THURSDAY. JULY 29. 1928 r a r- i TH E bPm \QgTBLD NEWS QassifiedAds (BUYING 02 Ft»R H A JX ' r* a< GET RESULTS) Hop Booh* to keep pick- l-OST ln- Printed and at the N e w * Office. In Hlnall straw sultca-e on July , 13 between Springfield C A LL AND HKE Dr. N Weet W. Emery Springfield and | on price* on plate and other work. If C onlalnlng ladle* cloth knt " ' W A N T M T ^ l n ’ ' Sprl»gfl'-l,l Kinder pleaaea leave at Row e's' F o R 8 A L E — Seven room house with Heal Ketate office, Springfield. Jl 29 acre of ground on Eaat Main St I rice 33800, |600 down, balano* Aged Woman like re n t Address J. E Stewart. W A N T B fr - Middle wishes house work. Phone Spring- 311 Cedar S t, Klamath rails, Ore. field 14F 6. . J| IB. 33. 38 tf u_ FAÙJE ÏÏTR4B FOU HALE— My modera home ou, River road near Uanta Clara. Terme |U f ault. My business la In Springfield and 1 bave moved bere and am anziana ' to aell. E I I Donner. Jl. 22-28 I OREGON NEWS ITEMS HC w QPCPIAI IWTCBCCT acrld''n,a ln 9r‘‘6on d“rlng June, am I L u I A L 111 I L llL w l j cording to a report prepared by T. A. VI -------------- CALL AN D BSE D r N W Em er, on pr* -« on elate and other work • Right persons were killed and 3441 persons were Injured In motor veblol* | lu ffe ty . chief Inspector tor the x :a t* Brief of Resume of Happenings ,utHmoblle department Between 150 and 300 acres of atanA the Week Collected for Ing wheat were burned over on tb * Frank M ell ranch, slz miles south a* IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Our Readers. The Dalles, In a fire that threatened STATE OF OREOON FOR T H E one of the hearleat grain products* COUNTY O F LANE Fire destroyed the 350,000 stock of districts In Wasco county for a Uoaae SUMM ONS H. W Johnson. Plaintiff, merchandise of M Sternberg A Co. A steady, substantial growth few vs. at Albany. McMinnville daring the past 13 month* Msry R Johnson, Defendant. To Mary R. Johnson. Above Named The Pacific Northwest Real "Estate la Indicated In a report Issued by th * Defendant: association held Its tenth annual meet­ chamber of commerce. Bank deposit* 's’ T H E NAM E OF T H E S T A T E ) n < | n l , Granda postal receipts and savings deposit* OF OREOON: You are hereby noti­ fied and required to appear and The new Western Union and South- have all Increased 10 per tent w ith !* anewer the Complaint filed against ern Pacific Telegraph line over the the past 13 month*. | territory . Sworn proof of 376 per week 31 60 an hour for spare time Introducing Finest Guaranteed Hos­ iery. 134 atylna and color*. Low price*. Auto furnished No capit­ al or nzperlnnoe necessary. W IL you In the above entitled suit, with Eugene A Klamath Falls railway to One hundred thousand bozes. th * K N IT H O SIER Y COMPANY Dept In slz weeks from the date of the completed largest crop yielded in Its history, I* F d R K E N T — 4 room house on 11 FOR BALE CHEAP- Floral Sprays, first publication of thia Summons , ... M— 47 Oreenfleld. Ohio. street;w ith electric! lights. ee w erj 734 ° Phone 107J and If you fall to so appear In the Hubert M urrlll, 27, was killed In- ... ’ t8, orcbard' st« ba¥® placed Jl 38 age. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E above entitled cause within the said stantly near Meacham, when be was ° n * year ’ c*‘op at tb® Modoc ot- . . Inside . « toilet. Z - “ " " 1 »•Ik«- FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E period of six weeks from the date of , tni(.k hv an O w n a w Inquire at N ew . office for partie«. ^ e e le . 26x39 inches. Suitable for . cbard- on® ° r the largest pear orchard* C O U N TY OF LANE. the first publication o f thia Bum. lo c o m o tiv e ,n the world’ located 12 miles north lare mons. the plaintiff w ill apply to the fr8*«h‘ '«^m otive. , * M- making (ratants. The New* Ofrtee. I lx,ul'"' I McLean, Plaintiff. —e J — —. - - . . I . ■ ■ . __„ . , va. Court for the relief prayed for In the Devil flab are Invading Cooa bay. I N O T IC I TO CREDITORS Complaint filed herein, to-wlt: for a f|»hermen reDort T h e n u h llc Is « . n . Tb* *««e ««or« ot the Oregon a n * SUMMONS ; Ituncan McLean. Defendant decree of the above entitled Court d , . . , . P California land grant counties met I * Is hereby given that Ubarle* | , . nirenl# » ta a, • To Duncan McLean, Defendant. R- Adami has been appoln; -d admin n2 ' tè ’. £ » L .” 