THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Kvarv Thursday at Springfield. Lana Cooaty. Ora«««, by THE WILLAMETTE PRES« H. K- MAXEY. Editor ^3 The report of the cow testing tuMoelatlon »hows what good dairy animals will do- A scrub cow eats Just as much feed as a good one and requires the same amount of time in handling The differ­ ence is u good cow is an asset while the poor one is a liability. fn Confidence By Flo Make Your Stomach Smile WfcVB only had ir a r t w nelkí , ' \ IT'S WALLY JUSTASCOOO AS mew - A ie ¿NTeiz-es r s p ir ? GCAYOPATHElZ i f \Zd2YMUCH iMTCßCSTCD- AMD He WAS JUÍT Teu-INC MC- -THAT MANY A HAPPY Tkioe n r had in i r —, < 'WHK'l He WAS A 00V. by use whole sex. Let women grow over their (»«ling« a akin as thick aa that which pretoota men. Let women do more liking and I««« loving Lat women take friendship and family re lulloushlp more casually, leas tensely. For her who work with bar mind, not to allow feeling eaaily atlrred or stabbed, to get In the way of It, la a matter of self preservation Woman Ara Too "Thln-Shlnnad" Since every day la Held day tor erltleiitng American women. perhaps The railroad crossing at Second street has been ihla version of what la wrong with M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E bad ever since ^he 8. P. track workers commenc­ her may he ItKorustlng It’a the O n * T e a r In Advanco___ 11.75 Thro« Mootba , ,, , 76« honest to-noodtwea viewpoint of a Ms M entha ______________ H-M Single Copy ---------- la ed work here. Tires have been blown out and m an- no there may be sum* truth In people shakeu up making this crossing. It seems IL THURSDAY. JULY » . 192« that the crossing might be put in at the proper The trouble with women la that ■ ...■■ ■— —--- ————————— - ; - — — - - • • e • • e • • • • • • • • • • grade and finished in a workman like manner in­ they care too much about too many Editorisi Program stead of compelling hundreds of automobiles to person«, and lo w make« a woman • - * aoft Her life 1« full of emotional ran over it in the present condition all summer. 1 M ake Springfield the J n d uabrtnl Cantar af W ie • hauirda. because love playa too lui , w tarn Qrapen. • • • • • • portant a part In her life. Her happl- S M. Bevalo? a Strai»« T ra d ln « P a la t; Solid a CNy • neae »land» or fall» by It She hasn't I S a f Contentad Harnea. * I Although the vote was light Tuesday Spring- enough outside Interests to occupy her a m . Im prava Living Conditions on the Parta. Pro- • field people in good majority went on record a» mind. She Is too dependent upon » mate ON Raising of Purebred Llvaaaaak and • wanting an improved tire department. Money in­ • the Growing ef P ru lt; W o rk M r B atter M arnata • vested wisely in fire fighting equipment is well othar persnans. She Is not sufficient unto herself. a rv. T a « the W o rld About O rapo n V Bosnie W ander- • spent. She 1» far too sensitive— »he ha» an • S land. • Inferiority complex that makes her ao » « e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e If there were an Insurance company E d ito r ia l C om m ent that paid damages for hurt feeling». A SOREHEAD It wouldn't have a woman on It» BUSINESS HOLDS UP books. If It knew Its business. A party giving his name as E. Bruce Knowlton? director of a Portland grand opera company, paid Fluctuation in volant« of trade during June were largely The greatest wastage of feminine Is due to unnecessarily com­ a $10 fine to the recorder's court here ou July 7. seasonal la character and general busuwa» activities In the energy Twelfth Federal Reserve District continued at the level of plicated and a«nalttve personal rela­ H e W a s a r r e s t e d Sunday. June 27, at Six­ The modern woman la the preceding three mouths. The business record for the tionships th and Main street, charged with driving his auto­ half year enalng June 30. 