Is woven Into the pag-nnt j AGIU (.'ULTI RE HOME ECONOMICS Temperance Vnlon." , by Professor Thacher. This part will | MILIÌ ARY SClt.Ni E CHEMICAL ENGINEER­ Then seeing that I was linrt she permit Miss Richmond the opportun ING MINEB continued. < gp I Ity to reveal her hlstrnnlc ability. COMMKRCK PHARMACY "Don't be peeved with me. honey. ENGINEERING VOCATIONAL EDLCA- You know you couldn't pull any pose FORESTRY Stock has been purchased by J- O. Kennett at a very TION that would keep me from being your best buddy." Graduate work la offered In most of Ihe schools. In addition to thn low figure. The public gets the benefit of our purchase. “But It wasn’t a pose this tfme. Ellie Resident UistructloD. the Experiment Station and Extension Service and I'm sorry If I ruined the party.” specialis« la the application of science In everjedsy life. “It Is queer but when a bunch of people are ‘partying’ together, they FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 20 rather resent a person not ’party'ng', F o r la te s t C ata lo g u e and In fo rm a tio n address with them. It's too bad. I know, that All new first class merchandise, bought so your dollar a person hasn't the privilege o f doing TH E REGISTRAR will have more purchasing power. as they choose about drinking o.i a A Fine Noon Lunch party but Its Just one of the tuzzl'ng frailties of human nature. Then too.' Served Daily for 40c CORVALLIS I was thinking of your stuj Id evening It Just can’t be done you know It's Just like making tn< rcury and sand congenial—this going to a Jazz party and sticking strictly to prohibition gg "That's Just what I think about It. and as long as I can't enter Into a ‘frisk’ like I used to. there’s no use |n | going along and ruining th party." "I'm not advising you to lap up a lot of Are-water—especially the way your little girl-friend feels this morn-, Ing—but I would like to know whore THE U N IV E R S A L CAR our Bailie's gone who used to be the ( I 'life of the party’. You certainly have A PARADOX, If I wore required to define It, Is a dolt who I gone from the one extrem e to the I throw s a Dougfas shoe a t hiH Big Ben, rolls off his O ster­ , other. What's the matter with doing things In moderation?” m oor onto a Congolenm rug, hop» Into his B. V D.’ b , runs "It caan’t be done, Ellie. There's his Gillette quickly over his M ennen-lathered face, eats a ¡no such thing as moderation In char-* hurried breakfast of Shredded W heat and Postum , lights a 'acter-buildlng You see I never* l thought much about such things until. Chesterfield on his way to the office and there, later In the I met Curtiss. I Just took It for day, dism isses an advertising solicitor with the blunt re ­ ' granted that there were only two cat- I « gorles—young people and old people m ark, “Advertising don’t pay- It never gold me nothin’!” —the young did all the gay, alluring ithlngs that were tempting and the old ; fogies—they were all people over thirty—Just existed for the sole pur-i pose of making life unpleasant as pos- ! slble for the younger generat ion.’’ If we are not doing your printing, somebody is to blame. Is it you or us? I imused for a moment until Ellie's laughter had subsided, j "But now," I continued. "Now I have more serious Ideals l i b ul living and J don't seem to have the same 5th and A St«. Idea of freedom." Perkins-Laxton Bldg. "You mean you're afraid of dis- t v i m u 'mmmiMmia« grilli" lll»llilW il’'JW? KETEL’S DRUG STORE S c ie n c e f o r S e r v ic e FINAL WINDUP A. R. Sneed Dept. Store stock under new management DROP IN Store Opened Today C afe Fountain Oregon A g r ic u ltu ra l College I Our Shop is Equipped With Authorized Equipment. W e Use Only Genuine Ford Parts. Our Shop Labor is Guaranteed. We Want All Ford Service. Danner Motor Co. l_ The Springfield News 4