THURSDAY. JULY 2». t»2fl THE 8PRINGHELD NEWS NO TIC E TO CONTRACTORS Henry Ford T"r D o n t wear yourtelf out bending over a sweltering days. Some ol summer meals can be quickly the and hot cook »tove these most delicious, easily prepared appetizing from our selected line of canned goods and lr«;sh vegetables and fruit. A F iesh Shipm ent o f K londike W aterm elon s Just A rrived. Foresight and keen bush -ar abil tty brought Henry For» to th vary front rank of the world’ manufacturing giants. His pe sonal fortune Is estimatod nt oi billion dollars. His career in bur nets has Iwsn marked by a stror personal interest in the welfare t his employees. Mr. Ford was th first to use profit-sharing principles In his great plants. E R A / 5 C A 5 M ÍC A R R X Science^ fo £ S e r y ice True educatton combines theory and practice, and Its goal la service Oregon's I.and Oranl College affords the liberal training essential to personal culture and civic efficiency, combined with special training for leadership In fields vital In modern life. Basic and Qsnsrsl T rain in g — In the School of Basic Aria and Sciences and the departments of Industrial Journalism, the Library, Physical Education, and Music. Technical and Special T rainin g — With curricula lesdlug to the bachelor'« degree In the school of HOME ECONOMIC» MILITARY SCIENCE 1N0 MINE» COMMERCE PHARMACY A G RICU LTUR E C H E M IC A L ENUINEHK- EN G IN E E R IN G FORESTRY V o c a t io n a l educa - tio n Gradual»' work li offered In most of the school«. In addition Io Hie Resident Instruction. the Experiment Station and Extension Service specialise In the application of science In every-day life, F all TER M BEGINS SEPTEM BER 20 For latest Catalogue end Inform ation address THE REGISTRAR Oregon A gricu ltu ral College CORVAIJJS - OLD TIME DANCE » ♦ • Healed bids will be received by the City Recorder up to I t o'clock, noon, of III* »lb day of August. li»26. tur the construction of cement (CONCRETE) side walks, on the Streets along the property benefited thereby, ns oat- Ilnedlu Ordinance No. 604 on tile at the Recorders Office, City Hall. Hprlns- lleld. Oregon Raid contractor to furn­ ish all labor and material In the' 501. structlon of «aid walks, to do all ex­ cavating or ailing to bring «aid walk» f grade, to give a good and «ufllclent bond In an amount that will aatl«/y the Council that the contractor will complete his work In a natl«(actor> mantitr and according to specifica­ tion* and Ordinances governing the Construction of concrete sidewalk« within the Town of Springfield. Ore gon. Said bid ahull specify the price per square foot of said walk, the price per «quure yard for excavating, and i the price per yurd for tilling In bring­ ing the «urface of the ground to grade, us specified by the City Engineer. All risk to be borne by the Contractor, and the City In nowise to be held for damage to workmen, or loss of mater­ ial In any way whatever. Bids will be opened at the regular meeting of the Council. August 8th. 192« The Coun- ' ell reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Il, W. SMITH, Recorder Town of Springfield. of the W lfs Get» Divorce Ity. The couple were married D R O P IN , Cafe S E R E N IT Y ANR S IN C E R IT Y Will mark the ceremony that we direct —will mark It with a never to be for­ gotten dignity of beautiful remembrance. PHONE 6 2 -j « W. F WALKER £28 funeral S ervice ™|N S pringfield , ore . s C ooking is Easy w ith a n ew C O LO N IA L R A N G E PRICED FRO M $5 8 .0 0 TO $112.00 See our display at any time, there is no obligation to buy Wright & Soh F ountain A Fine Noon Lunch Served Daily for 40c ** •with C oburg Bridge Every Sat. N ight Garrett’s Orchestra a t your. DRUGSTORE V ». “Trail To Rail” Friday and Saturday Special B eatin g B ow l Set P A G R A N T A N D C E L E B R A T IO N A spirin T ab lets relieve pain, colds, head­ aches and neuralgia pains promptly They are made from TRUE Aspirin, disintegrate quickly 1 and, therefore, give almost immediate beneflL Buy them in this big eco­ nomical bottle of 100— and save money. a. “Klalawa” Stupendous Pageant Each Night Pioneer Parade — Air Circus — Boxing Concerta — Dancing Eugene, Ore. A ugust 1 9 -2 0 24 T ab lets 25c Flanery’s Drug Store jstam You Were Out of Work Tomorrow A good weight glass howl, smoothly finished inside and outside. Pitted with a Dream Cream Whip. Sub­ stantially made. This is an article needed in every home. COM PLETE SET 99c "The Home of Good Furniture" W ETHERBEE -P O W E R S 11th at Willamette la Lena L. S v-M on has been granted Lewiston, Idaho, In 1818. a divorce In circuit court from Juel M. Swenson, formerly of Springfield, C A L L A N D S S E D r N. W Emery but now living In Tacoma. She Is on pH <• on p lau sod other work ’ ( given the care and custody of their two children. The wife alleges the FOR 8 A L B — Carbon paper In large husband Is addicted to the use of Sheets. 