1« " . Î ,N T ,,K NAM E <>F T H E STATE dissolving and forever setting aside “ 07 their children and E Ugene Saturday to discuss quest iqb * Oregon in and for the County of ¡ o f OREOON , t(J the “ latrafpt of thè «state of Jennle You are hereby re­ the bonds of matrimony existing be- ‘« » '• ‘«« "hen bathing Lane Adulo», d orca sud by th f Uouutv quired to appear and anawer the Suit for Divorce. Court of Lane Oounty, Origon complaint filed against you In the ¡.” s > “ ?• ° 2 ....................... ... - — - All persone havlng elalttia au-ilott Thelma E Ward, Plaintiff, va. above entitled ault within slz weeks named a decree of absolute divorce 400 ,U t e ^ “ »«-ntlary were shattered great a abort time ago. refunding i . e eaH , «Iute are requlred lo prr>- bl Humboldt M Ward, Defendant Ia ,t week when (he register showed eral yeare taxes on the grant land* from the first publication of this sum- from the defendant. tn en . wltb prooer vouebera, wllh'n To Humboldt M Ward. Defendant: mons, and If you fall so to anawer This summons Is served upon you • total of 684 prlaonen. | to the counties eia montha n , >m the Hth day of July You are hereby required to appear| plaintiff will apply to the court for cu. c ,,,« . K tw , „ d LhM . I9 fc to It e said admlnls'r.i'or a ( anawer the complaint fl|.-d tin- n il« f demanded In the complaint. thè law office of L. L. Ray In thè against you In the above entitled ault namely that the marriage relation successive weeks ln conformity with aDd ®,eve Maxey, who livea on a county are discussing the announce within slz weeks from the date of the 'betweeen the plaintiff and defendant the Order of the Honorable O F Skip- ranch four miles from Grants Faas, ment made by a corporation reprw Mln«r Ho lding. Fugene O ra g li. flral publication of thia summons In wholly dissolved. CHARLES R ADAMfl worth. Judge of the above entitled were drowned la the Rogue river. tentative that the Blletx river to t * Thia summons la served upon you Court. The date of the first public*- Admlnlatrator of Ihe e t . ie " h' l"h'><1 J“ 'T Residence and Post Office address: ‘ _ Notice It hereby given that Grace Eugene. Oregon. Work has been begun by the Mod- urveylng crew working on th * wit- That the marriage contract now , E Hobbs. Administratrix of the 'lis tin g h.-twccn you and plaintiff h . - . , Th.', “ nd* * ’ l“ 8i u ‘ res- Jl 22 29; A. 5-12-19 24; Sept. 2 ern Woodmen of the World lodge of river road to th * Ketate of Anna E Hobbs, deceased, forever dissolved and that she have •«’ *«“ ■“ *’" '* 7 of th" «»»«• of Oregon, Medford In erecting their new 310,000 coast under the supervision of C. has filed her final account and report an absolute divorce from vou Th- h”r P °"‘ office T H E JU STIC E COURT, EUG ENE reinforced one-story concrete head Burn8> 8*ate highway commission e: as «urh Administratrix, with the above named court made dated, and *" P l,ft nul,d,nB- I’ort IN gineer, has completed work on th * County Court of Ijin e County, Or- land, Oregon. JU STIC E D IS T R IC T , L A N E CO- Quarters building eaat side and has moved to the T ill» JA NET R W H IT E . County Court o fbane County, Or-1 reeling thia summons to be published U N TY , OREGON. A campaign of coyote poisoning w ill .. j . . . egon. and the said Court has set Rat- . __ I. * ' ml1 8ide to take up the survey wher* part of it wag )eft o{{ jn th^ faJ1 The surv#y vice, a corporation, plaintiff, Benton county for the next month by at 10-00 o'rlnck In the forenoon, i t News for a period of six successive n a t t Rldg. Portland. O r e to n weeks, nnd requiring von to appear' Jl. 22 29 A 5 12 19 26; Sept. 2 C. E W llao . and Mra. C. E. Wilson, Chester Hight o ‘ he U“ 1,ed Sta,e' la expected to be completed in slg the County Court room of said Coun nnd answer the said complaint within