The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 29, 1926, Image 1

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ron mail
M any Changes
in Local Yards
P e o o ire Paps*"
N E W S P A P tR
Impressive cerem onies marked the
"Almost like France," was the i That the Natron Cutoff la nearing
Installation of Eastern Star lodge
| s la t e in e n t mad* hy several men of the cumpletlon la shown by the fact that
number 155 of Springfield last Satur-
Springfield company of the National a through train from Eugene to
Thc Springfield ralldoard yards w ill' day night with a large number of out
Guard who had nerved In the World Klamath Kalla was run over the new
be modern In every respect when the of town guests present to witness and Bonds Carry Providing $7,500;
N a w Regulat'on, Effect've W ed-,War wh'» th*F » tu rn ed Sunday from line laat Friday The train consisted
-work now In progress by the Southern assist at the Installation, among them
Chief to be Chief of Pol*
I w
Order* Buaaua To ' ulp t-r‘'eh ,fl,r helping Buster Kea of a party of railroad officials and their Pacific crews It finished Drain tile« J Howard Flankfn of Portland, grand
nut ay.
tI,n f(lm h)|i ( ,|v„ War p)l.,llrPi The retinue, who were on an Inspection
Have Charge of Flu’ h*
S to p In S prin g field F o r
O- (jPn,,ra| *>n WBB „„ near a real battle and obnervatlon trip.
Among the along the tracks were laid this week patron; Mrs Mendenhall, grand lect-
Other Fireman
hawk Valley Mall Exchange; scene aa I have seen anywhere," said members of the party were E L. King. to carry off surplus water and make urer, and past grand matron; Mrs.
Also Speed Cop.
the tracks solid so as to carry the Alberta McMurpby of Eugene, past
Service Improved.
¡Truhert H enderson, who hud served superintendent of thn Portland dlvl-
heavy traffic of the main line trains.
grand matron; and Fredrick 8. Dunn
32 daya In the Argonne offensive In a lo n . and T. Abeam, assistant general
The fire engine hoods for 17, 504
A consent curbing Is being laid be- of Eugene, past grand patron
The Wendllng slsg es began stop- |.-r, n f, and his statem ent expressed munnger of Sacremento.
at Tuesday election 7« for an*
tween the two main tracks for the
The officers for the installation
ping at Springfield for mall Wednea- (ht, „„ntlmenla of all the company.
The private cars of the railroad of- convenience of paaarngera and for the ceremonies were; Mr. Rankin. Mrs. 2t ***!°*^ The <ouncl1 met Wednet-
day morning after several months e f-, ^ ct only did the men have to slinu flclala were hooked to the Oakridge
uee of baggage trucks. The depot an i Mendenhall, Mrs. McMurpby, Mr day night, canvassed the vote an*
fort on the part
of the Chamber of )a(p the real battle, but they had to train early
Friday morning Front
freight »hed will soon be raised to con Dunn. Mrs. White, grand marshall; made plans for purchasing the equip
Commerce, Lions
club and other lo- .pend Huturday night and most of Oakridge the party proceeded by e !
ment. Plans are to buy a modern 36*
ta i ageneiee to achieve the change Sunday fighting lire which broke out apeclal train over the new right of flrm
,h ’ new level of the tracks Mrs. Nellie McKinley, grand secre-
which have been raised over a foot, tary; and Miss Dyer, grand organist. 1 gallon pump of a standard make, hose
Th* new order.
Isaued by post sal |n several places, caused by sparks way. After Inspecting the work now
and equipment, and to remodel thn
A tool shed for the signal crew Is Mr"
Rol“: Powell, past g r a n d
authorities at Washington, became ef- fr„m the engines used by Keaton.
In progress, they expected to reath
unH Mm
t ifr&nfi
to ftccoDiTsoiiAt® the new . rl>
under construction near the present ta/urH«n
warden, • and
Mrs. t tote,
gran« nr® u&ll M
fectlve July 2X .and will shorten the
The compuny drew their Union Klamath Falls on the new line, thus
The shed is to take marshall were present to wltneae the an ‘
vide sleeping quarter» for thn
exc-hange of mull between Sprlnglteld ! army unlf<»m»a at Cottage Grove completing the first complete run over
care of the tools of the slgnel crew Installation.
and Mohawk valley towns.
