THURSDAY. JUEY 29. 192$ THE 3PRINGFIR1 D NEWS PAGE SI a ' I Bend to be at her mother's bedside. TOWN AND VICINITY Sent To Hospital— Earl Othea was Visit« Her«— Mi»» Mary McKelvey taken to the Eugene hospital Friday of San Francisco eras a guest at the with a severe case of sore throat He h o n e of Crystal Bryan this week. ts a member of the railroad signal Mrs. Petersin Better— Mrs«. Arthur crew which has been working near Peterson who has been 111 at the Springfield. Eugene hospital will return next Sun­ Married Here Sunday— Lillian \\ il day to her home in Springfield. son of Cooa County and George Miller Go To Camp Meeting— R W Smith of Blackburn. Oregon were married and W H. Gantt drove to the Method- in the Justice court here Sunday. Jus lets camp meeting at Cottage Grove tice R. W. Smith performing the cere Tuesday night They report a large miny. attendance at the meetings. To Blue Rivers—Floyd Thompson. Her« From The Bailee—Mr Fred Adna and Elbe Signor and Victor W illiams' mother and stater are v isit­ >\>gle returned to Blue river Sunday ing him this week from The Halles. evening after attending the birthday The two ladies arrived in Springfield party In honor of Mrs. L. E. Thomp­ son at Myers park. They are employ­ Wednesday. ed on the government survey at Blue Leave On Vacation— Mr and ^[ra. river. X. L. Howard went to San Francisco Surday for a vacation. Mr Howard New Floor—Repairs to the floor and la employed at the Booth-Kelly mill a general overhauling were under way as foreman. Tuesday at The Loop, local cigar I Mother Sick— Mrs. Joseph Ludiker store. The fountain was removed anil received a telegram Friday saying the floor torn up because of the rotted that her mother, who lives neat; Bend, condition of the old one. A new floor was very sick. Mr. and Mrs Ludiker was laid and the floor in general level­ and children left Immediately for ed. I Don’t Buy Just Meat Buy Good Meat Independent Meat Co. Announcing the Third Big Week of The NEWLAND CO.’S GREATEST Pequot Sheeting 81 inches wide, bleached On Sale Per Yard £ r* OOC Unbleached sheeting 2 yard wide, on Sale, yard Bleached Sheeting, 2 yards wide, on Sale, yd Yard wide unbleached Muslin, the yard One lot of dark Percales good quality, 36 in. yard enjoyed the trip, having alwaye want­ McLagan Tours Mountain Road Nicotine sulfate aa sold In Oregon ed to make It. There Is certainly a In llsuld fi rm will ke, p indefinitely flue Stand of Umber In that region. without loss of atrength. says the ex­ W. C. Melmgan reports he had a You have lo »Ilde through the trees Io periment station. The high si grade rather rough ride Inst Thursday »hen Is a solution of nearly 50 per cent he went up the Mohawk river to above get hy. but the road le hol had. (hough nicotine sulfate In water e ntalnln« , Maple and then crossed over to the it Is not traveled much 40 per cent k-otlne. The only forms I'alapooya river at Crawfordsville Mr. Mvtdkgnn did not return the In which II Is available are black leaf I "The road was narrow, rough I. and same way he came however, but 40. Hall'« 40 per cent nicotine. N. I’. . winding" said Mr. Mi-I.agan. " b ill I iwssed through Brownsville C. nicotine, and Ortho nicotine sul­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Nicotine dusts may b«» either DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER fate IOH. I SITED STATES LAND OF­ stable or unstable. FICE. Roseburg. Oregon. July 1?. 193«. Marriage Licenses Issued NOTICE 1» hereby given t h a t Charles II. Mathews, of Goshem. Ore During the |-a 1 .¿ 3 1 «p 1 .vZO £?Q OizC COME TO SPRINGFIELD SHARE IN THESE WONDERFUL PRICE REDUCTIONS ON DRESS MATERIALS-DRY GOODS-HOCIERY--SHOES~SILKS-ETC We want to make this our biggest and best sale. All regular prices have been cut and slashed to the lim it to give you the BIGGEST BEST BARGAINS POSSIBLE Sale Continues Daily Until Further Notice Remember Practically Everything In The Store Slashed In Price One Lot of Men’s Bib Overalls Made of heavy 220 blue denim full cut and well made. On Sale at, a pair QQn <7OC One Lot of Men’» This is Our First Storewide Sale. No Effort Will be Spared to Make it The Greatest Bargain Event EVER STAGED IN THIS COMMUNITY at, each /»A v J i/V One lot of Boys work Shirts On Sale at, each A “ Q S r» zV i 9 QQ One Big Lot of Women'» Girls’ and Children's Footwear a varied assortment of g o o d solid, well made shoes In a var­ iety of styhgt to choose from, values up to $6.00. Price for this Sale n pair QQ i/OC M any O th er Lota of Shoe* on Sale at Bargain Prices. I Extra Special Humming Bird Hose Pure Thread Silk. In n e w popular shades, regular $1.50 per pair Price for this sale JL Cl QQ J) .«J *7 3 Pair for $4.00 One Lot of Men s Black Sateen Work Shirts Sells regular at $1.50. Specially priced for this sale Work Shirts blue chambray, two pockets On Sale and oxfords in a variety of styles, heels und leathers, re­ gular values to $(¡.75, you will want al least one pair at this low Sale price the pair NEWLAND’S SPRINGFIELD, OREGON $1.19 We cannot list every thing in this entire store, but you will find real worthwhile price reduc­ tions on practically everything.