weeks ty as the time and place to hear biological survey six weeks from the date of the first hla wife, defendants Reports at Salem Indicate that SUMMONS objections to the same, and for the publication of this summons. SUMM ONS , W alter Talley, 42, of Freewater, IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E ) final «••ttlcmrnf of said Estate members of the public service cofl^ H K SLA TTER Y. To C. E. Wilaon and Mra. C. E was found by his wife hanging from GRACE E HOURS, Admlnletratrlx Attorney for Plaintiff, and my post S T A T E OF OREOON IN AND FOR WlUson, hla wife«, defendants: the rafters of the barn by a halter ?f‘’ ! i0D T C0" ’ idering '««uana* LA N E COUNTY. W i l i s A W EI LS. Attornevs for office address Is Eugene. Oregon IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S T A T E chaln Despondency 1. supposed t o ! " a , ' th® SeTera* * * * George Ellis. Plaintiff, va. Gladya Estate. Jl R IS 22 3» Aug S Jl 1 3 16 23 29 An 8 I I ; roads involved In the proposed c w OF r OREGON, you are hereby re- have cau8ed the act Ellla. Defendant. N O TIC E TO CREDITORS , i tral Oregon railway development t * To Gladya Ellis, qulred to appear and answer the N O TIC E TO CREDITO RS appear before the commission rhlch has been tiled - The Medford post of the American — IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE complaint , — ----— ---------------- -----vaavj V Z J U I IU 1 B 9 1 U Z 1 ,« contract .. ■ oncuiiure ra w T. E EDW ARD«. W H IT T E N BW AFFDRD, Atty. tract of marriage now and heretofore prop»u basket dinner at the state fair ground» rested in Multnomah county charge* ant to nn Order of the Honorable G. by thv publication thereof once a at Salem. Granges represented at the w't b selling so-called “units of tu te * F. Sklpworth Judge of the above week for six successive we^” 's n were Salem, Woodburn. Stay- e81’’ an electrical device intended ¡named Court, made and entered J u ly ; the Springflelds News, In accordance ton Turner. North Howell and Ma , tor the extraction of gold from iC r 28th. 1926 And Ihe. first publication with an order made and entered the cieay I « m irom t h * waters of Mono Lake, California, with* thereof Is made July 29th. 1926. and 14th day of July.x 1926, authorizing Oeneral l a v Practice ,n honor of Mra. Martha E. Hawley, ont flrst obtain>ng a permit from the the la«t publication will he made o n ! and directing the service of sum- W I L L I A M D O N A L D S O N J the 9th day of September. 1926. mons by publication. Date of first a pioneer of the Oregon territory. sta' e corporation department, were a * I. M. PETERSON M G HOOE. publication July 16. 1926. | «ome 40 relatives gathered at Bell- firn,ed by the state supreme eourt. A tto rn e y a t-I*w Dealer In N ew and Second Hand Attorney for Plaintiff. 632 W illam ­ H A R O LD J. W ELLS, fountain park In southern Benton That the state highway commisslo* ette Street. Eugene, Oregon Oooda Justice of the Peace, county In an all day picnic and re intends to ask soon for bids on co*» Commercial State Rank Bldg., Jl 29; A 6 1 2 1 9 26; S 2 9 Jl 16. 22. 29 Aug 5. 12-1» 26 , onton. 7 P n'C * nd re 129 5th Street, Sprlngfldd Springfield, Or*. struction of the Roosevelt highway N O T IC E Is hereby given that th» IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E Summer homea near the Mount between the Siuslaw and Umpqua rlw New Beds, Matresses. Chair*. 2nd State Igind Board of the State of S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E Hood Loop highway, six to ten miles era through portions of Lane a n * Hand Chair* and Rockers. New I Oregon will receive sealed bide at It» CO UN TY O F L A N E . east of Sandy, were threatened for a Douglas counties, is the belief of L a n * ; office In the Capitol Building at Sa SUMMONS 0*11 time by a fire in slashings on the county officiala. who have been 1 b * Simmons Beds. Tablet and Bed lem, Oregon, up to 11:06 o'rloek A (be Dixon-Hewïtt Lumbei Mrs I Bowles. vdla Carlson and C-h*rlea J. ' holding, ~ of ---------------- LumDer for“ ed that a crew of state highway M . August 10. 