TIIVKSDAY, AUOU8T G, 182« T I UE SPRING FIELD ffEWH PAÍJÍ5 TTTRítf FOR HALE High grade piano near NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS I sidewalks are In need of repair and It Hprtogfleld will be sold to reliable I Sealed bldg will be received by th e, ■• tor the beat Interests of the inhabit* parly at big saving, |i u monthly city Recorder up to 12 o'clock, noon, *b , ( “ ** <:on*trnctlon thereof b« will handle. A real buy, write at of the 9th day of August, 192«, for the i A " 1,*,? A * li*?. iM >. * lbl*'Jand» Ing for the best Interests and safety once for particulars. Tallman ! construction of cement (CONCRETE) or Maid town. th^r^for*», an emergency Plano Store, Salem, Oregon. j side walks, on the Streets along the Is declared to exist and this ordinance A 5-12-19 (property beneflttted thereby, as oul- shall berome effective upon It« p as* __________ I lined In ord in an ce No. 504 on file at age and approval by the mayor Passed the Common Council thia the Recorders Office, City H alt Spring- 28th day of July, 192«. •N TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF I flejd Oregon. Said contractor to turn- Approved by the mayor this 28th STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E ,,. .... . . . , . 1 Ish all labor and material In the con­ day of July, 1926. COUNTY OF LANE A ttest, - » struction of said walks, to do all ex­ r o l l 8AJJ5— Hop Hooka to keep pick FOR RAT.»—Boren room house rlth SUMMONS HELP WANTED MALE R. W. SMITH. G O BUSHMAN, If. W Johnson, Plaintiff, cavating or filling to bring «aid walks era accounts In. Printed and In acre of ground on Raat Main St. j Several Men Recorder.____ Mayor. vs. to grade, to give a good and sufficient •took at the Newa Office. l*rlce I ZUM. |K00 down, balance WHO LIKE ELECTRICAL work will Mary R Johnson, Defendant NOTICE TO CREDITORS' *" “ a'n“unt th* ‘ ’ *» ! Notice I. hereby ^ ven that Chari, like rent. Addreaa J. B. Btewart. he given an unuauul opportunity. To1 Mary R Jiihnaon Above Named ,he Council that the contractor will 1 R. Adamr. has been appointed adml I» FOR RENT—4 room houae on G. 111 Cedar Ht. Klamath Falla. Ore. Muat bo over 21 years and now Defendant; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE complete bla work In a satisfactory Iti rato) of the estate afreet; «Ith electric! light«. Bever­ -------- ---- of Jenni« tf ateadily employed In Home legiti­ OF OR BOON: You are hereby notl- manner and according to apeclflca- Adams, deceased, by th? Count* age. Inaldn toilet, cement walks. mate work In Springfield or sur­ flcd and required to appear and C w t of Lane County, Origon FOR 8A1J0—Carbon paper In large . .. , .. Inquire at New» offlc» for particu- answer the Complaint filed against t,on" and Ordinance« governing the All p> : »ons having claim s xgatcst rounding territory. aheeta, 20x39 Inrhea, aultahle for Ura tf THE ELECTRICAL FIELD baa you In the above entitled suit, with- ('‘instruction of concrete sidewalks said «slate are reqntred to pres-nt making traMnga The Newa Office. jin six weeks from the date of the within the Town of Springfield, Ore I *'(b proper vouchers, with?