Thursday afternoon and went on Io «»“• Natron Cutoff
Councllmen have agreed to the ap
which will he stationed at Springfield.
The lodge room was beautifully de-
Formerly the mall for Mohawk.'Culp
T u n n e l F lo o r R a is e s
b ____ corated with basketa of flowers and Polntment of Jess Smltson. present 11»
Culp Creek thut evening, arriving
signal gang now at work has near-
The cutoff rails are now connected I The
, finished putting u p ‘th’e'is’ rge’s l ^ l corsage boquets, presented by the ^ ' t o ' c o m b i
l^ th ir t
Marcóla. Mabie or W endllng from there at seven. Friday they started
Springfield was sent to Eugene uni lin the pictures, wrecking the engine “-f*1
locomotive has been over the towers along the right of way A few l<*al chapter, were worn b the grand »“1
combine with h i. Job that el
passed throuh Springfield on the sec- m the hlg bridge scene that afternoon, rails. Trouble In on« of the long tun-
more towers remain to be erected In officers. The worthy patron and ma­ chief of police and hydrant flusher.
ond day on Its way to the other towns This was the climax of the play, the neis, however, has Interrupted further
His salary will probably be $136 n
th« neighborhood of Springfield June- tron, Mr and Mrs- John Ketels pree-
On the return mall, the same route fn lo n forces being surprised at the truffle. 1 he bottom floor of the tunnel tlOB
ented the twenty chapter members month. The other axtra man will be
was necessary, the mall going first to bridge by the Confederates and turned keeps raising and Is a problem to the
fireman and traffic officer. Arrange«
Work on the new steel bridge to re- >» »*» chapter with gorgette hand­
Eugene and then back to Springfield hack while trying to cross the stream engineers. It Is said to have raised
piece the old one Is In full swing The kerchiefs In pastel shades. After the ment of hours will be made so that
T h is round about method took four Saturday morning, the local troops In
much as two feet In one night,
steel gang under Jack Conley h a. ceremonies, a tasty lunch was served one man will be with the Are engine
d a w , while It Is possible by the new conjunction with the other Guard ITessure from above Is thought to be
taken down the first span of the old In the banquet room of the lodge hall at all times.
aytrm to end a reply hark to Spring- units who represented Union forces, forc ing the floor upward filling the tun-
The fire and water committee, L. L.
bridge and will have all of the bridge by the ladies of the chapter,
May, M. J McKlin and H. J. Cox. will
fletd on the same day that the letter starti-d a retreat up Culp Creek.
down by the middle of August Work
Mrs Allene Basford played a piano
go to Portland Saturday to inspect
Is sent. The new routing will he a
Thut afternoon a Are broke out Just
great hoot» to Springfield b ttln e s s above Sharp's bridge and before It TESTS OF NEW OIL
o< . « I .
-e ~
j „ h„ Ketels. „ „ h ,
men es well as to the towns of the a.aa Pqt fully under control hy the
............... . A .“. .„I . . . . heinc c.r- » e .... .s e e » . . ».M en
K«w >-
Mohawk valley.
Union men. three more small hluxes
U r,
R r-rtha R o u s e
a sso cia te "ceded here and make their selection
The stag»-* w ill stop In 3 >rliial1< Id bad broken out farther up the creek
n n o ) . K ,- ll v m'11 nn-l a » t r e t c 1- hevon 1 tron; Mrs. Bertna House. a » .< e la ie
eek a t
the Mountain B o o t .-K < i n m .ii nn i a streicn n cyon,,
AK-,ma .cere- before returning.
on their way out at a JO A M lenvl X Soon after a hot blaze broke out six rted oui this we
the trail houses, according to Southern matron. Mrs. Ma >
engine purchased will be teste*
Wendllng on their return at noon miles up the canyon, which required s ta le s lo w e r plant hy E.