1926 for all the 8tate*« Olive Springs. SUTTON TRANSFER company. Interest In »he rlver-br* lands here Carlson her Husband. Defendant. C °™Pan7' w S h ^ o i “ 7 ’ ° rk ‘n8 ‘ 8UrVe, in a ftrr described, giving, however, to TO CHARLES J. CARLSON T H E An effort will be made at the next , ‘ „ G|enada. on the south b an * Phon* 67 the owner or owners of any land ABOVE NA M ED D E F E N D A N T ; session of the leglelature to amend Slualaw- abutting or fronting thereon, the pref IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STA TE the market road fund tow so that B’ d’ f° r ,400<)0 worth of highway er.-nce right to purchase said river I ’hoae It.., lot J offlca 73 J bed landa at the highest price offered OF OREOON you are hereby requlr- coun tie , wo„ id dirvet the expenditure b° ,,d> Were ■nthori»*d b7 the special of their respective shares of the state con,ni'Mlon '■ charge of construct!** provided such offer Is made In good ed to appear and anawer the com- F. H. WALKER DR. N W. EMERY faith, and reserving to the B y * the ( plaint filed against you ln the above market road fund. the «bort-cut road through the Salmon Auto Truck Transfer Ok N T 1ST r,1ht.}® Tefee* «■* «■ M ist , entitled court and cause on or before . . river country to Otto, where 28 m il« « Moua* Hold «ooda. Baggage, Said lands are situated In La*» dnv of August 1924 said date A check In the amount of 3144.203.35 of hlehwsv i< “H ie* County. Oregon, and described a» tem e m o ^ then ato weeks from the co’ «rtB< Inheritance tax on the estate r i d el"n ‘n«ted on t b * ~ Sutton Bldg. Phone Merchandise Moving f o l i o . . IO ..I1- bf,|n< more ,han !,lx weeR8 " “ T1 * , of the late Mrs , ° “d t0 nor‘ hern Lincoln county T b * Realdaneo Phone 153 M follows, to-wlt: I ¡ date Office at 312 Main St. of the first publication of this # a,e MrB- Jeannette Meier of commission will onon tho aid 7 , Beginning at a point on the U. 8 summons and being the time pre- P° « '« n d. w a. received * t th . office, next m ’edng A u Z r i r Springfield, Oregon Government meander line of the lefl scribed for such appearance by you of the ita t« treasurer at Salem. Mrs -railing prob­ bank of the W tllnmette River, at a ably will start within ten days after corner on the east boundary of th» in the order for the publication of Meier died recently, the bonds are sold. GEO.. N, MeLBAN | I-. Poindexter D. L. C. No. 52, T. 17 this summons, herein entered of re-| The dusty streets of Newport are The water shortage in eastern a n * S R. 4 W . W. M., 10.75 chains nortt cord, and If you Bill so to appear being sprinkled with Automobile, Fire and Life of the southeast corner of the claim snd answer for -want thereof plaintiff The cltv conncTi » " L . Pcean water, central Oregon, with the exception of IN S U R A N C E "' con' “ nctte«‘ with districts having prior rig ht, to t h . JEWELER being 28 90 chains east and 87.21 w.11 apply to the Court for the relief the b u i . i “ Surety Bonda„ Phqn# #, y ■ " ‘ he bU8'ne” men’ h8Te Provlded funds natural flow., is more serious at th * chnlne north of the southwest cornei In Repairing a Specialty My b u .ln .M | , t0 protect her complaint demanded and , .. -------- ! ? / “" “ / L "PHnkler on the main of Section 12, of said township, and prayed for. to-wlt: Springfield, Oregon business present time than for many years, so* running thence along the Government Judgment against defendant Mra. ’ 0 the clty dur'ng the dry sea- cording to reports received at the oA 340 W illa m e tte S t Eugene p r e g o ^ line. Lydla Carlson for the sum of 31600.00. Bon' flees of the state engineer. The mosf N. 66’4 degrees W 3 00 chains together with Interest thereon from More than 6000 members were slgn- •erioua shortage ot water for crop* N. 32 degrees W 4 00 chains December 17th. 1925 at R per cent per ed up in Klamath Falls during a five- »as reported by the Crook WUUi , N. 1R degrees 16' W. 4.80 chains VASBY BROS. county Im- N. 12 degrees 10’ E. 7.16 chains annum until paid and the costs and day campaign by the "Stop Forest Provement