f U. TIIK ItOAD TO 8UCUEHH IB PAVED WITH ADVKKTIHINO o. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS r TW ENTY-Tllllin YEAH SCHOOL 10 OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 13 Onto Set Week Earlier Than Planned Economy To Be Ef­ fected By Abolishing Mid- Year Class«. Next January; New Teacher Elected. Üb Th« A People's Papar* L IV K NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N ■ BPItINOFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. 192« FIVE FLOATS TO BE SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL ENTERED IN PARADE COMPANY MOVES PLANT A Great Golfer Springfield Power and T ransportation New O utfit Being Erected At Loca- Advantagee To Be Show ' tlon on R iver Below Flour M ill A nmber of floats will be entered by , The Hprlngfleld Hand and Gravel Hprlngfleld In the Trail to Itali cele -I company will be reaady to start crush- ; bratlon at Kugene according to plans ) ing gravel at their new plant south of being made by local business houses ! the Hprlngfleld Mill and Grain com-S and the Chamber of Commerce com 'puny about August 15, according to mlttee. I The Chamber of Commerce has H. W. Chase of the gravel company started In earnest on a float to repre- Tbey are building a plant with twice sent all of Hprlngfleld and vicinity and ' tb - (apg,.„ y of lhp oW o„,. on a new has enguged a man from Portland to! ? « .... ... „ . . . . . alt* up the river from the old or.e, build the float. The Hprlngfleld Mill ) and Grain com pany, the Booth K e lly ' exhausted the gravel at the mill», the Mountain Htatea Power com -, old P » '-- The »"»“ I "• pany. and the 41. of Hprlngfleld and “ lar*’' 1 bar ln the Willamette Wendllng have all signified tbelr In rl»»r whl,h furnlah thtD1 wlth tentlon to have float» «’» ’ «” for “ *“»« “ rae ln the iuture The Chamber of Commerce will In I Mr ( h a»e '• Installing a new bucket vlte the following firms to enter float» ¡““d h<’,8‘ 'ho n"w P‘“ Dt Whe" In addition to the others already ««.¡com pleted, there will be trap» for - " ' L . . - ■- <■ a , - , . a » sand, pea gravel, number two round, three-eights crushed, dust and number the Commercial State Bank, the First National Bonk, the Banner Motor one and two crushed gravel at th" ; company, the Cascade Manufacturing plant. NUMBER 31 ASK TON SEWER UNO WATER EXTENSIONS Two Petitions To Be Presented To Council Calling For Spec­ ial Election For Sewers; Wil­ lamette Heights Asks For Water Main. It petitions, calling for an extension of sewer», now in the hands of the city recorder, are acted upon by the city council, a special election will be . 1 necessary in the fall at the same time as the general election to decide upon the issuing of bonds by the city to pay for the new improvements. It took Bobby Jones 12 years to break into national title holding Two petitions bave been left at the ESE ranks, but now at 24 h i is recog­ city hall for presentation to the coun­ Several aristocratic mammas of nized as one of the greatest golfers cil asking for sewer extensions. The W entworth-by-the-Sea, N. H., ob- in the world. He was battling for residents of Willamette Heights pres­ t s his third title last week in the U. S. Open at Columbus. O.—already ented a petition with fifteen signa­ died their daughters during their holding the U. S. Amateur and the tures which calls for “a special elec­ lesson». The “ male" Instructor British open. Photo— as he arriv­ tion at the time of the general elec­ turned out to he the famous ed from England with his aew tion ln the fall to vote upon the pro­ Aileen Riggln with s boyish boh. title. company, the Hprlngfleld Lumber com position of Issuing bonds for the con­ pany, the Carbollncum Wood Preeerv- JURY DISAGREES IN struction of a trunk line sewer sys- Ing company, and the Hwart« and TRIAL OF PIRRIE NEW FIRE ENGINE NEHER-WELCH WEDDING tem south of the mill race. At th s Washburn W holesale Packing com­ ARRIVED YESTERDAY present time there are no sew ers In EVENT OF YESTERDAY pany The trial of Robert pirrie, on the | that part of town and such a system The floats to be built under the charge of plsaesslon of Intoxicating - Springfield’s n Howard-Cooper ,g nee n M l. .. » . - N - h e r ! ,>U -----1 p*’1 ------- m , n , "---------------------- brr* G n ° ' composed of Mrs. W. H. Pollard fore est model Howard-Cooper combined Heights also left a petition at the city ed the cerem ony M iss B rnl N Bushm an. chairm an o f th e C h a m b e r ' , , r - . to „ Mr« Gertie ent mid-year cla»»e» whl> h will be ’ man. James I^xtcn, Mrs. Gertie truck and pumper with a capaitly of hall asking that the council