TIIVIISDAY. AUGUST 5. 1926 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Baby Boy Born— A baby boy wa» | Hara From Brock way— Mr. Fred born Io Mi and Mr». Clarence K»ielt McAlister and family of Brockway, j B r i s f o f R e S U fllfl o f H s p p O n lflQ S of Wondllng Friday morning The I Oregon, war« In Hprlngfli ld Bunday the Week Collected for ¡vlallln« rrUeida. baby weighted lo pound«. lerprlaa < hamber of commerce for the Signal Gang Finishes—The South purchase of 'and near Enterprise to era Pacific signal gang, number 1, be used as a sh e tor the proposed which has been working around Plant of the Black Marble and Lime Springfield for the past two months, conpaay. lias left for Oakridge where they will Fire that Ignited when the combine Install signals. They finished Instal­ engine backfired Into spilled gasoline ling the signal system on the lines in destroyed 1B0 acres of standing wheat the vicinity of Springfield last week. and 290 sacks ot grain and a Holt combine on the «. R. B a n e , ranch west of Moro. Our Reader«. Fractures Arm— llutucr l l r o w n . At R»«deport— Mr« M J. France, right year old «on of Humor Brown of Caablar at (hr Houthorn Pacific depot, Grower« of Erergreen blackberries Jaeper, fell out of a tree Friday morn «pent the week-end at Rredapnrt. Hhe The state supreme court adjourned Ing and broke hl« right forearm. 1 »a» aci ini,(ian|ixl by her daughter Saturday night for the month of Aug­ are now beginning the berveatlng of their berry crop In Clackamas county. ust. Olandala People Here— Mi and Mr» On Vacation— L. K Daniela la «pend According to the growers of the coun­ Governor Pierce has returned from It B. John» of Glendale returned to Ing hla varatlon of two weeks a, Flor- ty, thl. year’s crop will eclipse any Cheyenne, Wyo„ where be attended I d It« history. their home Friday after a vlalt with *nce. aocompanled by hla wife and the governors' conference. Mr and Mr» Huaby, parents of Mra. ¡family, Western woolen and textile mills are A total of 13S forest fires have been Jnhua. In better condition ihan thoee general­ Natron Men Here— B O Hinlth and observed by officials of the United From California— Rrneat Moe nf ! Grant Roberta, Natron farmer» trau States air patrol at Eugane aa far thia ly In the east, declared Chauncey Bis­ hop of the Peodleron Woolen mills, Richmond, California paaaed througn ««»acted buxine«« in Springfield Mon season. following his return from a trip here till» week on a trip to Panada. ' -r »nab«»d who I. to leave Heppner thfs season wee ship­ ped to Chicago last week and Included marked the progress of the first efee- 1 room from the bock. I t care of cattle and IB of sheep. tloa held in Chlloqain, a lumber town • Veterana Better—Rnrt »nook. Ill at „ ° ° T° C r,ttr L“ <— M'" C. W BB® »sale, according to a com­ Peach grower« of the Willamette °f the Veteran« hoap|UI tn Portland, I»1 Mr*i C Luckey and Earl valley met at Salem and organised plete! registered with the district at- renorted to .« be be murg mach better, I - .......................; reported raving Luckey of Euken» «re On a two Weeks whal will be knoam as the Willamette tomey’s offlee by T. U Beook resldeat of tffe village, who d galaed eight pound«. Karl Kllleon, trip to Prater l-ake and other south Valley Peach Orowars* association. Jury lavaatlgaUea. em Oregon polnta. The bop situation near Mount Angel who wa» atao a patient In the bonpltal. Behoof district No. H . Malheur «mw- Is not ns promising from the stand wna discharged from the boapltal laat V la lt At Tangent—W C. Mclaigan Thursday (Hear Paranna la »till end family spent Bunday at Tangent point of yield as l» tt. The early or tF. baa authority Bader the law te aae fuggle hope will not he worth picking Its school fends for the transportation under treatment. at the home of R. A. McLagan. Mr. Marksmen of Oregon organised the of Ra ftve papfla to another dlatriat ar MeJ-agun's father. Haueee Rented—W R Robertson o( Oregon Htnte Rifle aaeoclatlon with prerida them with board and lo d g t^ Eugaei«. who baa recently Joined the Baby Bon Bom —Mr. and Mra.Floyd Dr J. D. Sheehan as president, nt a at any plaoe the aehool officials omy Danner Motor company, ha» rented ! Myera of W alterrllle are the parents meeting held In the Portland armory. saleet In seed them to school, accor«- Ih» house belonging to John Hines on ' of • baby boy. born Monday mooing Francis Marlon Coltlae, a resident tng te aa optnloe praparvd by the at- Rllth and F streets The F M Peeb August I. The baby weighed eight of Polk county for »0 years, died at Uwaay general School district Mo. BB lea place on A atreri between Ninth pounds when born. hla home In Dallas after an Illness of !