The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 22, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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J . . i.
The Reverend William lialnl Ot Santa
Crux, California, who has been taking
the place ot the regular pastor of the
Christian church. S K-CbiWera. will
preach his last sermon in Springfield
Sunday. The Reverend Baird is re­
turning to his home in Santa Crux
after attending the summer session ot
the University of t.regon.
It is not known Just who will take
his place until the Reverend Childers
returns but some minister from Eu­
gene will probably take the pulpit.
Reverend Childers is not expected to
resume his duties here immediately as
he has had no vacation, having been j
taking the pulpit of the Reverend
"Will you wait tor a moment after
Baird at Santa Crux.
breakfast? I want to talk to you.*' [
Next Sunday morning services will
asked Curtiss one morning as he
be conducted by Hattie Mitchell, who
hurried as usual, through his cereal
la returning to her mission in Africa
aud fruit.
soon after a period of rest in America
T m sorry, but I should be at the
A movement to discontinue the Sun­
day evening services at the Christian office as soon as possible, today.
church during the months of July and Couldn't we wait until some other
August was made at the last meeting time?'' was his reply.
A motion to this effect was passed at
"No. we can not!" I flasher back,
that time, but the matter has not yet “you will talk to me. now. right away,
been definitely decided.
or not at all."
An Informal picnic was held Tues­
1 could feel my temples throb with
day evening by members of the Christ­ fury and rebellion that was long pent
ian church at the auto camp near the up and I left the room without another
Springfield Mill and Grain company in word. I sat. for what seemed like
honor of the Reverend A. G. Stater, a hours. In stony silence on the little
former pastor of the church here. The side porch and finally Curtiss follow-
Reverend Stater has been visiting old ,H| me. hat in hand, as if he were
friends In Springfield this week, com- anxious to be through and gone,
lng from his present home in Idaho.
He humored me and settled him self
in the swing.
W e ill, what's
a ll
ate attempt to treat the subject
A sin k in g change was made m tae "«btly *t *11 costs,
appearance oi c.ggimaus C a n d y
“It's Just this, Curtiss," I began,
hsichen in is week by the application *'l’m tired * ( being treated as if |
of a uew coat of paint watch, as a re-!*«1'* a doll—a doll stuffed with saw
the painting, looks like a uew dust, at that—without eyes, ears or
structure ih e pamttcg was ordered brains in my bead. 1 m sick unto
by wotui Winxenreiii, owner of the death of all this grand stand placing
place, who contracted the job to Vasby
yours and something s got to be
Brothers, local painters.
; done *t once. At once, 1 tell you! It's
Two coats o f paint were applied to necessary that we get hack to a
i t , building over a cement wash. The normal basis of a man and woman
hrst coat was a heavy coat of linseed living together happily and caring
oil and paint to fill the cracks In the j for each other as husband and wife
Two people were sent Io Ihe I’m tfio
('hrlsilun hospital as u i suit of an
I auto accident her the C
| bridge yeeterday at 11:30 I* M i F
' Hyatt and his daughter. May. were the
'eries injured Mr Hyatt was seriously
hurt when the Ford In wblrh lie was
riding turned over »(ter hitting the
gravel on the side of the road
llyull was hurt through her chest, but
the extent of her Injuries were not
Ming the Confessi«
o f a n new
e i P w i n ile
f e —
(jiidys Baker
know n
The Hyatt car skidded as a Clirvro.
let touring car. driven by K W Judd,
Graduation will rob the U 8. M ilitary Academy at West Point
tried to pass It. The five occupants of
vf five star xthletaa The Academy’s less will be the Army*s gain,
the car were thrown out a id all badly
as they will receive commission» as 2nd U eutenanU IL to R | Harry
sjtakeu. but uoue of the others was In­
Baxter of Chester. Pa., football
Prentice Yoemans, of Syracuse tZ
, compliment be had paid me in mon
cf Ft. Monroe. Va,. baseball. F F Scheirfler if Alpena, M ich,
Both cara were on their way to the
"1 won't be alone. Jm going to
river to go swimming when Judd at-
stay with
Mitchell, "1 an­
I tempted to pass. After the accident,
Curtlaa had come to life.