« hardly been acratched and. In view first publication of this Summons gon s aid bid shall specify the price " * mon,ha ln/m tBe 8th day of July IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SUMMONS of the rapid change« now taking and If you fall to so appear In the 1 »?c ,0 t t e said administrator kt 8TATB OF OREGON FOR THE Io the Circuit Court of the State of tBe Prlce t the la v office of L. L Ray In th« place and new dlacoverlea being above entitled ,-ause within the said per 8,,uar' 1001 01 “aK1 COUNTY OF l.ANB, Oregon Io and for tho County of R.i'ldtns- r ,,« . Ixtulne I McLean. Plaintiff, made, a man muat be thoroughly period of six weeks from the date of P*r square yard for excavating, and loine. , „ . „ . . . ¡ t h e first publication of this Sum- the price per yard for filling in bring ra. Suit for Divorce. CHARLES R ADAMS trained In ¡mo»*. the plaintiff will apply to the ing the aurface of the ground to grade, D u n ca n M cl-rati, D efen d a n t Thelma E Wnrd. Plaintiff, ra. Administrator of the e t .t e of principles In order to fill th e re Court for the relief prayed for In the b v th e C ltv F n rin«u»r All To Duncan Mc|.«nn, D efendant J f-n le Adams, decegy-el. Humboldt M Ward. Defendant q ulrenvntM fo r t h e s e ponltlonH C om p lain t file d herein, to-wlt: for a y • IN THE NAME OF THE STATE L. L RAY, Attorney for E fi:«. To Humboldt M Ward, Defendant THE MEN SELECTED will retalr decree of the above entitled Court r*"a 10 b*‘ borne by the Contractor, OF OREGON: You are hereby re. You are hereby required to appear Jl. 815-22-29 Aug 5. dissolving and forever setting aside and the City in nowise to be held for qtllred to nptmar and nnawer the I and nnawer the complaint filed toelr present position, temporarily , “¿ 7 ?,f " m M H 'm o ;/V sH U n r^ - «Umage to'wor'kmin.'or t o . i o f ^ t o r T “ complaint filed agnlm t you In the'agalnat you In the abore entitled ault While being given a thorough train- twe(.n plaintiff and defendant here- . . . . Hid. win k » FN TOB riR rT ,T COURT OF THR from the"n«.'1 '.mt WM,k" i wHh,n iw m 'tb e dat'e'of'tba lug at home by a new and p ractical; In, and granting to the plaintiff above ' *"1 STATE OF OREGON FOR LANS X n . and tf ,o „ faR 2? "?o ' 1Um Mn,‘ «’UbMeaatta» <* « “ • aummnn. In Job meth.M with tools and materia! » • » ’•<« " "f absolute divorce “«*»<* « the regular m eetin g of the COUNTY. * n l . e , »» m ’ , u ° " " " V 1 ,b " " P H n gflcId N e w s, w h ich la pub- I from the defendant Council, August 9th, 192« The Conn Myrtle S«vey. Plaintiff; v3 ( hag. t h e rella r H " .1 ’""'J " •h''d ,b " f,r"‘ tlm" ®" J»>2 » 192«; furnish. (V by us. « ra o ng h . RUma]mi |g served upon you CI1 reserves the right to reject a n y ' H 8evey, defendant. tn»* n lle f <1«m it ruled in the cmnplnlnl. . g,_. i .. . A handled utwjer n written guarantee by publication thereof In the Spring- Qr b| . To Cha« H. Sevey.defeedant. namely that the marriage relation ar1' h,’r* by notlfl.el that. If b e tw . e . n th e p la in tiff and defendant L"“ J ? " . '® ?J*Lar_ * l,bln J'"1'1 ?!’ both as to position and definite sal- field News once each week for six IN THE NAME OF THE RTATB w e k a . the plaintiff will make appll R- w . Smith, : OF OREGON: You are hereby r«* be wholly dlaaolvcd ary within a apedfled lime or an successive weeks In conformity with ration to the court for the relief the Order of the Honorable O F. Skip- Recorder of the Town of Spring- qulred to appear an«f answer the c o » Thia summons la aerred upon you Immediate refund of the small worth. Judge of the above entitled field. j plaint Died against you hi tfce ahoy« by publication by virtue of an order pravad within the said complnlnt, to- amount charged for their training, wlt That the marriage eontrnct now entitled sutt on or before Mg week« Court The date of the first publica­ made July M. 192«, by the Hon O existing hetweng you and plnlntirf he , from date of the first publication of tion of this Summons Is July 22, 192«. at the expiration of that time, F Skipworth. circuit Judge, directing ORDINANCE NUMBER 604 forever dissolved and that she have ■ thia Summons, or for want thereof • U ih publication for alx conaecutlve APPLICANTS MUST HAVE HAD The date of the last publication of An Ordinance providing for the con- fbe Plaintiff will take Judgment thia Summons Is September 2, 192«. Weeks In the Springfield Newa Thia nn absolute divorce from you. The A SEVENTH GRADE SCHOOLING above named court made, dated, and atruction of esm ent sidewalks abut- «ff«te»t yon and apply to tbe Court E. O. IMMEL. summon« la flrat ao published July entered an order June 28, 192«. di and must be able to give t w o Attorney for Plaintiff ting the property described in section ^or (be relief prayed for In the conk* 12 1924 The undersigned attorney |a a rea- reeling thia autnmona to be published character references. Address 123 Residence and Post Office address; one (11 of this ordinance, said pro- Plaint and for a decree of aheolut« Eugene. Oregon. P«rty being tin the town of Spring- l,,w rcl‘ from T®u and the custody of Ident attorney of the State of Oregon, once each week In the Springfield i News Office. Jl. 22-29: A. 8-12-19-2«; Sept. 2 Held, Oregon. j (®e two minor children of the marrV and her realdence and ooat office News for a period of six su c c e sslv e i____ _ __________________ _ THEe TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD a*e now ,n her care address I« SIS Platt liuti,lin t Port weeks, and requiring yon to appear FOR SALE— Payroll shoeU. printed DOES OBDAIN AS FOLLOWS- Th,s summons Is ulished one« land. Oregon. and answer the «aid complaint within , Bd In stock at tbs Naw« o f f l o . IN THE JUSTICE COURT, EUGENE Section 1 The Common Council of ’>ach WPPk ,or consecutive week» lx weeks from the date of ths Drat JANET It WHITE Form suitable for road, construction JUSTICE DISTRICT, LANE CO- the town of Springfield hereby de- i" the Springfield News, a weekly Attorney for Plaintiff publication of this sum-nons. work, tawmllla. « to , with table to d ares its intention and does hereby de- ¿"PWRPJPer published at Springfield, UNTY, OREGON. Residence end P ó address 3 1 fi H E SLATTERY, compote workman's compensation n a i l Bldg Portland. Oregon Attorney for Plaintiff and mv pnst a n d d e d i! r lin n s U n .howls »Villainell« Collection & Credit Ser- clare It to be expedient that cement Lane County. Oregon by order of the vice, a corporation, plaintiff. - sidewalks, - ............... -- - all — ------------ to replace wooden, loose Hon. G F. Skipworth. Judge of th« office address 1« Eugene, Oregon Jl 22 29. A 5 12 19 2«; Sept 2 Jl 1 8 IB 22 29 Au 5 12 j gravel or earthen sidewalks, be con- above Court made July 1st, 192«. and c a t be purchased for a few cents C E Wilson aud Mrs. C. E. Wilson, «Huded along the streets and abut-!,R '’ »ted and first published July 8th NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ' wife, defendants, ting the property described as fol-|l°2«. SUMMONS his lows: WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Notice la hereby given that Grucs DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER 8UMMONS On Third street. W est side of Block for the Plaintiff. Residence and Port F Hohha. Administratrix of the lo ll. UNITED STATES LAND OF­ STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR To C. E. Wilson and Mrs. C. E 5Rx, Lots 4 and 5 Extended Survey; °H lce Address. Eugene. Oregon. LANE COUNTY Estate of Anna E. 11 otitis, dec.-as.-d, FICE, Roseburg, Oregon. -*.111.- 0-0»-rv On Second street, east side thereof . ....... Jl 8-15-22-29; A. 5-12. 