recoin- c o n tin u e until tbe pupils graduale. ' the bride'» slater »»» bride'» maid of t'ommrce amt 1-lon» club committee. Broadham, W. H McKlln, Robert 8id- extension of Ute water mains , K UBdgpy The Jury re. 350 gallons per minute, and a speed of “ end In e n ier to avoid any possible Inc in- |and Victor Neher. a brother was best to take charge of the financing of th is , we„ . ... . . ,,u In that d istrict They feel that they 65 miles per hour. It is equipped with , . * vent« n. e the »chth-K««lly float will show the lights are placed above in front so Qf flve yegrg A new w>Mr Br wn II the defense Wit will teach until the mid-year classes lowing the wedding an Informal re ,unlber prod u<.u . According to D. W ceptlon for the newly marrl-d couple M(.K|„ix,n. secretary of the 4U t h e i " 0* “"1 ’ 1 ‘ " „ » r h e rt they can be turned any way and main | B a dire necessity in this dis- «top next January. was held «t the Neher home In Doug pmpl<>ye, a oi the Booth-Kell, com pany! throw light on the hone aa it Is being trict owing to the immedate p ro sfec^ The public school. of Springfield will open B»p l e III be r 13 Instead of the 2oth «« a result of action luken by the at hiKil board nt It» meeting Tuesday night. The date waa advanced a week Io bring Springfield In line with the acboola at Kugene and Cottage Grove w hich open on ihat date, and to enable the Springfield tracher» to attend the teacher» ln»tltute September 9. By opening September 13. the «chool hoard expect» that all the teacher« will be here early enough to attend the Inatltute, The school district re­ ceive» |f. for each teacher In attend­ ance. No beginning mid year cla»»ea will be started next January aa ha» been done In the paat. This action waa taken for reason» of economy, »» the mid year eta»»en require more teacher« than th« number of pupil» warrant By eliminating the mid year claaaea. the »chool board expect» to reduce th s number of teacher» needed and ef- feet an economy without lowering the standards of th . school. In any way » A Isa Gardens will have a float of their own A m eet ‘ '*>’*r*e 'kwpii Wavne Hawk taken into a building. The m achine, of three new home« to be built,” The CALIFORNIA MAN FINED a l»ree o w n ’ . jn(t tp discuss a a Wayne Hawk will carry 12W feet of ho«e. . P*Htlon has sixteen signature«. A large number numner of or out out o or f t town the matter is called a “ man named Rockwell. . FOR HAVING PHEASANT guest» attended the wedding Mr and #t Wpnd ||nB („n igh t Their float w ill; ttPpe»r',d for lhe defen e The purchase If the new fly. .quip-' 7 ' )lMtteir ’ “‘j - J K Carter wss fined |4 0 and coata Mr" b " Kun* Mr "n > Mr« T["m- probably ahow the use of wood p r < " nA K ,^ c- AM n ment came quickly after the special ®aln’ " *" “an d . of Justice court Monday for having a Ml"" Ru,h B» r"et«. Mr and Mrs dU{.(H ,, ne w)th , he W -[M X , produc STREET DANCE AND election last Tuesday, St which the * * * OU“ U,D 8t* ‘M con,p“nY* in c , j . . a c - j . ‘he city council can do is to recom- China pheasant In hl« possession out ° N h Rnd d«ughter Dori« Mer- tk)n ,,umpatgn being carried on by the CARNIVAL PLANNED council „ was authorised to Issue bonds ■ , a „ o f » e « .,m c a rte r appeared In c o u r t '" " Y ~ ’ pr Jphn Brook" toeals. ---------- L mend that such mains be laid if in to the amount of 17,500 for the pur-' with Floyd Cantrell his aon-ln law ,r'm ' Verne. Other guests w ere, Th(, Sprlngfl,,|d Mill and Grain com- The American Legion and Ladle« i . . . . . their opinion they are justified by the chase of a new truck. The flre and r u who w a .a r r e n .te d for the ».m e of j M‘" ’’«rrlet Rutherford of Oakland , pany has an old burr which 1» to be Civic club will hold a Jitney street , , . , „ _ needs of tbe d istrict If the power water commission, composed of Her-, fen«.-, and pleaded guilty Cantrell n ,,n o,": Ml” Mnry Lcnl"* Pearce of pla(.e(| (n (hp h,„ ,ort(.aI „ectlon of the dance and carnival on Saturday night b e r tc o x . M J. McKlln. and Lawrence I eOn,p’ ny ,h find no gun In the car, nor any along h“ " received a new meter to chairman. H. E Maxey. Dr. W. C. Rele be providede at the carnival. iy on duty ln case of flre. Present plans provide for a country the side of the road over which they / ‘he amount of water being han w H Adrian and E. E. Morrison, I ing a closing out sale, conducted by store, a fish pond, and other regular had com.