P A P I FOUR ~ TTUC SPRINGlflKI.D NFWS ----- * A MARTYR FOR THE CAUSE OP RIGHT MEN AT MILL SIGN ■« THURSDAY. AUGUST R. 1926 I X. X ... J ----------------------------- Charged W ith Breaking Lock Corvelli«, poultry ttiletialon »peclallgt of the College eiten elon Bervi«», »»c- The entire nation haa b«en shocked by the w an-! UP FOR INSURANCE M. K. Herbage and Cecil Hovey of Coivallla, poultry extenalnn »peeletllt PoMlehed B verj Thureday at I Eugene were hrougrt Into the court ton killing of IXm R. Mellott, youthful crusading ~ ! Milwaukie. «nil Mr». W II. Thoinp««n. Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, br | Monday by county officials charged editor of The Canton (0 .) Daily News. Officials of the local « . «s-aanlaa. I Canby, directors. _______ 1 with breahlag the lock on a Uadlllao T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS and dtlsena agree that the m urder was a thrust K"l,y ““ll bu,J' Ibis week »Igntng up (or (he group 1 ear. After giving bonds of »100 they H. B. M A XK T. Editor a t the very vitals of law and order. Insurance plan adopted ut their ilioct CALL AND 8KK Dr. N. W. Krnery were relensed The dale of the (rial Like a captain leading his forces In battle. Mr. inn last month on rucouinwndattona on prices on plate and other work, tf * » • not set. aa eecond ciana matter. February X IM S at the poat office, SprlngflnM. Oi Mellett has fallen a tnartvr to a system which in from their beeilquartera in Portland, too m any places In this country Is getting a ”«L" sm ith, held agent for the lum- M A IL SUBSCRIPTION R A T I strangle hold upon governm ent. Vice runs ram - ber worker» organisation, and u it Oae Tear in Advance------»1.76 Three Montha ------ 75e pant in hundreds of cities and tow ns In America cleaver, group »upervlaor of the West etx M o n th » _____________ >LW Single Copy --------- 5c Nearly every day we read th at public otllcials, Coast Life InauramA company of Sun charged with the enforcem ent of all laws, have Franeisco, were here signing the man THURSDAY. AUGUST 5. 192« been arrested and exposed for grafting or laxity up The group plan g»ea into effect In office. latter seventy-live per cent ut the men WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN _ . , , ,, „ . . . . . . . In the organisation have signified A X -B IL L Y B E P A R T M E N T ST O R E THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS J. C. Brill Stores Corruption in public office ghould not be to le r-, (hclr ln((.lltU,n U) uil>, ,hi. (a, uraaw> ‘"Democracy Means Not ‘I Am as Good as You ttl lhi. Wt.m„ Are,’ but ‘You Are as Good as I Am,’ ’’— Theodore ated. Don Mellet, a bom tighter, stood alone for, ljwt WV(.k thi, w e e k s in his battle to rid the city of Canton of i Ing local adopted the plan. They Parker. ■( thieving office-holders, rum -runners. drug ped- wer, th# flr>l t0 -1* t* • com m ittee from the organi- bridge each week is about a million dollars. The wh wag figjlting. “ Plans were submitted . . . by tlon. automobile tires which roll over m any of the T()p j | ene tt m urder is strong proof th at good (our or five old line Insurance com­ m uch traveled m acadam roads and bridges runs cltizens ,n a „ cltle8> shouk, rallv to the acUve aup panion and the one submitted by the into the hundreds of thousands of dollars weekly. of newapaper editors and officials who have W»«t fe a s t Life was ffnaily adopted We have seen in the second street crossing, on t h courage to defy the powers of evil. Crusading eprtng. By this plan, each man the Willamette bridge and m any other bridges and editors usually have the mere approval of the bet- j P“?» 10 proportion io the amount he culverts in this section nails sticking up where ter element of their communities, but not m uch receive« in wag«» and Is Insured in the tread of a tire would normally run if the active, virile, efficient encouragem ent and assist- proportion . driver was ln his proper place in the road- A nail ance. Indifference on the part of the citizenry ------------------- has no respect for a milloin dollars worth of tires on|y serves to help the vice rings. " CHICKEN TH IE F SCORED and would puncture every one of them if given « « « BY OREGON POULTRYMEN the chance. The only reason it does not pucture Alteration Sale In Progress in Nearly ail Departments of Eugene’s Largest Emporium. More Wonderful Values In Milady’s Fashionable Light Colored P u m p s ____ m ore is luck in not hitting them , because few EVENTUALLY— WHY NOT NOW? a drive oa chicken th ieve. 1» «ought drivers see the nails until it is too late Seems Democratic political developments Indicate that »y the Oregon Poultry-men'» »»«ocia- th a t the country might be saved some expense by movement to abolish the tw o-thirds rule in tlon which »aa in session at the stats looking after nails injiridges. the nomination of candidates in national conven- collge July 31-23. County sheriffs .tions has been blocked. ¡«tad city police were criticised as be- I Despite determ ined statem ents of dem ocratic mg lese organised than the thieves, WHAT WILL WE DO ABOUT IT leaders from East and North that the system and slow to exert them selves unless An Indian prince visits Europe and rem arks, should be eliminated, word seeps out of W ashing- special rewards are off. red for catch •"The morals of the wesst are all right but the peo- ton that the "solid South is point blank against m« the thieves. pie don’t live up to them .” The sultan of Turkey The plan. Members of the association are ask- visited Paris the other day and was taken to a tea The opposition has developed into such pro- ed to contribute a fund to be u»«i in party where the girls danced the Charleston. The portions, it is said, that the Democratic com m it- apprehending ami convicting poultry sultan rem arked he was glad his wives were not tee, which had planned to meet next December to thieves Various other meui - of along. He said he had always known western kill the rule, has decided to abandon its proposal checking the thievery were suggested, women showed their faces in public but w as sur- for a change. Instead, the question probably will among men» the practice of using leg prised at their knees. The Europeans m ake re- be put up to the next convention- ,ban• , ment of the age-old need— «peedy messengers. * Man’s effort to overcome the J limitations of time and distance finally put electricity to work, and it became his swiftest mes­ sage bearer. H alf a century ago Bell in­ vented the telephone. It is more than a messenger, for it has been developed to carry man’s spoken words for great distan­ ces with the swiftness of light. Through its wizardry space is conquered with the speed of thought itself. T he pacific T elephone and telegraph C ompany BELL SYSTEM One Policy - One System - Universal Service Our expert mixer« are trained to put up your order right -right now- W here to go this Summer Let ue help you plan your v a c a tio n . G et a co p y o f “Oregon Outdom-j’’—illus­ trated vacation guide, from your local agent. Profit by low summer fares and fast, comfortable serv­ ice to the beaches and other resort playgrounds. Ask about the low fare» to California and the iia tt. Southern Pacific C. OLSEN, AenL EGGIMANN’S When Smiles Go ’Round The Table Flavor in food« produces appetite, appetite produces zest and zest aids digestion. PERFECTION BREAD and pastries have a delicious flavor. They not only taste good but look a« good as they taste. When m other brings ln a plate of Perfection bread or pastry smiles always go 'round the table. Give the children plenty of fresh bread it Is the best growing food. THE BREAD YOU DON'T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perkins I^axton Building wxiwti FRED FRESH, Prop. Fifth Rt. Springfield P httio «6