. utt> n.
r.-B an in charge of th - trac’r tary; Mrs. Edna Dippel. treasurer;
The engine purchased will be teste*
r P11, an rhanlain- Mrs Ida out
engineers of the insurance
T h e n e w s e r v ic e Is a greet Improve- services of the engine and all the engineer for the Union OH company.
< M r n n o d an
u v tr a ffic » n diverted Mrs. Jane C rusan. cnapiam, Mrs. tua
The oil waa given a practical test <
» " • second
association before b e l l i
tent over nil former mcth< it« Up to avnllnhie troops before It could be
¡from Second street to M I street te
„ few years ago the mall w a. . rrled .„bdued. This fire burned very H ere-
iallow the new bnlla.t to in put on th - Roberts, associate conductress; Mrs brought here.
bv tb.uthern Pai lftc train., ai d then | y and was not under control until ‘’X ** ,n" "a*d ln ,h " hlK •urb,"’‘
_( w D,jnM crrgRing to Grace Henderer. Ada; Mrs. Merle Me-;
A petrol ««meralors. and was compared with crosatag and a new plank er asing
R u |h . Mrg
the contract w ss given to the auto seven Saturday evening
the old oil used by the power company be The
crew will be busy for some Ecther; Mrs. Ida Holverson. Martha;
stage«, hut no prov.lon was made for was kept nt the scene until 2 P. M the
them to stop at Springfield
following Sunday.
at P»»®*-
time yet spreading the new ballast on - Mrs Anna Oldham, Ejecta, Mrs. Ab-
The temperature of the old oil while
The present chnnge resulted from
Fighting fire and making pictures the turbine wasr running was taken various parts of the tracks, and in bie Wheaton, marshall; Mrs. Civility, Two floats will be entered in ttt.
the action begun this spring by the kept the Guard units busy, they en
ralslpg the track beyond the tool; McKItn. warden R. B Oldham, sen- "Trail To Rail" celebration In Eugean
the work.
som e o f , he
T th U !
W s Z l o « 7 . 7 t o he r . , ^ fn e l; end Mrs.' Allene Brasford. or-'hy the Chamber of Commerc.
Chamber of Comnw-rce and the Liana Joyed
gffeld men received a real "bap- on<,er 'b e s a m
c ndt ns.
inches vet Two kinds of ganlst.
The three other chapter Springfield according to a decikio*
cluh. the m ailer being taken up with Springfic
of fire at the wrecking of the wa>r ,h* value of the new o as a it -
h ,,|n s u sed on the track- members are:
Mrs. Dora Neet, Miss reacher at the monthly meeting of th»
Senator Stanfield at Washington. D tlsm
d e t e r m in e d
These ballast are being used on the track;
i nese
crushed rock, and Ann Qorrle, and Miss Margaret Gor-1 club last Friday n ig h t One of th«
With h l. cooperation
w,lh ,he
I rle.
floats will be entered in the historical
authorlfle. were Induce* to make the I v e e jw v e sH off
an<1 „ th(.y >re
the top layer of fin« rock
Mrs. WTteaton, Mrs. Wilson, and division of the parade and the other
will be put on the
make the scene as real as pia.tthle. factory, the oil
Mrs. Neet were the committee in ¡n the industrial section,
POULTRY DEMONSTRATION charge of the flowers, and Mrs. The committee, headed by G. (F
tree tops were i>!< s fl off. stump- shot
TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK gwarts was In charge of the dining Bushman, named to work out the de­
up and dirt and stones were flying
RESIDENT B U R I E D thickly through the air. One unit of BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN
tails of the floats In conjunction with
A series of six poultry culling de­
------------------------a committee of the Liens club, report-
the Springfield men were shower«*
The futiefa) services of A. C. Wil­
monstrations will be held August 3.
ed that no definite details had b eet
with fin’ flying debris from these ex-
son. former resident of Springfield
The annual party, honoring Mrs. L 4. 5 at tame county farms. H. E.