-, but the china pheasant was Pumped Into the m ains of the Spring ; Work of remodf ling the fire hall to - Mr. Sneed since June 16. The new I field water system and will Install R ' q carnival features and of course plenty accommodate the new engine and pro-1 owner is J. O. Kennett of Eugene. x In the car «HH warm. LYBARGER DIES The two men claimed they found;'” 11 l,,w weeks. The new apparatus SUDDENLY AT HOME h<>t doK*' ,c‘‘ cream and aoft drlnl,a vide sleeping quarters for the fire­ Mr. Sneed annouced his determina­ _____ i Permission has alreody been granted men will proceed immediately ac­ tion to retire from business in ¡Spring- the pheasant along the side of the '■ called a flow meter and Is designed rood still wsrm as they were going «•» measure the puntpage rate of the The funeral of Clifford Lybarger, “ > hol{1 l'»1 d"01'" Slxlh 8 l w t °1»' cording to city officials. field and go to California to live, last out to see a threshing crew. As Car-1 » a lw pumps I he meter records the wb(J dlpd a| htg roniP ¡n 8t,-Wart's Ad poslte the public market, but It was The new insurance rating for June. He had sold a great deal o( ter, who Is from California, hnd never xulhma pumped pw minute and also dB |pn Tuesday morning, will be held thought best to change ths location to Springfield will be made known as his stock when the store was sold to seen a pheaHant, Ihey slopped and i Indicates the rate pumped Ht an) |Om0rr0w afternoon at 2:30 from the Fourth street as that is more central- soon as the Insurance commission has Mr. Kennett. The new owner an- picked the bird up and took It with ■ Klven time In gallons per minute. i j, Walker Undertaking Parlors. pF located. compiled the necessary data. The niunces that be would close out tho By means of the new meter, th.- |,urtal will be in the l-aurel Hill cem i Oswald Olson is in charge of ar- new engine was tested by the Insur­ remaining stock of goods. th< m They said they hnd no gun and company officials will be b e t t e r p,Ary rangements and has annouced the fol- ance upderwrlters Association 1 u were not hunting Lybarger wa-’ stricken with heart I'ow*ng committee chairmen; advertis- Portland before being brought here As then- was no conclusive evidence equlped to mensure the am unt of Telegraph Operators Leave against Canterell, the case was d is­ i hlortne needed to purify the water (a nurp „„ his way heme from a n eigh -j1"*- John W ills; concessions, William and the results sent to Salem. Several changes in the personnel at missed. but Carter was fined for hav ami can more accurately regulate the bor-g pllM,„ where he had gone for the! Vasby; refreshments, Mrs. Maude chlorine application rate. Before the, m1| k Tuesday morning He was cm- Bryan; lights, Mrs. Walter Scott; the Southern Pacific depot have taken July P o s ta l’ Receipts Out lug the bird In his possession. purchase of the meter they had no p|oypd by {be Booth Kelly company j dance. Clarence Fandrum; and prises, — I place recently J. W. Shaw, telegraph way to accurately measure the am ount-af w endllng as a cook and had come j Mrs. C. E. Whpaton. Music will be Postal receipts for July continue to, operator, has gone to Eugene as tha Lions Club Hears Delegates The report of the delegates to the of chlorine needed, as they had no to Springfield W ednesday on his va- i furnished by Elliott's Orchestra, show a gain for this year over the third shift man at the passenger d * Lions International convention nt way to tell how much walt>r was pass ,.atlon ,,e had formerly been In the corresponding months of last year, p o t moving his family to Eugene Juljf P a rty V isits Here although the percentage for July fell | 27. His place at the local station has Han Francisco was given at the week-! Ing through lhe pump» at any given restaurant business here. Mrs. N. W. Emery was the hostess down a little from that for the first been taken by William Lamb who ly meeting of the club last Friday W time Mr. Lybarger w as 44 years old. He The Instrument Is a high grade HUrv|vptj by his wife, Stella Lybar- !'a8t week of a number o f people from six months of 1926. F. Walker, who with W. C. Wright, comes here from Oakridge. att- ndi-d th.