• located BB miles from the nearest high aohool. and Tenth ha» been rented to Richard several weeks Mr. Collins waa In hla Ha» Typhoid— Mr». Elale Pollard, Initiative petitions filed with the fid year. King of Cottage Grove. aaalatanl ca.hler at the Commercial secretary of state In support of the Water shortage In the Reed and Scouts H e a r Experiences— The Bov State Bank, wa» taken III la.t Friday Hawley mountain and Weaton moun­ so-called hydro-electric development Rrnut« of troop 1 listened to the boya 1th a light form of typhoid fever tain regions of Umatilla county la re­ measure sponsored by the Housewives' who had been at the «unimer ramp, al Her husband had been III with a light council of Portland, contained a suf­ ported to ba seriously endangering their meeting Monday night The two attack If the same dlaeaae Jp»t before the crops. ficient number of signatures of legal hova, Ralph Hughes and Thayer Me Mr«. Pollard took »Irk Ml»« Vemeta rotera to warrant the meaaure being Following a battle with five shark» placed on the ballot at the general Murruv, who won the Daniel B oon - Morrison I» taking the place of Mr« while fishing off Coos bay, Joe nnd •lection In November, according to an reward, told the other» how they did I Pollard at the bank while »he I» away Louis Guedon of Astoria were obliged opinion handed down by the atate su­ It, and of Rcout life at the camp. Married at Olympia— Misa Cora to take their 31 foot fishing craft preme court. Material Ordtret*— The material for Blair nnd Bobert Gibson were married ashore for repairs Oregon boosted Its merchandise the ornamental light» on Main afreet '«! Olympia. Washington, July 21. ac- Work of scarifying and oiling the shipments abroad during the first Hood highway having quarter of 1926 by more than (3.000,- w«» oroereo rrom the m e Portland fort I a no omc» q Loop i.oop nignway wa» ordered from office I corning cording io to worn wont received last week week. Mount niw of the Mountain State» Power com Both are former Springfield reald« nt.< - completed, all the road equip- 000. as compared with the correspond­ n a n u a ttll a . a»ew««e earn < • m a em la e a « * — ' at M <1 I lu n /f .» l *» I » L . —— — M r D l® H t h f& R H lO V fld to t K lO B tftt* pnnyand. a aa soon as It arrives, _ work ( and as attended high school « here ing period of 1915. according to statis­ B e ll; hl* hway • h< ’P« At Salem on the lights will start. Thia wlll|Olbaon waa employed at the tic» released by the department of probably not he for two weeks al theater aa operator. The young cou- Construction of a (10.000 prune dry- commeree The export» of the state least, according to local company of­ pie will make their home at Olympia. *r 8 A Cummin» A Bona la under totaled (ll.7 n .4 8 t for January, Feb­ —ay at McMinnville to accommodate ruary aiqj Wareb. aa compared with ficial«. McLagan Takes Vacation— W . C. the bumper crop which will be har (10,*75.447 a year ago. reflecting an Traffic Violation»—H D. Teachner reeled, beginning Augnat 15. Increased trade amounting to (I.UB.- I waa fined 12 for turning between an Mcl-agan, superintendent of the Moun­ B O. Oxhorrow, who has Hood River tain State« Power company plant left Intersection on main street here Wed­ valley’e only conimenc’at pen eh or­ Potleiaua ftw aa Initiative measure nesday morn I g A similar offense waa today on a vacation trip o f two weeks In Eastern Oregon M r M cLagan wa» chard. haa started the harvest af thia looking to the rwguletlpa o f flakin g In oomiBltted by II. Hharmon of Spring- season a wop. Hl« fruit la maturing the Columbia river oast of Cascade ■eld Tuesday who waa fined J2 Tues- accompanied by hla wife and family earlier than In normal anearna L»ck» are eametaat. aveordtag to aa and hla father. R A. McLagan. of Tan- 0» Wkftrrnoon. Falla during > Juty expert- gent, Oregon Mr Mi latgan plena tOj Klamath -------- ------ ■—, —y w r opinion prapnwd ky Judge McMahan _ . . .. . . .