BEING REMODELED formulated yet. but that in the oplrioff
s .- r c Il-Ill nt the P resbyterian church
E. Thompson on her birthday was held Cosby of the Oregon Agriculture Col-
of the committee two floats should h»
real battle.
In Lebanon. Sunday. July 25. The
I at Myers Park Sunday with a large lege will demonstrate how to cull o u t! Exten„lve improvements in the Bell entered.
services at th* cemetery were con­
attendance of relatives present. The low producing hens and will discuss Theater, both in the equipment and In
The Lions club committee made hff
ducted by the Knights of l’vthlss. a
ln *an,eB an(1 an ,n o ,ber poultry management problems. [h)i aeating arrangements are being definite recommendations to the fclub
di legation of Knights from Albany In
formal good time, starting with a pic-
Wednesday. August 4 a demon-
j,y# J*ck Larson, manager. The last Friday at its regular meeting, but
jg being set back toward the probably w ill have a report to makr
Arrested on a charge of vagrancy
Mr. Wilson died at his home In
Thoee present were: Mr. and Mrs. L the farm of R V Rogers on the r iv e r , r(?gr oj tjje „u|i,||rg about twenty feet tomorrow
It is expected that the
lie" formerly lived “ ‘»"‘’•J' “ <”•»»>«• J Goodman turned
E Thompson. Mrs Grace Roberts and loop 3, lower Santa Clara, and at 2:00;
allow more seats to be installed. Lions will work in conjunction w it*
Dallas July 21
. » i . i . r ,,r vagrant, and Inglorlously took lo his
in Springfield and was proprietor of heels ..............
after being brought to the city "on Karl "ni’ ffnndson Paul Bicknell. P. M. a demonstration will be held at Thp twf) roomiI at tj,e back of the the Chamber in the matter of tSa
the Variety store
■„ and the Drop
„ ' . . . Inn
e d hall fo r ,u e .t lo n in . In connection with 1Mr- •«««
«*• * » « * * ••
,b* E ” Conley fa r« , one-half mile building, formerly used as offices, have floats,
He was in poor health while he lived
„ „ .T V u m .n Gay. Mrs. Maude east of Ixywer Camp creek school been torn out to make way for the
The float for the historical sbetto*
here and and went to Grants Pass In h(b)||on (.h>r- p
Mr Q „ „ d ,u a „ Bryan and daughter Crystal. Mr an(1 house. A similar m eeting will be held stage and to provide room for two of the parade will probably show th *
search of a better climate, then to ovl(|i,nU , hought h< WBs too good a Mr" Earl N Thompson and children. Thursday at the Perry farm one and exits which will be built, one on each pioneers on their way over th i M *
man to be -held In the city hastlle on 1-awrano. and Kathryn. Mr and Mrs a half m ile, southeast of Creswell on , We
gU ge
, Kenxie pass, contrasted with thè pre
F D Thompson and daughter. H ester Thursday, August 6 at 2 P. M.
Before he Is through. Mr. Larson ent recreational facilities of the sani»
__ _
such a charge, and watching his
plans to have as modern and comfort region, according to one member of
chance while the city recorder. R. W
- n . p - i t o o
aaaai c u A D r m
able a theater a s possible. He Intends the committee. The natrue of the !■*
TWO BEAUTY ENTRIES Bm„h, had entered the city vault in Kennlth Jr. and Avis MarK < rystal CARLTON MAN CHARGED
sean-h of a school warrant, slipped R«**h Mr and Mr. J M TSomp.on.
FIRE to buy 200 upholstered chairs and will dustrial float has not been decida*»
put them In at the back of the theater but an attempt will be made to shfHF
That Dr. P Ralph Dlpple Is not the
d(wr an()
h(|< way Mr and Mrs N H. Signor and child
only pulcherlldlnlo«« member of his <)own , hp aU<>y a„ fag, a„ h<1 eould
| » n- A<’na- v ,r «"- E ,bf andRhea. Em
A c Garland -of Carlton. Oregon removing the veneered chairs to the the industrial resources of Spriflgflel*
fam ily Is shown by the candidacies o f ,
arrest took place Mon » * Conley and children, Ernest Jr. w)„ appear tn j Uat tce court this w eek , front and U king the folding chairs, In conjunction with transportatlbll.
a sister and cousin In Eugene for hon -Jiy morning, by George Valller, chief an<1 Barl-
'on- a charge of falling to put out a ¡now In front entirely out.