192S. when compared with the criticised as being "hard." 8ho Is not mobile 36 miles an hour over the pavetl* street, record for the first «lx months If 1926, showed an lucrease hard enough She Is too eaaily and ordered to appear in court Monday. Instead in trdde volume and business activity which exceeded the wounded by criticism, lack of appre­ at home or In her office She of appearing and making a plea aa to his guilt he normal expectation, baaed on- growth of population and de­ ciation. broods over slights. She wonders and velopment of natural resources of the district. Hanking sent friends to “square it” for him. The judge re­ statistics at the close of the half year reflected a strong winces about what others may be jected this attempted influence and fined Knowl- credit situation. thinking about her She has too thin a skin ton $10 Crop eondidlons and prospective yields at mid-July were, One of the advantages which men In open contempt of the law and the court with a tew exceptions, better than in 1925. a favorable clr- still hold over women Is the fact that Knowlton has written to various civic bodies in cumstance partially offset by the slightly lower level of far more than the latter, he lives In this part of the state protesting against the en­ prices for agricultural products this year. Industrial ac­ his Intelligence and In his Indulg forcement of the law and condemning the Spring- tivity Increased seasonally during June and. as Indicated encea, rather than In his sentim ents field officials He is also, according to one of his by figures of production and employment, was about the He finds complete happiness In his letters, broadcasting it over the radio- His ac­ level of June. 1925. Value of building permits issued dur­ work, his golf, his car. his fishing tions is what one would expect from a sorehead, ing June. 1926. in 20 principal cities showed a larger than tackle, his favorite book, and possibly who is not man enough to come into court and seasonal increase as compared with May. hut was 7.3 per one (at a time) love affair All of make a plea but sends someone else in an attempt cent leas than in June, 1925. The value of building per­ these things, with the exception, of to influence the judge. The traffic violator who mits issued in these cities during the first six months of course, of the love affair, are far Jess has no respect for law and contempt for the 1926 was slightly smaller than the value of permits Issued likely to hurt or disappoint him than courts should have his license revoked and be during the first six months of ar.y of the three preceding are human beings—the friends and given a jail sentence instead of a light fine. , years. family upon which a woman depends so wholely. The one thing you can During June. 1926. reporting lumber mills of four assocla always be sure of, shout any person tions In this district cut more than 850 million board (ret This has been a dry summer and hay is light on ut lumber, the largest output reported for any single month you care for. Is that sooner or later many acres of ground in this section. Yet 10 irri­ in the last four years. Figures of prixluctlln. shipment, and that person will hurt you. And t h e 1 gated acres north of Springfield produced 45 ton» new orders received, were all above thus« of both May, more you care, quantltlvely and of hay. Th°y were just ordinary acres of the 1926 and June. 1925. the increasea averaging approximately qualitatively, the more you will be same soil that is found generally in this part of ¡4 per cent as compared with the previous month, and 10 per hurt. the valley. They are proof that if all the farms cent as compared with a year ago. During the first six It would seem, then, that the moral were irrigated sufficient clover and other hay months of this year, activity in the lumber Industry, as re­ Is obvious, especially as It Is polntnd could be grown in this county to feed all animals flected by production, shipments^. and orders received, was OLD TIME DANCE and hundreds of tons wouldnot have to be shipped more than 10 per cent above the level of the same period | Every Saturday night at Coburg] in. of 1925, a year of record activity In the lumber business Bridge Dance Hall. Garrett's Orches-, With all the water runing to waste through a on the Pacific Coast. During the first half of 1926, orders tra. tf country as easy as this to irrigate it seems a crime received exceeded shipment, which. In turn, exceeded SUMMONS this condition is allowed to continue. Yet year production Stocks of lumber at mills were reported to b>- ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB after year we look across fields of cheat hay smaller on June first than on January first. 1926. STATE Op OREOON FOR LANE where a farmer must cut 40 acres to get sufficient The retail trade Index constructed by this bank declined COT NTY to feed a few head of stock and after all his labor during June, as compared with May. The decrease was Myrtle Sever, Plaintiff: vs. i has has about the poorest hay in the world. less than that which usually occur at this season of the H S e r e /, defendant. To Chas II fAevey.deferdant • • • • • year, however, and the Index, when adlutej for seasonal IN THE NAME OF THE STATE movements, advanced seven points or 4 8 per cent to 151!.9 CF OREGON* You are hereby re­ Cottage Grove is a versatile city They are run­ (1919-100). Reported figures indicate that sales at retail quired to nppenr and answer com­ ning a camp meeting and a movie studio on the were 3.8 per cent larger ,n value during the first six months plaint filed agnlnst you In the ahove suR on or hefore six weeks same lot in the south I.ane town. Hollywood of 1926 than during th- same period of 1925. Total value entitled from date of the first publication of hasn’t anything on that. of sales at wholesale reported by 164 firms In eleven lines this Summons, or for want thereof! of business was 2.0 per cent great» r during June, 1926. the Plaintiff will take Indginent than during June, 1925. Nine of the eleven lines for which agalnat you and apnlr to the C ourt, for the relief prayed for In the com Fishermen should take warning if they have a s rregated data are available showed Increased sales over plaint and for a decree of absolut- poor heart. A Washington man dropped dead the the year period During the first half of 1926. total sales divorce from you and the custodv of| the two minor children of the m airl-| other day in surprise as a big salmon took his of those firms were 2 8 per cent greater than during tfie age now In her care. first half of 1925. hook. This summons Is nllshM one*' each week for six consecutive weeks | In the Springfield News, a weekly: Newspaper published at Springfield,. Lane County. Oregon by order of the j Hon. G E Sklnworth, Judge of the above Court made Jnlv 1st, 1926. an d ’ Is dated and first published July 8th 1928 WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney 1 for the Plaintiff Residence and Post j Office Address. Eugene. Oregon Jl. 8-15-222»; A. 5-12, 1». ! second claaa m atter February 14. IS M at - p la to n ic a . BprtagflekL Oregon How oçe do ' i M r A V m O w YoJrie OUf¿ CA2, / THURSDAY. JULY 20. 1020 ST“E3MBL_ - - - -------- “ THR RPRWOFIWT H NS WP FAÖ BFO O « Don’t do without f o o d s that your stomach craves. Make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take an A. D. S. Digestive Tablet and sit back and laugh at old gTouchy after-distress. These tablet« will quickly digest all you eat, a n d leave no room for sour fermenting foods. Don’t suffer—keep a box of this remedy constantly on hqjid. Tablets are in a form easy to carry and easy to take. Price 50c New Low Tire Prices On First Quality Dependable Cord» 30 x 3' j Special Cord 30 x 3' j Oversize Cord 31 x 4 Heavy Duty 32 x 4 Heavy Duty 29 x 4:40 Special Balloon $8 50 $10 50 $17.65 81950 . »11.78 OTHER PRICES CORRESPONDINGLY LOW Don't forget we have a dependable Rubber C a se Guaranteed 6-Volt Battery as low as $11.95 Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor Go. MAIN ST. PHONE 19 Announcement I have returned to my former business, the Sanitary Market In Springfield, and wish ngnln to see all my old friends and patrons of this meat market. Quality nnd Service ha» always been my inottQ. You will find here a full line of fresh meat», salted and »moked meat» and fiah. Fresh fish on Fridays will also be a feature of thia mar­ ket. Ice delivery will be three tlmea a week. Sanitary Market T. F. Bennett, Prop. Ftfth and Main St. Phone 80 Eugene Business College A. E. Roberta, ¡Resident Secretarial Stenographic Courses Bookkeeping IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL 992 Willamette Street /n Eugene, Oregon the Good Old Summer Time Summer time Is work time and play time, but whether work or play one gets thirsty. HI op in and have one of our cool refreshing drinks or an Ice cream. We have ’em all flavors, served in a second EGGIMANN’S GOOD BREAD-Good Flour To make good bread and pastry you must have good flour. Years of experience has taught us what good flour Is and we buy the host for PERFECTION BREAD and pustry. Good Hour handled by our scientific method» in our modern, sanitary bake shop always turns out a fine uni­ form loaf You take no chances In buying and eating PER­ FECTION bread- IC b the best bread made. THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF Phone 81 Perkins SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Laxton Building FRED FRESE, Prop. Fifth St. Springfield Phone 66