- convention gave the re­ electrically operated meter manufac-, g , r (wo ((HUghtors. Mrs. Doris Stlfler > other W lladietle valley points who The receipts for July, 1926 were J. B. Pennington who had tbe third tured by the Republic Flow Metera wbo ,tveR n,,Hr Npwport „nd Lela Ly- were on their way to Crater Lake 3703.87. Those for July 1925 were relief here will go to Oakridge in tho port. The committee, headed by G. O. company of Chicago, Illinois and rn>' hargpr of Springfield and two brothers, Among them was Miss Irene Forsythe 3647.25, leaving a balance In favor o f 1 near future as the first shift man Bushman, which Is to work with a |500. It Indicate« the flow of lh e w-an Pr UI)d paqj Lybarger of Dels- who used to teach in the Springfield this year of 356-62. or a gain of eight there. It is not known who will suo- similar committee of the Chamber of water electrically, by transmitting warp, Oh|o . Bn(| a sister, I-ela Lybar- high school. Mis» Forsythe was ac­ and three-foitrths per cent. The g a in ' ceed him at the telegraph here, companied by her mother, Mrs. H. for the first six months of the y ea r' Carl Olson left Monday on a two Commerce on the floats to be entered t,he energy of the water flow Into an ' ger wh() 1s a m| Ss|onery In China, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Forsythe of Woodburn, and her sister, was ten per c e n t ln the Trail To Rail celebration at electric ltnpluse which operates a j we?ks vacation in the mountains ac­ Eugene roportod that definite plans needle on a dial, and can be Installed Ramodsling of Walker Chspel Com Miss W. Forsythe of SalSm. Other companied by his family. M. F. Hard­ pleted I members of the party were; Mrs. for the floats will bo formulated this anywhere, Bennett Buys Beef Stock esty is relieving him as depot agent week. Tho extensive remodeling and re- Murray of Chicago. Illllnols, and the for a two weeks period. T. F. Bennett of the Sanitary Mar-) James Pugh Burled Tuesday decorating of the W. K. Walker Under-1 Reverend and Mrs. Akers of Wood- 4-H Clubs To Meet In Eugene ket bought twelve head of fine th ree' Breaks A nkle; Does Not Know It taking parlors was completed this bum. The boys and girls 4-H cluba of Lane The party was going to Diamond and four year old steera of G. E. Carr Jamen W. Pugh of West Springfield j woPk and as a result the establlsr- County are going to enter a flout In was burled at the f-nurel Hill cerne-1 mpnt ,g onp of tj,e b«gt looking places and Crater Lakes before returning of Dexter last week. The cattle are Gladys Goddard of W alterville slip­ tho Trail to Ball parade In Eugene tery Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, j (n , bp smaller towns of the state. The home. Miss Irene Forsythe is sailing now at the Bennett ranch outside of ped off a log and broke her left ankle on August 20, At that time club Mrs. Van Dusan of the Light House mtrelor of the place was completely for China from Seattle September 5 town. Mr. Bennett also bought some by striking a rock in a creek on her members from all over tho state will Temple, Eugene conducting the ser ^ ,n , over, w(th new carpets, curtains as a missionary. Durham beef cattle on the same day brother’s place July 22 and didn’t be present and each club Is asked to vices. Bnrlnl was from the Walker) and drftp,,„ being Installed. The front from Barney Oldfield of Deerhorn know the ankle was broken until she send a representative. A boy and girl Undertaking parlors, Springfield. j of the main room was remodeled and The cattle were delivered July 26. Go T o Legion Convention came Into the office of a local physi­ from Klamath county are going to be Severul Springfield have gone to the Mr. Pugh died nt his home Sunday the family room made larger so ns to cian and had an X-Rav picture taken In Eugene and the Lane county clubs afternoon nt 71 yenrs of age. He Is mnke the accommodations as comfort- American Legion Convention In Marsh­ Back From Dakota—J. F. N advornik|of It last week, are asked to nominate a hoy and girl survived oy his wife, Mrs. Elisabeth able ns possible. field this week. Mr. and Mrs. Huntly and wife returned Tuesday night from Now she will have to use crutches from each club from which two rep­ Pugh; two daughters, Mrs. Catherine) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ left for the convention city Wednesday North Dakota after a stay of two for a few days after hobbling around resentatives will be selected Tor Lane Moore of Wendover, Utah, nnd- Mrs.) Have Son—Mr. and Mrs. Fred afternoon. Jess Meats, Carl Sensensy weeks at Dickinson, their old home, for nearly a week without medical at- county. Those two will entertain the Ellen Elma Bacon of Rnvlnn, Neb-1 Wright of Mareóla announced the nr- and Jack I-arson are also going. Carl Mr. Nadvornik expressed him self as tentlon. The break was not a bad visiting club members and will have rnskn; nnd two sons, Roy and Floyd rival of a son, born yesterday evening. Sensensy is delegate from the local very glad to get back to Oregon as'on e. although Miss Goddard said It all expenses paid. post nnd Jack Larson alternate. Pugh of West Springfield. The baby weighed seven ponds. It la too dry in the east to suit him. , hurt her considerably to walk.