Springfield will elect no prlnCésl I*
ors In beauty events Miss Edna Dip- of p„||ce and F. E. Taylor, sheriff lie
In addition to the relatives of Mrs. (.anip j,re> lodged against him by A. T ., When finished, the front of the take part in the parade if the fifeSPO*
pel. bie sister. Is the American le s io n waR ,aken u, , he ctty hall for question-, Thompson there were several guests Mogwl flre WBrden. Mr. Garland la j theater will have a runway on each decision is carried out. SpribfffleK
candidate In the Queen Susannah con- ,n)# >n(, )pft (hen> wh„p , hp
of. present; Victor Fogle, Welby Stevens. (.hargp(1 w1lh h a vin g hla camp flre j side of the stage, and two exits lead- was asked to nominate a priflcPSa 1*
test for the "Trail To Rail" cele b » - flj.rpa rrfurnw)
hlB rooms to search Mary Roberts, Mary McKelvey. Mar- near OBkridge without properly ex- ing to the outside. In place of the one form one of Queen Susanna's bevy I»"
tion next August
Miss Bdna Dippel (hem )n |h e mpan„ mp Mr Goodman guette Hurd and Erma Oliversleeve. tln(rul8h|nt: lt. He appeared In court at p resen t Grille work will be built the parade.
has a strong following In the neigh- rt((, not ,wa„ for , he,r rp(urn. When I
¡last Friday before the complaint had , on the sidese of the stage to render
boring city and at present Is third In hp rpBched Second street he Jumped BIDS FOR NEW WALK
been lodged against him and was re- an arbor-like effect
ORDERED BY COUNCIL leased until the papers had been Hied. Mr. Larson Is considering the In-
a Held of live.
Into a Ford car, driven by an unknown
Mr. Garland will now have to be lo- stallatlon of an Arctic-Nu-Air system
Her cousin. Miss K-llth Dippel. was man an(^ departed for partR unknown,
An ordinance was passed at the rated and appear before the Justice of which is the most modern device to
unanimously selected hy
the Ixtglon Tb(l (,ar jg gal(j to haVe turned up
Robert Plerrle will he tried In th*
Tegulate the temperature of theaters. Justice court here tomorrow at 10 K,
as their candidate In the bathing Ma)n a ^ t with Mr. Goodman a pas ¡special council meeting last night tbe peace for trial,
keeping them cool in summer and M Qn the charse
possession of Iff«
beauty contest to be held at the state apnKer Who the driver who so con- authorizing the building of over two
— ■
warm In winter. If he installs the Nu- toxlcatlng nquor> after being relêaae*
convention at. Marshfield August 4 „patently appeared to Mr Ooodmnn miles of sidewalk and ta ilin g for bids LABOR DAY COMMITTEE
__ '
„ A T 4 , M E E T Alr 8y8tem> he wl” al8° put
‘ “eW
»I»«« hbnd laat Monday. Plerrl*
Over 100 members of the Eugene post ¡|n h)a prpdicament Is not known
Ion the same. The bids will be opened
S E L E C T E D AT 4L M t t I | hpaUn< plant, according to present wag arregted Saturday night oa th«
are going to the convention city In
Upon the officers return to the city at the next regular meeting of the
support of their candidate Arm In the hall, they found Mr. Goodman gone. council on August 9.
corner <of South A and Mill streeta By
A. C. Peddicord, George Cox and R. Pla“ -
Along with the other improvements, Oc(ir|?e Vallier, chief of police, an*
belief that they have a winner.
The new walk will be built at varl-
In his place they had their arms full
»eld In the county Jail in Eugefie ua-
of bottles, syphons, corks, funnels and ous p lace, all over town, the prlnclpa. ranimtttpp , n meet a„ the other Com- Mr Lar"on 18 putjUns
being from Main and D. the
Booth-Kelly operations for ,he ladlea' and an offlce ior h m ¡til his appearance in court Moday.
Charlew Hagan Has Accident
all the paraphernalia of a bottling atretehas
.................................... —
° f ‘h# Booth-KeUy ° perat,on" «elf to replace the old one torn dow n.
w |„ prO8ecute thg
Charles Hagan had a narrow escape works which they had gathered from east side of Mill, south to A, the east
to arrange for the annual Labor D ay,
« .„ i m i » »
from death when he fell In front of a his rooms.
side of Ninth from Main to F. from rp1(.brll, 1on
hp heW at Wend „ n g !
with his re- case tomorrow and Howard Brownell
Ninth to Tenth on A. R, and C. and on
mnnthi_ n,pp,|nlr of the 4L last I When hc 18 throuKh with h’8
hay rake ho was driving Thursday
will be the defense attorney.
Seventh from G to K. streets
dav nlxM a t h e W S f W hall mod«Un«' the theater W,n ““Ve r° ° m
morning. As It was, Mr. Hagan was
Rattlesnaksa Killed—Several rattle­
________________ i Sa,urday nlKht at
,W “al (or fifty more people than at preaesnt
serlonssly cut and bruised and had to snakes have been killed by workmen
Lleth Buys Lots In W est Springfield
. 1 It was announced that final accept-
w i»h th e la t e s t
win and will be equipped witn tne latest
be taken to the Pacific Christian hos­ on the Eugene ditch line near the river
J. O. Bowerman sold the three lota
work Monday leveling off the lot on
7 n e x " t meeting of all l>f d’>vlce" fOT the con,fort of tho and*' In W est Springfield belonging to him
pital for treatment.
above Springfield.
Mr. Hngan was thrown In front of
to C. F. Lleth of Dexter last Friday.
the corner of Second and Main
f0<nmlttepmpn wh| ch will ta k e ,8’“ "'
The rattlesnakes are reported to he streets, belonging to Simon Klovdahl.
the maohlne when the shafts broke
Oporgp Cox
The lots transferred are In block t
and was dragged on the ground for 1 coming down to the water at this time city engineer The men were xpread-
Here From Lodi— Mr. and Mrs. R. and are unimproved. Mr. Lleth in­
comnl„ tee.
V. Hendricks of Lodi, California have tends to build a residence on his n e *
some distance before ho could extract of the year.
ing dirt over tho lot that had been j
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
brought from the alley when It was
B>ek Rr<>m c<>n, nt|on— Mr. and Mrs. been visiting friends and relatives In property In the near future and to
Power Men Hers— H. W. Thomas of paved
The spreading of the dirt w p W(Uker
Mr and Mrg w c the vicinity of Springfield the last othrwlse Improve the place.
Mrs. Page Back—Mrs. Elisabeth North Bend was In Springfield Friday raise* the level of the lot consider-
rptnrned from San Frttnclsco week. They are old residents of the
Page returned Tuesday morning from at the Mountain States Power plant.
McKenzie valley, formerly living at
M rs. K e e ls r In Hospital— M rs. E*
! where the men were delegates from
a six weeks trip In California. Mrs. He Is chief engineer at tho North
Hendricks bridge.
Keeler was taken to the Pacific Christ­
Operated On— Thelma Carter had a Springfield to the Lions club convon-
Page visited friends and relaitlves Bend station of the company. An­
Back From Portland— Mrs. A. J. ian hospital In Eugene Tuesday morn­
throughout the southern state, stop­ other power company official was tn major operation Tuesday afternoon at tion. Shopping and- visiting occupied
returned Tuesday from a stay ing from Wendllng to have a
ping st Ran Francisco, Hacremento and ' town the same day, he was George the Pacific CJirlstlan hospital, going the ladles time while the men attend-
operation performed.
of several days tn Portland.
McClellan, chief englneor at Albany. ( to the hospital from Wtnberry.
Lake Tahoe among other places.
now stop