26x39 Inches, sultsbls fop liquor and has accused her of Infldel- tusking tracings T he new s Office. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE D E T A IL O F H E N R Y FO R D'S »TATE OF ORBOON IN AND FOR L IF E A N D W O R K LANE COUTY. W. H. Coats, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Henry Ford, automobile manufact­ Elizabeth Coats. D efendant To Mary Elisabeth Coats, Defend­ urer; born Greenfield. Mich., July 80. a n t 1863; learn ed mscbanlst's trade; IN THE NAMR O r THE 8TATE Lived In Detroit since 1887; Was OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ chief engineer Edison Illuminating Co. quired to appear and answer the com­ Organizer, 1903. and president ot Ford plaint filed against you. In the above Motor Co. (largest manufacturers of entitled Court and cause, or before automobiles In the world, employing the expiration of the time prescribed over 76.000 person; turn out about In the Order of publication, to-wlt: 3.800 automobile» a day). Announced On of before the expiration of six week« from the date of the first pub- January 1914 plan of profit-sharing In­ ! llcatlon hereof, and If you fall to volving distribution of ten to thirty answer for want thereof. Plaintiff will million of dollars anually to cm- apply to the Court for the relief prav- ;<•»! for In the Complaint which is In J ployee«. : subHianre a« follow« to-wlt: for a de­ Member Society of Automotive En­ cree of this Court dissolving the con­ gineers and Detroit Board of Com- tract of marriage now. and heretofore nterce Belong« to the following dub«, existing between Plaintiff aad Defend­ Detroit Bat lo r«. Detroit Athletic. Fel ant. and for such other, further, and different relief as to the Court may lowcraft. Bloomfield 11111« Country.: seem Just Hnd proper. Detroit Golf. Detroit Bout. Wolverine This Summons Is published persu- ant to an Order of the Honorable C. Auto and Automobile of America. Maintain« corp« of «n«clal worker« P. Barnard. Judge of Lane County. Oregon, made and entered July 28, ,to look after welfare of employee« 1926 And the first publication here­ and famine«. also legal and medical of Is made July 29, 1926. and the last departments free of charge; School publication will be made on the 9th for teaching English language; Built day of September, 1926 M G HOGE. Henry Ford Hospital at cost of |S,- Attorney for Plaintiff. 832 Wiliam-1 000,000 Appointed by Persldent w ll-' ette S treet Eugene, Oregon. son member of Wage Umpire Board, Jl 29; A 6-12-19-26: S 2-9 July 18. 1918; Democratic candidate • « ■ 1-----------------------— —------- -------- , for U. S. Senate against Truman H. Ngwberry. 1918 Address: Dearborn, Michigan. Library Open The Springfield lib 'rary was again open yesterday after I being closed a week on account of the I absence of the librarian. Mrs. Roberts, who has been on her annual vacation for the past week PA0EFW 1 Successful folks have vision which looks far beyond the immediate tomorrow—still to those who have not reached an independence which permits such action—the tomorrow is very important. Step by step is success attained. Thrift which calls for regularly putting aside a portion of any income, soon has a working capital to indulge a bigger vision. It is never too late to start. A great Chicago publisher who failed at 50 had the courage to start all over again and at 65 his second success far outstripped his former effort. Start building today. Add a little here—a little there and before you know It you will be one of the independent and influential citizens of this community This institution wants to help you. Banking is much more than a mere depository for the safe keeping of funds Come in and get acquainted and permit us to show you Innumerable ways to make money. Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System A GOOD B A N K IN A GOOD C O U N TR Y Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon