F IO ® TWO - th e - b F S 'x o m c i.M THURSDAY. JULY 29. 192« Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LANK C O U N T Y U N IT n»O. H ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cows Make Good Records in Association Testing Freeman Dull, tester of the Lane that of K. K. Harrows, of Blachly. County t'ow testing Association has whoae 9 cows averaged $<¡5 9 pounds Jttst completed the second month s of milk and 40 pounds of butter-fat. tests of cow» of association members High purebred row and high thr»-e gnd has Bled reports for May and rear-old waa a Holstein belonging to June with officials of the association. <3. S. Strome of Junction City. She according to O. S. Fletcher, county produced 1903 pounds of milk and 48 5 agricultural a g en t Following are pounds of fa t Syphera Brothers, of brief summaries of these reports: Blachly. had the high grade cow. a IJyit.g May 557 cows tested pro- Jersey that produced 133« pound of duced an average of 707 pounds of tnilic and 70.4 pounds butter-fat B ilk and 38.9 pounds of butter fat. Blachly Leads In Juna One hundred tea cows produced over Five hunderd thirty-two cows tested «0 pounds of butter-fat during the during June averaged «08 pounds of Bonth. milk and 28 1 pounds of butter-fat Honor of high herd went to C. 0 . Seventy-six cows produced more than Abbey of Blachly. whose five cows 40 pounds of buttor-fat. averaged 1IO99 pounds of milk and C. G Abbey, of Blachly. again had W 8 pounds of butter-fat Ray Cong high herd, his five cows averaging don also of Blachly, had the second 993 pounds of milk and 49 6 pounds of high herd of IT cows averaging 1114 4 butter-fat. second high herd honors pounds of mtlk and 4 1 J pounds of went to Svpher Brothers whose SS butter-fat The third high herd was cows averaged 7917 pounds of milk FOR SUMMER COOLNESS AND LONG WEAR THESE DAINTILY MADE F' Pongee Silk Teddies Reduced to $2.49 . • I Are Just What You May Want! Another big value offer for our July Clearance Sale. As you no doubt know pongee gives service, which is one big point in their favor. Tailored top. hand embroidered w’o- men will find this a real value at $2.49 Women's Sheer Voile Stepins At $1.59 Exquisitely sheer and dainty undie« of fine quality vo'Ie. Beautiful lace and applique trimmed, cut full and well made, in lo\ely pastel shades. This is a recent special purchase Women’s lovely quality chemise embellished same as Stepins, priced at $2.25 Second Floor L o w Fares to C a lifo rn ia Reduced roundtrip summer fares are now in effect. Plan your trip toCaltfomia and take advantage of them. Tickets with 16-day limit are on sale daily; also season tickets with Oct. 31 limit at slightly higher cost, permitting stopovers. Four trains daily, including Southern California Express direct via Sacramento and Los Angeles. I L IN K S iüthern Pacific Lines J J C. O LK IN . A mv L Good given asalstance alnng theae linea by step in com batting enem iea. crop rotation, spring, fall und winter thè tester. plowing, use of fertilisers und irap crops and right planting time, are visluabie aupplemeatary measures GARDEN WAY W ay Suggestions in Cool Underwear for De­ lightfully Warm Days (First Floor) la in or ’‘“ " ‘J A v e r y 1? “ !1 ‘1" '; r;,lnl,;< lh " ° f C‘ Ul” “> * ""T“ -UUM 10,1 o i i"™1“ 1'1“ « beef as Prunevtlle. to Garden Way. A v e r y ' foj,owa c # , t o r o i, qUBjlqr w«lght Interesting program was given It . i and iiu l U l«A JK t'l market price of animal« s o il. Included an address on the Trail to dri4(h io ,ge, Each of these Is said Rati pageant by Mr» Dorris Smith of , . . , to be of enou enough Importance to receive Portland Other numbers on the pro- . . v consideration gram were.: The City C h o ir ._______ male quartet. The chick doors In the O. A. C W Cook, N. Pengra, A. Burrl> and O colony brooder house Is placed tn one Gladfsh 'Sacrament ......... Mrs Allen ot ,h® front corners, since it | a easier Toy Balloon Mrs. Allen ! to drive the chick« out through a A sketch by the children of the com- c°rner door. The shutter hung« on u (munity. *°P slide and extends to the floor Reading ___ ________ Joyce Calhoun level. Then- la no clogging as In Gray Days ................... Mrs. Abahter many Little Rose of May Mrs. Abahl^r Go IVe'ty Rose. duet. Mrs. Abahie«, ..,nlUt #b(>u, Ab» .U w The The SucceMors to SCHAEFERS BROS. - 1 he Farmers Cnlon picnic at Hand- rlck'a bridle last Mnturday was u huge success. according to reports form those attending the barbeeuo and en tertalu incuts A beef weighing «33 gave 1424 pounda of nil Ik carrying 71.4 pounda of fa t The highest producing | grade cow also bekmged to Mr Dt-Voa She produced 1677 pounds of milk and ; FARM REMINDERS .1 pounds of butter-fat. In the four-year-okl class a Holstein 1 N ecessary as spraying is for pro- owned by Mr DeVoa won first w it h ’ garden crops In Oregon 1575 pounds of milk and 64 5 pouudh 'teetlon ' 1,11,1 of ° r garden crops It of butter-fat ' ,OnB • nd '» • • » • • ------ • “ will not, The county agent report ■ts that t h .r « :, “iy\ ‘h* l ’T *'r"u,'ul ««««Ion. remedy la much Interest tn the work of the ’ all the trouble caused by neglect and cow testing association. Member* '* '* ' U,H* *'*' ^ in a good seed bed are paying special attention to feeding * 11 l!lr' to ‘k** plants thrifty . . . . management ______ _______________ and problema __________ and are frum «»»• »«•« are given as Ihe first W illamette A x-Billy Dept. Store Women’s 25c Knit Vests 19c Summer weight, b o d i c e top. regular sizes. Women's $1.39 Knit Union Suits $1.19 Fine cotton under togs with pink fibre bodice top and ribbon shouldet straps Children's Union Suits At 95c Splendid quality cross bar nainsook enter its con­ struction, with elastic knit band at waist and drop seat bloomer legs, sizes 2 to 12 years. * ( union m e e t in g g r e a t cook The •titln« brof. rxrrpt f|itr«>n SUCCESS IS REPORT pounds was eaten by the crowd at the pound« when dressed, was served at *"'• *11 r*«**‘** “ «»»•• h*r 1 1 { ' ,b v ItW. eaten. Toro tar- »•*•"«> »«rney Oldfi.1,1 hrough. .he .1 .1 _ a.a beer to Springfield and put , It , a In cold atornge the week before the picnic „ Saturday It was taken to the scene ot the festivities and cooked by Forrest * ‘ Frltls. who proved to he a master At an tee cream social, held In Schoo. 160 Friday evening It waa de- „ £ '" 7 elded to Change the name of th . com- f" ”“ “ J. C. BRILL STORES Women’s $1.69 Voile Union Suits $1.39 ideal for summer wear these celebrated Munsing- wear lace viole undergar­ ments. either pink or white. Sizes 36 to 44. Three Suits for $3 25. Women's Union Suits Were $2.39, Sale $1 69 Made of fine quality linger­ ie Crepe in picturesque but­ terfly patterns, with elastic knee, sizes 40 to 44. Child’s Union Suits Now 59c Of sturdy nainsook 1 n athletic style, drop seat, sizes 10 to 12. and 35.7 pounds of butter-fat. An other Blachly herd, that of Roaa O F F IC E R S of L A N E C O U N T Y • Myers, was third high herd. Mr F A R M E R S ’ U N IO N • Myers* 12 cows produced an average *' W Allen. Vida. President • of 743 poutida of milk and 34 2 pounds 1. Seal«. Bugen«, V ice Preai- • of fa t deni. , High purebred cow for June was a Holstein own,si by G. J DeVoa, of 1 Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove • Secretary Treasurer. a Goshem. that produced 1560 pounds of Walter Morgan. C resw ell Conduc-» milk and 717 pounds of butter-fat. tor, , This cow was also high three-year- H H. Smith, Eugens, Doorkeep • old R. It. Thompson. of Eugene, was a cloae second with hta purebred *r' • Guernsey. onte, of of Chicona. Chicona. that W aterville. Ch.p. . Guernsey, M Monica that . \ ’* 1 '" v t Mias Edna Dlppel. candidate In the Q u.cn Susanna contest was tntrodne ed by D r . Schwerlng of Eugene, who . rep the . A m erican L egion _ resented . ‘t f 0® The booth, were decorated lr> a most at tractive manner and about forty dollar, waa cleared for the benefit of I the new play .hed for the achool Mr. and Mra. Henry Calkin« of Kla­ math Falls visited with Mr and Mrs Ed Robertson last weak. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Chase and ‘daughter. Mollie Madeline, have left for a two weeks vacation trip to British Columbia. Mrs- Lottie Allen and Mr«. Frances Abahier of Idaho, with their families, are visiting at the home of their par­ ent«. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Pengra. While | here a family reunion was held at the ! W. J. Pengra home. Those present Were: Mr. and Mra. Paul Pengra of Corvallis, Mrs Edith Bockes and child­ ren of Eugene. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Pengra and family of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Pengra and family 1 of Chase Gardens Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Chase and daugh­ ter, Jean, are «pending their vacation 1 at Gate Creek. Jack Chase, Miss Maude Chase and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Chase are vl It Ing in Idaho. Mrs. Walter Larawood and son, B'll of Eugen • are spending the we k w(1 You can find its shareholders In every part of town, following every kind of occupation and of varying degrees of wealth. Its doors are open to every man, woman or child who careg to become a part owner of the service properties and to participate In the reasonable return» paid on their Investment The Monthly Investment Plan place« this opportunity within reach of everyone who can earn and gave a little each month. i T.h.? r ° ney of ltfl Khan-holdt-rg I h Invested here at home In extenglonH and addition» and the dividend» paid a» wage» remain In the community. A h long a» It grow» It can put additional money to work In useful pub­ lic service. F UPPER WILLAMETTE Mr. and Mrs. William Bristow am the parents of a baby boy, born Thurs day. July 22. The baby has been named William Kenneth Dr. Mor o-man, a former resident of P l-asant Hill, who Is now In the real estate business at Van Muys, Califor­ nia was at Pleasant Hill yesterday calling on old friend« He reports that Major Arnold, also formerly of Pleasant Hill had an operation for ap 1 pendlcltls and was- critically ill for some time. Mr. and Mr«. Hart of Mode«to, Cali­ fornia were at Pleasant Hill last weflk visiting scenes of Mrs. Hart’s child ! hood. Mt«- Hart was Miss Dixie Buell, and took pictures of familiar places on the ranch now owned by E. B. Tinker where she used to live. Mr. and Mrs. Btcnson of Corvallis •re visiting at the home of their daughter Mrs Ralph latlrd I meeting. In the afternoon a program waa given with several speakers present, Ed Halley of Junction City and Alta Kd *«4all»»y «f King of Eugene were the principal prulora of the d»v Muali. readings. ................ . . and recitations wore given by various , h. K«rmera Cnlon from all over the county, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We Will be Glad to Serve You in Your Investment Problems Mountain States Power Securities Co. OFFICE Mountain States Power Company You Should Be A Shareholder lx,