19. George Ellis, Plaintiff, vs. Gladys WlLsson. h is wife, defendants: tin« filed her final account and report J u ly 27, 192« IN THE NAME OF THE STATE fr(>m Ma)n Rtree, to F 8treet ai„nK " gcMMONtT " " as such Administratrix, with the NOTICE Is h«-Tcby given ( h a t Ellis. Defendant. OF OREGON, you are hereby .. re- --------------- Blocks 5> 2. 2?, — 26. ---- and 4 -------------------- in Extended I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE To Gladys Kills. County Court of laine County, Or- Charles II. Mathews, of Gosh.-m. Ore­ .............. ................ , IN THE NAME OF THE STATE i qulred to appear and answer tne survey and Block 93 In Springfield In- STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOB County Court o fl-ane County. Or­ gon. on July 8. 1926. filed Application You are hereby re-1 complaint which has been filed vestment and Power Company Addl-jLANE COUTY. egon, and the «nld Court has set S at to Purchase. No 01A560, the Lots 2. 3, OF OREGON: ' v QUlred to appear and answer the Com- against you In the above eatlGed tion; On Mill street, the east side: W. H. Coats, Plaintiff, vs. Mary urdsv th e ltth day of August 192« 4 5. 6 7 mid N F L of s w i ~ if at 10 #0 o'clock In the forenoon, kt Tp 18 8 It 3 *W W M und'-r *th > Rih P,a,n * fl,ed against yon. In the above ’ Court and can«« within six week thereof, from Main Street to D street Elixabeth Coats. Defendant. e e 1 ,.n, u |p^ Court and cause, on or before from the date of the first publication along the w est side of Blocks 4. 22. 49 To Mary Elixabeth Coats, Defend* the County Court room of said Conn Section of the • Act of - March 3. 1887, the expiration of the time prescribed i of this summons, and If you fall to Extended Survey; On the South side ant, ty as the time and place to hear of Jrty’ l' “ * / < W s t o l ,’’ ?33^\»d‘‘ , S i 'hP 2.7’er °L Pub" ia tlo n - t o w » : , ‘Jo appe .r and answer wer the plaintiff °I Main on Mill street W est side o f, TH E NAM F OF t h f u t i t « objection« to the same, and for the h e w ,„ effer p r " f Of „ . . n g h r ’I?, X X h . r f ^ ' 7 h e , d ; « r o Pf,r,h e % r s t f p £ T ^ . t o ' l you n t ' e In r t the et ^ t e n North d ed S u r- Qulred to a w )e > r an axainst 2 Original Plat; On side n F nREHriK v„ . 7 h S.TATB final settlem ent of said Estate ,a t e r 7 r t R Block 22. Extended Sur- ^ V d T a p ^ a r L°d . X e r ^ c o X GRACE E H o n n s , Administratrix chase said land under said Acts, be »ration hereof, and If you fall to aum of ,800.°’ t0«"®® 1 2m ’ ey: On the South side of D street Stoto? fi?edP« m a ^ WELLS * WBLIJt. Attorneys for .’r'i , « ’'Iimel U s Commissioner. 1 answ er tor want thereof Plaintiff will thereon at the rate of eight per cent Fjlst from M,n 8(reM Ixl, , B|o<.k 48 Pjaint 6led' »«»‘n»t you. In the _ abov« Estate. Jl 9 18 22 29 Aug 8. at bis office In Eugene, Oregon, at 10 „pp|r to the Court for the relief prav. per annum from the 20th day of Jan- KxtPnrtpfl Survey; On the North side . U d Court and cause’ OT before ° »11 M ' 1on * Pt« mtu>r 8. 191«. im] for In the Complaint which Is In nary. 1926, and the furthur sum of of D street between 2nd and 3rd the expiration of the time prescribed 1 !il *in,*nK any i>Art (>f , MUbutance a* follow* to-wlt: for a dr- 125.00 as a reasonable attorney’s fee street*. Lx>ta 7 and 8: On South side in the Order of publication, to-witi a <>y» dntcrlhed Innd by settlem ent or , ree of this Court dissolving the con- and Its costs and disbursements in of D street between 3rd and 4th On of before the expiration of s i s it" r> ‘,r unm®r made and enterea n gOU(P gjde O( B street between different relief as to the Court may Circuit Judge o f 14th day of July, 1926, authorizing and streets; East s i d e seem Just and proper. «hove Court, made and entered July 26. and directing '... the .. service of sum- iv a n , m m p u n iic a n o n i thereof n e r e o r is first oj *, 7tb street b e t w e e n n A a n d ¡Sum m ons, is served upon yoB, 1926. the e n first publication Is i O eneral Law Practice lulv 29 1926 and the last publication:"'01”1 by P“b lc a \ ‘”n- . . ^ ate ° f « streets and South.side of B street by publication thereof In the Spring- e n t e m h e r 9, q 1926 ¡publication July 15. 1926. between 7th and 8th streets; On 6th field News, Springfield. Oregon, one« 1926. W IL 1 M M DONALDSON R September HAROLD J. WELLS. street between B and C streets. Lot 1 each week for Six Consecutive week« I. M. PETERSON M 0 HOGE. Justice of the Peace. East side Block 7 ;South side of C persuant to an Order of Hon. C. P. Attorney-at-Law Dealer In New and Second Hand Attorney for Plaintiff. 832 Willam­ Jl IB, 22. 29. Aug. 8, 12-19-26 street between 5th and 6th streets. Barnard County Judge of Lane Coun- ette Street. Eugene. Oregon Goods — Block 7; On the North side of B ty. Qregon, made and entered July 2 t Commercial State Bank Bldg., Jl 29 A 5-12 19 2«: S. 2 9 129 5th Street, Springfield 1» THF CIRCUIT COURT OF THE streets from 2nd street East to Rail-1 1926. the first publication thereof Is Springfield, Or«. NOTICE Is hereby given tha' th» i u t a t f n F OREGON FOR THE road; Block 29. the South side of the July 29. 1926 and the last publication State Ioind Board of the State ot ( COITNTV O F I A N E Block on C street and East side of, September 9. 1926. New Beds, Matrasses, Chairs. 2nd Oregon will receive sealed bids at It» m u n t i g UMMONg Lot 8. Block 29 on 4th street; South M G. HOGE, Hand Chairs and Rockers. New office In the Capitol Building at Sa side of C street between 7th and 8th Attorney for Plaintiff, 532 Will: Olive Bowles. Planltiff. . streets. Block 76; East side of 7th ette Street. Eugene. Oregon lent, Oregon, up to 11:00 o'clock A Oflll Simmons Beds. Tablet and Bed Jl 29: A 5-12-19-26: S 2-9 M.. August 10. 192« tor all the State*« Mrs. Lydia Carlson and Charles J. gtrept between B and p streets; East i Springs. gldp o{ ?th R(rM.t fr0InV Interest In the river-bed lands hero Carlson her Husband. Defem.anL side of 7th street from C street North j SUTTON TRANSFER Inafter described, giving, however, to TO CHARLES J. CARLSON THE to alley. Block 80; North side of D SUMMONS ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: street between 5th and 6th str e e ts,; , IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH® the owner or owners of any land ----------- ------------------------------------ Phon« 57 IN THE NAME OF THE STATU, Block 1: North side of E street be- STATE OF OREGON FOR TH® abutting or fronting thereon, the pref erence right to purchase said river OF OREGON yon are hereby requir- tween 4th and 6th streets; East side ’ COUNTY OF LANE. bed lands at the htghnst price offered ed to appear and answer th« com- of 4th street between D and E streets; j Robert W. Prescott, Plaintiff v». Phoae Re». 101-J Office 78-J provided such offer la made In good plaint filed against you In the above Corner of 6th and E street. North side Agnes S. Klemer. a widow. Helen EL F. H. WALKER faith, and reserving to the Board (ka entitled court and cause on or before of E street and W est side of 6th Klemer. a single woman; W alter F. DR. N. W. EMERY Auto Truck Transfer th e " sth d a v of August 1926 said date etreets. Block 90; Corner of 6th and E Klemer and Jane Doe Klemer, hl« right to rejeot «ay Bad e l M*B3 OINTIST th a n ste weeks from the " (" H E«a‘ •dde ot Sth' 10- Bloc* wife; Edgar L Klemer and Florenc« Said latida áre situated In Lane Houss Hold Good«, Baggag«, of thlR 82; Both sides of E street between 8th KIemer. his wife; and also all other County, Oregon, and described a» be ng m ow l!jan Msrehandlas Moving Button Bldg. Phon« 20-J date of the first publication of this gnd #th strPeta. corner of 8th and E n, * i* im i „ . follows, to-wlt: Office at 312 Main SL R « a ld « n ce P hon « 153 M Beginning at a point on the U. 8 summons and being the time pre- Rtrept North slde of E and Weftt slde any right, title, estate, lien or interest Government meander line of the left scribed tor such appearance by you of gth; south side of f street between In the real estate described In th« Bprlngflald, Oregon bank of the W illam ette River, at a In the order tor the publication of gth and 9th streets, one Lot center of complaint herein. Defendants. rom er on the east boundary of the this summon«, herein entered of re- Block; Corner 6f 4th and F street; G To the above named defendants: L. Poindexter D. L. C. No. 52, T. 17 cord, and If vou fhll so to appear Street between 4th and 5th streets, QEO.. N, McLSAN You and each of you are hereby 8. R 4 W , W. M., 10.75 ohalns nortl nnd answer for want thereof plaintiff North side thereof; Com«r of 6th and Automobil«, Fir« and Lite (j above notified estitled and required to appeear th« of the south»*ast corner of the claim will apply to the (' o u r t r e ’|pf "trPpt7 o ’ str e e t" b e tw ie /fith and 6th cause and answer in there­ IN S U R A N C E being 28 90 chains east and 37.21 JEW ELER and Rtrpptg. MagtprB property; North side <" Fitkin six Weeks from the date of Surety Bond«,. Phon« S17 chains north of the southwest cornet in her complaint demanded o i Q gtreet between 6th and 7th the first publication of this summons. Repairing a Specialty My bualne«« I« to protect yeur of Section 13. of said township, and prayed tor. to-wlt: Judgment against defendant Mrs. Rlrept,, one-half of Block from 7th and if you tall to appear and answ er bu«lne«« Springfield, Oregon running thence along the Government Lydia Carlson tor the stim of 31600 00 gtree, W est; South side of G street,; herein, the plaintiff will apply to th« 860 W lllam atte 8t. E u gen « p r e p o n , line. together with Interest thereon from one-half Block W est from 7th street: Court for the relief demanded in th« N. 55H degrees W. 3.00 chains December 17th. 1926 at 8 per cent per North side of F street between 8th j complaint filed herein, to-wit: N 32 degrees W 4.00 chains annum until paid and the costs and and 9th streets; East side of 7th. For a decree decreeing the plaintiff N. 18 degrees 16’ W. 4.80 chains VASBY BROS. disbursements of thia snlt and $250.00 atreet from the North alley line *B | J ® , I f f - 9. of ,h * N. 12 degrees 10’ E 7 1« chains following described premises: N. 31 degree« E. 2.67 chains thenc» as special attorneys fees. ¡Block 108 to K street All kind« of grav«l for con­ Painting A Decorating Sectton 2. The council hereby de-i Commencing at the SE Corner of leaving the meander line. A decree that the P lain tiffs mort- d ares that it is the Intention that such Sec. 10, in Twp. 17 S.. Range 5 W est crete or road work. We East 3.36 chains. In all Its branches gage be foreclosed and that the real jraprHVPmpnt „hall be. and the sa m e: ot the Willamette Meridian In Lan« N. 64 degrees 85' E 2 63 chains make a specialty of crushed N. 79 degrees E. 6.«3 chains th en « property described therein be 80 d Is hereby ordered at the expense and County. Oregon: thence running W est rock and rock «and. Bunk­ 312 Main Street 1 by the Sheriff of Lane County, Or" i to be paid by the owners of said pro- 12 chains and 4 feet; thence North leaving the meander line. ers at foot of Main on Mill 8. 23 degrees W. 2.40 chains to th» egon to satisfy said Judgment and perty on said streets In proportion to 25 chains, thence East 12 chains and street accruing costs. i the benefit derived by the property tour feet and thence South 25 chain« meander line on the right bank. This summons is served upon you from such improvements. to the place of beginning; and quiet­ 8 «9 degrees W. 9 00 chains aloni HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. by publication thereof In the Spring- Section 3. Said tnxprovementH shall ing thp title to said premises In said the meander line. DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL 8. 3 degrees W. 8 85 chains. field N ew s pursuant to an order of bp ln accordance with the detailed I plaintiff as against all claims of every 8. 88 degrees E. 5.60 chains the Honorable C P. Barnard, Judge P,a "8 «Prriflcatlons of the City - klnd - - - of - - the above named ........................ defendant« DENTIST F» 39 degree« 02' W. 6.88 chains ti of the County Court of the State of engineer who Is hereby ordered to and all persons ¡claiming by, through _ . . a a prepare and file the same with the Re- the nlaoe o f beginning, contalnlni Phone 43 an(, #ha„ coliform thP re. or under them, or any or either of 11.818 aerea of river-bed lands In Bee Oregon for the County of L an em ad e Flrrt Nat’l Bank Bldg., Bpr'nqflald and entered of record on th s 15 day qlln*pmpnts of the ordinances of the them. 12. T. 17 8. R. 4 W. W. M. Your Home When In THIS SUMMONS is published by Applications should be accompanied of July 1926. ordering that t l ’ said Town of Springfield tor the construc- virtue of an order therefor made by «ach tlon of concrete sidewalks. Springfield by check or draft of the amouat ot summons be published one cces- Section 4, The Recorder Is hereby the Hon. G. F. Skipworth, Judge ot bid and should be addressed to G week for stx consecutive and O. Brown, Clerk State nand Board sire w eeks and «he date of the first directed to forthwith publish In the, the above entitled Court The date of the first publicados WM. G. HUGHES Salem, Oregon, and m -rted “Applies publication will he July 16*b 192« Springfield N ews for a period of Ten FIRB AND AUTO INSURANCE tlon and btr. to purchase rlyar-brt and of the last pnhilcatlon will be <’aY". "r Two SuhlUaMona a Notice to hereof Is August 5. 1926. and the date FRANK A. DF.PUE lamia," Contractors and call for bids for the ot the last publication hereof Is S ep ­ NO TA R Y PUBLIC ATTORNEY AT LAW August 2«fh, 1926. building of said sidcwtelks. and tho tem ber 1«, 1926. O. O. BROW N. FRANK A. DB PUB Offlca at E. O IMMEL, council hereby appoints the 9th day Clerk «tato L >4 Board. NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney for Plaintiff. of August. 1926, as the tim e for re- Attorney tor Plaintiff, 'Residencie FIRST NATIONAL BANK Dated at Salem, Jragon, May 1«, Button Bprlngfield and postoffice address; Eugene, Or«* Realdence. Springfield. Oregon, celvtng and opening such bids 192S. Bprlngflald. Oregon ____▲ 6-13-19-26 : 8 3-W * j Buldllng Oregon. | Section 6. Inasmuch as all said gon. I * A H Jnly II, 22, 29. Ang. 8, 19-19-2«. Classified Ads (BUYING OR SELLING1 ¡B U S IN E S S D. W . R o o f SPRtNSFIELD GRAVEL CO, “The Loop” THEY GET RESULTS) D IR E C T O R Y } 1