Pieni« Haid At S u m m in Ovlight
the injured people were taken to Ku-
Then he became restless and dis­
"But, Curtlaa, don't you see what
Quite a large number of Springfield . gene In an ambulance for treatnn nt.
a terrible price you are uking mu people were present gl a picnic p arly ' a telegram was sent to Klamath Fulls
"You haven't asked my opinion
to pay?" 1 replied as I realise«! held at 800MMW Delight mi ih . t oast ,„ r Edward Hyatt, a aoo of Mr U
about your plaus and you aeern to
that he was asking me to remain pork. After a picnic lunch at the
be determined
upon thia course,
with conditions unchanged, "Cunt camp grounds, dancing and swimming
but my advice to you would be to
B ack To Marahflsld— Mr and Mrs.
you see that by staying I am los­ was In order.
stay away from- Ellie Mitchell. She
Floyd Kester returned to Marshfield
ing my own and other people»' re­
Thoae present were: Ur, and Mra.
might be all right, Sallle, but she's
spect. Can't you—'* 1 stopped. f< r Ralph Dippel. Mr and Mra. Gallier of Tuesday morning after a visit with
not your sort."
to have gone on 1 would have had San Francisco. Mr and Mrs Sidney hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kestsr
"She's a million times ftuer than to mention Iwitltla Evans and the Ward. Mr and Mrs Steward Herd. Mr. and Mr and Mrs Floyd Kester were
married July 7.
---------" my pride Intcrferred and I whule rideous affair.
and Mrs. Paul Hasfonl. Mr and Mrs.
forced myself to silence the uame
"1 can lell you nothing, now." he Carl Olson. Mr and Mra Harry Whit
M ovss T o A rlin g to n — <4ti!r Calkins
which my lipo rad framed—“some replled to my unfinished request. ney, Mr ami Mra Dallas Murphy. Mrs
people 1 know."
"but. it you'll Just (rust me 1 w c Rebhan and tw o children, Con- has left Springfield for Arlington, Ore­
"That's not the point, Sullie, I'm think later on you'll understand
stance and Roberta. Mra. J C. Mr gon wile re he will make hla home
opposed to your going off to New
thia? Murray and daughter. Nadine. Mrs
What new situation
York, onthls wild goose chase. A My hu-thand asking mi* to ktan.l John Ketela, and Mra Holland Moab-
C a n You Boat It?
visit home to your father might allcnty by and submit to. what
"Could I »eo tho crystal taxer?"
do you some good but this other is seemed to be. hla liaison with thio
"No* she's not In. Hhe’a over at
a disastrous scheme. Elllo
Mitch­ Indiscreet girt
Recovering From Burna
the palmist's gellin g h»r hand read."
ell, as you know, runs with the
Mlsa Gertrude DeShaser. who re-
"I'm afraid you've asked me to
gayest set In any place she goes, do what requires too much ip irts- reived extensive burn» last Thuraday
Yau'ro A
and (lie gayest set in New York is u.iinshlp— too much
bravery—ten as a result of an accident at the auto I
—well—pretty gay ! 1 dc-n'l aup- much courage— the sort of Ih cs camp along the W illamette, la doing
"How's that for a cu­
pose, since you are so act in your I've drawn on too much air • ulv as well as could be expected, accord
mind, that anything 1 could say
It Isn't that | don't want io Cur- lng io the physician in charge ot the
a te « :—
Farmer who
Miss DeRhnxer was taken Io
would influence you to change your tlsa. hut [ can't. It's tike my case
"Gosh. Its almost ns big as my
at ’ • ' . o i w
qualiii •» ha* the Pacific Christian hospital and will
of such
It was still the masked Curtiss tieen left lith Its door stab Png he there for some time yet before »he *r‘*1' 8
who spoke. Gh. for one little word vide x ; in on creaking jinx • .in I Is recovered sufficiently to be released
Her burn« are rather widespread hut FOR RAI.IB— Payroll sheets, printed
or gesture of tenderness—of love! , ,< uttrlor- —-degniate and bar*
and in stock at Gia N ew s nfftoa
Some sign that would
reveal the "My fear, my roy dear—" 3?
3 i I:
began an- not deep as she Jumped Into the
Form suitable for road, construction
old Curtiss
with ills
outspoken m d r!»ecd hls
hls arms
nrm s
m v W illamette river Immediately after
work, sawm ills, ate., with tabla to
manner aud natural charm. This shoulder* for. In spile of •nysel. dress caught on fire
compute w orkm ans corapeneatton
wails. The second coat was a light ' 01
and deductions. No employer shoal«
grey color,
I ' paused, hoping for some word on was not my Curtis. This cold, un- I 1 u« almost begun to weep
be without these f- -me when they
was con-
I tig h t that I detect'd pity In FOR ft ALB—Carbon paper In larg»
Mr. Winxenreid is making other im- hls part that would make 11 t'tt8l*r ,o enlJ,,o,,a, person who
cas be purohaaed for a few eenta
sh eets, IXgS« In chaa. s u ita b le fot
provemerv, in fcs property in Spring- proc®*d .
thoughts and moodr.
i * ums xnces. was the one thing thn*
field. The house on Second and B w "Well?" was all that he said.