district and the Arnold ire*, All kind« of gravel for con- N. 31 degrees E. 2 67 chain, thene« disbursements of this suit and 3260 00, Fires association," a„ organ lx . ,on ««.ion company, L " of w iich arc £ Painting ft Decorating leaving the meander line. oret* or road work. We as special attorneys fees. which was started by the Klamath Oregon East 8.36 chains. In all Its branches make a specialty of crushed A decree that the Plaintiff a mort- county chamber of commerce Reclamation Commissioner Mead I * N. 64 degrees 56’ E 2 63 chains gage be foreclosed ----- and -------- that —----------- the real years yearg ago. ago trce two rock and rock sand. Bunk­ 312 Main Street N. 79 degrees E. 6 63 chains then« authority tor the statement that activ­ property described therein be sold ers at foot of Main on Mill leaving the meander line, by the Sheriff of Latte County, Or- red B®nnlon, Umatilla county ity w ill begin ln the very near fu tu r* stre*t 8 22 degrees W 2.40 chains to th« egon to satisfy said judgment and UKent- bas announced hla decision to on both the Owyhee and the Vale Irri­ meander line on the right hank. HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. accept the position as state leader of gation projects, with limited fund* 8 69 degrees W. 9 00 chains alony accruing costs. the meander line This summons Is served upon you county agents of Montana. Hla reslg- that are available. A contract soon DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL 8. 3 degrees W. R R5 chains. bv publication thereof in the Spring- nation was placed in the hands of the w ill be let for building a road to th * S. 56 degrees E. 6.60 chain* field News, pursuant »o ap order of county court and will become effective i Pr«>P°««d d»m »'te on the M alh^M DENTIST II 9. 8» degree« 02’ W. 6.86 chains ti the Honorable C. P. Barnard, Judge August 10. river, and the cost of thia road, togeth­ Phone 43 the place of beginning, contalnlni of the County Court of the State of T ll. . 11.314 acres of river-bed land* In Bee Oregon for the County of Lane made ' ™ J 1 ?r dpPRrfment has author- er with sums that will be paid out for F lr*t Nat'l Bank Bldg., Springfield Your Home When In 12, T. 17 8. R. 4 W. W. M. and entered of record on the 16 day 1 * ” ^i18 aa,e' #t Public auction, of lands needed for right* of way for tb * Applications should be accompanied of July 1926, ordering that the said , 1’1” -363 acr«» of Oregon- and Califor- reservoir site canals and other work* Springfield by check <*r draft of the amount of ________ ___ ___ ___ ____ _____ ____________ »H l exhaust the present approprtatloa bid nnd should be addressed to 0 aummona he published once each nla grant land»- «nd 93,000 acres of week for six consecutive and auccea- the Coos h®! wagon grant. T h * land f° r Owyhee- Ab«>ut half tha rw O. Brown, Clerk State Land Bo*r4 WM. O. HUOHES Salem, Oregon, and mr-.rked “Applies alve weeks and the date of the f ir s t ! lle" ln 13 different counties and con- cent appropriation for the Vale proj­ FRANK A. DF PUE FIRM AND AUTO INSURANCE tlon and bid to purchase rl» *i b e d puhllcatlon w ill he July 15th 1»26 tains a aland of yellow and sugar nine ect will be paid out for a full half ta- A TTO R N E Y A T LAW land*." NO TARY PUBLIC v. « ... ------------------------- and -e of - the last publication w ill ---- be re<, ye,low #nd whJte tercat In the W arm Springs reservoir, O. O. BROW N. > Offlee et August 26th. 1924. and the remainder of that approgrb NOTARY PUBLIC port orford cedar and hemlock esti­ Clerk State U vd B o n K F R A N K A. DB PUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK mated to run to 33,862,808.000 fata. atlon will be spent on drainage work Dated at Salem, Oregon, N a y M, Button Springfield Springfield, Oregon Attorney for Plaintiff. which to a necessary preliminary 4 * * IMS. board measure. Buldllng Ol Residence, Springfield, Oregon. lor locating the *»*1» i J S A -t July 1«, 22, N , A b *. I , 1B1S-N. “e j~B U S 1 N E S S D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. The Loop” DI R E C TO R Y