(ca m p around the head of Crooked * ' ncpd th* Mggeet building mouth la of the Mari«n county rtnjult court A t Camp M eeting— A number o f , . , „ it« htatorr T o t a l b n i M i n * - - - . o . .. . » . _ i rlwwr and fish at Eaat lake. In the r»-i 7 T°»ai hutldln« tavMtment Bolt waa krnagBl by the stale ot Ore­ Springfield people attended th e . . . , . reached the cam ef *« n aaa u . «*on »berw he wa« raised . »«4i.ee«. over gon. an rblagttfa « Jobs H. Carson. Methodist camp meeting Thursday double that Of any menth tWa year, iHstrl«« attorney, tc aajotn the leere- afternoon and and evening. Mar- j T oiling cm » « — tnry e f etato from yfceing the — m Varat Morrl« Mra. J. Mr» T. Moore •" ’“ h • " " » - * W *»«>• ^ i M amratbw»» ghZ y U u w ba the ballot a» the November went to the meeting In the afternoon nm4 " " member of the Methodist d g * election. and Dr and Mr. W. H. Pollard, W. R. « » » « — •<«» 8 »»«Ur •» Meacham. now . ^ p ™ « 5 T ^ rd Smith and W H Gant« were a m o n g Gro’ *- Thl' <*»»»«■»«"» h«« , OMr c P highway ,n those prea»-nt |„ the evening. ,'har" , ot ,he for the - camp merit « for the next year. Dr. i , , W. H. Pollard. Mr» A B. VanValzuh. ' l Money haa been raised by the Bn OLD TIME DANCE Coburg Bridge Every Sat. Night Garrett’s Orchestra 4 X Time for Putting the New Roof on Before the Wet Weather Comes See us for an estimate on cost of a new mineral sur­ face roof either in the roll or shingle form- C ertain teed S hingles __________ ___________ $5.50 a sq u are Certainteed Mineral Surface _______ ____________ $3.25 Major Mineral Surface ............ ................................... $2.75 Certainteed Smooth Roofing ... $1.56, $1.75, $2.50 and $2.90 OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE Wright & Son ' Z A- . M ahogany Finished •Serving Tray CASTER OIL « C A D L A>fD 8 X K D r N. W Bmery on pH - -« oa o la u aad o ther work »1 Trail To Rail” P A C F A N T A N D C E LEB R A TIO N g, To Portland—cMm.* John Kent re­ turned to Portland Friday after a vlalt of a few days In »pringfidd. She waa accompanied by her aon, Tom Char- men. Friday and Saturday Special LADY TEACHER wants email apart­ and Mr. U. G. McElhnney are th e' ment« or light house keeping room s other member’ of the rommlKHlnn Phono 124 R. from Springfield fcl P ag « rm "KlaUwn” Stupendous Pageant Each Night Pianmar Parade — A ir Circus — Boxing Concerta — Dancing Eugene, Ore. August 19-20 made from freshly harvested Bombay beans. It has a Bweet, nutty taste, not unlike a good salad oil. Can be taken easily. Safe for children. Soothlnng in action Cheaper because it’s better. Three-ounce bottle 25c Flanery’« Drug Store TA- This is a good sized tray, being 11 x 17 inches, ex­ clusive of handles, which are of wood and metal. The center is glass covered with a floral pattern be­ neath, Tray has felt base to prevent scratching. SPECIALLY PRICED AT 89c "The Home of Good Furniture” The Harvest Onec again we have the opportunity to observe the bountifulness of Mother Nature and rejoice in a rich harvest. Changing seasons ever teach the importance of over­ production during the warm sunshine days of Spring and Summer—that we may be supplied during the cold month» of winter- So with labor—and its returns. During the fruitful years of life there should be an over-production—lining all that is necessary for comfortable living—and saving the rest for the less active years. There is no better time to start than NOW. Your har­ vest is rolling in. Save some of it for later years of peace and plenty. We help you by paying interest We also have saving department on which we pay 3% Interest- Liberty Bell Savings Banks. Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System WETHERBEE -POWERS llth at Willamette A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank 1 Springfield, Oregon •^'MgBnaMHMgHBgBBnBBnBBBIgBni-