Was he prelecting Lctllia? It was It was Impossible for me to stand
streets owned by him is being com-
Or”. 1 continued,
’T m
Just possible that hls Innate gatlan- It brought me sharply to nryaelf.
pletely overhauled and remodeled
away , m not wan,ed here and , Te
try for women had put a seal upon I would not accept hls pity—this
The interior is being remodeled. 8tood your Indifference Just as long
hls lips hoping that I would under- remnant of the bargain-counter of
new stairs have been built, and new as 1 Posaib|y can The sham and
floors wifi be laid. Modern plumbing Pretenae of us remaining together un
"Listen, Sallle," he came over to
I arose hastily from my chair
will be put In the house before Mr der tbe same roof when you have
Winxenreid is through, and paint and ceased
c»*« for me *• nAhing where ( was sitting and stood be­ more than ever determined
side my chair: "I've felt, for some my course. All the pride and In­
paper will finish the work on the In- n’ore or ,es8 than a IlTln< 1,*‘- I ’T*
S sllie re­
made up my mind and I’m going to time, that things were out going dependence of the old
Dance Night Changed From Saturday To Thursday
and I'm
sorry, more turned. I faced him dry-eyed.
The outside of the house will be ,ea re-’’ Curtiss turned the situation
sorry than you'll ever know. Ycu'va
“There Is nothing «dsc to be aafd
changed in appearance by tbe addt- over in bis mind ar'd then, sudden
been a perfect brick about every­ then. Curtiss and. as far ns I am
tion of a bungalow porch and new hope Pawned in his face:
"I suppose you’ll go home?” he thing, too. I want you to know that concerned, the Interview Iv closed."
doors and windews A cement side­
it s to protect you from all evil and
(To be Continued Next Week»
walk will be built on both Second and
to kcc-p you sw eet and fin e that I
B streets over 25« feet long When
’Never!" I cried, "you needn't
would persuade you to stay away
the work is dene, the house will be think yon can trpat m» the way yon
from Ellie Mitchell and New Yoik."
entirely modernixed ar.d a great im­ have lately and that all I'll do is to
he paused in thought, as If lie were
provement over the cld structure.
calmly go home urtil you make up
searching for some cxpiaantlon of
Tbe house occupied by Mr. Winxen­ ?our mind that yon want me back
events, which would meke me change
reid on A street between Fourth and again No. Indeed. I ll not be tucked
my plans, then, with new-made d«tt:l-1
Fifth is also being Improved
Mr. safely away In my father's arms to
sion, ha shook big bead: "1 wish you
Winxenreid is having the Interior re­ be disciplined as If I were a naugh-i
would trust me. Sallle, trust at« to i
papered and revarnished and other ty child—or—or a last year’ coat t o ’
work things out. You know 1 lova
sligat changes made in the inside.
be put away In moth-balls until need­
you more than anything in all the
ed once more. No. I tell you. a
world, but there come tim es in the
Married In Portland
thousand times no. I'm going to
history of us all when we need to J
New York!"
be supported by the faith of those \
The marriage of Miss Freda Fan-
He moved uneasily In bis chair. we lo w and right at present I want
dxtuc of Springfield to Ralph Coarson
He opened his month to say som e-i you ti* have confidence im my lore,
oocured today at noon in Portland at
thing, then changing hls mind, t If possible to close your eyes to!
the home of the grooms sister. Mr.
waited a moment and began:
things as they seem, and I pleJge you
t ourson was employed for a year on
“A girl, and especially a pretty one. my word, sodn everything will be ,
the Springfield News as linotype
has a mighty hard time in New York right.
It pay» well to apply the conservative test« recommended by bank­
It -was the first ’ For a moment I felt that the old '
er« before placing your fund« In any Investment.
After the wedding ceremony the alone." he said
W e it Point Athletic Star« Graduate
The Breaking Point
Stevens Hall Every Thursday Night
G arrett’s Orchestra
Make Sure That Your
July Investments are
Safe Ones
young couple will take a trip to Seattle
and British Columbia. Upon their re­
turn th .y will make their bom« In
Low Angeles, where Mr. (.ourson will
be employed.
Back From Minnesota—Mra. Ben
Heideman returned today from a two
month« trip to Fairbvuit, Minnesota
where she was visiting relatives.
Mrs. Heideman is the wife of the
pressman of the .Springfield New».
New Operator—Elmer E Pyce start­
ed work at the W iilammette Press
Wednesday as the new linotype
operator. He has taken the plat-«;
formerly held by Ralph Courson. who
was married today in Portland.
If you will take the trouble to analyze the
Preferred Share« of
Mountain State« Power Company you will And that the inventment fully
merit« your confidence
New Low Tire
You will find the all Important element, of safety, the attractive
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four «eason« of the year.
W e Will be Glad toS erve
You in Your Investment Problems
To Portland— Misx Edna Swarts left
for Portland yesterday for a stay of a
week or two.
Back From Newport—Walter Scott
and wife are back from a vacation
at Newport. They came back by way
• f ’Sfltertoti w here Mr Scott'» mother
Flxneryx Back—F. B Flanery end
tfe returnf-d Friday from a vacation
dp to Newport.
Don’t forget we have a dependable
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